Without Gender Roles, There Is Chaos

Gender roles are the easiest way to facilitate a healthy, happy marriage. Just like clear, defined positions are the easiest way to run a healthy, successful company. In a large, thriving company, there are specific roles, specialized areas of interest, an intelligent division of labor, and a logical hierarchy and chain of command that provides […]

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source https://muslimskeptic.com/2024/01/01/gender-roles-chaos/

The Shuttering of Muslim Schools in France

Le Monde reports: The Lycée Averroès in Lille has taken a further step towards withdrawing its contract of association with the French state, which has been in force since 2008. The Prefect of the Nord region, Georges-François Leclerc, had summoned the representatives of the private Muslim school to appear, on November 27, before an academic […]

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source https://muslimskeptic.com/2023/12/31/shuttering-muslim-schools-france/

[Book Review] Rejecting Freedom and Progress: The Islamic Case Against Capitalism

Book Review: Rejecting Freedom and Progress: The Islamic Case Against Capitalism, Javed Akbar Ansari, 2016, Shaik Zayed Islamic Centre, University of the Punjab There are very few books that could be considered to be paradigm-shifting and almost absolute in the matters that they touch upon. In terms of original Islamic literature in the English language, […]

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source https://muslimskeptic.com/2023/12/29/rejecting-freedom-progress/

Did Hamas Commit Terrorism? Debunking the Zionist Narrative

Editor’s Note: Due to Zionist lobbying, Hamas is considered a proscribed terrorist group in the US, UK, and several other nations. However, in 2018, the UN rejected a motion to condemn Hamas. The majority of nations consider Hamas to be the legitimate government of the Palestinians. Due to these legal restrictions in the West, at […]

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source https://muslimskeptic.com/2023/12/28/terrorism-zionist-narrative/

APP-ly Ever After? The Search for Halal Love Online

Would you choose your life partner via a match-making app? This is a question that was once so ludicrous it was laughable. Now, however, it is something that is gaining serious traction. Remember the days when meeting someone online was so rare and unusual that anyone who’d actually done it would keep it completely secret, […]

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source https://muslimskeptic.com/2023/12/27/app-ly-ever-after-search-halal-love/

The Invisible Red Line Between “Sexual Freedom” and Polygyny

In a striking turn of events, French women are now confronting a profound reality that has been long ignored: some women actually choose to embrace polygyny. « Si votre mari veut une deuxième épouse, laissez le faire » Ces propos ne viennent pas de vidéos de propagande de talibans mais bien d’une influenceuse « française » qui incite les […]

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source https://muslimskeptic.com/2023/12/26/invisible-red-line-polygyny/

Manufacturing Monsters: Hamas and the Question of Intent

This is a guest post by Abdullah Noorudeen from Coolness of Hind. Disclaimer: In today’s counter-terrorism paradigm, Muslims tend to be presumed guilty. Hence, we make clear that, while acknowledging the biased politicisation of liberation struggles through the legal mechanism of terror legislation and the process of proscription, we do not invite support for any proscribed […]

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source https://muslimskeptic.com/2023/12/24/manufacturing-monsters/

Decolonizing: Mainstream Entertainment Is Destroying Our Souls

In 2016, National Geographic published an article titled “The Changing Face of Saudi Women.” The article examines and details the career of a certain Saudi woman named Noof Hassan. However, it also highlights various subtle markers of the Western lifestyle that had infiltrated Saudi society long before the infamous stream of reforms. One of her […]

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source https://muslimskeptic.com/2023/12/22/decolonizing-entertainment/

French Algeria, RAND Corporation & the War on Terror: A Common Link

The atrocities committed against the Muslims of Algeria by liberal France, RAND Corporation’s “reform of Islam” agenda, and the post-9/11 securitization of Muslims are all phenomena that have been widely discussed. The common thread is, obviously, the brutalization of Muslims—attacking and killing them either physically or, more significantly, spiritually and mentally, by deforming their religion […]

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source https://muslimskeptic.com/2023/12/22/algeria-rand-war-terror/

The Quran, Sirah, and Children

Parents, teach your children Quran and the seerah in tandem. They go together beautifully and produce amazing results inshaAllah. I was teaching my 9-year-old son his new ayah in our homeschool Quran class: إِذْ جَعَلَ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا فِي قُلُوبِهِمُ الْحَمِيَّةَ حَمِيَّةَ الْجَاهِلِيَّةِ   “˹Remember˺ when the disbelievers had filled their hearts with pride—the pride of […]

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source https://muslimskeptic.com/2023/12/22/quran-sirah-children/

AI Virtual Vampires: The Latest Assault on Women’s Beauty

The entire movement of feminism represents a gradual journey towards the objectification of women. This stems from a critical misunderstanding that lies at the very core of feminism: it views patriarchy as something oppressive, while ignoring its role in safeguarding women. Bereft of patriarchy and stripped of this essential protection, women find themselves vulnerable and […]

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source https://muslimskeptic.com/2023/12/20/ai-virtual-vampires/

October 7 Death Toll Updated… Again: How Many Israelis Did Israel Kill?

