Travel Happily…Travel Light: Tips for Packing Your Bag

It’s summer vacation when everyone wants a nice getaway, plans for trips, and searches for travel tips before heading to the planned destination.

Let’s start packing our bags and leave the crowded and choking city with its hot, heavy, and stifling weather.

Let’s go far away and head to a place where there’s a long blue beach and golden sand, a place of which every part speaks so delicately and beautifully of nature.

Now we’re here! A nice chalet overlooking a garden and a beach. It’s wonderful, isn’t it?

After that long trip, don’t you feel a little tired? Do you have a headache?

OK, just look in your bags, and you’ll surely find some painkillers.

You didn’t find any? Even in that little backpack?

Never mind. A cold shower will melt your tiredness away, but where are the soap and the towel?

Can’t you see that you’ve forgotten many important things while there is a lot of unnecessary stuff packed in your bags?

Didn’t you prepare yourself well before traveling? Didn’t you write a list of the things you’ll need while you’re there?

To avoid this mistake, here are some tips to help you pack your bag for your next trip:

Traveling by Car, Bus, or Train

  • Make a written list of the things you’ll need the most, so whenever you finish packing something, check out that item from the list.
  • Follow the weather forecast of the country/city you’re heading to in order to know what kind of clothes and things you’ll need with you.
  • Get a small handbag to use on your trip (a backpack or cross-body bag is preferred) and another big one for your clothes and personal stuff.
  • If the big one is not enough, you can distribute your things between two medium-sized bags. Don’t overload any of your bags. This can damage your bag, what’s stuffed in it, and even your back and hands.
  • Take a prayer mat, a compass, and a copy of the Qur’an. You can also bring your booklet of daily remembrances and, of course, Du`aa’ As-Safar (Arabic for “Traveling Supplication”).
  • Pack only the clothes you’ll need. If they’re ironed, you should pack them flat; if not, you can take a small iron with you.
  • Don’t fold your clothes in the same way you put them in your closet or chest of drawers; the idea is to make good use of a bag’s space. Roll them up tightly and put any breakable stuff in-between them.
  • Take one-bed sheet and pillow cover just in case you need them.
  • Don’t forget your bathing suit or waterproof clothes, a good sunscreen, sunglasses, a head cap, and skin moisturizer if you’re heading to a place with a swimming pool or beach.
  • Place the shoes and slippers (the ones that will suit the clothes) you’ve packed in a separate plastic bag inside the main bag or separately in a small one. You can scrunch up old newspapers inside them so they will neither bend nor break.
  • Remember to take a first aid kit. Put your vitamins, painkillers, and emergency ointments in a small, separate bag inside the one you’ll carry with you.
  • Don’t forget, things for your personal hygiene: towels; soap; a bath sponge; shampoo, shower gel, a hair dryer; body cream; a comb; a hair brush and hair accessories; a nail toolkit; toothpaste; and a toothbrush (you’ll need to keep your white smile and fresh breath!).
  • Take small pillows with you if you want to sleep or rest on your way.
  • Take, if you think you’ll need them, some high-tech entertainment gadgets like a digital camera, a digital audio player, a laptop, and, of course, the old-fashioned radio.
  • For the leisure time you’ll spend indoors with friends or family, have some games like monopoly, dominoes, chess, and playing cards.

Conversion Story: 15 Year Old Sam’s Story and Message to Youth!

Meet 15 year old Sam who converted to Islam after asking his friend about Muslims and Islam. What pulled him in was how we should be modest. He has a very important message to the youth! Check out his amazing story!

📚 Read Also: American Convert’s Amazing Qur’an Recitation!

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Battling Islamophobia in the Face of Qur’an Burning

Over the years, so many Muslims in the West have been faced with blatant Islamophobic acts and religious hostility, be it burning the Qur’an, tearing up the Qur’an, etc. In this video, Dr. Yasir Qadhi reminds us how the Prophet (PBUH) dealt with it and how we should act when things like this happen.

📚 Read Also: 5 Tips for New Muslims Facing Islamophobic Bullying & Intimidation

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Madinah on the Verge of Civil War… Here Is How the Prophet Defused It

After the immigration of Muslims from Makkah to Madinah, one may imagine that Makkah can live now in peace, away from Muslims.

However, the people of Makkah have another opinion. For many reasons, they see a great danger in the fact that Muslims and Islam have found a new home in Madinah.

– Madinah is on the road of business caravans to the Levant.

– Muslims will build their strength and return to Makkah to take back their homes and wealth that they left behind when they migrated. They might also try to take revenge for the torture they went through in Makkah.

– Muhammad and his Companions will never stop promoting their message and calling people to their religion; that will threaten Makkah’s leadership in Arabia and will, consequently, threaten Makkah’s financial sources.

– Given the strength of the two main tribes of Madinah which is expected to increase significantly if the two tribes should unite, Madinah can form a real threat.

