True Rebirth Is In Islam

Curious why people do not soar towards their Lord, on the wings of longing, rather than being driven to Him by whips of fear?

Ignorance of God and His Religion is surely the cause behind this cold or alienated feeling – although humans will never find one who is kinder and more merciful to them than their Lord.

Allah’s Kindness

His kindness and tenderness are completely pure, untainted by any interests or aims, being attributes of His absolute perfection and exalted Self.

The story of mankind shows that God created men and women to honor them, not humiliate them, and to empower them, not overpower them on earth:

{And surely, We gave you authority on the earth and appointed for you therein provisions (for your life). Little thanks do you give. And surely, We created you (your father Adam) and then gave you (human) form, then We said to the angels, “Prostrate to Adam.”} (Al-‘Araf 7: 10-1)

The role of religion in humans’ lives is to steer their course away from evil, towards good, and found their relationships on truth and justice in order for them to live this life without oppression or ignorance. Religion for them is as food is to their body; a necessity for their survival that corresponds to their nature and needs, and brings them true happiness.

God’s Law

The Law of God sides with the oppressed against the oppressor, with parents against the ingratitude of their children, and with any human wronged in their soul, honor, or wealth. Its purposes are mercy and welfare, not rigidity and punishment.

The assigned acts of worship, which are fairly easy to perform, are to keep them connected with their Lord, praising His blessings, and remembering His rights. Eternity in heaven is what God desires for people, but many have refused and many still refuse to respond and follow His Straight Path, thus desires started following them from every path, and the earth became filled with their transgressions and abominations.

Despite the crooked paths they have taken, callers to faith are still calling people to return to their Lord. Truly, His happiness for their return to Him is beyond the description of words. Prophet Muhammad said:

“Allah is happier with the repentance of His slave when he repents to Him than you would be if you were riding in a desert, and your mount carrying all your food and drink escaped from you. You despaired of finding it; you found a tree and lay in its shade, having lost hope of ever finding it, and suddenly found the mount standing in front of you. So you take hold of its reins, and out of your intense joy, you say, ‘O Allah, You are my slave, and I am your lord,’ making this mistake because of intense joy.’” (Muslim)

An amazingly overwhelming welcome! Can be there such sincere happiness?

Even sinless people can hardly ever find a heart that yearns to meet them with such a warm welcome. How about souls stained with sins against themselves and people?

If covering their past sins was what they were met with, this would have been sufficient, filling them with peace and thankfulness. But to be welcomed with open arms and great anticipation, this is really amazing. Truly, God is kinder to people and more ready to forgive than our limited minds can imagine.


Repentance like this brings a complete rebirth and becomes a separator between two different eras in one’s life, the same as dawn is between darkness and light. It is not a transient return after which one relapses into former chaos and negligence, nor is it an unsuccessful attempt that lacks true will, endurance, and perseverance.

The victorious return that pleases God is that in which man triumphs over weakness and laziness, crushes under his feet the germs of sins and vileness, breaks free from the chains of desires and ingratitude, and lifts himself up to higher levels of faith, righteousness, knowledge, and guidance.

About those who achieve it, God says:

{And verily, I am indeed Forgiving to those who repent, believe (in My Oneness, and associate none in worship with Me) and do righteousness, and then continue in guidance.} (Ta-Ha 20: 82)

It is a life renewed after decadence and a decisive move that changes the features of oneself the same way as the dead earth turns fertile when abundantly supplied with water and nutrition.

It is a return, out of the past, that requires renewing oneself and reorganizing one’s life to resume life with a better understanding of and relationship with our Lord, while praying with untiring lips:

“O Allah, You are my Lord. There is no god except You. You created me, and I am but Your slave. I am faithful to my covenant and my promise to You as much as I am able. I seek refuge with You from all the evil I have done. I acknowledge before You all the blessings You have bestowed on me, and I confess to You all my sins. Please forgive me, for no one can forgive sins except You.” (Al Bukhari)

This article is a translated excerpt from Sheikh Muhammad Al-Ghazali’s book: “Renew Your Life“.

It is translated and adapted by Haya Muhammad Eid & edited by Emily Katharine Richardson.

(From Discovering Islam archive)

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4 Top-Visited Places in Madinah after Prophets Mosque

Though visiting Madinah is not part of Hajj, many pilgrims ensure they never miss it

Muslims dearly love the “Prophet’s city”. Here he lived, spread the message and passed away.

These are the 4 top-visited places in Madinah after the Prophet’s Mosque.


The Prophet was buried in a room close to his mosque. Later expansions of the mosque attached the grave to it. Muslims visit and greet the Prophet and his two Companions, Abu Bakr and Umar, buried beside him.


Visiting graves is a great, spiritual experience. It softens the heart and reminds us of the next life. Baqi‘ includes most of the Prophet’s wives and many of his Companions


It was built by the Prophet when he approached Madinah in the course of his Hijrah (migration). According to a hadith, you gain the reward of an Umrah if you cleanse yourself at home and pray in Quba mosque


It witnessed the second battle in Islam when polytheists tried to invade Madinah. You can visit the graves of the 70 Companions who were martyred in defense of Islam and the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him).