When it all began, we witnessed swathes of articles surfacing, declaring that 1,400 Israelis were brutally massacred by Hamas on October 7, with some even claiming that all of these were civilians. Next, we saw that 331 from that number were discovered to have been Israeli combatants. Then the total death toll suddenly dropped from […]

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source https://muslimskeptic.com/2023/12/20/oct7-death-toll-updated/

Censorship and Jewish Privilege: The Academic Study of Judaism

Within Western academia, researchers are given freedom to examine the histories of major religions like Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism. However, this is not permissible when it comes to Judaism, which is given a special status. This is partly because university professors and administrators work under heavy pressure from Jewish donors and activist groups who […]

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source https://muslimskeptic.com/2023/12/19/academia-jewish-privilege/

How to Make Sense of the Gaza War as a Muslim Mom

I have been away from social media for the past month and a half or so. Alhamdulillah, all is well with me and the family. I pray that you all have been well this past while. Sorry if I’ve worried anyone–I’ve gotten a few messages from kind sisters expressing concern. With the tragedies unfolding in […]

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source https://muslimskeptic.com/2023/12/19/gaza-war-muslim-mom/

Shocking: Israelis Are Now Questioning Zionist October 7 Narrative

As we continue to witness a bloody and brutal history unfolding before our very eyes, the forces of good and evil continue to make themselves ever apparent to the world. The Palestinian people, our dear Muslim brothers and sisters, are being wiped out on a mass scale. The current death toll in Gaza exceeds 18,600, […]

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source https://muslimskeptic.com/2023/12/19/shocking-israelis-questioning/

The Emotionally Intelligent Muslim Wife

There are many different types of intelligence; emotional intelligence is just one. But it is the type of intelligence in which many women naturally excel. Men tend to have certain types of intelligence: spatial awareness, technical know-how of specific fields, abstract thinking. Women tend to possess a different set of skills: our ability to manage […]

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source https://muslimskeptic.com/2023/12/15/emotionally-intelligent-muslim-wife/

Cultural Marxism… or Cultural Zionism?

A salient characteristic of modernist doctrine is the belief that man is a “rational” being, a sort of Cartesian creature that is able, almost by its very essence, to make sound judgments based on his reason alone. Of course, there is a strategic value to this, as it means that everything has to not only […]

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source https://muslimskeptic.com/2023/12/14/cultural-marxism-zionism/

Revealing: More Zionist October 7 Lies Debunked

What really happened on October 7, 2023? This is an important question that a lot of inquisitive people have been asking—and quite rightly so. Many of us were extremely skeptical of the information that was being shared, particularly since Israel and the Western media are not exactly known for their unbiased dedication to the truth. […]

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source https://muslimskeptic.com/2023/12/13/more-zionist-lies/

Polygyny: A First Wife’s Loving Letter to Her Beloved Sisters

This is a guest post from Bint Yusuf. Just so you know, I write this article as a first wife in a polygamous marriage, narrating my journey in the hope that it may assist and give encouragement to other sisters who find themselves in a similar situation. I state from the very outset that I […]

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source https://muslimskeptic.com/2023/12/12/polygyny-wifes-letter/

Normalizing the Crime of Adultery: Where’s the Outrage?

In reflecting upon the teachings and wisdoms shared by Willard Harley, a renowned couples therapist, a poignant insight emerges. Infidelity is one of the most painful experiences that a betrayed spouse can encounter in life. For most women, it’s even more painful than rape or physical abuse. Now, that’s an astonishing statement, and many people […]

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source https://muslimskeptic.com/2023/12/11/crime-adultery-outrage/

More Israelis Mock Death and Suffering of Palestinian Civilians

Amid the ongoing turmoil of the dire Palestinian struggle, an extremely disturbing trend has arisen on social media. A segment of Israelis, emboldened by their Zionist government’s genocidal actions, are increasingly resorting to unashamed mockery in relation to the grave situation that the Palestinians are facing. 🇵🇸🇮🇱 A trend has swept TikTok where Israeli’s mock […]

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source https://muslimskeptic.com/2023/12/11/israelis-mock/

French Far-Right Thugs Beat and Humiliated by “Immigrants” They Targeted

It seems there may be some difficult days to come for what is being described by some as France’s so-called “civil war.” It all began in the rural French village of Crépol. A group from the French immigrant community, apparently disillusioned with French suburban norms and exemplifying the decline of French culture, had decided to […]

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source https://muslimskeptic.com/2023/12/08/french-far-right-attack/

The Satan of the Rabbis: Tragic Hero and Scholar?

Whenever I intend to write an article for our dear Muslim Skeptic readers, as a gesture of both intellectual probity and respect, I try to do my due diligence in terms of research before committing to pen to paper. This usually entails days of looking up and scouring through material, preferably primary sources, about the […]

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source https://muslimskeptic.com/2023/12/07/satan-rabbis/

Madkhali Government Funding Revealed: The Case of Abu Khadeejah

As I’ve covered for over a year now, the Madkhalis are a deviant group that was created by Saudi and UAE intelligence to trick Muslims worldwide into thinking that Gulf policies, no matter how anti-Islamic, should never be criticized. According to Madkhalis, if you or I criticize these countries for secularizing or for normalizing relations […]

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source https://muslimskeptic.com/2023/12/06/madkhali-gov-funding-abu-khadeejah/

Rising Anti-Semitism: Jewish Diaspora as IDF Human Shields?