🎦 Watch Also: When Prophet Muhammad Was Denied Access to Makkah

– Also, Jews make a large portion of the inhabitants of Madinah; they believe in one God and in messengers and they anticipated the arrival of a final messenger. So, they may believe in Islam and join Muhammad with their wealth, forts, and weapons.

Thus, Makkah is determined to do something about this new power arising in Madinah, especially if this power is led by Muhammad and his powerful message. Many political and military moves are to be taken to make sure this power is terminated before it gets stronger.

Makkah tries to spark civil war in Madinah

As narrated in Abu Dawud, one of the actions that Makkans took shortly after the Prophet arrived to Madinah is to send a threatening message to the tribes of Madinah and to their leader `Abdullah ibn Ubai ibn Salool who was a polytheist and had a huge hatred for Islam, Muslims, and the Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him).

The message was,

“You have hosted our man and we swear by Allah if you do not fight him or expel him, we will all come to you and kill your men and take your women!”

Ibn Salool got the message and gathered the polytheists of Madinah from his tribe Al-Khazraj and from their life-long enemy Al-Awas and decided to fight the Muslims from both tribes. They prepared themselves to fight the Prophet and the Muslims.

When the Prophet heard about that he went to them and told them,

The threat of Quraish has really affected you. They wouldn’t have harmed you more than that which you will do to yourselves. Do you want to fight your sons and brothers?

When they heard that they cooled down and left.

A few thoughts

– Despite the fact that Muslims left Makkah altogether, Makkah did not leave Muslims alone. As mentioned above in the story, Makkah never stopped working against the Prophet, his Companions and Islam. They declared hatred and accordingly war against Islam, its Messenger, and its people. They even declared war on any one who allies with the Messenger even if he is not Muslim. As Allah said,

{They will continue to fight you until they turn you back from your religion if they can …} (Al-Baqarah 2:217)

– It is amazing how the Muslims from the life-long enemy tribes, Al-Aws and Al-Khazraj became brothers and forgot all the differences and all the past war. This is obviously attributed to the faith entering their heart and the continuous effort of the Prophet in instilling brotherhood in their hearts.

However, it is very interesting, too, that the polytheists from those two tribes have got together. It is very important to know that enemies of the truth get together despite their disagreements only to oppose the truth, for that is the only thing they agree on [check the end of Surat Al-Anfal].

– Here is the essence of the story: the power of citizenship. In this difficult time where Muslims and the non-Muslims stood against one another in a very possible civil war, the Prophet could not preach Islam at that moment; he could not remind people about Allah and His orders since that would never convince the polytheists. He had to remind them about something else; that was citizenship.

The Prophet reminded them about the consequences of what they were trying to get in; the amount of killing and destruction that could take place. He actually took away the threat of the Makkans in a very smart way: what you are doing to yourself now–by fighting one another and killing each other–is more harmful than what the Makkans threatened you with. They threatened to kill you and you are now doing that for free.

He reminded them of their citizenship, their belonging to Madinah, their belonging to same tribes and same families. He simply said, “Do you want to fight your sons and brothers?

What a statement! How dare you kill your son or brother? How dare you kill someone from your tribe? How dare you kill someone who shares with you your land and will share with you your future? That is absolute citizenship in its clear form.

– Peace in Madinah and around was a main goal. The Prophet would have let this civil war happen and he would have joined the Muslims’ side. It would have been a decisive war. But that was not the intent of the Prophet nor was it going to be healthy. The Prophet always solved problems by peace and patience and resorted to war only when he had to.

Please share some of your thoughts and comments in the comment section.

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The Plants of the Qur’an Collection Now in London

Plants have been sources of inspiration for Sue Wickinson, a botanical illustrator, since she was young.

Her artistic goal is to record with accuracy the wide variety of colors, textures, and the tiny nuances of changing shapes

During her exploration journeys to the Middle East, she was amazed by the descriptions of flowers and plants found in the Quran. She began to work with Dr. Shahina Ghazanfar, a scientist and author of the book, Plants of the Quran: History & Culture.

The fruit of their project is a collection of 30 beautiful paintings depicting the botanic and floral flora of the Quran.

Source: Craig Lidgerwood

The artworks are exhibited in the Kew Royal Botanic Garden in London until mid-September.

Watch the video for more images.

Read more:

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Whatever is Meant For You Will Come to You

For those of us living in the West, qadar (divine will or destiny) is a difficult topic to grapple with.

The Western world is based on the idea that we make our own destiny and that we should push to reach our goals no matter what it takes. And this attitude has led to some amazing advances and discoveries that benefit mankind greatly.

But, as Muslims, should we consider this attitude impetuous?

How should we understand the destiny Allah has ordained for us?

And how do we explain the fact that we have free will?

As Muslims, we know that whatever is written for us will unerringly come to us; whether it is fortune or calamity. But we also know that we must put forth the effort to try to reach our goals. Islam does not prohibit the Western “go get ‘em” attitude, it only tempers it with wisdom.