May Allah bless us all with visiting Madinah


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Imam Siraj: Happiness Takes Work

In this inspiring lecture, Imam Siraj Wahhaj speaks about the goal that each and every one yarns for; happiness. Sharing reflections on different -stories and real life stories, from the past and present and offers his prescription to achieve happiness.

In this Video

  • When the Prophet’s child died
  • Marrying a pretty girl is the answer?
  • Story of a famous singer
  • Dunya is the prison for a believer
  • Why 5 school postponed midterms in Norway?
  • A father deprived of his daughter
  • A dip in the Hellfire and another in Paradise
  • Real life is not here

More on Happiness:




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How Would Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Celebrate Joyous Occasions?

How would the Prophet (PBUH) celebrate? Celebrations are a time to gather, eat, and connect with others. Here are some lessons we can take from the Prophet ﷺ on how to celebrate and feast, particularly during Eid and weddings.

📚 Read Also: How Did Prophet Muhammad Celebrate Eid? (video)

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Video Showing NGolo Kanté Helping Injured Ismael Bennacer in Hajj Goes Viral

A video showing former Chelsea Muslim star N’Golo Kanté holding the crutches of Algerian midfielder Ismael Bennacer as both men perform hajj has gone viral, with many praising the French midfielder for his humility.

Kanté, a French Muslim of Malian descent, has recently signed for Saudi Pro League champions Al-Ittihad.

📚 Read Also: Chelsea Star Has Dinner with Fan He Met at Mosque

Algerian midfielder Bennacer was injured at the end of last season while playing with AC Milan.

Audience regarded the video as a testament to the atmosphere of humbleness and equality that hajj represents.

Al-Ittihad signed World Cup winner Kanté on a three-year deal worth £86.2 million earlier this month.

Other Muslim Players in Hajj

Kanté is not the only Muslim superstar performing hajj after news revealed that Liverpool FC’s Ibrahima Konaté is also performing hajj this year.

Konaté is a French professional footballer who plays for Premier League club Liverpool and the France national team.

Everton midfielder Abdoulaye Doucoure is also in Makkah for Hajj.

Hajj is an important event in the Islamic calendar as millions of Muslims gather every year in Saudi Arabia city of Makkah to perform the life-time journey.

Every able-bodied adult Muslim who can financially afford the trip must perform Hajj at least once in a lifetime.

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Muslim Organizes Ironman Night Run for Nephew Battling Cancer

Inspired by his nephew to help others fighting cancer, Abbas Ibrahim, a Muslim man from Bolton, will be running the Ironman 5K Night Run on Friday.

Ibrahim was inspired to run the charity event as his nephew, Muhammad Eesa Ibrahim, is currently undergoing chemotherapy after a successful removal of his brain tumor.

The 7-year-old was diagnosed in January 2023, The Bolton News reported.

📚 Read Also:  Resilience & Restraint: How to Be Patient Like Prophet Muhammad

“He has been through a lot this year and looks up to me as a role model,” Abbas said.

“I am the youngest uncle, so I spend a lot of time with him. He’s my little lion.”

Young Eesa, who cannot attend school due to fear of infection, will attend the end of the run for his uncle.

Thank You

The uncle sees the run as a chance to thank NHS staff at The Christie and Manchester Children’s Hospital for their treatment of Eesa.

“Eesa loves Marvel superheroes especially Ironman so he’ll like that I’m doing something called the Ironman,” Abbas said.

“The medal I get for finishing it will be going to him.

“I want to thank to all the hospitals that have supported him and have done so much for him, so I decided to raise this money for them.”

“It’s been really difficult for his mum and dad. It’s been a bumpy road and heart-breaking for them to see their son go through so much.”

There are many texts in the Qur’an and Sunnah which point to the virtue and great reward of those who are patient and state that Allah will give them reward without measure.

Allah say in the Qur’an, Surah al-Baqarah verse 155, “And certainly, We shall test you with something of fear, hunger, loss of wealth, lives and fruits, but give glad tidings to As- Saabiroon (the patient)”

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In Search for Inner Peace

What is our purpose of existence? This is a question that has been asked by people, philosophers basically, from the beginning of time; Why are we here?

What is our purpose? Why were we put in this world?

And what we are intended to accomplish?

Essence of Worship

While this is an issue that has been discussed by many philosophers., Allah, exalted is He, has actually given us the answer to this question, a very clear answer. He tells us in the Quran:

I created the jinn and humankind only that they might worship Me. (51: 5)

So Allah explains in this verse that He has not created jinn and human beings except for one single purpose: to fulfill worship to Allah. So the reason why we exist, the reason why we were created is for this one singular purpose.

The construction of this verse is important as you notice the ayah begins with a negation, it says that Allah doesn’t just say that He created mankind for this purpose.

But rather Allah says that He has NOT created mankind for any other purpose. So you begin by negating any other purpose for which we were created. And then Allah, exalted is He, says this one single purpose.

In order to understand this verse we really have to be able to define the concept of ubudiyah ‘worshiping’. We have heard probably this verse many times, but the question is what really is  the meaning of worshiping.

When Allah says that our purpose is worship, this worship can be defined as living our life in such a way; living in this universe and every second of our life in such a way that our intent is in accordance with the intent of our Creator.

So what that means is that my focus is the same as what God wants it to be, my intent and my goals are as God wants them to be: There is an accordance between my intent and that of my Creator.