We read in an article published in The Guardian a few weeks back: Jewish people in Britain have experienced the worst wave of hate incidents in modern times with more than 1,000 recorded after the Hamas massacres in Israel, experts in countering antisemitism have said.   The Community Security Trust said on Friday it had recorded […]

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source https://muslimskeptic.com/2023/12/06/rising-anti-semitism/

Neocon Douglas Murray Goes Full Hate Preacher

This is a guest post by Abdullah Noorudeen from Coolness of Hind. Douglas Murray’s hateful, vile views are well-known to Muslims. But every so often, we need reminding of just how bad his views are to show the continuity of his later tantrums. Over the years, Murray has: Promoted anti-Muslim conspiracy theories cited by far-right […]

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source https://muslimskeptic.com/2023/12/04/neocon-douglas-murray/

Decolonizing: There Is No Going Back to How Things Were Before Oct 7

It has now been well over a month of mentally and emotionally draining developments in Palestine. And now some Da’is (Muslim religious advocates) are audaciously suggesting that all we can and should do is keep Gaza in our heartfelt Du‘a’s (supplications) and simply return to our normal lives. In response to such people, I’d like […]

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source https://muslimskeptic.com/2023/12/04/decolonizing-oct7/

The Theatre of Musk’s Muddled Moral Compass on Palestine

In the grand old theater of global power, a strange and curious act begins to unfold before our very eyes. The protagonist, none other than the illustrious Elon Musk, finds himself performing a delicate dance of ballet upon the world stage. A tale of financial prowess, tech titan crochets, and the ever-elusive pursuit of free […]

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source https://muslimskeptic.com/2023/12/02/theatre-musks-compass/

Grandfather’s Sorrow: Khaled and His Beloved Granddaughter, Reem

With the endless destruction and desolation resulting from war, the personal stories of those who have tragically lost their lives are often lost beneath the sheer overwhelming weight of numbers. These numbers, utterly dizzying in their magnitude, cause the personal tragedies of such individuals to become somewhat abstract, distancing us from the stark realities of […]

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source https://muslimskeptic.com/2023/11/30/grandfathers-sorrow/

Understanding Why Women Belong in the Home

Women belong in the home. Before you get mad about “misogyny,” let me explain. The home used to be a lovely, warm, productive, beautiful place. Nowadays, the home is mostly empty and still. There was once a time when the home was full and busy, the center of all facets of family life and the […]

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source https://muslimskeptic.com/2023/11/29/women-home/

Argentina and the Netherlands: The Zionist Empire Strikes Back

Largely due to its own horrendous atrocities, the Zionist entity of Israel has propelled itself into a major PR crisis. Public opinion, including within the West, has very quickly and drastically been shifting against the Zionist narrative. Analysts have been sharing their observations regarding the stark reality that, among the younger generations (the so-called Generation […]

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source https://muslimskeptic.com/2023/11/29/argentina-netherlands/

Abandoning the Sublime: How Modern Man Ended Up Depriving Himself of the Sky

We read in Noble Qur’an: Have they not looked at the heaven above them, how [perfectly] We built it and adorned it? Nor has it [even] a [single] flaw. (Qur’an, 50:6) This is an eternal truth: Anyone who merely looks at the sky is in a state of contemplation—you could even call it a state […]

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source https://muslimskeptic.com/2023/11/28/abandoning-sublime/

Science Is Dogmatic: When Scientists Saw a Phantom Planet That Never Existed

This is the third instalment in an ongoing series of articles on the history and philosophy of science. See here for the first and second articles in this series. Religion is dogmatic. Science is not. So goes the common narrative. However, science has various mechanisms in place to protect its theories from falsification. Science is […]

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source https://muslimskeptic.com/2023/11/28/science-is-dogmatic/

Invisible Strings: How Media Narratives Orchestrate Our March to War

Are we, the unwitting audience, part of a grand social play, one that is orchestrated to condition us for an impending global conflict? This is a question that demands our attention as we pull back the complex tapestry of media influence in shaping our world. In a democratic society, the concept of public opinion is […]

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source https://muslimskeptic.com/2023/11/28/invisible-strings/

Douglas Murray Says Muslims Are Marching “Because They Hate Jews”

This is a guest post by Abdullah Noorudeen from Coolness of Hind. Since the onset of the “conflict” in Palestine, it is no exaggeration to say that Douglas Murray, an anti-Muslim neocon hate preacher, has been on a personal rampage of vitriol. In a lurid manifestation of anti-Muslim hate, Murray claims that antisemitism is intrinsic […]

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source https://muslimskeptic.com/2023/11/27/douglas-murray-hate/

Zionist Spiritual Grooming Gangs: Kabbalistic Reading of the Pornography Industry

Ever since Solomon Friedman took control of PornHub, there has been some social commentary related directly to his ethnoreligious background: Friedman is not your average secular Jew. He is an ordained rabbi (also a criminal defense lawyer). Meanwhile, PornHub, the world’s most frequented pornography website, faces heat for its relative indulgence towards non-consensual pornography, sometimes […]

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source https://muslimskeptic.com/2023/11/25/zionist-spiritual-grooming/

Why Does French Secularism Punish Muslims While Rewarding Jews?

