Muslim Praised for Returning $716K Deposited to Account by Mistake

A Syrian Muslim refugee has been widely praised for his honesty as he returned a sum of $716,000 sent to his account by mistake from an insurance company.

The incident occurred in Dulkadiroğlu municipality, in Kahramanmaraş Province, Turkey, when Syrian businessman Omer Abdulkadir applied to the earthquake insurance company to get compensated for his damaged textile business, Turkey Posts English reported.

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As the insurance company paid him $716,000, he received the amount twice in his account.

Learning about the mistake, Abdulkadir returned the amount, approximately 19 million Turkish lira, to the insurance company.

“Some people said ‘don’t give it back. This is your money.’ But we don’t think that it is our money,” he said.  

Abdulkadir’s remarkable gesture is reminiscent of other instances where Muslims have impressed by their acts of honesty.

In 2008, a world-class violinist gave a free concert at a New York airport taxi stand to show his gratitude to an honest Muslim cab driver who reunited him with his lost 4-million-dollar violin.

In November 2014, a Muslim owner of a Burger King branch in San Jose returned to police a backpack that contained US$100,000 after finding it abandoned at one of the restaurant’s tables.

More recently, a Pakistani Muslim was highly praised for returning Dh50,000 he found at an ATM in Dubai.

The post Muslim Praised for Returning $716K Deposited to Account by Mistake appeared first on About Islam.


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