Destiny and Free Will

Some of the wisdom Islam affords us is in knowing that: “What comes to us would never have missed us and what misses us would never have reached us.” And understanding that means we should not grieve for or exceed the limits set by Allah for something that is not meant for us.

So how do we understand free will if Allah has already ordained everything?

First, we have to understand that Allah is all aware. It is a grave mistake to try to apply our limitations to Allah, the Limitless. We have a linear understanding of time. We move along in time not seeing what will come next. But time, a part of the creation, does not apply to the creator – Allah.

Allah has created the future and understands intimately what it holds, just as He has created our past and present. Even though Allah knows and has ordained what will happen in the future, we still have free will in the present. We have the will to choose our good or bad intentions and actions whether or not they attain the intended result.

For us, not knowing what the future holds motivates us to act, to take advantage of our free will. if we already knew what the future held, we would never use our free will to strive for anything. And our striving to do good is what we are rewarded for.

Allah tells us in the Quran:

Whoever works righteousness — whether male or female — while he (or she) is a true believer (of Islamic Monotheism) verily, to him We will give a good life (in this world with respect, contentment and lawful provision); and We shall pay them certainly a reward in proportion to the best of what they used to do (i.e. Paradise in the Hereafter). (16:97)

Futility of Exceeding the Limits

At the same time that we have free will to strive for the good in the future, we should not over step the limits set by Allah. If we are to strive to build an orphanage, we will be rewarded for our intention and efforts to do that righteous deed; even though the end result is from Allah.

But what if we steal money to build that orphanage?

It was the will of Allah that the orphanage would be built, with or without the stealing. What was the use in mixing bad intentions and deeds with good?

There is benefit in Western mentality of “get it done” but there is wisdom in leaving off the “at all costs”. This is where the Islamic attitude lies. It is a balance of knowing you can try your best to do your best while not exceeding the limits set by Allah; because the result is already written.

In hindsight, we can see the truth of “what is written will come to you” in parts of our lives where the opposite has happened. That is to say we all have times in our lives where we worked toward something but did not attain the end result no matter what we did.

The Story of the Shrimp

As I look back through my life, I can find many examples. Like the time my husband and I invited a sister and her family over for dinner. The dish I was planning to make was my favorite from my Creole culture and it called for shrimp. I was hoping to share the delicacy with the sister and her family.

As I prepared for the meal I intended to serve, I made a list and went to the store. When I got to the cashier to pay for my selections, something very strange happened. As the cashier rang up all my items, she could not ring up the shrimp.

The cashier tried and tried and tried again to ring up the shrimp so that I could pay for it, but the register would not recognize the purchase. In fact, the computer recognized all other items but when the cashier tried to ring up the shrimp…

Allah knowsIn the end, I had to put the shrimp back and quickly think of something else to make that didn’t require shrimp.

When I told the sister what I had planned to cook for her family and what had happened at the store, she informed me that she was deathly allergic to shrimp. I had no idea about her allergy; looking back on the strange event, what happened made complete sense. I was never meant to cook that meal, to serve it to her, and she was never meant to be harmed by it. It was the will of Allah and nothing could have changed that.

Allah willing, I will still be rewarded for my intention and efforts in trying to make the meal that I loved for the sister and her family. But Allah had written that I would not serve that meal and nothing I could have done would have changed that, even if I had exceeded the limits set by Allah to obtain the shrimp.

What is meant for us will come to us. What is not meant for us will never come to us. And there is no error in what we have missed out on or what we have received. This is the will of Allah. But it is up to us to strive with good intentions obeying the limits set by Allah.

There is wisdom in taking a path between “fatalism” and “at all costs”.

The wisdom of Islam lies in the middle path.

(From Discovering Islam’s archive)

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This Young Muslim Risks Life to Save 17 People from Fire in France

  • Izzeddin Hamdi saves 17 people, including a baby, from burning building
  • He is now being hailed as hero and social media users say he deserves a Legion of Honor, France’s highest order of merit

A catastrophic loss of life has been averted, thanks to efforts of a young Muslim man who managed to save 17 people, including a baby, from fire in France.

Izzeddin Hamdi, young baker, risked his life after entering a burning building in Romans-sur-Isere in southeastern France on Friday, Anadolu Agency reported.

📚 Read Also: Muslim Neighbor Praised for Saving Family from House Fire

As the first erupted in the area of his job, he rushed into the building through the window and managed to save 17 people from the fire, including a baby, before firefighters arrived.

Hailed as hero in his neighborhood, numerous Twitter users said he is deserving of a Legion of Honor, France’s highest order of merit.

Allah tells us that “If anyone saved a life it would be as if he saved the life of the whole humanity.” Quran 5:32

What Hamdi did falls in line with similar heroic acts done by some other Muslims.

Last August, a group of Black Muslim teenagers were hailed as “heroes” after running into a burning building to rescue residents in East London.