Within the realm of public discourse, it is not uncommon for unfounded ideas to emerge and garner traction. One such notion revolves around the concept of French secularism, which is often believed to guarantee religious freedom for all. However, delving into the actual historical background of French secularism reveals a great deal. For instance, how […]

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source https://muslimskeptic.com/2023/11/22/french-secularism-jewish/

Important Academic Resources on the Madkhali Movement

One of the most dangerous and damaging global Islamic movements today is known as the “Madkhali” (or “Jami”) movement. Nevertheless, it is difficult to find credible information on this movement and its history. Here we present key quotations from five peer-reviewed Western academic sources on Madkhalism. These sources are: Michael Farquhar, “Saudi Petrodollars, Spiritual Capital, […]

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source https://muslimskeptic.com/2023/11/21/academic-resources-madkhali/

Kimonos and Qur’an: Japan’s Islamic Cosplay

The persistent conundrum in contemporary discourse often revolves around the execution of Islamic principles: who, in practice, manifests the quintessence of Islam? It is reminiscent of an intellectual contest with contenders from all corners of the world vying for the acknowledgment of their superior piety. I have come across some strange assertions which suggest that […]

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source https://muslimskeptic.com/2023/11/21/kimonos-quran/

Exposing the Joint Israeli-Indian Plan to Genocide Muslims in Palestine and India

Most Muslims are surprised when they see thousands of Hindutvadi Indian social media accounts aggressively promoting Israel and its ongoing genocide of Palestinian Muslims. Muslims think that maybe Hindutvadis are doing this simply because they hate Muslims. But this is a superficial analysis. Both Zionist Israel and Hindutvadi India have already made an agreement to […]

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source https://muslimskeptic.com/2023/11/20/joint-israeli-indian-plan/

October 7: Israel Targeted Civilians at Nova Music Festival, Not Hamas

What exactly transpired on October 7, 2023, is still not entirely clear. What we do know, however, is that the Israeli narrative is wrought with mountains of lies, deception, and disinformation. As the days pass, more and more is slowly becoming apparent regarding what actually happened on that day, much of which was discussed in […]

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source https://muslimskeptic.com/2023/11/20/october-7-civilians/

Does Science Progress Towards Truth?

This article is the second in an ongoing series on the history and philosophy of science. See here for the first article in this series. Imagine a world where everyone is born with orange-tinted glasses. These glasses are permanently attached to your eyes. They are part of your mind, your tool through which you not […]

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source https://muslimskeptic.com/2023/11/19/science-progress/

Ben Shapiro Triggered By Jesus… A Case of Surfacing Talmudic “Feelings”?

Ben Shapiro, the most well-known Jewish nationalist within the USA, has earned himself quite the reputation in conservative circles for his heroic triumphs in debating uninformed college students, and he often caps off his “intellectual” tirade with the catchphrase: “Facts don’t care about your feelings.” But it appears that Shapiro let loose his own personal […]

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source https://muslimskeptic.com/2023/11/16/ben-shapiro-triggered-jesus/

Pro-Palestine Protest: Will Douglas Murray Be Held Accountable for Incitement?

This is a guest post by Abdullah Noorudeen from Coolness of Hind. The Zionist entity has been vociferously propagating its hasbara to “explain away” the mass slaughter of Palestinian civilians. This ranges from hyperbolically framing Hamas as ISIS and the Nazis by sharing the most outrageous fabrications with the world, to invoking Dresden and Hiroshima, failing to realise […]

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source https://muslimskeptic.com/2023/11/15/douglas-murray-extremist/

Aggression and Withdrawal: Deciphering the Morse Code of Marriage

Have you ever found yourself on the other end of the impassioned storm of your wife’s raised voice? For many men, this is perceived as an affront to their masculine pride. They instantly view it as a challenge, a modern-day duel. The raised voice of their beloved spouse appears to them like a declaration of […]

The post Aggression and Withdrawal: Deciphering the Morse Code of Marriage appeared first on Muslim Skeptic.

source https://muslimskeptic.com/2023/11/13/aggression-marriage/

Do You Condemn October 7th?

In this piece, I will be discussing a topic that a lot of people tend to try to avoid, and even if they do speak on it, many simply do not tell the truth. I am speaking, of course, about the topic of jihad (fighting in the cause of Allah). This topic is inextricably tied […]

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source https://muslimskeptic.com/2023/11/11/do-you-condemn/

Identity Crisis: The West’s Tug-Of-War with Anti-Semitism

Yet again, the turbulence in Palestine has ignited, from certain quarters, the embers of a tired and well-worn rhetoric. Islam, they audaciously assert, is innately anti-Semitic. This perspective is not content with merely linking regional activities, like those of Hamas, to the Qur’an. It instead strives to paint a portrait where challenges overseas echo loudly […]

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source https://muslimskeptic.com/2023/11/10/identity-crisis-antisemitism/

Memes To Challenge The Narrative


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source https://muslimskeptic.com/2023/11/08/memes-narrative/

The Secret Zionist Plan to Destroy the Muslim World

The Yinon Plan was first laid out in a 1982 article featured in the Hebrew journal Kivunim (published by the World Zionist Organization’s department of Information in Jerusalem). The article was authored by Oded Yinon – a former advisor to Ariel Sharon (an Israeli general who later became prime minister). The Yinon Plan has played […]

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source https://muslimskeptic.com/2023/11/08/yinon-plan/

The Hoax of Scientism & the Limits of Science

Scientism can be defined as the belief that science is the only method to derive truths about reality and the universe. Delivering an address at the Sheldonian Theater at Oxford in 2013, atheist Richard Dawkins stated: “How do we justify, as it were, that science would give us the truth? It works. Planes fly, cars […]

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source https://muslimskeptic.com/2023/11/07/hoax-scientism/

The Genocidal State of Israel: In Their Own Words

This is a guest post by Abdullah Noorudeen from Coolness of Hind. Since our last article iterating the numerous hoaxes and fabrications propagated through Israeli officials, mainstream media, and pro-Israel activists, a further 6,207 Palestinians have been slaughtered by the Zionist death cult, raising the total count to 10,000. Of this total, over 4,000 (40%) are children. To […]

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source https://muslimskeptic.com/2023/11/07/genocidal-israel/

How Does Hijab Live In Today’s Society?

