6 Muslim Organizations Fighting Climate Change

Climate Change is a huge problem, but we don’t need to feel overwhelmed by it.

Actually, our climate has always been changing, though it is true that the Industrial Age up until now has had seriously adverse effects on the natural process.

Many organizations are working to correct some of the damage humankind has done. 

Knowing it is their position as stewards of Allah’s creation on Earth, these Muslim organizations have committed themselves to tackling climate change.

So what are these organizations? And can you join and assist them?  

Below are 6 organizations worth not just following, but working hard to assist them:

1 – Green Muslims – US

Over ten years in the business of being eco warriors, Green Muslims are the original organizers of Green Iftars. The also hold loads of regular activities to “connect Muslims everywhere to nature and environmental activism.”

Current events include plastic free challenges and local bird walks in Northern Virginia. They also hold an annual summer camp: “Interfaith Learning and Activism: Exploring Why Nature Matters to Us.”


Posted by Green Muslims on Sunday, 23 June 2019


2 – Wisdom in Nature (WIN) – UK

A treasure trove of activities and resources based on permaculture principles, WIN describes permaculture as: “A practical system for sustainable living, and regenerating the earth and communities. It is based on observing principles and patterns in nature. Rather than seeing living systems as disconnected parts, permaculture helps us to see them as a whole.”

Be sure to get on WIN’s mail list to be informed of events based on your region (London, Brighton, Scotland, Wales, Ireland and England)  focused on Islamic Ecology and Facilitation/Group Work. WIN organizes summer camps and other nature-based retreats, as well.


WIN Rep back yard: Maximising space and using local resources: Growing potatoes in unwanted tyres from local shop. Read…

Posted by Wisdom In Nature: Islamic Ecology, Permaculture & Facilitation on Monday, 28 January 2013

3 – XR Muslims – International Rebellion

A branch of the greater XR community, Extinction Rebellion is based on community building, creating a citizens’ assembly, that “…brings people together to learn, deliberate and make recommendations on an issue of public concern.”


The best way to be informed of XR Muslims’ events is through their Facebook page.

4 – Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CGIAR)

East and West Africa – South Asia

CGIAR is an immense international organization that is able to do on the ground, grassroots work via its 15 research centers and hundreds of partners around the world, including in East and West Africa, and South Asia.

CGIAR understand the intersections of climate change issues and their work includes: Priorities and Policies for CSA, Climate-Smart Technologies and Practices, Low Emissions Development, Climate Services and Safety Nets, Gender and Social Inclusion, and Scaling Climate-Smart Agriculture.

An enormous wealth or resources and activities, have a look at CGIAR’s website. 

Why Africa needs a Green Revolution: http://bit.ly/2DeQjsM via @TheEconomist #agriculture #foodsecurity #development

Posted by CGIAR on Monday, 12 November 2018

5 – Permaculteurs Musulmans – France

Another permaculture-based organization, with a heavy focus on sustainable agricultural practices , Permaculteurs Musulmans bring Muslims closer to environmentalism while creating an international aid network that also brings Islam closer to environmentalists. That’s the permaculture way! 

Permaculteurs Musulmans has kindly put together an extensive list of international and Muslim organizations fighting climate change and other ecological issues:

Permaculteurs Musulmans Resources List

6 – Groene Moslims – Netherlands

Focusing on the intersection of Climate Change and poverty, Groene Moslims raises awareness with Muslim consumers and entrepreneurs, offering choices for sustainable consumption and corporate social responsibility.

They hold regular informative meetings for consumers and activities in nature to directly connect with the environment. For producers and corporations, they provide workshops and lectures for corporate social responsibility.


The post 6 Muslim Organizations Fighting Climate Change appeared first on About Islam.

source https://aboutislam.net/family-life/your-society/6-muslim-organizations-fighting-climate-change/

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