Prophet Moses’ (PBUH) Powerful Dua to Allah

Prophet Moses (PBUH) had a very difficult mission. He had to confront Pharaoh and educate him about Allah. Here is the powerful dua to Allah from Prophet Moses.


Supplicate with His Names: 5 Tips to Take Your Dua to the Next Level

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Dhikr – How Should We Remember God?

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:

Do not talk too much without remembering and mentioning Allah, for too much talk without mentioning Allah hardens the heart, and the person farthest from Allah is the one with a hard heart. (At-Tirmidhi)

Subhan Allah (glory to Allah) – our heart hardens when we do not remember God. The heart’s nourishment is the remembrance of God, and when we fail to remember Him, it is no wonder that we feel down for no apparent reason.

The Muslim Scholar, Ibn al-Qayyim stated:

“In the heart there is hardness which can only be softened by remembrance of God. So the slave must treat the hardness of his heart with the remembrance of God.”

For those of us who feel that Islam itself has become heavy upon us, look at the answer the Prophet Muhammad  gave to a man who said:

“O Messenger of Allah, the laws of Islam seem to be a lot for me (to remember), so tell me something that I should stick to.”

The Prophet replied:

Let your tongue never cease to be moist with the remembrance of Allah. (At-Tirmidhi)

And what is the effect of this remembrance? Dhikr acts as a polish for the hearts from its rust, and causes us to be remembered by God the Most High. God tells us in this amazing hadith qudsi:

I am to my servant as he expects of Me, I am with him when he remembers Me. If he remembers Me in his heart, I remember him to Myself, and if he remembers me in an assembly, I mention him in an assembly better than his… (Al-Bukhari and Muslim)

So What Exactly Is Remembrance?

Remembrance of God includes specified dhikr (such as saying subhan’Allah, la ilaha ila Allah, etc.). It is also anything you do related to God or mentioning God. Anything that you do with God in mind is within the realm of dhikr.

Ways of Dhikr

Let’s get more specific. What are the things we can do that are included in dhikr?


When we do good, we must always try to be conscious of the fact that we are doing it for God. Talk to God as you are doing the good deed, ask Him to accept it from you, and to enable you to do more good. Add intentions – such as doing it for God, following the Sunnah, helping fellow Muslims and people – the more you remember God, the more He will remember you. And inevitably you will feel that in your life.

Remember, when we do good, we need to do good with the heart. We probably do certain things anyway – such as giving charity here and there, making du`a… But we do them without heart, without any feeling or emotion that this is for God. We need to do these things knowing that in them is a cure for what is in our hearts, and that when we feel down, we go to these things – whether it is helping out others or pleading with God in our sujud (prostration).

Turning to Him

Whoever comes to me walking, I go to him at speed. (Al Bukhari)

It is impossible for you to turn to God and He rejects you. Look at all these hadiths on those who return to Him:

Allah is happier when a servant of His repents to Him than a man who was on his camel in a waterless desert and the camel escaped from him with his food and water. When he has lost hope of finding it, he retired to a tree and lied down under its shade. As he was there, the camel suddenly appeared in front of him. He took hold of its halter and said in his state of excessive joy: ‘O my Lord You are my servant and I am Your Lord.’ He uttered this erroneous statement as a result of his being overjoyed. (Muslim)

God says in a beautiful hadith qudsi (sacred hadith):

O son of Adam, so long as you call upon Me and ask of Me, I shall forgive you for what you have done, and I shall not mind… (At Tirmidhi)

Remember Allah during times of ease and He will remember you during times of difficulty. (At Tirmidhi)

Thanking Him

And [remember] when your Lord proclaimed, ‘If you are grateful, I will surely increase you [in favor]… (14: 7)

Thanking is recognizing and appreciating. The more you see how God has blessed you, you see His presence in your life and this in itself should create a certain soothing of the heart.

Take the time out every evening to thank God for the blessings in your day – not only will you be overwhelmed because you will never be able to enumerate them, but you will truly recognize God’s presence in your life.

Daily Word

And remember your Lord much and exalt [Him with praise] in the evening and the morning. (3: 41)

We know that the Prophet Muhammad always remembered God. This is why we have du’a and dhikr for almost everything we do: from entering into the restroom to what to say when someone compliments us.

The Prophet also had specific remembrances that he said every morning and every evening. Each of these words and phrases are precious – not only do they polish your heart and cleanse them of their disturbances, but the Prophet would say them for protection, and that in itself should give us peace of mind and heart. Yaqeen (certainty) is so important – if the Prophet has told us that saying certain words will have an effect – we should have no doubt.

We should take the time to understand these words, so that they truly enter our hearts.


