When Hope is Taken Away – It’s My Fault!

When you want something in life but that hope is taken away, it can be soul crushing. We naturally want to blame someone and it is usually ourselves. 

When something bad happens, we think to ourselves, it’s my fault. We reflect on things that we didn’t do right. 
Self-blame is when we focus on the negative for no reason other than to make ourselves feels so bad. 

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source https://aboutislam.net/multimedia/videos/when-hope-is-taken-away-its-my-fault/

The Guidelines that the Quran Has, Bring People Together!

Brother Kirk was searching for the truth. He would speak to his Muslim colleagues in the hospital about Islam. 

He said the guidelines that the Quran has, bring people together. He feels that this is so important in life, especially today! 
Here is his shahadah and story to Islam! Allau Akbar!

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source https://aboutislam.net/multimedia/videos/the-guidelines-that-the-quran-has-bring-people-together/

The Best Dua to Read during Pregnancy

This dua is mentioned in Sural Al- Imran verses 34-37. May Allah protect all pregnant women and their babies. 

Abu Huraira said, “I heard Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) saying, ‘There is none born among the off-spring of Adam, but Satan touches it. A child therefore, cries loudly at the time of birth because of the touch of Satan, except Mary and her child.” Then Abu Huraira recited: “And I seek refuge with You for her and for her offspring from the outcast Satan” (3.36)  Sahih al-Bukhari Book 60, Hadith 102.

The post The Best Dua to Read during Pregnancy appeared first on About Islam.

source https://aboutislam.net/multimedia/videos/the-best-dua-to-read-during-pregnancy/

Sex & Our Muslim Youth: There’s Much to Be Done

The topic of sex has universal appeal. Sex is portrayed daily in various forms directly or indirectly in newspapers, magazines, cinemas, and in conversations between people.

The topic of sex conjures images of sexuality, promiscuity, lewdness, adultery, fornication, pornography, rape, teenage pregnancies, pedophilia, gays, sexually transmitted diseases, contraceptives, abortions, and HIV/AIDS.

Yet somehow, despite the fact that “everyone” is influenced by this topic, it seems that most parents find this topic somewhat “delicate” to discuss with their children.

Children of today seem to be maturing at a faster rate than a generation ago and often ask intelligent questions of their parents. Some parents do their level best to satisfy their children’s natural curiosity. Other parents simply don’t know how to handle their fast-growing kids and often assume that the less said about the subject of sex, the better.

In some homes the word “sex” is taboo, and children are often reprimanded for asking innocent questions. Parents assume that children will grow up and “they will learn,” or that the school or friends are “responsible” for sharing this knowledge. The reality is that parents who have this view are overlooking a major and significant source of correct information regarding this topic themselves!

Our children have the right to be given an unbiased view of sex, based on the Qur’an and the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him).

Sex Education

Studies have shown that the average teenager and preteen receive their sex education from the following sources in order of priority:

1- Friends, who may then share pornographic magazines, books, and the Internet.

2- TV and movies, which then lead to magazines and newspapers, or school (video or discussions of video), parents (through discussion of TV and movies).

Parents fail to realize that everyone is teaching their children about sex except them. Everyone is telling your children about sex, so how sure are you that this information is based on the guidelines laid down in Islam?

Sex is a fashionable industry that changes like the flavor of the month. Sex is a topic that advertisers and marketers use very effectively to sell their products.

Unfortunately, the sources of information available to the preteen are often biased. Illusions are created that everyone is having sex in these modern times, anything goes, you only live once, so make the most of it, and it is “cool” to chew a particular brand of chewing gum or smoke a particular brand of cigarette because that will make you rich and successful and ensure that you can attract the perfect partner. In fact, the reality is far removed from the illusion that is fed to the senses of our unsuspecting youth.

With aggressive and sustained marketing, society comes to accept abnormal activities as normal. Ten years ago, what was considered abnormal, unthinkable, abhorrent, immoral, and shameful, is today considered fashionable, normal, and modern.

A typical example is that after watching a few episodes of any prime-time soap opera on TV, one gets the impression that adultery is acceptable and normal; premarital sex fashionable, and that deceit, trickery, lying, and manipulation are essential to get your man or woman, no matter what the cost or the hurt that others suffer in the process.

Furthermore, the printed and visual media create the impression that marriage is old fashioned, live-in relationships and cohabitation are in vogue, and being gay is fashionable. Homosexuality, bestiality and escort clubs (prostitution) are all normal.

It’s Getting Dangerous

We have reached a stage (through effective marketing) where certain individuals in society justify everything by their right to freedom of expression. If this is really freedom, then why do we see so many examples of the following scenarios:

1- Young adults are being infected with the HIV virus at an alarming rate. South Africa has one of the fastest growing number of infected people in the world; HIV/AIDS has reached epidemic proportions in this country. The age group that is mainly targeted is teenagers and young adults.

2- A devout mother, loyal to her husband, suddenly develops a sexually transmitted disease (such as syphilis, gonorrhea, herpes, or even HIV/AIDS); how did this happen? STD have reached epidemic proportions in America, where 40 million people are infected with some form of STD.

3- Teenage pregnancy is on the increase; girls as young as 11 are getting pregnant a child is pregnant with a child. Many teenagers are having abortions, which leads to emotional, physical, and mental side effects.

4- Girls as young as 10-12 are having unprotected sex, with devastating consequences. When questioned, these young children say, “No one told me that it is wrong.”

5- Wonderful homes break up and end in divorce because the husband (or wife) was having an adulterous relationship; the main victims in this scenario are the children.

6- Females as young as 2 and as old as 80 are being raped.

7- Homosexuality is on the increase; acts of sodomy that were once considered an abomination against humanity, are now considered normal to the extent that gay marriages are being allowed in some parts of the world.

8- More and more relationships end up in hurt, depression, unhappiness, conflict, and regret.

The above examples show that the issue of sexual liberation has in fact enslaved the very people that it attempts to free. The sexual liberators are being enslaved in the chains of disease, depression, divorce, dissatisfaction, double standards, deceit, and discontent. Individuals, organizations, and governments are actively searching for solutions to halt this tide of immorality and its associated truckload of problems.

Recent research has shown that two-thirds of the schools in America are now promoting the idea of “no sex before marriage” and that “safe sex” is not the use of condoms, but safe sex is “no sex before marriage,” and only one sex partner for life (no adultery). Furthermore, many states in the US are promoting the idea of having pride in remaining a virgin until marriage, and many students are signing certificates vowing their commitment to this new “fashion” of abstinence.

How long will this last? Will we once again undergo a new sexual revolution? The answer to this dilemma and to all dilemmas facing any society where the fabric of society is under threat from immorality, alcoholism, drugs, gambling, crime, dishonesty, and materialism can be found in the Qur’an, which has been sent for all humanity. Its principles have a universal application for all times.

It was the task of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) to give a practical implementation of the universal message of the Qur’an so that anyone who follows the perfect example of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) will be on the straight path.

The Islamic View of These Problems


Adultery means to have sex with a person who is not your legally married partner; there are two types of adultery:

1- A married person who has sex with an unmarried person

2- A married person who has sex with another married person

Would you like adultery for your mother, wife, sister, or daughter? If not, then why perpetuate it or condone it? There are several verses in the Qur’an and many authentic hadith of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), which give clear guidance on the choices that we can make.