When I live my life so that internally and externally we have the same focus, and that’s my goal, which is the same as what God’s goal is for me, then that is worship.

When you really actualize worshiping, the consequence of that proper worshiping when I’m in line with my Creator is something extremely profound; and that is salam (peace).

When I am in a state of worshiping God, the consequence is that I attain peace. And that peace begins inside of myself, and when I have that peace inside of myself, then I can actualize peace outside of myself.

If you look at one of the attributes of Allah it is Al-Salam: Allah is The Peace. And in a hadith of the Prophet, peace be upon him, one of his du’a he would say, ‘Allah You are the source of peace and from You comes peace”

In Search for Inner Peace

Now if you think about this concept of God being the source of peace, what that means is that there is no other way to get peace except by seeking this source. Allah tells us in the Quran:

And Allah summons to the abode of peace, and leads whom He will to a straight path. (Yunus 10: 25)

Allah tells us that He is calling us to the home of Salam (peace). If you think for a second about this metaphor. Imagine that someone is in the middle of a desert and they are desperate for water and there is only one source of water in that desert.

Now think about what would happen if you are far away from that source of water. If you are far from that source of water, are you ever going to quench your thirst? And if you far from that source of water, are you ever going to be able to give water to others?

The only way you can quench that thirst is by being near to that source. So by being nearer than I am to that source of water, the more that I can quench my thirst, and the more that I can give to others. But if we are not close to the source of water we can never quench our thirst.

Similarly, if we are not near God, who is the source of peace, we can never ever attain peace. And the nearer I am to that source, the more I will have of it. So the nearer I am to the source of water the more water I will have, and the nearer I am to the source of peace the more peace that I will have.

And again it’s important to understand obviously in this life this is not a physical nearness. Rather, this is a nearness of our heart, of our soul to Allah, exalted is He… And that heart, not the physical organ, is the part of the human being that connects to God in this life before the next life.

In order to attain this nearness to the source of water; to the source of peace, there are two things which we must do; there are two requirements in order to attain nearness to this source of peace. And Allah (SWT) tells us about those in the following ayah:

He it is Who has sent among the unlettered ones a messenger of their own, to recite unto them His revelations and to make them grow, and to teach them the Scripture and wisdom, though heretofore they were indeed in error manifest. (62: 2)

God is saying here that it is He who has sent among the unlettered an apostle from among themselves, the Prophet, peace be upon him, for a certain purpose; to rehearse on them His signs, and in order to purify them and to instruct them in scripture and in manifest wisdom.

If you notice here there are two components mentioned in this ayah. The first is knowledge. Allah (SWT) says that He sent the messenger in order to give then knowledge and in order to purify them, and that before that they were in manifest error.

And so the two components in order to be able to attain the peace of Allah (SWT) are knowledge and purification, purification of the inner self.

So if we are going to begin to undertake this journey to the source of peace, we have to undergo this process of tazkiyah, the purification of the soul…

(From Discovering Islam archive)


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Eid Al-Adha Around the World: In Pictures

Eid mubarak to all dear brothers and sisters!

We hope that you are having a blessed holiday season with your family and loved ones.

Take a look at this image gallery and watch how other Muslims are celebrating these days around the world.

Barcelona – Spain

Source: Centre Cultural Islamic Catala

Sevilla – Spain

Source: Mohammad Idrissi

Liverpool – UK

Source: Liverpool Echo News

London – UK

Muslims gather to perform the Eid al-Adha prayer at the Highbury Park in London. (Photo by Rasid Necati Aslim/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)

Source: My West London


Source: Eid Luton

Manila – Philippines

Source: Manila Bulletin

Madinah – Saudi Arabia

Source: Marroquies y Musulmanes

New Jersey – United States

Source: Yeni Safak


Source: IPNA


Source: Kamranfareed-oficial

Source: Sameer Shoukat

Read More About Eid:

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Finding Peace in Hardship Yasmin Mogahed

In this enlightening video, Ustadha Yasmin Mogahed emphasizes the presence of Allah (SWT) in our lives, particularly during difficult and complicated moments. She reminds us of what is required of us in such trying times and how exercising patience, placing trust in Allah, and maintaining unwavering faith can help improve the circumstances.

📚 Read Also: Hardships in Life; A Blessing in Disguise

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The Only Source of Peace

We’ve been discussing the Beautiful Names of Allah Almighty and today I’d like to discuss the Name As-Salam which is translated to the word peace.

This word salam is derived from the root word s-l-m and its various derived forms and it’s presented over hundred times in the Quran.

This word connotes safety, peace, security, well-being, contentment, tranquility, and also perfection.

When we’re talking about the Name As-Salam, the perfection is because of Allah’s perfection in His essence and all of His attributes and actions. He has no imperfection so this Name also embodies that.

Inner Peace

So let’s start thinking about inner peace.

Allah is As-Salam, the Source of Peace, in fact He is the only source of peace.

So when it comes to human beings and our psychological make up or our emotional make up, all of us, what are we seeking other than peace in our lives? We see people striving for to get a better job so that we can have ease in our life, so that they can stop struggling.