Also in September 2021, a Muslim man in North Leigh, Oxfordshire, was praised for successfully saving his neighbors when fire started in their house.

Azz Mahmoud, a 37-year-old Muslim youth worker in Oldham, performed CPR for the first time ever to save a man’s life.

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Tips for Parents: Friends Influence Your Children

Islam places importance on friends, peers, and companions because they have a great influence on our children. Their thoughts, passions, and behaviours always rub off on them. Explore these tips with Sheikh Ibrahim Hindy, as he tries to help your child overcome peer pressure and choose friends that elevate them in this life and the next.

📚 Read Also: Can Muslims Be Friends with Non-Muslims?

The post Tips for Parents: Friends Influence Your Children appeared first on About Islam.


Burning of The Holy Book

Ensuring freedom of expression for all is crucial, as is avoiding selective implementation that disregards certain groups. In Islam, burning any of the Holy Books sent by Allah (SWT) is very unacceptable. So why burn the Qur’an? Instead, let’s prioritise learning the Qur’an in order to build a harmonious society. Click on this video to find out more!

This is the Excerpt below

Freedom of expression ought to apply to everyone, but it should not be used selectively to please some parties while disregarding others. How then can we build a harmonious society, even with the diversity of our religion? Watch this video to learn more.

📚 Read Also: How to Understand Quran Correctly

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Muslims Serve Hundreds on Annual Soup Kitchen Day

  • Event is part of the annual National Muslim Soup Kitchen Day
  • Muslim volunteers pack 3000 free meals for the homeless and the poor
  • Launched in 2016, this is the Muslim Soup Kitchen Project’s eighth year.

Muslim volunteers from all ages gathered on Saturday, July 29, to pack and serve around 3000 free meals for delivery in sites in Albany, Schenectady and Troy.

The effort came as part of the Muslim Soup Kitchen Project’s participation in the annual National Muslim Soup Kitchen Day, when volunteers prepare meals for the homeless and the poor.

📚 Read Also: National Muslim Soup Kitchen Day Feeds Hungry

The effort “is the true meaning of faith in action,” said Sohaib Chekima, principal of Annur Islamic School, Times Union reported.

“The organizers and their volunteers know nothing about the beneficiaries other than their appreciation for a fresh homemade meal.” 

Launched in 2016, this is the Muslim Soup Kitchen Project (MSKP) eights year.

The effort, which began in Albany, New York, brings Muslim and non-Muslim organizations together to serve those in need.

Volunteers served free meals at several different sites to foster unity and address the universal issue of hunger.

Worth-mentioning that for years the MSKP has been feeding thousands of local families and individuals in need. The group holds monthly Soup kitchens and drives at various locations throughout NY and nationally throughout the US. 

What started as a small local effort by students in 2003 in Albany, NY, has now reached thousands of families. 

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What Is Your Objective in Life?

When the lifestyle of one who is working solely for the material gains of this world is compared with that of a person who is striving for the everlasting rewards of the Hereafter, there is seemingly very little difference. In both cases, each person seems to be striving to maintain a quality life.

The Qur’an , however, states that the two parties are far from equal:

{Is then the one who believes equal to the man who is a transgressor and wicked? Not equal are they.} (As-Sajdah 32: 18)

What Is the Difference?

It is clear that the non-believer, limited to himself and feeding upon his own desires, cannot compare with the true believer. The non-believer may fulfil all his worldly desires, but his accomplishments will only bring temporary satisfaction;

{To him who desires only this fleeting life, We grant him only here and only as much as We please, only to whomever We will: but in the end We consign him to Hell.} (Al-Israa’  17: 18.)

The true believer on the other hand, may achieve worldly gains but he realizes that true contentment will only come when the ultimate reward of Paradise and the pleasure of his Lord is achieved.

{Verily, that which is with Allah is best for you, if you but knew. All that which is with you is bound to end, whereas all that which is with Allah is everlasting.} (An-Nahl 16:95-96.)

This understanding of life and its true objective is the secret of the believer’s strength and support. This makes him the most powerful and resourceful person to walk upon the earth.

The Qur’an continues in Al-Israa’:

{But, as for those who desire the life to come, and strive for it as it ought to be striven for, and are true Believers- they are the ones whose strivings find acceptance and reward.} (Al-Israa’  17: 19)

Start, then, to prepare for the Aakhirah today!

Why waste your time and energy on what will perish when you can use the same to earn the delights and pleasures of the life to come?

Everything you have must be put forward as an investment for that life, but you must keep in mind that the investment is not the objective. All that Allah has bestowed on you -body, mind, faculties and property -are valuables for investment, but the real objective is to earn the pleasure of Allah and the rewards of Jannah.

Remember that your personal destiny and, therefore, the end of all your life’s pursuits, lie in the Hereafter, but the road to that destiny lies in Dunya, in this world. Indeed the achievements made during the time of the Prophet were the results of full participation in this world – neither withdrawing nor retiring from it – for the sake of the life to come.