“Say, “My Lord has only forbidden immoralities – what is apparent of them and what is concealed – and sin, and oppression without right, and that you associate with Allah that for which He has not sent down authority, and that you say about Allah that which you do not know.”(Al-A`raf 7:33)

“And do not approach unlawful sexual intercourse. Indeed, it is ever an immorality and is evil as a way.”(Al-Israa’ 17:32)

1- Marriage is a sacred relationship between a husband and wife. When either spouse has a sexual relationship outside this relationship, this is usually done secretly; thus there is a breakdown of trust in the relationship.

2- The guilty party may contract a sexually transmitted disease, which can then be transmitted to the innocent victim.

3- The victim is usually the female. She has two options, either stay and ignore what the father of her children is doing or ask for a divorce. If the woman does not have a source of income, she either has to return to her parents and thus be a burden on them, or eke out a living and thus raise her children in poverty.

4- Children are the innocent victims in divorce. They bear the brunt of the constant fights between their parents and grow up with emotional and psychological scars.


Fornication (zina) means to have sex with anyone while not yet married; there are two types of fornication:

1- An unmarried person who has sex with another unmarried person

2- An unmarried person who has sex with a married person; in this case, it is fornication for the unmarried person but adultery for the married person

“And those who do not invoke with Allah another deity or kill the soul which Allah has forbidden [to be killed], except by right, and do not commit unlawful sexual intercourse. And whoever should do that will meet a penalty.”(Al-Furqan 25:68-69)

In this verse, the sin of fornication is given its seriousness by being ranked as follows:

  • The first major sin is associating partners with Allah Most High
  • The second major sin is murder
  • The third major sin is fornication

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said,When a man commits fornication, faith departs from him and there is something like a canvas roof over his head; and when he quits that action, faith returns to him”(Abu Dawud #4673).

The Prophet said,“When an adulterer commits illegal sexual intercourse, then he is not a believer at the time he is doing it; and when somebody drinks an alcoholic drink, then he is not believer at the time of drinking, and when a thief steals, he is not a believer at the time when he is stealing; and when a robber robs and the people look at him, then he is not a believer at the time of doing it.”(Al-Bukhari 8, 801).

Furthermore, the punishment is described in the following verse:

The [unmarried] woman or [unmarried] man found guilty of sexual intercourse – lash each one of them with a hundred lashes, and do not be taken by pity for them in the religion of Allah, if you should believe in Allah and the Last Day. And let a group of the believers witness their punishment.”(An-Nur 24:2).

Furthermore, if the girl becomes pregnant as a consequence of this premarital or extramarital act, then the child is not considered a legal heir according to the following hadith:

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said,“”Any man who fornicates with a free woman, or a slave woman, then the child born from Zina does not inherit, nor is it inherited from.”(At-Tirmidhi #3054).



Marriage is the public proclamation that gives legal, physical, and spiritual license to have sex with your partner.

“But let them who find not [the means for] marriage abstain [from sexual relations] until Allah enriches them from His bounty.(An-Nur 24:33)

“Indeed, the Muslim men and Muslim women, the believing men and believing women, the obedient men and obedient women, the truthful men and truthful women, the patient men and patient women, the humble men and humble women, the charitable men and charitable women, the fasting men and fasting women, the men who guard their private parts and the women who do so, and the men who remember Allah often and the women who do so – for them Allah has prepared forgiveness and a great reward”(Al-Ahzab 33:35)

Muslim males and females are enjoined to marry. There are various guidelines pertaining to selecting a suitable partner in life. This choice cannot be left to chance. However, if anyone does not have the means to marry, this dilemma does not entitle anyone to fornicate; rather he or she is enjoined to remain chaste and to patiently persevere and seek help from Allah Most High.

To guard your chastity is a test from Allah Most High and requires a lot of discipline and willpower. However, those individuals who succeed in avoiding fornication and adultery, [for them has Allah Most High prepared forgiveness and a great reward.] Furthermore, according to the following verses, there are clear instructions for those people who commit fornication and then decide to marry:

“The fornicator does not marry except a [female] fornicator or polytheist, and none marries her except a fornicator or a polytheist, and that has been made unlawful to the believers.”(An-Nur 24:3)

“And [lawful in marriage are] chaste women from among the believers and chaste women from among those who were given the Scripture before you, when you have given them their due compensation, desiring chastity, not unlawful sexual intercourse or taking [secret] lovers.”(Al-Ma’idah 5:5)

These verses emphasize the need and pursuit of sexual purity both before marriage and within marriage and give guidelines as to the selection of a partner.

Sex counselors and psychologists now confirm the wisdom behind these verses. A person who has multiple partners is always comparing the spouse’s performance to that of other partners. If an “experienced” boy marries a virgin wife, he may be unhappy with her inexperience and may expect (and sometimes demand) more.

This can lead to a very fragile relationship, which is bound to flounder. Unfortunately, some men have a double standard wherein they feel free to have sex with multiple partners before marriage, but insist that their wife must be a virgin.

Sex and Hygiene

Islam places a very high emphasis on hygiene and cleanliness. This requirement, together with sexual purity both before marriage and during the marriage, tremendously minimizes the risks of diseases associated with the sexual organs. The need and emphasis on cleanliness is highlighted in the following:

“O you who have believed, when you rise to [perform] prayer, wash your faces and your forearms to the elbows and wipe over your heads and wash your feet to the ankles. And if you are in a state of janabah, then purify yourselves.”(Al-Ma’idah 5:6)

Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said,“When anyone sits between the four parts of her body and exerts himself (has intercourse), bathing becomes obligatory (for both).”(Muslim)

Sa`id ibn Al-Musayab (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that Abu Musa Al-Ash`ari (may Allah be pleased with him) said to ‘A’ishah (may Allah be pleased with her), “I would like to ask you something, but I am embarrassed.” She said, “Ask and don’t be shy, for I am your mother.” He asked about a man who had intercourse but did not ejaculate. She said, on the authority of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him),“If the two circumcised parts encountered each other,ghuslis obligatory”(Ahmad and Malik).


Prostitution is forbidden in Islam as indicated in the following hadith:

A slave girl of some Ansari came and said, “My master forces me to commit fornication.” Thereupon, the following verse was revealed: But force not your maids to prostitution (when they desire chastity) (Abu Dawud 13#137).

It is a very sad reflection on our society that some people are forced into prostitution due to circumstances that may be beyond their control. The most wicked and severe form of prostitution is that of child prostitution, enforced either by their parents (very rarely, but most abhorrently), caregivers, or swindlers.

Furthermore, studies have shown that there is a very high correlation between prostitution and drugs. Drug dealers usually prey on unsuspecting teenagers at shopping malls, cinemas, and schools, by offering them free drugs. The unsuspecting teenagers become addicted and involuntarily become “customers for life” to these drug dealers. The teenagers then resort to begging, stealing, and prostituting to service this habit.

Teenagers should be on the alert for pimps and drug dealers-nothing in life comes for free, there is always a catch. Be alert. Furthermore, be very alert to the dangers presented by pedophiles who derive a perverted sense of pleasure in abusing young children.

Willpower and Discipline

Adultery and fornication do not happen automatically. The mind plays an important role in the whole scenario. Everyone is constantly bombarded with visual, auditory, and tactile stimuli that are processed in the mind. These messages can either be controlled or uncontrolled. If teenagers have low self-esteem and want to be accepted, they will give in to temptation.