“Hijab is a Crown of Glory For Women”

This metaphor is not explicitly mentioned in the Qur’an, but it is a metaphor that I often hear from the Muslim community in my country (Indonesia). In my opinion, that is the simplest way to describe hijab, especially to those who don’t know well about Islam.

Islam Treats Women Specially

Talking about women is actually talking about a great civilization. Women have a noble position. They play an important role in forming a generation. The existence of hijab shows that Islam is concerned about this matter, where hijab holds the function of protection.

However, I watched several comments about hijab such as; “hijab hinders women’s freedom”, “hijab is not fashionable” or “hijabis are conservative people who are closed-minded”.

That is understandable, because in this day and age many people hold on to liberal ideology. It shows that people start with different understandings. But, I believe that some of them are trying to show their concern for Hijabis.

Hijab may be irrelevant for some people. Precisely, as a hijabi, I think the existence of
hijab is actually relevant to saving women from the issues that surround them.

I think the relevance is not like a distortion, where when the hijab does not meet the standards in society nowadays, then hijabis do not need to wear it. As a Muslim, my point of view works based on my beliefs. It’s like the main lens for me in seeing things and also be a hold on doing or deciding something.

The belief is whole and it cannot be changed. It can be said that I believe the values in it are true. So, how to see its relevance is based on how the commandments (in this case hijab) are directed to deal with issues in society rather than how society deals with hijab.

Hijab is a Form of Protection

It works like a shield. There have been many stories discovered where women got violence, either physically or psychologically. This is happening more and more nowadays. In this case, hijab prevents women from receiving inappropriate gazes.

It is because hijab covers almost all parts of a woman’s body, so it can hinder them from certain types of people who see women in a lustful way. This will keep women from any kind of harassment to any extent.

Hijab Helps Women Get Inner Peace

Nowadays, we know how bluntly women are required to be perfect. Insecurity is the biggest thing that happens to most young women. For them, there must be a thought that they will be considered worthy if they look a certain way. Actually, it can bring a lot of burdens that can end up hurting them.

In some fields, it is indeed necessary to feel insecure in order to have awareness of self- development.

However, in this case, hijab comes not to cover up the feeling of the shame of a young woman who feels insecure with their body but to teach her the idea that; “you don’t need to feel insecure“. Hijab reminds women in all its glory of “just the way they are”. They are made with glory, so, they are perfect already.

Hijab, an Embodiment of Love, Not Oppression

This is the first and foremost reason for Hijabis. The hijab comes as a form of love from the creator for his creatures, as mentioned in surah al-Ahzab verse 59. For a woman who wears it, it becomes embodiment of love as a creature to her Rabb, which in Islam is known as Taqwa.

For the majority of Muslim women who wear hijab, the decision to wear hijab is made
consciously based on their willingness. So for them, there is no form of oppression at all.

As a hijabi, I want to tell the world that “hijabis are girls too, hijabis are women too”. “Hijab is not just about fashion but an obligation.” So, “Please let those girls wear their hijab peacefully!”

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source https://aboutislam.net/blog/how-does-the-hijab-live-in-todays-society/

Hijab is an Embodiment of Love

Talking about women is actually talking about a great civilization. They play an important role in shaping generations.

Every nation is built from a family, and those who build that family are women. Of course, men take part, but in women’s hands, with their emotional approach, the family would get to live in love and peace.

A strong and sturdy generation will be formed through it. She is like the heart of the family. If the family is good, then society will be good. If she’s broken, then the society is broken.

The existence of the hijab shows that Islam is concerned about women, and hijab holds the function of protection for women.

The simplest way to describe hijab is that it is a “crown” of glory for women. This metaphor is not explicitly mentioned in the Our’an, but it is a metaphor that I often hear from the Muslim community in my country (Indonesia).

Islam places women in a noble position. Just like the treatment of a Queen or Princess in their crown, where not just anyone is allowed to touch them, for hijabis, the same applies, where not just anyone is allowed to touch them. The hijab helps women be more protected and respectable.

Hijabis Love For Hijab

For the majority of Muslim women who wear hijab, their decision is made consciously based on their willingness. It is based on finding inner peace as well.

Hijab comes as a form of love from the creator for his creatures, as mentioned in the Qur’an in Surah al-Ahzab verse 59.

For a Muslim woman who wears it, it becomes the embodiment of love as a creature to her Rabb, which in Islam is known as Taqwa.

Hijab may not be irrelevant to the standards of how women should look in today’s society. As a hijabi, I think precisely the existence of hijab is relevant to saving women from the issues that surround them.

Hijab As Clothing

As clothing, hijab is associated with modesty and protection. In this case, hijab prevents women from receiving inappropriate gazes. It is because hijab covers almost all parts of a woman’s body, so it can hinder certain types of people who see them in a lustful way. This will keep women from any kind of harassment to any extent.

Hijab helps women find inner peace. Nowadays, we know how bluntly women are required to be perfect. Insecurity is the biggest thing that happens to most young women. For example, there must be a thought that they will be considered worthy if they look a certain way. 
Actually, it can bring a lot of burdens that can end up hurting them.