It’s basically what every human being hopes for is peace. And you see a lot of people that feel inner turmoil, they don’t know why they are here on earth, they don’t know what they’re doing, they feel depressed, they feel worried, they feel anxious, anxiety.

Cure for Anxiety

In fact a lot of people these days are having problem with anxiety that means that it become so common that if you web search about it, you going to find thousands of pages about people who suffer from that.

All of these anxiety, everyone is striving and searching for peace and tranquility well-being in their lives but there is only one source for that and that’s Allah Almighty.

So when we talk about the word As Salam, there are many words derived from it and one of those words is Islam. And what it means when people talk about Islam being peace it is because and the word salam (peace) and Islam are derived from the word s-l-m. So what it means is that a person can attain peace, tranquility, well-being, by surrendering, submitting to the Lord of the worlds by following His guidance that He has provided.

So once one accepts the existence of God and the fact that they have been created by Him for a purpose and then they accept that He has actually sent guidance to ease our completion of that purpose of life recognizing all of that and actually following that guidance does in fact lead to a deep feeling of inner peace.

In addition to that related to Islam, the Muslims who are trolling along and moving forward and we have a hope for the future as well.

Submit to Allah

So while we do experience a level of peace and tranquility and well-being by submitting and surrendering in Islam to As-Salam (The Source of Peace), Allah Almighty we also have our eyes on something else beside this world, we’re looking to the Akhirah (the Hereafter). And Allah Almighty has called Paradise Dar As-Salam (the Home of Peace). So we’re all moving forward, we have that goal and that aspiration in mind as well.

So while we’re submitting to Allah and His guidance on earth, we’re also seeking after the true peace that can be attained only in the next life in Dar As-Salam, Paradise.

May Allah grant us all the best place in Jannah. Ameen.

Through Islam, one can experience a beautiful kind of tranquility, happiness that I personally think is impossible to acquire and attain without Islam, without submitting to God, without knowing one’s purpose, knowing one’s Creator and having a guide mind, a GPS to follow throughout life, and to have understanding where we’re coming from and where we’re going and why it’s all happening in the first place. So I think that it gives a lot of peace and tranquility that’s impossible to find elsewhere.

So that’s in the individual level, and in personal inner level.

External Peace

If you think about Salam in an external level, we think about maybe world peace for example or peace in our communities and in this case as well, Allah Almighty is the only source of peace.

The chapter that contains this name of Allah Almighty is Al-Hashr. If you read this chapter, which I recommend everyone of you do after completing this audio talk, get a look at it.

So you’ll find actually what’s been discussed in that chapter is conflict. It’s about war, it’s about people fighting, and it’s about the hypocrites who are playing both sides, like we’re Muslims but we’re going to support the enemies against the Muslims and this is about this strife and conflict that happened a long ago.

So what you find in the chapter is that Allah Almighty is talking about how some people wrong themselves. They’re seeking the wrong thing, they’re looking the wrong places.

And when this happening is that they strive to strategize to get this person against that person… really all works were against themselves. So even if they conflict they going to accomplish something, they think they’re smart, they think they’re slick and they try to harm others, or they’re trying to gain something and they don’t care on to be harming others in the way…

What happens is that they’re hurting themselves so that one of the things Allah mentions, you find in the couple verses in that chapter, and so He’s talking about how to protect ourselves as well from our own actions and realize that people who maybe harming us that even it seems that they’re maybe harming us, they’re actually harming their own selves.

I think that’s really profound and I think it has profound effect on our mentality, on our psychology, and on giving us tranquility in our lives that there is only one source of peace that is Allah Almighty.

And when you see people wanting to harm you, or harm Islam, or whatever it may be, and they realize that they actually are harming themselves and that Allah can grant peace. This also provides a great amount of tranquility to the soul.

Spread Peace

So in addition to discussing conflict and you know people try to harm each other, and the fact that they’re harming their own selves, Allah also talks about the believers and He talks about spreading peace amongst one another and He talks about the Ansar (the helpers) and they preferred the Makkans who fled Makkah, fled persecution to them, they preferred them over their own selves.

It’s talking about brotherhood and love, and it’s talking about providing peace and security to one another.

I think that it’s something so important and obviously really needed in the world today.

Let’s start in our families, let’s provide peace and security to one another in our families.

Let’s prefer each other to our own selves.

And let’s prefer our communities to our own selves.

Let’s stat doing good; let’s start spreading peace throughout the world wherever we go and whatever little way that we can.

And let’s try to keep in mind that Allah, the Source of Peace, no peace can come except from Him.

So when we cry about the things going on the world around us, or when our lives are in turmoil, what we really need to do is to call on Him, call on As-Salam, cry to Him, pour your heart out… all of your fears, your anxieties, your worries, your pain that you suffer when you see the things happening in the world… pour that all out to As-Salam and ask Him to provide you peace, and ask Him to provide our Ummah peace, and the world peace.

And remember that embodied in this name As-Salam, is also safety and that Allah’s creatures, we, are safe and secure from any injustice from our Lord.

We’ll not suffer any injustice whatsoever from Allah.

May Allah help us to surrender and submit ourselves in Islam to Him. And may we experience and acquire true peace by doing so.

May He help us to be patient throughout our trials.

May He help us to be people who spread peace in the world wherever we go and whatever we do.

