Tips for Success in Ramadan… Do the Worships You Love

How to achieve success in Ramadan?

When people go to a sheikh or an imam to help them make a Ramadan plan, they usually want a list of to-dos. They want the imam to dictate to them what they should do in detail.

But Imam Yaser Birjas has a different idea. In this video, he suggests that your program should focus on those worships you love.

Join imam Yasir Berjas in this step towards a successful Ramadan.

In this Series:

Make Ramadan a Success… Here is the First Step

Step #2 Set Your Goals High

Step #3: Don’t Listen to Slackers

More resources that will help you achieve success in Ramadan

The post Tips for Success in Ramadan… Do the Worships You Love appeared first on About Islam.


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