On the other hand, teenagers who are firm in their faith in Allah Most High and who have positive self-esteem, use their willpower to control temptation and channel it into another form of energy.

Abu Hurayrah reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said,”Allah Most High has written for the son of Adam his inevitable share of adultery, whether he is aware of it or not: The adultery of the eye is looking (at something which is sinful to look at), and the adultery of the tongue is to utter (what it is unlawful to utter), and the inner-self wishes and longs for (adultery) and the private parts turn that into reality or refrain from submitting to the temptation”(Al-Bukhari 8, 609).

Prevalence of Illegal Sex

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said,”From among the portents of the hour is that (open) illegal sexual intercourse will prevail, and men will decrease in number while women will increase”(Al-Bukhari 8, 800A).

This hadith of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) very accurately describes our current state of affairs. San Francisco and Sydney are famous for their “gay liberation” celebrations. Nudist colonies, escort agencies, pornography, teenage pregnancies, and adultery are so common that people seem to be fighting a losing battle against this tidal wave of immorality and have come to accept all of these activities as the “modern generation.”

Furthermore, with each generation, the level and availability of lewdness is increasing; for example, pornography is available in our homes on TV and the Internet, thus affecting the mindset of our children from an early age. Homosexuality is gaining support throughout many parts of the world. Some advocates of the gay movement are claiming that they are born gay.

This is a ruse to cover their shameful behavior. Homosexuality is a lifestyle choice. Allah Most High created everything in pairs, male and female. Anyone who goes against this plan will be answerable to Allah Most High.

The above verses from the Qur’an and various hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) clearly indicate that both fornication and adultery are forbidden in Islam; furthermore, the long-term harm of these acts far outweigh and short-term momentary gratification.

In simple terms, the Islamic requirement is as follows:

1- Boys and girls should not have sex before they are married.

2- Sex is only permissible between legally married partners.

3- Within the arena of the marriage contract, sex is a sacred, private, and personal act between the married couple only; this means that the husband and wife should guard their “bedroom secrets” from all prying ears and eyes.

4- Neither of the partners is allowed to have sex with anyone else. This means that neither the husband nor the wife can indulge in the un-Islamic practices of wife swapping parties, visiting prostitutes, or having sex with another married or single person.

5- If the husband is legally married to more than one wife (up to a maximum of four) then he is legally allowed to have sex with all four wives provided that he treats all of them equally.

6- When in doubt about anything, use the Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) to give clarity on any matter.

Role of Parents

Our children are faced daily with images from TV, movies, videos, Internet, newspapers, magazines, books, and friends about the “sexual revolution.” Their young minds are being brainwashed with ideas that morals, modesty, and values are old-fashioned.

If we do not tell our children about the facts of life and what is acceptable moral behavior from a cultural, and, more importantly, from an Islamic viewpoint, then we should share the blame with our children if they become ensnared in the vices of sex, drugs, teenage pregnancy, prostitution, alcohol, and gambling. The methodology should be as follows:

Advice to a Preteen Daughter

Your body is now undergoing various changes that will prepare you to be a woman. With these changes comes the responsibility that you will one day be a mother.

Your body will undergo various changes in the size of your breasts, face, height, weight, as well as the onset of a flow of menstrual blood on a regular basis every month this is nothing to be scared of, it is Allah Most High’s miracle, where your womb is made ready every month to receive an egg for fertilization.

These changes are coming much earlier in this generation compared to a few decades ago. Children are maturing much faster than we can ever imagine. In previous generations, young girls started menstruating from the age of 13 years; today, girls as young as 9 years are beginning to menstruate.

This means that if you have sex at this age, you can become pregnant. If you become pregnant at this age, your life will be shattered and the whole course of your life will be changed. Your dreams, goals, and wishes to pursue a career may have to be postponed or abandoned forever.

You must be happy with your own body. Your body will undergo various hormonal changes, which will lead to emotional changes and mood fluctuations as well as pimples. This is a time for conflict with everyone, and parents have to restrain themselves and discuss issues with love and understanding. The main word of caution for you is to avoid peer pressure from your friends, who will encourage you to start experimenting with kissing and sex.

Some teenagers can make very hurtful remarks and may make you feel very isolated if you do not participate. Don’t listen to them. You must have enough confidence in yourself that you are following the commands laid down by Allah Most High and you should simply say “No, I am not interested.” It will be a decision that you will never regret.

Particularly avoid the older boys and men. They will shower you with gifts, flowers, and false proclamations of love, but they are simply throwing out a net to get you into bed so that you lose your virginity. They will then dump you and go to the next unsuspecting girl. You will have lost various personal things in the process:

-You will have lost your virginity.

-You will have contravened the Qur’anic injunction not to commit fornication (zina).

-You may well have gained an unwanted pregnancy (many girls still have the mistaken myth that they cannot fall pregnant after their first sexual encounter.)

-You may have gained a sexually transmitted disease (including HIV/AIDS). There are no cures for some sexual diseases: herpes and genital warts, for example. Some diseases, if not properly treated, can lead to infertility and you will not be able to have children. Or they lead to an increased incidence of cancer of the cervix (entrance to the womb).

Advice to a Preteen Son

-Your body is undergoing various changes that will prepare you to enter adulthood so that one day you can be a father. You will notice changes in your voice; you may develop acne and hair on various parts of your body. Nocturnal emission is common at this age, as well as mood swings.

Your natural body odors will increase, so it is important for you to bathe regularly and pay special attention to personal hygiene. Your body will be growing rapidly and you will need to eat a lot, exercise a lot, and sleep a lot to allow your body to gain maximum physical benefits.

-You will be encouraged or ridiculed by some of your friends to have sex with a girl. You should be confident in your abilities as a freethinking individual to make your own choices based on the Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). You should treat all girls and women with respect, kindness, and courtesy-not as a commodity that can be used, abused, and thrown aside.

-You will see advertisements on TV and in newspapers and magazines that in order to avoid HIV/AIDS, you should use a condom. Remember that this is not what Islam teaches us. Islam says safe sex is “no sex before marriage.” Indulge in all activities that will develop your mind, body, and spirit within the framework of Islam. These are wonderful years that you are going through, free of responsibility (except the homework!). Try to be the best “you” you can be.


Allah Most High has given mankind free will. We all have to make choices in life. However, life offers us a whole banquet of choices and delicacies that sometimes lead to a state of utter confusion or paralysis. What is the right decision?

*Whom should I please?

*What is fashionable?

*Will my decision open me to ridicule?

An undecided person is always a victim of circumstance, a pawn in the hands of the fashion trendsetters. The ones at peace are those individuals who use the Qur’an and the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) as the compass to set the right course and to differentiate right from wrong.

There is much good in this wonderful world; however, there are many temptations. Temptations are present as a test for all of us. Ultimately, we are the decision-makers. We can only make informed decisions based on knowledge. Many governments are now firmly advocating the policies of virginity, no sex before marriage, no adultery, and so on, in a desperate attempt to re-kindle the value systems of prior generations.

The beauty of Islam is that the instructions and guidelines contained in the Qur’an are valid forever and are immune to the vicissitudes of the latest trend. Allah Most High created us.

It, therefore, follows that He knows what is best for us. I do hope that this brief discussion has thrown some light on this very vast topic. I also hope that the current generation of teens and preteens who are often faced with difficult choices will have a clearer foundation on which to base their decisions.