In some fields, it is indeed necessary to feel insecure in order to have awareness of self-development. However, in this case, hijab comes not to cover up the feeling of shame of a young woman who feels insecure about her body, but to make her feel proud.

Hijab reminds Muslim women, in all its glory, that they are made perfectly. Also, it reminds them of “Taqwa”, whose roots are formed from love. It is explainable as “hijab is not just about fashion; hijab is an obligation towards Allah.”

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source https://aboutislam.net/blog/the-hijab-is-an-embodiment-of-love/

Discovering Values Within Hijab

There are some people who view hijab as a kind of limitation or even as an oppression for Muslim women. At some point, it indeed looks like limitations. But as a hijabi, I prefer to call it boundaries.

The meaning of hijab isn’t just portrayed by the headscarf that covers Muslim women’s hair; there are also values and boundaries that Islam teaches through the wearing of hijab.

Personally, getting to know hijab and its meaning made me blown away even more by Islam. I was born into a Muslim family, and they are quite religious but not strict. To be honest, at that time I was doing my duty as a Muslim because my parents told me to, so I followed them, and people in my surroundings did it as well.

So, for me, it wasn’t because of the light. Then, there was the beginning of a period in a difficult time when somehow I started to understand more about Islamic values and their relevance in today’s life.

When I was a kid, I heard the commandment to cover the awrah for Muslim women, and the only reason I get for it is about self-protection. However, as I get older, there is a need to convince myself more so that I can get into the light. So, this is what I discovered regarding hijab:

Forms of Protection

The main function of hijab is as a form of protection. Women are beautiful creatures, but they are easily sexualized by certain types of people. Also, there have been many stories discovered where women experienced violence, either physically or psychologically.

The commandment of wearing hijab only allows women to show their face and palms, so it will prevent women from receiving inappropriate gazes from the opposite sex.

This will keep women from any kind of harassment to any extent. Hijab says, “You don’t need to feel insecure.

Insecurity is the biggest thing that happens to most young women. Especially regarding their physical appearance. Nowadays, we know how bluntly women are demanded to be perfect. Social standards arise and make it worse. Personally, as a woman, I feel it, and so do the women around me.

For a woman, there must be a thought that we will be considered worthy if we look a certain way. Actually, it can bring a lot of burdens that can end up hurting them.

In Surah At-Tin verse 4, we have been reminded that,

Indeed, we created humans in their best form.

We were created in the best form, and there is no need to doubt that because Allah (SWT) already says it in that verse. As a Muslim woman, remembering the preciousness with which Allah has helped me put my focus on the inner aspects is very important.

Hijab comes to this issue not to make women hide their insecurity about their body parts and keep a feeling of shame about it, but to teach women the idea of accepting themselves and being just the way they are. It says that “you don’t need to feel insecure”, because you have been created in the best form.

Leadership Value

Hijab might look opposite to the idea of how women should look in modern society nowadays. However, Muslim women choose to do so because the hijab has become a symbol of worshipping Allah (SWT) for Muslim women as well.

Furthermore, the dos and don’ts that Islam teaches can help women walk in society. It is because of the boundaries that they know how to control themselves. Living in society and understanding the issues in it makes more sense to me.

The reason women need to get protection emotionally, physically, and mentally is because women play an important role in forming the next generation. If a woman is broken, then the next generation will not develop well and may not even exist.

When women cannot get protection from their surroundings, Allah brings hijab in so that women can also learn about protection itself. What does it feel like in hijab? Metaphorically, hijab became a symbol of how Allah treats women gracefully and respectfully. He bestows crowns on them, like queens and princesses.

Women are special ones that need to be protected. They deserve to feel that way. So, as a hijabi, it feels like a queen or a princess.

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When Hardships Lead Us to Allah – A Convert’s Story

The dunya where we live is not a perfect place that is free of sadness or hardships.

Pain is a part of life that all of us have to go through in different ways.

Alhumdulillah, pain is not a constant value but rather a series of ups and downs.

People deal differently with difficult times that they go through.

Some of us adamantly refuse to give up no matter how much we get hurt- those types are always able to stand up again. But others easily give up and quickly lose hope.

Today’s story is about one of those who never give up; who always realize that there is a god who can change sadness into happiness; and darkness into light.

John Coster is an average Irish Christian man who lived a stable normal marital life with his wife and his sons.

His life was full of happy and sad moments like anyone’s. After 12 years of marriage, everything changed for the worse and the gap between him and his wife started to increase gradually. 

After another 12 years of patience and several attempts to fix his relationship with his wife, he realized that his family would not return to the way it was before. They decided to break up. 

Coster felt lost after he lost his family- his wife and his four sons.

He realized how much he had become totally alone.

But all those negative feelings and all that pain he went through were actually a gift because they made him rethink everything in his life.

He reconsidered everything: his beliefs, his role in life, his relationships with himself and with others.

One day, he felt that he wanted to go to church to put all that he felt, his weaknesses, before God and to ask Him to help him find his way, give him the strength and guide him in the right direction.

With tears streaming down his face he said “God I’m lost and broken and I need guidance and help now more than ever. Please help and guide me back to you please”.

Two weeks later, Coster purchased a Qur’an from a local bookstore and kept it at his bed.

“It was in my mind to do so though I don’t know why as a Catholic I would buy a Qur’an but I did.” he said.

