4 Ways to Repel Obsessions of Dunya

Arguably, one of the most prominent tests in today’s society revolves around consumerism. We live in a world where we obsess with materialistic statements, whether it is the latest gadget, watching the latest movie, buying the latest clothes, comparing cars…

Prophet Muhammad reminded us to be strangers in this world; and to not get too wrapped into the folds of consumerism and foster a deep love for the dunya without the balance of the akhirah in our hearts.

In the Quran, Allah Almighty tells us that all believers who say that they have faith will be “tested”; and amongst those obvious tests are falling into the seductive arms of the world, while forgetting that an afterlife exists.

We know one of the Pillars of Faith when coming to Islam, is “Belief in the Day of Judgment.”

This concept of an afterlife has always existed in the realm of religion, and in Islam, the Day of Judgment is brought up repeatedly as it marks the beginning of the akhirah, also known as the Hereafter.

Why is it so important to impress on the Hereafter?

Nurturing the love of the Hereafter will help balance out the love for this world in our hearts. It’s not wrong to love this world, as it’s a place of enjoyment for us. However, when there is no balance, people will begin to seek out this world, like there is no Hereafter, and that is inappropriate for Muslims to vie for.

So how does one repel obsessions of this dunya?

There may be a few ways.

Firstly, Take an Honest Look at Yourself

The obsession with matters of the dunya often happens when comparing oneself with others; when causing materialism to quickly become the nucleus of the soul.

Take an honest look at yourself. Do you really want to satisfy all those desires?

Is it possible that just because you desire something, you will eventually be happy and grateful when you receive whatever it is?

The simple answer is no. Amongst the unhappiest people are those who have plenty. They live on a constant drive to fulfill a never ending materialistic void.

Story of Asiya

Here is a story to ponder upon.

One of the richest and privileged women of all times was Asiya, the wife of Pharaoh, one of the most powerful men in the course of history.

Asiya was immersed in practically everything she had ever wanted and needed. Yet, she was amongst the unhappiest women, being married to a barbaric tyrant.

Alhamdulillah, being a woman of virtue, she identified with this unhappiness; and she was able to trade her prestige and position in this world, for one that was undeniably better in the Akhirah.

She boldly challenged her husband as to her beliefs and was relentlessly tortured in the harsh climate of the desert, giving her a chance to “repent” and resume her position as the Queen of Egypt.

When she refused, Pharaoh ordered for her to be put to death in the most atrocious manner. But due to her faith in Allah – and her strong convictions that her materialistic status would never get her anywhere – she accepted death as it came and Allah removed her soul, leaving her tormented body to be crushed by a huge boulder.

A Lesson to Learn

The story of Asiya does not mean that we have to sacrifice absolutely everything in this dunya; but we understand better that materialism may lead us down a grand path of misery; and this wasn’t something Asiya had wanted. In fact, Pharaoh – though a man of power and status – was one of the biggest losers in the course of history, due to his obsessions with the haunts of the dunya.

Learn to honor yourself as an individual human being, and a slave of Allah. Allah is Ar-Rahman and Ar-Raheem, and will continue to provide for us, no matter what situation we are in.

What you have represents all the blessings that Allah has bestowed upon you; and how you respond to the same reflects your gratitude towards Allah, and how honest you are about your own journey through this dunya.

Sacrifice is a big theme in the story of Asiya. So sacrificing for the sake of Allah, giving up materialistic feats, puts us in our place as strangers or tourists in this world.

Take a Look at Those with Less

Just like above, the obsessions with the dunya tend to brew when admiring those who have more.

Story of Khadijah

Another woman who had plenty, but nowhere as near as much as Asiya, was Khadijah; she was a businesswoman and an iconic female member of the Quraysh tribe.

Just like Asiya, Khadijah also had a naturally humble disposition. She even welcomed a man without any wealth to his name into her life as a husband. Her marriage to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was a simple one; she became well-acquainted with his activism work; alleviating the burden from the poor and his efforts in eradicating the economic gap in corrupted Makkah.

She knew how the burdens of his activism and the injustices that he saw drove him close to depression; so she helped him to retreat in solitude to the confines of Mount Hira in search for answers.

Khadijah therefore, had been well-acquainted with the poor; and after the appointment of her husband, she became an integral part of the poorer community as many of the first Muslims were made up of the poor.

A Lesson to Learn

The story of Khadijah reminds us to be wary of the poor. It is not wrong to be wealthy and successful, but they can also be grand tests if not put in perspective.

Constantly thinking of those who are less fortunate reminds us that blessings come from Allah and to not take them for granted. It is also said that a Muslim’s true wealth lies in what he or she can give away, rather than what he or she can accumulate.

Prophet Muhammad and Lady Khadijah are standing testimony that caring for those who are less fortunate is one of the keys to ultimate success, by removing obsessions of the material dunya for the everlasting Hereafter.

An Honest Look at One’s Relationship with Allah

Seeing and recognizing Allah as the King of the Day of Judgment, it is important to take an honest look at our end of our relationship with Him. Expelling the obsessions with the dunya ultimately involves unconditional obedience to Allah.

Story of Abraham

We know of the story of Ibrahim who was placed in a very difficult situation, even as a young child.

Ibrahim knew deep inside that worshiping pieces of wood and cement was not the correct code of conduct.

It is no surprise that Allah then chose Ibrahim as a Prophet, and knowing that Ibrahim (peace be upon him) was a person with faith, Allah Almighty tested him relentlessly, encouraging him to do da’wah to his people – an entire village of pagan worshipers.

Due to his obedience to Allah, he took upon the task of breaking the idols (but one) in the village’s temple; he wanted to prove that their gods were false. This led him to incur the wrath of his people, and was tossed into a massive fire as a punishment.

When he emerged alive, the majority of his people believed that he was a magician of sorts; and Ibrahim was kicked out of his own home at a very early age.

Despite all these hardships, Ibrahim remained steadfast in his beliefs; he would not turn them over to please those who participated in disbelief; and he took it upon himself to travel to nations far and wide, in attempts to spread Allah’s word.

A Lesson to Learn

Understanding the story of Ibrahim reminds us to not be afraid or ashamed of our faith in a world of shirk. Shirk may not materialize in the form of statues and idols; it’s money and materialistic haunts take away the Muslim’s love for the akhirah, and channel it towards the piling up of wealth in the dunya.

Releasing oneself from these obsessions – no matter how difficult – is a testament that we can be Muslims of the middle path; we can make good use of this dunya, to accumulate points for the akhirah.

Balancing the Dunya and the Akhirah

Consumerism is one of the driving forces of our obsession with the dunya over the hereafter. Arguably, it has become a disease in society, that the way people rush for new gadgets, line up for new movies, try to keep in the “in crowds” to please people rather than Allah, come close to shirk, especially when there is no check and balance.

The stories of Asiya, Khadijah, and Ibrahim, are amongst those inspirational stories in the Quran and seerah; they relay the rewards of giving up this dunya for the akhirah.

While their stories are of the “extreme” cases, it reminds us, that we will also be able to give up materialism; we can increase our provisions for the less fortunate, and continue to please Allah, in a world that is riddled with materialistic shirk.

(From Discovering Islam’s archive.)

The post 4 Ways to Repel Obsessions of Dunya appeared first on About Islam.

source https://aboutislam.net/spirituality/4-ways-to-repel-obsessions-of-this-dunya/

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