And above all, may we remember that Allah is the source of all peace and safety.

May He give us safety in this world and the next and bring us to the best home Dar As-Salam, a place truly of peace free from all pain and worry.

And I pray that we are able to hear the greeting of our Lord welcoming us and saying As Salamu Alaykum.


(From Discovering Islam archives)

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With Pilgrims Day by Day Final Days of Hajj (Dhul-Hijjah 11-13)

This article explores the rituals of the final day of Hajj (Dhul-Hijjah 11-13). For a full guide of Hajj rituals, click here.

After finishing the rituals of the first day of Eid, you are done with the major rituals of Hajj – the pillars of Hajj – and therefore you are totally absolved of the state of ihram. These rituals of Hajj remain:

1- Spending two or three nights in Mina

2- Throwing the pebbles

3- Making the Farewell Tawaf

1- Spending Nights in Mina

You have to spend two or three nights following the first day of Eid in Mina. If you intend to spend just two nights in Mina, you have to leave before the Maghrib Prayer of Dhul-Hijjah 12.

Throughout the three days following the first day of Eid, you are not obliged to stay in Mina in the daytime, yet staying in Mina is the sunnah.

These three days are called the Days of Tashreeq. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said,

The Days of Tashreeq are days of eating, drinking, and remembering Allah.” (Muslim)

It is recommended, therefore, that you repeat the Takbir of Eid throughout these days, especially after each prayer.

2- Throwing Pebbles at the Three Jamarat

On each day of Dhul-Hajjah 11-13, you throw pebbles at the three Jamarat, starting with the small Jamarah (Al-Jamarat As-Sughra), then the middle one (Al-Jamarat Al-Wusta), and finally the big Jamarah (Al-Jamarat Al-Kubra).

The time for throwing the pebbles starts from the Fajr Prayer of each day and extends to the next day’s Fajr Prayer.

Some people insist that the time for throwing the pebbles starts after Zhuhr Prayer; this is the opinion of some scholars but it is a weak one. Furthermore, it poses a great difficulty on both pilgrims and Saudi authorities because of the huge number of pilgrims.

Throw seven pebbles into the basin of each Jamarah, saying “Bismillah, Allahu Akbar” when throwing each pebble. After finishing the first Jamarah (the small one), you should stand and supplicate Allah Almighty as long as you can. You should also do so after you finish the second Jamarah (the middle one).

If you plan to spend only two days and nights in Mina, you throw the pebbles on Dhul-Hijjah 11 and 12 only.

3- Making the Farewell Tawaf

Now that you are going to leave the sacred sites, you have to bid farewell to the sacred mosque and refresh your eyes with the sight of the Kabah before departing. This is done by performing Tawaf Al-Wada` (Farewell Tawaf), which you should do immediately before leaving Makkah.

This Tawaf is performed in the same way as Tawaf Al-Ifadah; no idtiba` (exposing the right shoulder) or ramal (jogging) is involved.

You may prefer to delay Tawaf Al-Ifadah until you are about to leave Makkah. This practice is acceptable, but note that the intention of this Tawaf should be that it is Tawaf Al-Ifadah. After finishing it, you need not make another special Tawaf for leaving.

A menstruating woman need not make the Farewell Tawaf so long as she has already made Tawaf Al-Ifadah. But if she has not made Tawaf Al-Ifadah yet, she has to stay until she is pure and performs ghusl (ritual bathing) and then she can make Tawaf Al-Ifadah (which would serve also as the Farewell Tawaf if she leaves directly after it).

If such waiting would pose an unbearable difficulty on her, for example if she would miss her flight, she is allowed to make Tawaf Al-Ifadah even if she has her period.

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World Leaders Send Eid Al-Adha Wishes to Muslim

US President Joe Biden and Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau have joined the chorus of world leaders congratulating the world’s Muslims for Eid Al Adha celebrations.

Stressing the significance of `Eid as a “great holiday” of Islam, Biden conveyed his and Jill Biden’s best wishes to all Muslims celebrating the feast – particularly in the US.

“In the United States, we are proud to be home to millions of Muslims who enrich our nation’s cultural fabric and contribute to our shared prosperity,” Biden said.

📚 Read Also: All About Eid Al-Adha 1443/2022 (Special Collection)

“We value the countless contributions American Muslims make to our society, from education and healthcare to business and public service.” 

Biden added that the presence of Muslim communities strengthens America’s commitment to cultural diversity and religious freedom.

“We value the countless contributions American Muslims make to our society, from education and healthcare to business and public service. Their presence strengthens our commitment to diversity, inclusion, and religious freedom,” he added.

For his part, Canada’s PM Trudeau emphasized that the feast is a source of inspiration as it spreads different values.

“The values at the heart of Eid al-Adha – like sacrifice and giving – are also values at the heart of Islam,” he said.

Trudeau added that the Muslim holiday reflects on shared values of compassion, charity, and community service, recognizing the invaluable contributions Canadian Muslims have made to the country.

“Across the country, Muslim Canadians are stepping up for their communities. Whether it’s volunteering at organizations that support people in need, extending a hand to help your neighbours, or standing up for causes you believe in, Canada is stronger because of you and the contributions you make.”

More Wishes

British PM Rishi Sunak has also sent a message to Muslims on `Eid occasion. 