The Prophet and his Companions planned for this world as though they were going to stay here forever but equally they sought the rewards of the Hereafter as though death was close at hand. It is this delicate balance that you must strive to achieve in your approach to life.

The reality of the hereafter

For those who sat and listened to the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), the Hereafter became almost a living reality to the extent that they could almost visualize it with their own eyes. On some occasions, during the Prophet’s descriptions of the Aakhirah, they observed him going forward as if to grasp something while on other occasions he would withdraw as if to save himself.

When questioned about those unusual movements the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) explained that as he spoke, he saw the fruits of Jannah in front of him. He reached out wanting to seize some so that he could show them. He said that, had he done so, it would have provided enough food for the entire world in all times to come.

Similarly, when he withdrew, he saw the Hell-fire in front of him and wanted to save himself from it.

It was this and other similar experiences witnessed by the companions which were responsible for reforming their lives so completely that all their morals, manners, activities, goals in life – indeed, their entire purpose of existence – was determined by their awareness of their meeting with Allah.

It is this reality and conviction in our ultimate fate – repeatedly emphasized in the Qur’an  and in the life example of the Prophet – that we must continuously refer to for inspiration in conducting life’s activities.


Taken with slight modifications from the author’s book: In the Early Hours

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A Quick Guide to Forming Healthy Friendships

Friends can make or break us.

It’s true! And even backed-up by the sunnah and science.

So, how do we find good friends, and how do we keep them?

If anyone relieves a Muslim believer from one of the hardships of this worldly life, Allah will relieve him of one of the hardships of the Day of Resurrection. If anyone makes it easy for the one who is indebted to him (while finding it difficult to repay), Allah will make it easy for him in this worldly life and in the Hereafter, and if anyone conceals the faults of a Muslim, Allah will conceal his faults in this world and in the Hereafter. Allah helps His slave as long as he helps his brother.” -Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him), narrated by Abu Hurairah [Muslim].

Showing mercy to a fellow believer is a big deal.

Some examples: listening to the heartaches of your friend’s family drama; helping your friend with homework; or giving feedback on your friend’s draft resume.

Where to find good friends

Good people gather in good places.

You stand a better chance of finding good friends in places like mosques, in circles of knowledge at people’s homes, or through volunteering in places such as soup kitchens, retirement homes, hospitals, and non-profit organizations.  

What to look for in a friend

Prophetic character traits are what you want to look for in a friend.

Traits like kindness, patience, courage, honesty, and generosity are the kinds of qualities you want in your closest friends— friends who will tell you the truth even when you don’t want to hear it.

A Quick Guide to Forming Healthy Friendships

Trust your parents

Parents have a keen sense regarding the character of your friends.

If there’s something about your friend that rubs your parents the wrong way; pay attention.

You may not like what they have to say, but try to keep an open mind.

Believe it or not, your parents were once teenagers once; they have life experience and wisdom.

Know your strengths

What are your best qualities?

If you are kind, then your friends can count on you when they are feeling down. If you are honest, your friends can rely on you to give them good advice when they’re feeling stuck.

If you have a good sense of humor, your friends will know they can count on you to make them laugh.

Remember, though, that being a good friend is a two-way street; know what you bring to the table.    

Know your weaknesses

Everyone has weaknesses.

If you know you have a bad temper, then it’s important to remember that and avoid getting into heated discussions with your friends.

Take responsibility for your weaknesses and see them as ways to improve your character.

Friendships that complement your weaknesses can help you improve them, but it might not be easy for friends to stick around if you keep pushing them away.

Spend time reflecting on how your patterns of behavior may cause issues in your friendships.

Practice conflict resolution

Friendships that stand the test of time always involve resolving conflicts.

A Quick Guide to Forming Healthy Friendships

It’s not easy when you have your first argument with a good friend, but instead of giving up on your friendship, choose to work it out.

Shall I not inform you of something more excellent in degree than (voluntary) fasting, prayer and almsgiving (sadaqah)?” The people replied, “Yes, Prophet of Allah!

He said, “It is putting things right between people. Spoiling relations is the shaver.” (Abu Dawud)

Maybe your friend meant something contrary to what you understood.

Maybe your friend touched on a sore point that you need to work on at a personal level.

It takes time and practice to figure out the best ways to resolve conflict with one another, as we all have different personalities, but these are all chances to help you grow.

You will find that some friends are more open to resolving conflict than others are. Many people carry their own hurts; you cannot heal them, but you can try to be empathetic.  

The Prophet Muhammad had an amazing sense of empathy. Allah the Almighty said about him:

There has certainly come to you a Messenger from among yourselves. Grievous to him is what you suffer; [he is] concerned over you and to the believers is kind and merciful. (At-Tawbah 9:128)

Hold your friend and yourself accountable

And the believers, men and women, are protecting friends of one another; they enjoin the right and forbid the wrong.” (At-Tawbah 9:71)

It’s important to hold yourself accountable for your own behavior.