Finally, a new generation of preteens is developing. It is our collective responsibility, as a community and a nation, to give clear guidelines to our youth. Our youth is our future and our destiny. May Allah Most High, Most Gracious, worthy of all praise, in His infinite wisdom and mercy, guide us, and our youth to a path that is straight.

First published: February 2010

The post Sex & Our Muslim Youth: There’s Much to Be Done appeared first on About Islam.

source https://aboutislam.net/family-life/your-society/sex-our-muslim-youth-theres-much-to-be-done/

An Open Letter to My Agnostic Neighbor

Dear Neighbor,

Why am I writing an open letter rather than knocking on your door, or talking to you over the fence?

Should I tell you what I want to say face to face?

Or would you be offended?

You are the last person I would ever want to offend, Bob.

You’re my good mate, and the best neighbor I have.

Always courteous and smiling, even when you’re not feeling well. You’ve never said a bad word about others. And you are always there when I need help; reliable and trustworthy.

Rushed to Hospital

But the other day Sue called the ambulance. You were not at all well. And they rushed you to hospital for an urgent surgery.

I know you haven’t been feeling well lately, and you said you would need a small operation. It seems the matter was serious, with the complications that followed. You’ve been away for a whole week.

But thank God you finally came back home yesterday. We were all very worried. Your absence triggered in my mind an important thought I would like to share with you today.

Deep Questions: What if?

What if something happened to you in the operating theatre and you never came back?

This can happen to anyone, anytime by the way. A wrong move driving on the motorway can mean the end of a long, (or short), life for anybody these days. Traffic is becoming so dangerous and intense.

Bob, allow me to ask you these questions:

What if there is another life after this one ends?

What if after death our souls continue their journey in another dimension, another world?

Have you ever thought of that?

What if that journey in that other dimension turns out to be a journey to our Creator?

And what if He asks you how you lived your life on earth? What would you say?

What if He asks you why you misused your free will, how would you respond?

What if He asks you why you did not follow His Guidance?

Knock Any Time

Bob, I’m so glad you’re back, but I want you to think of what I just said.

Think deeply about these questions, contemplate on this amazing universe and reflect. Are all these billions of galaxies only a coincidence? Does that really make sense?

And if you want something to read, this is what I believe is our Creator’s final guidance for us. He created us and did not leave us without guidance.

Read then decide for yourself.

Could you at least give it a try?

Take care and get well soon. If you have a question or just feel like a chat, knock on my door, any time for a cup of tea.

Thank you for being my good neighbor.

I wish you peace and good health.

Your next-door Muslim neighbor.

The post An Open Letter to My Agnostic Neighbor appeared first on About Islam.

source https://aboutislam.net/reading-islam/understanding-islam/an-open-letter-to-my-agnostic-neighbor/

British Muslim’s Thoughts on London Bridge Attack

Parts of London came to a standstill Friday, November 29, as a convicted terrorist, Usman Khan, who had previously been jailed for trying to bomb people, fatally stabbed one man and one woman in an attack that began at a justice conference in Fishmongers’ Hall.  

28-Year-old Khan was one of a group of nine who had conspired to blow up the London Stock Exchange in 2012, and wanted to build a terrorist training camp in Pakistan.

Two members of the public, a man and a woman, were killed when Khan, who was released a year ago on licence and fitted with an electronic tag, was believed to be attending a seminar on rehabilitating offenders.

Speaking of the London attack, Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, said, “Terrorism is cowardly and evil. We must and will stand united and resolute in the face of terror(ism). Those who seek to attack us and divide us will never succeed.”

london attack


Mayor Khan was amongst others who praised the efforts of passerbys who wrestled Khan to the ground and held him there until the police arrived just moments later.

Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, once said, “By God, he is not a believer! By God, he is not a believer! By God, he is not a believer!” When asked who he was referring, the Prophet replied, “One whose neighbor does not feel safe from his evil.” [Al-Bukhari and Muslim].

Terrorist Khan, despite his name, his heritage, and his warped abuse of the Islamic faith, by actively seeking to harm innocent people, demonstrates that by doing so, he does not believe in God or in His Prophets.

In another narration, Prophet Muhammed, peace be upon him, was asked, “O Allah’s messenger, there is a person who prays, who gives charity, who fasts a great deal, but harms his neighbor.” That person, the Prophet said, would go to hell. He was then asked, “O Allah’s messenger, there is a person who is well known for how little he prays or fasts, but never harms his neighbor.” That person, the Prophet said, “Will go to paradise.”

A significant part of our social contract as human beings is that we live in society in peace with our neighbors. The outward manifestations of faith, such as prayers and fasting are meaningless if combined with a religious ideology that leads to harming others. Prophet Muhammed, peace be upon him, referred to such individuals as bankrupt:

“Verily, the bankrupt are those who come on the Day of Judgment with prayers, fasting and charity, but also with insults, slander, consuming wealth (unjustly), murder and beating others. Each and everyone oppressed (by him) will be given from his good deeds (in compensation)…” This is the end of those who thought they were doing good, but were in fact being unjust to other human beings.

Questions & Heroes

As questions begin to be asked about terrorist Khan, why was he released early, what has he been doing for the past year that he has been out of prison, how did he end up in London? All these questions need answers.

But one thing is clear. It’s highly remarkable to see some members of the public voluntarily rushing, without a moment hesitation, to wrestle the terrorist to the ground. These individuals are heroes. 

George Roberts who was on the scene and witnessed what happened said, “This man (one of the heroes) was walking behind us on the other side of London Bridge when the attack began. He ran through traffic and jumped the central partition to tackle the attacker with several others. We ran away but looks like he disarmed him. Amazing bravery.”

Amy Coop, who was inside Fishmonger’s Hall where the attack began, said, “A guy who was with us at Fishmongers Hall took a 5-foot narwhal tusk from the wall and went out to confront the attacker. You can see him standing over the man (with what looks like a white pole) in the video. We were trying to help victims inside but that man’s a hero.”

Stevie Hurst was one of the heroes who helped restrain the attacker. Speaking to BBC4 Live he said, “Everyone was just on top of him trying to bundle him to the ground. We saw the knife was still in his hand… I just put a foot in to try and kick him in the head. We were trying to do as much as we could to try to dislodge the knife from his hand so he wouldn’t harm anyone else. The guys that were there were absolutely amazing. Heroes beyond belief.”

Perhaps the most impressive response, and something that could only happen in London, a narwhal tusk and a fire extinguisher were used to initially tackle the terrorist. Truly astounding bravado!

Speaking of these heroes, Mayor Khan said, “What’s remarkable about the images we have seen is the breathtaking heroism of members of the public who literally ran towards danger, not knowing what would confront them… We do know that there appeared to have been a device on the suspect… Members of the public did not know this at the time that this was a hoax device. And they really are the best of us.

“Another example of the bravery and heroism of ordinary Londoners, running towards danger, risking their own personal safety, to try and save others. And I want to say thank you to them on behalf of all Londoners.”

The post British Muslim’s Thoughts on London Bridge Attack appeared first on About Islam.

source https://aboutislam.net/muslim-issues/europe/british-muslims-thoughts-on-london-bridge-attack/

At a Crossroads? Learn Why Istikharah Prayer Is Important for You

Jabir ibn `Abdillah reported that the Prophet used to teach the Companions to make Istikharah Prayer in every matter, just as he would teach them the chapters of the Qur’an. He said,

“If you are about to make a decision, pray two rak`ahs, outside of the obligatory prayers, then say,

‘O Allah! I seek guidance by virtue of Your knowledge, I seek ability by virtue of Your power, and I ask of Your great bounty. For You have power, and I do not. You know, and I do not. You are the Knower of all that is hidden.