It was the last two weeks of Ramadan, and he started to read the Qur’an, reading about fasting through social media posts the Muslims were sharing, and he became interested in Islam and Muslims, so he wanted to see if the negative image of Islam portrayed by Western media was fake or not.

On the day of Eid Al -Fitr Coster went on a bus trip to visit a mosque.

When the time was up, he found himself keep going forward instead of going back to the bus.

He looked like someone who had lost something and was looking for it.

At that moment, a guy from the mosque asked him what he was looking for, and Coster answered him, “I want to become a Muslim.”

Straightaway, the guy took him inside the mosque to take Shahada.   

“So I took the steps I was urged to take and it all came down to this moment when I repeated the shahada as I was told, and I felt such peace and calmness it,” Coster added.

“Embracing Islam is the most important decision I have ever made in my whole life, and  I will never regret it because Allah SWT chose me that horrible night and saved me from death and offered me a beautiful gift in Islam and I’m finally happy again Alhamdulillah,” he continued, expressing his gratitude to Allah.

This was a story of a man who succeeded in beating depression, and the dark times that he had lived through after he broke up with his wife led him to Allah instead of leading him to alcohol, drugs or even to suicide.

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source https://aboutislam.net/blog/when-hardships-lead-us-to-allah-a-converts-story/

Indiana Mosque Delivers 1,000 Meals to Homeless

Volunteers from a local mosque in South Bend, Indiana, joined hands to prepare and deliver 1000 meals to local homeless shelters.  

Saturday’s event was the result of cooperation between the Islamic Society of Michiana and Pious Projects of America.

Volunteers collected donations and prepared meals at Saturday’s event for those in need, WSBT 22 reported.

📚 Read Also: York Mosque Hosts Community Kitchen to Feed the Needy

Islam encompasses the concepts of community service in its morals. Showing kindness to people and charity to the less fortunate are the most emphasized moral virtues in the Qur’an.

The Prophet (saw) said, ‘He is not a believer whose stomach is filled while his neighbor goes hungry’. [Bukhari]

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source https://aboutislam.net/muslim-issues/n-america/indiana-mosque-delivers-1000-meals-to-homeless/

Muslim Athletes Stand in Solidarity with Palestine

As many western media continue to side with Israel in its ongoing war on Gaza, many Muslim celebrities, especially athletes, have not compromised on their values and have publicly shown their support for the Palestinian people and the people of Gaza.

Thes following are just a few examples of the athletes who have shown support for the people of Gaza.

📚 Read Also: Muslim, Arab Athletes Demand Respect for Palestinian Civilians

Karim Benzema

Al Ittihad striker, former Real Madrid captain, Ballon d’Or winner, and football legend Karim Benzema has recently shown his support for Gaza. He wrote a post on Twitter in French, which translates to:

“All our prayers for the people of Gaza, once again victims of these unfair bombardments that do not even spare women and children.”

📚 Read Also: 6-Year-Old Palestinian Boy Murdered in Chicago Hate Attack

Mohamed Elneny

Arsenal midfielder Mohamed Elneny has shown his support for Palestine, changing his profile picture on Instagram to the Palestinian flag.

Khabib Nurmagomedov

Undefeated MMA legend, Khabib Nurmagomedov, has repeatedly been reposting pro-Palestine Instagram posts on his story.

He also recently posted an Islamic reminder on his account captioning the post “Palestinians – numbers never matter, when Allah is with you”. 

Ahmed Hassan Kouka

Ahmed Hassan Kouka, an Egyptian professional footballer who plays as a striker for Turkish club Pendikspor and the Egypt national team, also sent a powerful support message to the Palestinians on his different accounts on social media.

Riyad Mahrez

Riyad Mahrez, Al Ahly winger, former Manchester City player and Algerian national team star, also posted a picture of him posing with the Palestinian flag, after Algeria’s most recent 5-1 victory over Cape Verde, alongside fellow Algerian teammates Ahmed Touba of the Italian Lecce and Said Benrahma of West Ham United.

Mostafa Mohamed

Nantes’ striker Mostafa Mohamed also changed his profile picture on Instagram to the Palestinian flag, in a clear support message for Palestinian civilians being killed in ongoing war.

The number of Palestinians killed in Israeli airstrikes in Gaza has risen to 2,670, the local Health Ministry said Sunday.

In a statement, the ministry said that 750 children were among the dead. The number of wounded has risen to 9,600, it said.

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source https://aboutislam.net/muslim-issues/sports/muslim-athletes-stand-in-solidarity-with-palestine/

Fear and Sadness: The Two Biggest Burdens for Humans

Fear and sadness are the biggest burdens for humans, and Allah (SWT) knows this. But when we truly believe in Allah, He will help us overcome these hurdles. Click this video to find out more from Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan as he shares what these fears and sadness are all about and how we can overcome them.

📚 Read Also: Turn Your Fears Into Dua: Yasmin Mogahed

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source https://aboutislam.net/multimedia/videos/fear-and-sadness-the-two-biggest-burdens-for-humans/

6-Year-Old Palestinian Boy Murdered in Chicago Hate Attack

  • Wadea Al-Fayoume was stabbed 26 times in the heinous attack
  • Children and senior citizens accounted for almost 60 percent of casualties in Gaza. 

Joining hundreds of Palestinian kids brutally murdered in Israeli war on Gaza, a Palestinian-American 6-year-old boy has been stabbed to death and his mother seriously wounded after being attacked by a 71-year-old landlord.