“As you come together to celebrate, `Eid Al-Adha reminds us of the importance of family, friends and community – as well as the vital role of faith in going above and beyond to make the world a better place for those around us,” he said.

“I want to pay tribute to the incredible contribution the Muslim community makes to the UK. And wish you and your loved ones health and happiness.”

Scotland’s First Minister Hamza Yousuf also wished the Muslims in the country and around the world a happy `Eid.

“For Muslims all over the globe, it is an important time to reiterate the values of devotion, thanksgiving and charity. `Eid Mubarak,” the Pakistani-origin Scottish leader wrote.

United Nations (UN) Secretary-General Antonio Guterres gave his best wishes to the Muslims on the occasion.

`Eid Al-Adha, or “Feast of Sacrifice”, is one of the two most important Islamic celebrations, together with `Eid Al-Fitr.

`Eid begins with special prayers to mark the day. Muslims then offer udhiyah, a ritual that commemorates the great act of sacrifice Prophet Ibrahim and his son Isma`eel.

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Psychology of Love in Islam

The Prophet (SAW) said;

“Whoever possesses the following three qualities will have the sweetness of faith.

  1. The one who Allah and His Prophets become dearer to than anyone else.
  2. The one who loves a person and he loves him only for the sake of Allah.
  3. The one who hates to revert to atheism (disbelief) as he hates to be thrown into the
    fire.” (Bukhari:16)

Allah (SWT) has used the word “love” as a central figure in Islam. We all know that the true meaning of love is complete sacrifice, and also letting go of your ego to be happy for your loved ones in the time of their own happiness.

The Sufis are the best example in this regard. They devote their time for the sake of Allah’s love without any expectation and complaint. Why do they do so?

It is because before our birth, we have taken a promise to love Allah (SWT) more than anyone else.

Allah (SWT) further said:

Allah will surely ascertain who are the believers and who are the hypocrites.


So, as Allah has sent us into this world to prove this claim, when we love our families, be it your wife, mother, father and children, it shouldn’t distract you from loving Allah (SWT).

We should think of this as a triangle, because when we break this triangle and love someone else more than Allah (SWT), then we get frustrated and depressed because we lack the strength to attain the true love of Allah (SWT).

In the same way, Allah said:

I will surely test you just to check if you truly love Me or not.


Thats why Abu Huraira narrated that Allah’s Messenger said;

“If Allah wants to do good to somebody, He afflicts him with trials.”

(Sahih Bukhari: 5645).

Because in difficult times, we get to know, who is honest and who truly loves us. So, in our difficult times, we get this opportunity to prove our claim of loving Allah (SWT) more than anyone else.

And remember, this apportunity is not given to every person except Allah’s favourite ones.

So hold firmly to the rope of Allah which is actually a rope of love. (Al Imran: 103).

As Muslims, have we ever truly and honestly claimed that “O my Allah, I love You more than anyone else and I am happy for Your will in my life, irrespective of the problems and trials You have put me in.

Or is our worldly relationships dearer to us than Allah (SWT). Think of it for a moment?

The Messenger of Allah said:

“It used to be from the supplication of Allah, indeed that I ask You for Your love and the love of those who love You, and for the action that will cause me to attain Your love.

O Allah, make Your love more beloved to me than myself and my family.

(Tirmidhi: 3490).


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7 Traditional Eid Recipes From Around The World (Videos)

Food is an integral part of celebration when it comes to any festival!

And Eid Al-Adha, which literally means the “sacrifice feast”, is celebrated across the world by Muslims preparing traditional Eid Al Adha food.

During Eid al-Adha, meat lovers will enjoy a variety of tasty dishes and amazing smells!

We bring to you 7 mouth-watering traditional Eid dishes from around the world.

Eid Mubarak!

Egyptian Fattah

Slow Cooker Beef Curry

Kabsa Recipe

Lamb Ribs Recipe 

Bukhari Rice 

Baked Beef Kofta Kebab

Pastry Stuffed Beef 

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Why Do We Celebrate Eid?

Have you ever wondered why we celebrate Eid? In this video, Mufti Abdur-Rahman Ibn Yusuf sheds light on the reasons behind observing the celebration of Eid, providing a detailed an explanation about the two Eids.

📚 Read Also: What Are the Rulings and Etiquettes of Eid?

The post Why Do We Celebrate ‘Eid? appeared first on About Islam.


Eidun Mubarak (Nasheed By Muad)

Eidun Mubarak is a festive celebration that harmonizes hearts, rejuvenates faith, and fortifies the bonds of love and compassion. Thrill yourself in this capitvating Eid nasheed by Brother Muad!

📚 Read Also: ‘Eid Takbeer – ‘Eid Mubarak!

📚 Read Also: 4 Easy Eid Desserts You Must Make!

The post Eidun Mubarak – (Nasheed By Muad) appeared first on About Islam.


Dont Feel Like Celebrating This Eid?

Well, you may have some valid reasons behind your feelings:

1- Eid Al-Adha is different from Eid Al-Fitr. Here, you did not fast for 30 days and break your fast on the day of Eid.

There is no change of habits. You don’t get that happiness that accompanies your first breakfast among family and friend after four weeks of fasting.