O Allah, if You know that this decision is good for me in my faith, worldly life, and the Hereafter, then make it easy for me, make it happen, and bless me through it.

And if You know that this decision is bad for me in my faith, worldly life, and the hereafter, then distance it from me and keep me away from it, then ordain for me goodness wherever it may be, and make me content. “(Al-Bukhari) 

The decision-making prayer, Istikharah, is an indispensable tool that every Muslim must have to navigate their life.

Life Decisions and Our Limited Knowledge

Life is made up of decisions. For many people, we only notice the decisions when they have huge, long-term consequences. But decisions of all kinds are there, filling up every moment and affecting our life.

In making a decision, big or small, we can only estimate its probable result. Based on our limited knowledge, we cannot predict the future nor be sure what the effects of our choices will be.

We may know what we want right now, but how will we know if that person, that job, that car, or that project will be good for us in the future? How can we make our important decisions victim to our flawed expectations and the randomness of life?

Imagine if we could find out what was the right decision—not the decision that would make us temporarily happy or achieve a short-term goal, but the choice that would be in the best interest of our faith and livelihood, and also lead us to the greatest level of contentment.

Wouldn’t we check our decisions at every turn of the road? That is why we resort to the prayer of decision-making.

What Is Istikharah Prayer?

The prayer is simple. Perform ablution, pray two rak`ahs (cycles of prayer), and recite the words of the supplication.

With this ritual, we surrender fully to God, placing our soul and our hopes in His hands, and then surrendering in peace to whatever the outcome will be.

All of the stress and anxiety in trying to predict the future and consider every possibility vanishes because we have put our trust in the Most Knowledgeable, the Gentle.

Now we are consulting in our decision the One who knows the unseen, knows the future, and knows our own selves, hopes, and fears.

Istikharah is to admit that we are unqualified to make the best choices, hence we ask Allah to take charge of our affairs.

Istikharah Fruit

It is not a dream or a sign that we wait for, but rather we place our soul in the charge of God and trust that He will guide us to what is right in His way.

Once we have made the prayer, we can stop worrying and be at ease. We use our wisdom, insight, advice from others, and problem-solving skills to make the best decision we can.

Whatever we choose from that point onward will be part of His wisdom and compassion for us, and will be best for our life in this world and the Hereafter. The relief and inner peace that Istikharah brings to our soul is priceless.

Republished, with kind permission, from the authors’ Seeking Peace.

The post At a Crossroads? Learn Why Istikharah Prayer Is Important for You appeared first on About Islam.

source https://aboutislam.net/shariah/hadith/this-hadith/the-decision-making-prayer/

Getting a Divorce? Here Are Five Things to Consider

Divorce is a personal decision to be undertaken with great care and consideration.

However, most will agree that in cases of harm or abuse of any sort – or in cases of abandonment, humiliation, control, and nonfulfillment of obligations – it is in a couple’s best interest in this life and the next to end the marriage.

When is it time to divorce?

As Life Strategist and Leadership Coach Henrietta Szovati explains, “Marriage is not designed to complete you. It is to grow you.” She adds, “Your happiness does not depend on your partner, it is entirely your responsibility to make your life happy. If it isn’t, don’t blame your spouse.”

Henrietta laments that many women grow up thinking that marriage is a fairy tale. Instead, she insists, “Marriage is a reality job.”

Henrietta works with individuals who struggle to make sense of their role in their marriage. She empowers them to understand their emotions, step into their full self, and create the marriage they truly want. However, this also sometimes means accepting that they need to leave the marriage.

If one is being oppressed or mistreated in a marriage it is definitely time to take drastic actions to fix the situation, or end the marriage entirely.

The reality and responsibility of marriage

As the founder of Manifesting Muslimah, Zahra Summayah coaches and supports many new Muslimahs in maintaining their faith in the face of adversity and abuse.

Zahra shares that, for Muslims, the instructions for marriage and the rights of each spouse are clearly detailed. She insists, “What Muslim men need to understand is they are commanded by God to be caretakers of women and children. Their one level above is in regards to responsibility for women, not authority over them. [They need to understand] that every tear a wife sheds due to her husband’s mistreatment is a curse upon him by the angels.”

It’s clear to most that in cases of abuse, neglect, control, lack of respect, and poor communication, these hardships can lead to divorce. However couples also need to understand another crucial point.

When considering divorce, there are more gray areas than black and white. Financial stressors, irreconcilable challenges, meddling extended families, and cultural differences can all weigh a couple down and may necessitate divorce.

When considering the possibility of divorce, begin by examining yourself. This means first learning to embrace that you have faults and you’re work in progress. Make internal changes first to ensure you’re fulfilling your end of the marriage contract.

Being a responsible partner also means articulating and communicating your needs to your spouse. This can include setting boundaries or even walking away from dangerous and unhealthy relationships.

Having a healthy attitude towards marriage involves, “Accepting that your marriage will stretch you to your unimaginable limits” Henrietta explains. She advises couples to, “Surrender to the fact that you will be hurt, betrayed and disappointed many  times. Being realistic and ready for this will make you a supportive and authentic partner.”

What is an Islamic divorce?

An Islamic divorce is basically dissolution of the marriage contract. It can be accomplished through a few different processes including talaq (male initiated divorce) and khula (female initiated divorce). In some cases, if the understood responsibilities of the marriage contract are breached or deception is found, annulment of the marriage is possible as well.
“Know your rights given by God,” Zahra explains, “and know what you are meant to expect as far as provision, duty of care, kindness and mercy by your husband.”

Henrietta adds that in her counseling practice, some of the most common challenges her clients come to her for resolving include these “gray-area” complaints.

She hears statements like; “I’m unable to exercise my full power in this marriage.” “I’m taken for granted,” “We love each other but cannot seem to work together as a couple,” “My spouse’s family is too much/too difficult for me,” and “I’m really unfulfilled in this marriage.”

These “grey area” challenging situations may or may not be improved through divorce. So in many such cases, individual coaching and therapy is a smart first step.

Divorce and abuse

When it comes to domestic abuse and other toxic dynamics, why do some couples end up staying in toxic relationships instead of getting divorced?

Henrietta explains, “Toxicity is a deep trenched pattern neurobiologically and it is hard to move away from something we are familiar with. People often do not see the relationship as toxic, which is one of the major problems.”

Zahra Summayah shares that she sees many new Muslimahs who are faced with toxic marriages and struggle to keep their faith as a consequence. In her book, 5 Warning Signs You Are in a Toxic Marriage, she teaches what toxic marriages look like and their warning signs.

She encourages women to be careful both getting into a marriage, and also getting out.

Zahra encourages women to combat abuse by first learning their rights as women and wives. “Know that in no area of Islam is a man permitted to hit or harm a woman, much less his wife” she shares. “Know that a ‘disobedient wife’ is one who is committing adultery as defined in Surah Nisa – it does not refer to a woman who fails to jump at every unreasonable command of a husband. Know that a husband does not have a right to imprison you in your home citing the hadith that you have to seek his permission to leave.”