If you know you have a tendency to blame others, work on taking responsibility for your own mistakes.

Making the intention to improve your character, for the sake of Allah the Almighty, is how you will grow as a believer.

By the same token, if you notice problematic patterns in your friend’s behavior, think of a gentle way you can bring it to their attention.

It’s an act of kindness and vulnerability to explain that you felt hurt by your friend.

Bottling up feelings will only lead to resentment, which will hurt both you and your friend. It takes time and lots of practice, but the results are worth it.

If you are close enough to your friend, then the sting of receiving feedback will eventually fade.

This is a more honest and brave way of approaching your friendships than ghosting them when they hurt you.

There’s a concept known as “How to Fight Smarter: Soften Your Start-Up,” which you can definitely use as a guide in tricky conversations.

Forgive yourself and your friends

Those who are merciful will be shown mercy by the Most Merciful. Be merciful to those on the earth and the One in the heavens will have mercy upon you. -The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him), narrated by Abdullah ibn Amr [Tirmidhi]

Forming solid friendships is a lifelong journey, and everyone makes mistakes.

When we are under exam stress, have family challenges, or feel sick, it is at these times that we are more likely to say or do things we later regret.

Part of being a good friend is choosing to forgive and overlook one another’s mistakes, let them go, and not bring them up again.

Being a good friend is hard work, but there are great blessings to be found in perseverance.


The article is from our archives.

The post A Quick Guide to Forming Healthy Friendships appeared first on About Islam.


How to Calm Anxiety? Leave the Future Alone Until it Comes

In our minds, we live most of our lives in the future.

But thinking too much about the future is like buying furniture for a house that has not yet been built. Then when the furniture is in our possession, we have no place to put it, and it crowds our life in the present.

In other words, we fill our days with thought, concern, anticipation and anxiety with a tomorrow we may never see.

We Rush to the Future for the Good it may Hold

As children, we are eager to be older so that we can be one of the “big kids”. As teenagers, we cannot wait to be adults and free from our parents’ restrictions. As adults, we dream about retirement when we will be able to enjoy all our free time.

As human beings, we have a tendency to rush to the future for the good we perceive to be there. But we are not guaranteed tomorrow, nor are we guaranteed anything from it.

When we place too much hope in tomorrow, we risk dangerous outcomes. We can start to feel entitled to a certain future that may not come. We can become bitter when the future we hoped for does not happen. And we can miss out on enjoying the blessings in the here and now.

Allah tells us in the Quran very clearly that:

The command of Allah is coming, so be not impatient for it. Exalted is He and high above what they associate with Him. (16:1)

This verse reminds us about the unknown nature of the Last Day, but we can also apply it to our everyday lives. What is to come will come. So don’t be impatient for it to happen.

If we must live our lives thinking and hoping for the future, we can do so by remembering we will receive good in the next life for the good we do in this life. However, we can only meet with the delights of the hereafter by taking action in the present. So let’s hope for Allah’s mercy and leave the future of this life to Allah’s will.

We Fear the Future for the Evil it may Hold

On the other side of the coin, as human beings, we spend a lot of our time worrying about what bad things may come.

As children, we worry about bedtime and the monsters that might be waiting for us in the dark. As teenagers, we stress over what our career should be and if we will ever get married. As adults, we worry about poverty, illness and on and on.

Worrying about the future is something nearly everyone does. We are so predictable in our worry that there is even an entire industry built around it. But no matter how much insurance we buy to protect ourselves against what may come, we cannot change Allah’s will for the future.

Even the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) could not know his future or change it. Allah says in the Quran:

Say (O Muhammad), “I have no power to benefit myself, or harm myself. Only what God wills happens to me. If I knew the future, I would have increased my wealth, and no harm would have afflicted me. I am no more than a warner, and a bearer of good news for those who believe. (7:188)

Satan Uses Our Worry against Us

Like Prophet Muhammad, we have no power over what happens in the future. When we burden our minds with tomorrow, we fall prey to one of the tricks of Satan. Allah tells us in the Quran:

Satan threatens you with poverty and orders you to immorality, while Allah promises you forgiveness from Him and bounty. And Allah is all-Encompassing and Knowing. (2:268)

Often, this is an effective trick. How many have done haram because they fear poverty, all the while missing out on the opportunity to trust in Allah?

How many have become miserly because they fear calamity, all the while missing out on the chance to be reimbursed many times for giving in charity?

How many have become frustrated and disillusioned by trying to force a future outcome that was not written, all the while missing out on present blessings? We underestimate Allah’s wisdom and ability to provide for us when we stress over the future.

But if we must worry about a future, the Day of Judgment is the only future we know for certain and it is one that is worthy of our anxieties. However, we can only prevent an evil outcome on that day if we take action now. Fear Allah’s punishment and leave the future of this life to Allah’s will.