The mother, Hanaan Shahin, and her son Wadea Al-Fayoume had lived on the ground floor of the house for two years with no previous notable issues with the landlord, reported as 71-year-old Joseph Czuba. 

📚 Read Also: Gaza Tragedy: A Step Closer to the Apocalypse

According to written text messages reportedly sent to the father of the boy by the mother from the hospital and shared with the Chicago office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-Chicago), the landlord knocked on their door, and when she opened, he tried to choke her and proceeded to attack her with a knife, yelling “you Muslims must die!”.

When she ran into the bathroom to call 911, she came out to find that he had stabbed her six-year-old son to death.

The boy, who was stabbed 26 times with a serrated knife with a seven-inch blade, was pronounced dead at a hospital, according to the Will County Sheriff’s Office in Joliet, Ill.

“Our hearts are heavy, and our prayers are with the darling boy and his mother,” said Ahmed Rehab, CAIR-Chicago Executive Director in a statement

“As we await the official investigation of the local authorities, what we can confirm at the moment is that we have a murdered child in his own home, a six-year who had just celebrated his birthday a couple of weeks ago, and a mother lying in the hospital in serious condition, both stabbed over a dozen times.”

Hate Crime

Rehab said that CAIR had testimony from the surviving mother as to how the incident unfolded.

“We have full confidence in the authorities to investigate this heinous incident as a hate crime and to do so swiftly,” he said in the statement.

The man accused in the attack, Joseph M. Czuba, has been charged with first-degree murder, attempted first-degree murder, two counts of a hate crime and aggravated battery with a deadly weapon in what the Sheriff’s Office described as a “senseless and cowardly act of violence.”

More than 2,450 Palestinian civilians have been killed by Israel’s indiscriminate bombing on Gaza, Palestinian authorities say, with an estimated 1,000 missing under rubble.

Children and senior citizens accounted for almost 60 percent of casualties. 

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source https://aboutislam.net/muslim-issues/world/6-year-old-palestinian-boy-murdered-in-chicago-hate-attack/

Story of Makkah’s Brutal Embargo against Early Muslims

During the Makkah period of the Prophet’s message, four events of special significance occurred:

1- the conversion of Hamzah,

2- the conversion of Umar,

3- the Prophet’s refusal to negotiate any sort of compromise with Quraish,

4- and then the pact drawn up between the families of Banu Al-Muttalib and Banu Hashim. The pact was drafted to protect the Prophet (peace be upon him) against any treacherous attempt to kill him.

The polytheists were at a loss as to what course they would follow to stop the Prophet. They had already been aware that if they killed him, civil war would break out. Also blood would surely flow profusely in the valleys of Makkah.

Taking this dreadful prospect into consideration, they grudgingly resorted to a different wicked course that would not imply murder.

The pagans of Makkah held a meeting in a place called the Al-Muhassab valley. They also formed a confederation hostile to both Bani Hashim and Bani Al-Muttalib. They decided not to have any business dealings with them nor any sort of inter-marriage.

Social relations, visits and even verbal contacts with Muhammad (PBUH) and his supporters would discontinue until the Prophet was given up to them to be killed.

Bagheed ibn ‘Amir ibn Hashim wrote the articles of their proclamation, which had provided for merciless measures against Bani Hashim. The Prophet (PBUH) invoked Allah against Bagheed, whose hand was later paralyzed. (Ibn Al-Qayim, Zad Al-Ma`ad)

Abu Talib took stock of the situation and decided to withdraw to a valley on the eastern outskirts of Makkah. Families of Banu Hashim and Banu Al-Muttalib, who followed suit, were thus confined within a narrow pass (Shi`b of Abu Talib). This was from the beginning of Muharram, the seventh year of the Prophet’s mission till the tenth year; that is, a period of three years.

Suffering intensifies

It was a stifling siege. They almost stopped the supply of food and the people in confinement faced great hardships.

The idolaters used to buy whatever food commodities entered Makkah lest they should leak to the people in Ash-Shi`b. Muslims had to eat leaves of trees and skins of animals.

People heard the cries of little children suffering from hunger. Nothing to eat reached them except of some meager quantities of food smuggled by some compassionate Makkans on few occasions.

During ‘the sacred months’ — when hostilities traditionally ceased, they would leave their confinement and buy food coming from outside Makkah. Even then, merchants unjustly raised the price of food stuff; so that the Muslims’ financial situation would fall short of finding access to it.

Hakim Ibn Hizam was once on his way to smuggle some wheat to his aunt Khadijah when Abu Jahl intercepted him and wanted to debar him. Only when Al-Bukhtari intervened, did Hakeem manage to reach his destination.

Unshakable determination

Abu Talib was so much concerned about the personal safety of his nephew. Whenever people retired to sleep, he would ask the Prophet to lie in his place; but when all the others fell asleep, he would order him to change his place and take another. This was just an attempt to trick a potential assassin.

📚 Read Also: Seerah Of Prophet Muhammad – Conversions Of Omar & Hamza Plus Boycott

Despite all odds, Prophet Muhammad persisted in his line; his determination and courage never weakened. He continued to go to Al-Kabah and to pray publicly.

The Prophet used every opportunity to preach to outsiders who visited Makkah for business or on pilgrimage.

The post Story of Makkah’s Brutal Embargo against Early Muslims appeared first on About Islam.

source https://aboutislam.net/shariah/prophet-muhammad/his-life/when-islamophobes-boycotted-the-prophet-and-whole-muslim-community/