“A just and kind husband who fears God, will not turn a home into a prison,” Zahra explains. “A good man who fears God will loathe oppression as much as God does.”

Should I ask for a khula?

It’s important for women to make sure they are involved in arranging their marriage. Zahra encourages women to never let a potential spouse arrange the wedding without consultation or consent.

In cases of abandonment, neglect, abuse, oppression and harm, it may also be possible to get what is known as an annulment of the marriage.

One sister recalls the pain she endured through her then husband’s multiple affairs. “Divorce is never easy. Especially when kids are involved,” she explains. “But I was blindsided as he was the one to have multiple affairs and left to be with his other family.”

She was able to secure a divorce but not without waiting two years in limbo for her husband to make up his mind. “He literally left two years before he decided to file. The children are very conflicted and financially left in ruins.”

There are many reasons to get divorced, and no one should fault anyone for wanting to get out of an abusive, harmful, neglectful, or unfulfilling marriage.

Marriage in the Muslim community should be seen for what it actually is – a contract between a man and woman to love, care, and take care of each other and fulfill promised obligations.

The post Getting a Divorce? Here Are Five Things to Consider appeared first on About Islam.

source https://aboutislam.net/family-life/husbands-wives/getting-divorce-five-things-consider/

Should We Live Together as an Extended Family?

Is it OK to live in an extended family? Islam doesn’t tell us that we have to live this way. So unless you are really easy going, you don’t have too. 

Living like this can cause a lot of problems and a lot of hurt. To the point that someone can say, I would rather live in a hut than like this. 

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source https://aboutislam.net/multimedia/videos/should-we-live-together-as-an-extended-family/

These Acts of Worship Take One Minute or Less!

We all need to have good deeds when we meet Allah! Guess what? We can do them in such an easy way, it will take one minute or less! 

We assume big acts will get us rewards. They do. But constant small acts will also get us rewards! These acts of worship take one minute or less. 
Let’s try to incorporate these into our daily lives so that we meet Allah with many good deeds!

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source https://aboutislam.net/multimedia/videos/these-acts-of-worship-take-one-minute-or-less/

Shirk – Discover the Most Serious Sin in Islam

In my formative years as a Christian, I was taught that some of the biggest sins were having intercourse before marriage, abortion, and… Well, I really can’t remember being told that anything else was a serious sin.

Disclaimer: This may be my own fault. I was never a good student as a child. This is in no way a comment on the Christian mores nor is it a statement about the religious education I was afforded.

Sure, I was taught the Ten Commandments. But, to me at least, most of those guidelines were not really set in stone (pun intended). To me, it was as if God was making polite and meek suggestions for people who lived thousands of years ago. And if you didn’t follow God’s rules, you would run the risk of hurting God’s feelings.

And in much the same way I thought of the Ten Commandments as mild-mannered suggestions for people who lived in the stone ages; I also thought that they were randomly thrown together in no particular order.

I was wrong on all accounts.

When I came to Islam, I learned, firstly, that God wasn’t joking about the laws He set forth for humankind in those ten laws. God was, in fact, firmly telling us to stay away from this stuff, otherwise… There are clear and obvious consequences.

I also learned that we don’t hurt God when we don’t follow His rules. We in fact hurt ourselves, and that God has created everything in such a way that when we do evil we will reap evil, even if it isn’t immediate.

Furthermore, I realized that the Ten Commandments were in a very particular order with the first being the most important:

“You shall have no other gods before Me”.

But what is the First Commandment talking about?

What is Shirk?

In Islamic terms, the command to have no other god is a firm injunction on us to steer clear of shirk.

Shirk, in English, is something you do. “To shirk” is to avoid or refuse a duty or responsibility. And to me this is the root of what shirk means. What could be a bigger way “to shirk” a responsibility than “to shirk” the responsibility to put God before all others?

Shirk in Arabic means ascribing or establishing “partners” above or beside God. In this way, Islamic belief goes one step further with monotheism, and doesn’t just say to have no false god above God, but to have no God next to, near, in association with, or in the vicinity of the one true God.

There is no duty more basic, more essential than the duty to not associate or put anything above God. Allah is our originator, the One who created, continues to create, and provides for all that is in existence. All other duties, even our responsibilities to each other and the rest of creation, come from this one major responsibility to the Creator.

And what could be simpler than a responsibility to NOT do something?

Most responsibilities involve action. Taking out the trash. Raising your children. Going to work to make a living. These are all examples of responsibilities that take effort.

How can we go out of our way to not do something?

We have to take action “to shirk”. It’s a responsibility that requires nothing more than remaining in our natural state of believing in our Creator.


As Muslims, most of us feel pretty safe from shirk because we hold tawheed as an important principle in our lives. It is, after all, the first step to becoming a Muslim. And shirk is the one thing that scholars agree voids faith and one’s Islam. But often shirk creeps into our lives in unassuming ways.

Sometimes we attach our hearts to people and things too much; we forget that they are just a part of God’s creation. As I stated before, not giving God His rights doesn’t hurt Him, it hurts us.

Shirk Destroys in this Life

With all the misdirection in my youth, I began searching for something to fill the void in my life that should on be filled with Tawheed. I was looking for something I felt missing, something to shape my identity, to anchor my life. And I clung to different things that seemed to fit the bill.

First it was popularity.

I thought that gaining the love and admiration of others was my purpose and my ultimate goal. I filled my life with making the right friends and playing the role of the cool kid. But I found that people are fickle when it comes to affection for others. Putting people and popularity in the place that God should be made me realize people are flawed and they will fail you.

So, in the place of love and affection from all, I decided that fitness or fashion would make me feel fulfilled. I obsessed, caused damage to my body; I spent all my money, and become very insecure. Finally, I realized I would never be able to attain physical perfection. And even if I could, it would never last. Putting appearance in a position only meant for God made me realize how temporary everything in this life is.

Read Also: Filling the Void Within Me

Going from one false god to the next, I started to feel like the little bird looking for its mother in all the wrong animals. I was lost and broken. But, Alhamdulillah, God guided me back to Him. And because of the memory of all the pain shirk caused in my life, I remain vigilant in avoiding it.

We were not created to be a slave to anything other than the one true God, the most merciful, the One who

…is not ever unjust to [His] servants (Quran 22:10).

And nothing will fill God’s place.

After bouncing from false god to false god, the following hadith rings true to me:

Whoever possesses the (following) three qualities will have the sweetness of faith (1): The one to whom Allah and His Apostle becomes dearer than anything else; (2) Who loves a person and he loves him only for Allah’s Sake; (3) who hates to revert to atheism (disbelief) as he hates to be thrown into the Fire (Al-Bukhari)

And I understand why the sin of shirk is really a big deal not just in the hereafter, but also in this life.

Even as a Muslim I don’t feel safe from shirk. I know that even the halal can be put in an unhealthy place in my life.

One thing we can all do to protect ourselves from this major issue is recite this du’a the Prophet taught us:

“Allaahumma innee a‛oodhu bika an ushrika bika wa ana a‛lamu, wa astaghfiruka li maa laa a‛lam:

O Allah, I seek refuge with You lest I should commit shirk with You knowingly and I seek Your forgiveness for what I do unknowingly.” (Ahmad)

(From Discovering Islam’s archive.)