2- Even on the spiritual side, in Eid Al-Adha you don’t get the sweetness of achievement after fasting Ramadan. Ramadan has been always a turning point in the life of many. The first real test for that change occurs usually on the first day of Shawwal. Once again, we don’t get all of that in Eid Al-Adha.

3- You may have a completely different argument: brother! How can I enjoy my Eid while My Muslim brothers and sisters are suffering? Some people even quote Salah Eddine Al-Ayyubi when he was asked to smile but he said “how can I smile while Al-Aqsa Mosque is a hostage”?

4- In some communities, they even have this weird ritual of not celebrating Eid AT ALL during the next year that follows the death of a close family member (a dad, husband, sister, etc…).

Every Eid season, I hear all these arguments and others; even when I don’t hear them, the same questions get implanted in my head like a virus!!

In this article, we will discuss these questions and show you why it is MANDATORY for you to celebrate and (at least try to) enjoy Eid!

Celebrating the achievement of others

Regarding points 1 and 2, there is no question that Ramadan is a “global” season. It knocks the doors of every believer and wakes up many people from their heedless lazy life. Consequently, Eid Al-Fitr becomes the natural celebration of that achievement.

For Eid Al-Adha, you are basically celebrating the achievement of other Muslims who completed their once-in-a-life-time obligation of Hajj. You are expected to feel happy because other Muslims had the honor to pray next to the Ka`bah, visited the Prophet’s mosque, and stood on the sacred mountain of Arafat.

It is one of these moments when you actually thank Allah for a blessing that was given to others, wonderful, isn’t it?! It is one of these amazing moments when the “I”, “me”, and “mine” melts down into “We”, “Us”, and “ours”. Eid Al-Adha aims at teaching us how to belong to our Muslim Ummah, and directs our attention to that great gathering.

One time a teacher told me a valuable piece of advice: In order to appreciate (or try to understand) the wisdom that Allah placed in certain things: imagine if these things DID NOT exist in the first place! Imagine the Hajj activity without Eid Al-Adha, I am sure that it won’t have the same impact.

People might not even be asking about the day of `Arafah, since there is no Eid after it. The effect of Hajj would have been a local effect to only those who attend the season; it would not have this world-wide significance, due to many factors, majorly Eid Al-Adha..

Bottom Line is: Please feel happy for those Muslims who – hopefully – leave that gathering with all of their sins wiped away, and make sincere supplication for yourself (and for me also, the author of this article) to be granted that honor in future years, God willing!

Celebrating Eid and the challenges of the Ummah

I applaud every brother and sister who feels the bitterness in the lives of others while trying to enjoy theirs. This is a solid proof of their faith; this is a true indication of their brotherhood that is becoming rare in these days.

However, let’s look at the completely opposite side: I know some brothers who became addicted to news about the Muslim world (Syria, Palestine, Iraq, Burma, etc…). They ended up decreasing their performance and productivity at work, with family, and even in Islamic events at their local communities.

I believe that one of the objectives of the Satan is to decrease your goodness and your righteous deeds, especially those that involve helping others.

For certain types of people, Satan can easily trick them into sinning and bad habits. For others, his plan becomes: keep them busy with things that are of interest but THEY CANNOT DO ANYTHING about, instead of them being busy with WHAT THEY CAN ACTUALLY DO.

According to this criterion, it is really important for us to give our souls that break, to enjoy our Eid with Halal fun, to spread that happiness among our family and friends, while being aware of the pains of the Muslim Ummah. Is it difficult?

Yes of course, because people always have a tendency towards extremism, especially when it comes to feelings. They either forget completely about Muslims around the world, or become obsessed with following their news and lose that value time for their selves.

With all due respect to the Muslim figure Salah Eddine and his amazing life, his statement is not a source of legislation in Islam. Only the Quran and the authentic Sunnah can give us that balanced view of life.

Only these two sources can give us that balanced heart that can cause a smile on the face for Eid, while at the same time having a tear in the eye for the calamities of the Muslim Ummah, or for the personal challenges that may happen to someone, such as losses in life, wealth, or property.

At the end of the day, we have to be sure that our happiness in these days is a form of worship, as is exactly our tears and our worries.

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Dont Forget This Manner on Eid Al-Adha

One thing didn’t happen last ‘Eid Al-Adha that I hope I don’t forget to do again this year. It’s the most basic of Islamic manners and was lost on all of us.

A European ‘Eid 

In a small Swedish city called Linköping, I was listening to last year’s ‘Eid khutbah in Arabic. Like many non-Arabic-speaking Muslims, I don’t have Arabic as my first language.

I grew up in an Arabic-speaking country, but my Arabic is still rusty and limited. I use a bilingual Qur’an to understand most of the text, but some I can translate off the top of my head.

There were several gaps in my understanding of the khutbah by our local Moroccan imam. 

I am not so familiar with the Moroccan accent, intonation, and vocabulary.

I was sitting by myself in a packed hall of worshippers from several nationalities and language communities.

The prayers take place in a sports hall of the university, as the smaller mosques in our city do not have enough space.

Everyone sits in an undivided, big hall where we can clearly see the imam from the women’s side.

Eid, as usual, is the day of rejoicing, and in that celebratory vibe, I notice many people wearing their traditional dresse;, some are sitting in groups of friends, most often of one language and ethnicity.