All We can Do is Prepare and Leave it Alone

This is not to say that we shouldn’t seek the means.

Seeking the means is part of life. As we see in this hadith:

“One day Prophet Muhammad noticed a Bedouin leaving his camel without tying it. He asked the Bedouin:

Why don’t you tie down your camel?

The Bedouin answered:

“I put my trust in Allah.”

The Prophet then said:

Tie your camel first, then put your trust in Allah. (At-Tirmidhi)

We have to seek the means to facilitate our lives. Leaving the future alone does not mean that we shouldn’t plan, that we shouldn’t protect ourselves against the harm of losing “the camel”. But it also doesn’t mean that we have to “tie our camel” and preoccupy our minds and actions with the future good or bad that may come from it.

When we preoccupy our minds with the future, we forget Allah’s wisdom and ultimate capability; we miss the blessings of the present; we waste our time; and we miss the chance to prepare for the hereafter.

(From Discovering Islam’s archive)

The post How to Calm Anxiety? Leave the Future Alone Until it Comes appeared first on About Islam.


7 Signs of Decreasing Iman

In this video, Sister Nafisa elaborates on 7 factors that can lead to a decline in our Iman (faith). She thoroughly discusses each of these points and emphasizes on the importance of addressing them to safeguard our Iman from weakening.

📚 Read Also: What’s The Beauty of Iman?

The post 7 Signs of Decreasing Iman appeared first on About Islam.


Tributes Pour in to Mourn Prominent British Muslim Poet, Dr Shabir Akhtar

Described as “one of the brightest stars in the British Muslim community”, tributes have been pouring to mourn Dr. Shabir Akhtar who passed away on Tuesday at the age of 63.

Dr Akhtar, a well-known poet and philosopher,  rose to national prominence as a spokesperson for the Bradford Council for Mosques during the Rushdie affair, The Telegraph and Argus reported.

During the period, he debated with the likes of Ian McEwan, Melvyn Bragg and Michael Ignatieff. 

📚 Read Also: Muslims Pay Tribute to Irish Singer Sinéad O’Connor

Imran Khan, the President of Bradford Council for Mosques, said: “We are extremely saddened by the sudden and sad death of Dr Shabir Akhtar.

“Dr Shabir was a man of exceptional intellect and prowess.

“His death at a relatively young age is an enormous loss to the Muslim and the wider intellectual community.”

“Dr Shabir served Bradford Council for Mosques throughout the Rushdie Affair which was perhaps one of the most difficult episodes in the life of the Muslim community.

“His intellectualism and astuteness will be greatly missed.

“We pass on our deepest heartfelt condolences to his family.”

Accomplished Scholar

Dr Akhtar was an accomplished scholar of comparative religion, being fluent in Arabic, Greek and Hebrew.

He spent the last years of his life in Oxford where he taught at the university. He also wrote and published several books on Islam in the modern world.

“A man of an exceptional intellect who went on to inspire many through his groundbreaking writings,” Ishtiaq Ahmed said.

“For me, the loss is even greater for he was a dearest friend and an intellectual inspiration.

“Together, we enjoyed our intellectual excursions over many years. 

“Along with an exceptionally brilliant mind, he had an absolute command of the English language and the sharpness of wit to go with it, making him an outstanding orator and debater.

“His traits came through during the infamous Rushdie affair when he became the intellectual voice of the British Muslims. 

“Bradford has lost its foremost son, I have lost a friend.”

Close friend Dr Atif Imtiaz added: “Dr Shabbir Akhtar was one of the brightest of his generation of British Muslims.

“A poet and philosopher, he was one of a kind.”

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10 Surprising Facts About Muslim Prayer

The Muslim prayer (Salah) plays a very important role in the life of every Muslim. Here are 10 fascinating facts about the prayer. These facts include the Adhan (call to prayer), Wudu (washing before prayer), etc. Watch this video to find out more!

📚 Read Also: Postures of Muslim Prayer Explained

The post 10 Surprising Facts About Muslim Prayer appeared first on About Islam.


Tips from the Prophet’s Life to Overcome Laziness

How to overcome laziness? This is a troubling question for many people.

Laziness is a disease of the heart which can paralyze the potential of a person. In the modern era of fast-food, high-speed internet, 4G data on our phones, it’s difficult to live an active lifestyle and beat procrastination.

Overcome Laziness

What are some tips from the life of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) on conquering laziness? How to live an anti-lazy lifestyle?

Brother Murphy shares a few tips.

More from Brother Murphy:

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13 Easy, Painless and Free Ways to Study Over Summer

We suggest three different approaches to keeping your brain well-running this summer: online courses, planning ahead, and/or educating yourself.

There are plenty of free ways to study while still enjoying your summer break!

If you were thinking these are your study-free months, wait!

There are lots of good reasons and science that encourage learning during the summer months. And there can even be some fun in studying over the summer.