The post Shirk – Discover the Most Serious Sin in Islam appeared first on About Islam.

source https://aboutislam.net/reading-islam/understanding-islam/why-shirk-is-so-serious/

Food, Fitness and Faith – Prophet Muhammad’s Formula

Every day we are striving to achieve good grades, memorize a verse from the Quran, learn a new language, and bring up a family. The focus is often to continuously work on improving the situation of our life.

Comprehending the Islamic principle of doing every act with excellence and working on developing yourself, we push ourselves both physically and mentally. We utilize every ounce of energy on the various aspects of our lives. However, too often we fail to grasp that we desperately need to generate that energy with the correct means.

Amidst driving towards goals, we neglect our physical entity, feeding ourselves with an unbalanced diet and ignoring the need for physical exercise.

Your Body is a Trust

Both our body and mind have been entrusted to us by Allah as an amanah, a trust. If a friend were to gift us an expensive car for a set of time for us to travel to where we need to go, we would be cautious of every single road we drove down, every gas station we filled the tank up at and who we allowed to sit in the car.

A car is the vehicle to drive a human from place to place; the human body is the vessel that transports the soul through the dunya. It is fundamentally important we value it and equally to be conscious of how we are living in it.

Prophet Muhammad said:

“Whosoever begins the day feeling family security and good health; and possessing provision for his day is as though he possessed the whole world.”(Tirmidhi)

It is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle as our body impacts our abilities to fulfill our duties as Muslims. A common picture, seen in both men and women, is overweight individuals praying on chairs because their knees are unable to withstand the weight on them for too long.

This is a sad situation where a person finds it too painful to prostrate and go into sujood. Whilst Allah has permitted us to adjust our prayer when in difficulty, we should do our upmost best to maintain our physical ability to perform salah as demonstrated by the Prophet (peace be upon him) for as long as possible.

“A believer who is strong (and healthy) is better and dearer to Allah than the weak believer, but there is goodness in both of them…”(Bulugh al Maram)

Allah, through the Quran and Sunnah, has given us guidance on how to maintain fitness and active lifestyle. We are not left alone as to how to protect ourselves from illness and disease. Here you will find some points collected from verses of the Quran and hadith that play a role in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

1- Make dua’

Whenever embarking on anything, we should always remember to make dua to Allah. Without His assistance, we can never implement what we learn.

The Prophet said:

“The supplication is the essence of worship.” (Tirmidhi)

2- Eating

– Eat moderately

{O children of Adam, take your adornment at every masjid, and eat and drink, but be not excessive. Indeed, He likes not those who commit excess.} (7:31)

As mentioned above, overeating is something that plays a part in obesity. Allah tells us in the Quran to not be excessive in our eating. The key thing to remember is to eat what you need to fulfill your stomach, rather than indulge for the sake of eating something that tastes good.

– Eat without Haste

“The Messenger of Allah forbade blowing into the vessel.” (Ibn Majah)

When food is hot, we often blow to cool it down so we can eat. This haste often comes as a result of our stomachs rumbling.

In this haste, we often eat fast which leads to eating more than what is required as there is a lag between your stomach feeling full and this message reaching the brain.

This overeating leaves you feeling lethargic, even though eating should re-energize you. By taking time to allow food to cool naturally helps to reduce the sudden desire we get when we first smell or see the food.

– Eat together

Some of the Companions of Prophet Muhammad said:

“We eat but are not satisfied.”

He (peace be upon him) said:

“Perhaps you eat separately.”

The Companions replied in affirmative. He then said:

“Eat together and mention the Name of Allah over your food. It will be blessed for you.” (Abu Dawud)

From this hadith, we can understand that there is a blessing in eating with others which will allow you to feel content. When a person is unsatisfied, they are more likely to overeat, putting them at risk of becoming overweight. By eating together with family and friends, the bonds of kinship are increased which is another aspect that pleases Allah.

3- Stay Active

The sunnah has a number of different narrations demonstrating a degree of activeness from the Prophet saw and his companions. Just contemplating on the idea that the Prophet was above 40 years old when he led armies into battles demonstrates his physical fitness.

– Horse Riding

“Everything with which a man amuses himself is vain except three (things): a man’s training of his horse, his playing with his wife and his shooting with his bow and arrow.” (Abu Dawud)

Horse riding has a number of benefits: it works on your balance and coordination, generally requires you to be outdoors in the open and uses a large number of muscles. Also it aids liver function and digestion, helping to keep your bowels healthy.

– Walking

“I did not see anyone walk faster than him, as is the earth folded for him. A few moments ago he would be here, and then there. We found it difficult to keep pace when we walked with him and he walked at his normal pace.” (Shama’il Muhammidyah)

Today, we prefer taking transport even if we are traveling down the road because it is convenient and requires less energy on our part. The prophet (peace be upon him) however, would walk and at a fast pace. This is a practice that should be adhered to; the same principle is advised by doctors across the world today.

– Racing

It was narrated that ‘Aisha said:

“The Prophet raced with me and I beat him.” (Ibn Majah)

This highlights that not only did the Prophet (peace be upon him) run and race, he also did this with his wife. Exercise is something the whole family should be getting involved with as it is a matter of tarbiyah for children to understand the importance of their health and body. It can be utilized as a way to develop and sustain the relationships within a family.

(From Discovering Islam’s archive.)

The post Food, Fitness and Faith – Prophet Muhammad’s Formula appeared first on About Islam.

source https://aboutislam.net/reading-islam/living-islam/food-fitness-and-faith-the-prophetic-formula/

Surah Al-Fatihah: Day of Judgment & Two Recitations of One Word

{Master of the Day of Judgment.} (Al-Fatihah 1:4)

This episode explores some of the magnificent aspects of Gods absolute Kingship and Ownership of the whole universe. It

Two recitations

Did you know that the first word in this verse has two ways of recitation?

It can be read as “Maalik” with a long a vowel after the letter M.

It is also can be read as “Malik” with a short vowel after the M.

Both ways are correct and authentically narrated from Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him).

However, each pronunciation adds unique connotations and shades of meaning. That is one of the benefits of the authentic variations of Quran recitation. The variant pronunciations add subtle meanings that enrich the Quranic message.

So, in Surat Al-Fatihah, Maalik, the first pronunciation, means the owner. The second way of recitation, Malik, means the King.

How do these two recitations/meanings complement each other?

Dr. Qadhi elaborates on it in the video.

Day of Judgment

Did you know also that the Arabic word “Deen” does not mean only faith or religion?

It is used in this verse for a different meaning; it refers here to the Day of Judgment.

Join Dr. Qadhi as he shares interesting information about this Day.

What is the length of this day? Is it long or short? You will be surprised to know that this day’s length varies from one person to another. In the video, you will learn how to have a short and easy time during this horrible day.

Dr. Qadhi also shares amazing thoughts about why Allah mentioned His Ownership and Kingship of the Day of Judgment.

Editor’s Note: A mistake in a verse reading occurred in the lecture at 9:20 and 9:57 when the Sheikh replaced the word “wal-Amru” which means command/decision/authority, with the word, “wal-mulku” which means kingdom.