Before the ‘Eid khutbah, the imam addresses the congregation in Swedish, the lingua franca of the Muslim community here. 

What is the language of Muslims?

The second-generation Muslims who are either born or grow up in Sweden communicate in Swedish in their schools, playgrounds, and all other places, including the mosque.

Some recent migrants can use only their ethnic languages; other bilingual and educated migrants can use only English as a lingua franca without being able to use or speak Swedish or Arabic.  

The imam was changing his intonation as he came towards the end of his khutbah and began making du’a.

Those people who understand Arabic raised their hands; others copied them; and yet some others just remembered the intonation and the words “Ya Rabb“.

As soon as the du’a is over, and the prayers start, all the mumbling in Somali, Swedish, Arabic, Urdu, Bengali, and so on ends.

Everyone enters prayer mode with just one language, Arabic, whether they understand it or not.

The end of the prayer and the beginning of what?

The ‘Eid Prayer leader was followed meticulously in actions and words—not a different word, not a different step—until the imam turned his head to the right and then to the left.

He says aloud in a rhythm “Assalamo Alikum Wa Rehmat Ullah” turning his head to the right and then repeating again “Assalamo Alikum Wa Rehmat Ullah“.

People stood up and began hugging each other. 

I was sitting in the middle. People of one language group were on my right, and people of another language group were on my left.

Don't Forget This Manner on 'Eid Al-Adha

The left ones hugged each other, and the right ones hugged each other. I sat there quietly, trying to push a smile onto my face as I stood up. I looked to the person on my left, with whom just minutes ago we were trying to keep our feet together in a safe blockade against Shaytan.

We were so close that I could smell the dark henna in her hands when she raised them following the imam’s calls of “Allah u Akbar“.

When she finally turned her head towards the right shoulder and said, ”Assalamo alikum Wa Rehmat Ullah,” I could feel her breath on my neck.

We were so closely following the steps of our ‘Eid rituals, almost like kids when they play a game together. 

What did the students already forget?

The ‘Eid Prayer almost felt like following the actions of the teacher when you are acting out the nursery rhymes in kindergarten.

We were all facing the Kabah, standing in unison in front of one God—the most beneficent and the most merciful.

What happened after the ritual of the prayers is beyond my understanding.

Shouldn’t such a powerful congregation in unison have some sort of effect on our manners and social interaction? 

I stood there looking at the people’s faces who came from all social classes: educated, not-so-educated, young, old, locals, immigrants, rich, poor, and different ethnicities.

The power and richness of the crowd were overwhelming, but there was something missing too.

As soon as the salah rituals ended, the division of the groups based on languages was somewhat understandable, but people could have easily been inclusive by smiling, greeting, and hugging each other.

We did not even exchange more than the simplest salams, if that.

What I wonder is, are we alone in this misstep? Do you hug and greet people you do not know in your ‘Eid congregations?

From the archives.

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Are You in Canada? Here Are Eid Al-Adha Prayer Locations

As Muslims around the world prepare to welcome `Eid Al-Adha, Canadian Muslims have set different venues for celebrating the religious holiday, organizing large gatherings in Greater Toronto Area.

`Eid Al-Adha, or “Feast of Sacrifice”, is one of the two most important Islamic celebrations, together with `Eid Al-Fitr.

It begins with special prayers to mark the day, Muslims then offer udhiyah, a ritual that commemorates the great act of sacrifice Prophet Ibrahim and his son Isma`eel were willing to make for the sake of Allah.

Here follows a list of main events planned this `Eid as assembled by MuslimLink.

Toronto Region:


Muslim Association of Canada (MAC) Toronto Chapter
Location: Woodbine Park, 1695 Queen Street East, Toronto, ON, Canada M4L 1G7
For details, click here

Madinah Masjid 
Address: 1015 Danforth Ave, Toronto, ON, M4J 1M1
For details, click here

Islamic Information and Dawah Centre 
Address: 1168 Bloor St West, Toronto, ON M6H 1N1
For details, click here

Danforth Islamic Centre 
Location: Dentonia Park, 781 Victoria Park Ave, Scarborough, ON M4C 5S8
For details, click here

Bosnian Islamic Association – Dzamja Mosque 
Address: 122 North Queen St, Toronto, ON M8Z 2E4

Baitul Aman Masjid/ Danforth Community Centre 
Address: 3114 Danforth Avenue, Toronto, ON M1L 1B1

North York

Talim ul Islam Community Centre
Address: 86 Rivalda Rd, North York, ON M9M 2M8
For details, click here

Islamic Society of Toronto 
Address: 4 Thorncliffe Pk. Dr., Toronto, ON, M4H 1H1
For details, click here

Abu Huraira Center
Address: 270 Yorkland Blvd, Toronto, ON M2J 5C9

Albanian Muslim Society of Toronto 
Location: 564 Annette Street, Toronto, ON M6S 2C2

TARIC Islamic Centre
Address: 99 Beverly Hills Dr, North York, ON M3L 1A2

For more locations, click here.

For Greater Vancouver `Eid Al-Adha Prayer Locations 2023, click here.

The post Are You in Canada? Here Are Eid Al-Adha Prayer Locations appeared first on About Islam.