May Allah make us of people:

…who remember Allah while standing or sitting or [lying] on their sides and give thought to the creation of the heavens and the earth, [saying], “Our Lord, You did not create this aimlessly; exalted are You [above such a thing]; then protect us from the punishment of the Fire. (3: 191)

 Source: Suhaib

(From Discovering Islam archive)

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Best Things to Do in the 10 Best Days of the Year

It is indeed God’s benevolence upon His slaves that, not long after the holy month of Ramadan bids them adieu for a whole year, a similar ten-day period full of blessings, mercy and opportunities for earning great rewards arrives.

This period occurs at the start of the month of Dhul Hijjah, which means, in Arabic, “the one of the hajj”.

God has indicated the greatness of these ten days (and nights) by taking an oath by them in the Quran:

By the dawn; by the ten nights. (89:1-2)

Ibn ‘Abbas, Ibn al-Zubayr, Mujahid and others said that this verse refers to the first ten days of Dhul Hijjah.

Ibn ‘Abbas reported that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said:

There are no days in which righteous deeds are more beloved to Allah than these ten days. (Al-Bukhari)

Joining the Pilgrims in Good Deeds

There are special times in the lunar Islamic calendar in which Muslims the world over unite in worship. Dhul Hijjah is the last month of the lunar calendar year. It is the month in which all those Muslims who intend to perform the annual pilgrimage begin to arrive in Makkah.

The rites of hajj include certain restrictions in the state of ihram as well as other rituals of worship which even those Muslims around the world, who are not performing it, can join their pilgrim brothers and sisters in doing, such as not cutting hair and nails, happily sacrificing an animal, and doing extra good deeds such as reciting takbirs (verbal proclamation of the greatness of God).

In this way, the first ten days of Dhul Hijjah become a special; it’s a cherished period of time in which the entire, globally scattered Muslim ummah (nation) unites in worship once again, just as they did during Ramadan.

Another aspect of Dhul Hijjah that is worthy of being pointed out, is the revival of the spirit of unswerving monotheistic belief that was embodied by the actions of Prophet Ibrahim.

Circumambulating the ka’bah in Makkah, praying at the Maqam Ibrahim, walking between mounts Safa and Marwah, stoning the jamarat, sacrificing an animal, and reciting takbirs, all recall the meaningful and legendary events that took place in the life of Prophet Ibrahim and his family (Ismail and Hajar) as they passed test after test that God sent their way, most of which God has commanded us to symbolically replicate during these first ten days of Dhul Hijjah.

There are several ways that Muslims around the world who are not performing hajj can make the most of this precious ten-day at the start of Dhul Hijjah to perform good deeds.

Hajj: Once in a Lifetime Obligation

In order to make them feel included in the spirit of hajj, Prophet Muhammad has encouraged the non-pilgrim Muslims to partake in good deeds where ever they are in the world, in order to promote an air of righteousness that permeates the entire population of Muslims, culminating in the ubiquitous Eid celebration.

Fasting, Especially on the Day of Arafah

Any good deed that is done during these ten days carries immense rewards.

Fasting on the day in which the pilgrims gather in the plain of Arafah and ask God for forgiveness is a sunnah. Prophet Muhammad used to fast on this date every year. Fasting on the day of Arafah expiates for the sins of the preceding year, as well as the year to come, by God’s Will.

Prophet Muhammad said:

The observance of three days’ fast every month and that of Ramadan every year is equivalent to fasting for the entire year. I seek from Allah that fasting on the day of ‘Arafah may atone for the sins of the preceding and the coming years; and I seek from Allah that fasting on the day of ‘Ashura’ may atone for the sins of the preceding year. (Muslim)

Sacrifice: Reviving Abraham’s Sunnah of Submission to God

Sacrificing an animal on the 10th. of Dhul Hijjah is recommended for all those Muslims who are able to afford the price of a sacrificial animal (or that of a part of a larger animal).

One sacrifice is enough for the whole household where a family resides; but if any of the individual members happily offer their own separate sacrifice, it is better and worthy of more reward:

Al-Tirmidhi narrated that ‘Ata’ ibn Yasar said, “I asked Abu Ayub:

“How was the sacrifice done at the time of the Messenger of Allah?”

He said:

“A man would offer a sheep on behalf of himself and the members of his family, and they would eat some and feed others with some.”

Further, the one who intends to offer a sacrifice, whether man or woman, should refrain from cutting their hair, nails or any part of their skin once the Dhul Hijjah moon is sighted:

Narrated Umm Salamah that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said:

When you see the new moon of Dhu’l-Hijjah, if one of you wants to offer a sacrifice, let him refrain from (cutting) his hair and nails. (An-Nasa’i)

The wisdom behind this prohibition is to inculcate a higher level of taqwa (consciousness of God) in those Muslims who intend to offer a sacrifice on Eid Al Adha.