Research has shown most students experience the “summer slide,” falling behind in reading ability and academic skills when they don’t read or study over the summer.

Thirteen Easy, Painless and Free Ways to Study Over the Summer

Meanwhile, savvy students use the time off to get ahead.

With so many excellent and free resources available, why not gift yourself with some new knowledge, or at least stay the course and don’t fall behind? 

Traditional Free Classes Online Courses

Maybe you are behind on a certain subject or just not that into it. Taking an online course could be a good way to get up to speed or learn the material in a new light.

Maybe you just like to be ahead of the curve and preview your next year’s subjects; that’s an option too.

There are loads of free options. Have a look at these websites and read through the reviews.

But be sure to finish a course rather than “reviewing them first” or jumping from one course to another.

These are all well respected venues, and you will get some good results from taking a class (or more). Insh’Allah, of course.

1 – Open Culture 

One of the best-known sites with 1,300 free online courses from the world’s leading universities, including Stanford, Yale, MIT, Harvard, Berkeley, Oxford, and more.

2 – Coursera

Another classic in online learning from the world’s best universities and companies, such as Intel, Amazon, Google, etc.

3 – Future Learn

A newer, cooler way to learn online with super short courses, usually about 3 hours in length. They have a great range of topics, such as health and wellbeing, digital communication, developing research topics, young people, and mental health—so many engaging courses!

4 – Khan Academy

Classic and proven effective. Use Khan Academy to catch up or get ahead.

5 – edX

Founded by Harvard and MIT, edX has an especially nice interface and selection of science and business-related courses.

6 – Alison

More online courses, many of which can be completed in 2-3 hours and come with certificates.

7 – Your University of Choice’s Courses

Many universities now offer free courses online. Check your prospective schools for classes or take one from a prestigious school, such as those listed on Open Culture.

Planning Ahead for Your Academic Success

Ahhh, right before you is the perfect time to meet long-term academic goals or do some real quality extracurricular studying.

8 – Nail the SAT, ACT and/or entrance exams

You will likely be taking one, two, or all of those tests to go to university.

Taking a full length practice exam is the best way to know how well you are preparing for it.

Find out which exam is most likely for you, then do some studying for it and take the practice test.

For the SAT and ACT, you can use websites or apps to study and take practice tests.

You can also use the traditional method of buying or checking out study books from the library for the SAT or ACT. 

For entrance exams, search your prospective university’s website for information on their entrance exam.

You can also do some general search engine research and will likely find detailed information about the exams and maybe even practice exams specifically for your university. 

9 – Explore Your Dream Career  

What is your field of interest? There are loads of interesting and fun courses you can take online related to your dream career.

This is a great list to explore for entrepreneurs and even personal growth.

Alternative Options and Ideas

Okay, you just can’t sit down and do a class during these beautiful, bright days.

Don’t. There are other ways to keep the juices flowing over the summer. 

10 – Listen to Motivational or Educational lectures

Going for a long walk or traveling? Download some excellent content and do double duty.

Commencement speeches are written to motivate and inspire; also consider searching for podcasts related to your long term academic and career interests.

11 – Get Some Advanced Planning Skills

Taking a trip with the family or anyone else?

Thirteen Easy, Painless and Free Ways to Study Over the Summer

You can easily get some more organization or planning skills by doing some research on your destination and finding out what interesting activities to do or sites to see while you are there.

You can also help choose restaurants to eat at ahead of time and even check the weather to know what to prepare for.

All of this adds up to valuable “event planning” skills you’ll want to have on your CV or use in life.

12 – Build Your Own Field Trip

Do you know it’s actually not too hard to plan a field trip, and you can do one yourself? Consider what fields you are interested in, then explore local opportunities to learn more about them.

You can visit a museum or specialty shop. Maybe gather a few friends with similar interests and call local businesses for a group tour.

You could also ask if there are opportunities to do an internship or volunteer there.

Maybe the Best Starting Point is…

13 – Learn How to Really Use a Planner

If you haven’t already, start the daily habit of using a planner to map out regular activities as well as long-and short-term goals.

A planner is a good way to start a project you’ve had in mind but are intimidated to start.

Break it down into bite-sized activities, or watch a tutorial to help you use a planner or plan a project.

This organizational skill is one many people lack and will ultimately be very helpful throughout your life. Be sure to get a cute one that you enjoy using.

Whatever course you take, before each session, plan to reward yourself when you are done.

This is a proven technique for motivating yourself. When bigger goals are reached, such as finishing a course or practicing for an exam, give yourself a bigger reward.

Studying during the summer doesn’t have to be dreadful or even take a lot of time.

Just keep going in any style you like, and rest assured that it will be like a gift to yourself, reducing your stress and pressure in the fall, maybe even longer.

From the archives.

The post 13 Easy, Painless and Free Ways to Study Over Summer appeared first on About Islam.