Also in this Series:

  1. The 7 Oft-Recited Verses: An Introduction to Al-Fatiha
  2. Who Divided Up Quran into Surahs and Verses?
  3. All About Isti`adhah & Seeking Protection from Satan
  4. Starting with Allah’s Name… What Does Basmalah Mean?
  5. Why Glorify Allah’s Name, Not Allah Himself?
  6. What Is the Meaning of the Name of Allah?
  7. Al-Fatihah: Difference Between Ar-Rahman and Ar-Rahim
  8. Why Surah Al-Fatihah Starts With Al-Hamd
  9. Why “Al-Hamdulillah” Is Particularly Used in Surah Al-Fatihah
  10. What Allah Says When You Recite Surah Al-Fatihah
  11. “Lord of the Worlds”… What Does That Mean?

The post Surah Al-Fatihah: Day of Judgment & Two Recitations of One Word appeared first on About Islam.

source https://aboutislam.net/shariah/quran/quranic-reflections/surah-al-fatihah-day-of-judgment-two-recitations-of-one-word/

Manifestation of God Through Science All Around Us

Kurt Gödel was an American logician, mathematician and philosopher of Austrian descent.

As one of the iconic logicians in history, alongside Aristotle and Gottlob Frege, Gödel’s work was recognized years after his death in 1978. Was his work attempting to prove the existence of a Supreme Being for the Universe?

Gödel’s theories have since been picked up by other scientists who have attempted to prove the existence of God through mathematical formulae. While apparently there have been some findings of the existence of God, there are many shortcomings to the research itself, requiring further investigation and probably trial runs.

While I am personally not a person with scientific prowess, and with all due respect to these scientists who are adamant in proving the existence of God through such high-tech means, the manifestation of His existence really surfaces all around us and it really does not require such complicated means to prove the same.

In fact, reading up on Gödel reminds me a lot about high school where in a conversation with a non-Muslim friend, she insisted that God did not exist at all. Funnily enough, this cropped up during physics class where we were discussing the Big Bang.

She mentioned that God did not create this earth, but the earth originated from the Big Bang. When I asked her who created the Big Bang, she replied that, “it just happened” and science was all that is needed for the world to trawl on.

Humans are born with the natural inclination to worship a Creator.

The Qur’an often talks about human beings being born in the state of fitrah – an innate need to worship his or her Lord. And within this fitrah, is also innate good in human beings as the most honorable creatures created by God. However, it is due to upbringing or the environment that human beings begin to move away from this state of fitrah.

Fitrah is also strongly connected to nature. Children, who are the closest to fitrah – untainted and untouched by negativity in their surroundings, are often extremely close to nature. It is known that it was the customs of the Arabs to send their children to the great outdoors as babies, so that as children they would be able to enjoy the desert and animals, rather than be running the streets of a congested city.

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) spent a few years of his life in the desert before returning to Makkah and possibly his exposure to nature in his early years helped with his physical, mental and emotional well-being and that became a strong foundation before he attained Prophethood.

Children see a lot in nature, and the manifestation of God’s existence is basically everywhere in the environment. Children may love to watch birds pecking at food; or they may enjoy picking up flowers; children by the beach or by a lake will play with water.

Children are also enthralled by insects: ants, bees, and the like. They also talk about different structures, like trees and mountains. While this may seem elementary, we can learn a lot from the inquisitiveness of children who are inclined to be very connected with nature, and therefore, God.

Investigating Nature & Science

Kurt Gödel

Kurt Gödel

With respects to birds, the Qur’an says: “Do they not see the birds held (flying) in the midst of the sky? None holds them but God (i.e. none give them the ability to fly but God). Verily, in this are clear signs for a people who believe (in the oneness of God).” (Surat An-Nahl: 16:79).

Scientists have long studied the flight of birds and their migration routes. They have found such precision in the departure and arrival of birds from one place to another and their ability to navigate even on debut journeys, as very young birds. Their ability to do so can only manifest if God takes control over all of the above, in which He does.

The Qur’an also talks about the healing properties of honey, which is also considered the medicine of all times. “There issues from within their bodies (bees) a drink of varying colours, wherein is healing for men.” (Surat An-Nahl: 16:69).

Honey is such a poignant remedy for nature enthusiasts. Even scientists acknowledge the long list of the benefits of the same, spanning from an ingredient for a robust immune system to a remedy for colds.

The Qur’an mentions water several times in its passages as well: ”Have those who disbelieve not known that the heavens and the earth were joined together as one united piece, and We parted them? And We have made from water every living thing. Will they not then believe?” (Surat Al-Anbya’: 21:30).

Science reinforces our need for the consumption of plain water for survival and scientists have also “discovered” the earth’s dependency on its major constituent – water. The Qur’an also talks about geology: “Have We not made the earth as a resting place, and the mountains as pegs?” (Surat An-Naba’: 78:6-7).

Elementary geology classes tell us about the structure of the earth’s thin crust and how “pegs” are needed to hold the crust together. We know that trees do this at the micro level, but mountains are huge pegs that hold the bigger planes in one place and prevent them from crumbling in torrential weather.

Though these examples may seem abstract, it does not take rocket science to figure out that these miracles are proof that their creation is of another kind – definitely not manmade! And while it is not rocket science, it does require deep reflection on one’s part.

Fortunately, the human race has already been blessed with great intellect; it just takes time and sincere effort to discover the truth. God says: “And He has subjected to you, as from Him, all that is in the heavens and on earth: behold in that are Signs indeed for those who reflect. (Surat Al-Jathiya: 45: 13).

Children & Environment

While God talks about the connection between nature and those who reflect in His existence in relationship to the miracles seen in nature, there is also evidence that children who spend more time outdoors also develop greater intellect. So it is also true that the closer we are to nature, the more polished our intellect, and the closer we become to God.

Author and clinical psychologist Kay Redfield Jamison writes about the importance of children being outdoors to cultivate their intellectual prowess. Amongst the benefits of playing outdoors, includes: improving multi-sensory stimuli, stimulating creativity and inquisitiveness, and reducing anxiety, while building confidence and self-esteem.

Children also become more in touch with themselves and with others just by spending time with nature, indicating that being around God’s creations imbues senses of empathy and kindness.

Seeing things in nature and connecting with the environment is therefore linked to overall health, including intellectual prowess that sees beyond mathematical logic and scientific formula.

The conscious acceptance and reverence of a Supreme Being as the Creator of the world and everything within it cannot necessarily be quantified, but the signs of God’s existence are always there.

Gödel & Einstein

Although Gödel was very much a mentee and a friend of Albert Einstein, their views differed slightly with respects to science and religion. While Einstein also went through a journey of discovery as to the existence of a God, in the end, he did believe that “science without religion, is lame; religion without science is blind.”

Gödel on the other hand, believed God was “more personal” but held religions with respect and even believed in the existence of an afterlife. He was even quoted to having said, “I like Islam – it is a consistent idea of religion and open minded.”

Proving the Existence of God through Gödel

While scientists will continue to work on factual evidence that God certainly exists, probably many of them are spinning off on the works of great minds like Gödel and Einstein. It would be interesting to find a complicated mathematical formula or computer program that can finally point towards the existence of God.

But as far as the eye can see, the signs of a Creator are all around us. And with due respect to scientists and their respective fields and the interesting work that they do, one really does not need to have an advanced academic degree in science to see the manifestation of God’s work in the scientific design of the environment.

Manifestation of God Through Science All Around Us

Editor’s Note: This article is from our archive, originally published on an earlier date, and now republished for its importance.


The post Manifestation of God Through Science All Around Us appeared first on About Islam.

source https://aboutislam.net/muslim-issues/science-muslim-issues/manifestation-god-science-around-us/