Dhikr: Takbir, Tahlil and Tahmid

The Prophet and his companions used to recite Allahu Akbar, Subhan Allah and Alhamdulillah loudly and frequently (individually, not in unison) throughout the first ten days and nights of Dhul Hijjah, right up until Eid prayer.

Since these are the best days of the entire year for a Muslim, both pilgrims and those who are not performing hajj, seemingly ‘idle’ moments during them can also be spent in doing a very easy act of worship – dhikr.

Reciting the above recommended verbal proclamations of takbir, tahlil and tahmid will bring great reward and the pleasure of God during these days.

A good way to ensure that one recites these adhkar throughout the day, is to play them on the CD player; or via the Internet on one’s computer at home, in the car, or while working out.

Conclusion: Increase Supererogatory Good Deeds

The ten best days of the year are here. Try to make the intention to spend them in repenting for all the sins you’ve committed in your life; and in doing as many supererogatory good deeds as you can.

Examples of good deeds besides the ones already mentioned above in this article, are:

Reciting the Quran and pondering upon its meanings with the intention of improving one’s actions and increasing one’s faith; discharging zakah and sadaqah; feeding others; praying the late night prayer in the last third of the night; praying the sunnah prayers after sunrise; greeting or meeting close kin and other relatives; forgiving those who have wronged you, and relinquishing all activities and hobbies that waste time or increase the love of the world.

(From Discovering Islam’s archive)

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Hoping for the Best without Doing your Best?

Are you hoping for the best without doing your best? What does it mean to truly believe in Allah’s mercy? 

Sh. Yahya Ibrahim warns about a major sin many of us often fall into; hoping for His mercy without taking any steps towards change.

This doesn’t work. We are accountable to Allah (swt). You can’t say that you hope in Allah’s (swt) mercy, but not try to make any effort to change. 

Allah tells us He is the most forgiving but also the one who has the most severe punishment.  We must ask Allah for forgiveness and try to change our life. There has to be a commitment that goes beyond hope.

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Mesmerizing Description of Hajj by a Jewish Convert to Islam

Muhammad Asad (1900-1992), born into an Austrian Jewish family as Leopold Weiss, embraced Islam in 1926 after living and working in the Middle East for several years as a journalist.

Known as “Europe’s gift to Islam”, Asad built up a long list of achievements for himself, including a very popular translation of the Qur’ān into the English language.

Asad was a gifted writer, and in his book The Road to Mecca (1952), he left vivid and moving descriptions of Hajj.

The following mesmerizing paragraphs represent an excerpt from this book.

Please note that very slight edits have been made for clarity.

The Ka’bah

This… was the Ka’bah, the goal of longing for so many millions of people for so many centuries. 

To reach this goal, countless pilgrims had made heavy sacrifices throughout the ages; many had died on the way; many had reached it only after great privations; and to all of them this small, square building was the apex of their desires, and to reach it meant fulfillment.

There it stood, almost a perfect cube (as its Arabic name connotes) entirely covered with black brocade, a quiet island in the middle of the vast quadrangle of the mosque: much quieter than any other work of architecture anywhere in the world.

 It would almost appear that he who first built the Ka’bah—for since the time of Abraham the original structure has been rebuilt several times in the same shape—wanted to create a parable of man’s humility before God. 

The builder knew that no beauty of architectural rhythm and no perfection of line, however great, could ever do justice to the idea of God: and so he confined himself to the simplest three-dimensional form imaginable—a cube of stone. […]

All these [architectural wonders] I had seen—but never had I felt so strongly as now, before the Ka’bah, that the hand of the builder had come so close to his religious conception.

In the utter simplicity of a cube, in the complete renunciation of all beauty of line and form, spoke this thought: ‘Whatever beauty man may be able to create with his hands, it will be only conceit to deem it worthy of God; therefore, the simplest that man can conceive is the greatest that he can do to express the glory of God’.

A similar feeling may have been responsible for the mathematical simplicity of the Egyptian pyramids—although there man’s conceit had at least found a vent in the tremendous dimensions he gave to his buildings.

But here, in the Ka’bah, even the size spoke of human renunciation and self-surrender; and the proud modesty of this little structure had no compare on Earth.

There is only one entrance into the Ka’bah—a silver-sheathed door on the northeast side, about seven feet above ground level, so that it can only be reached by means of a movable staircase which is placed before the door on a few days of the year.

The interior, usually closed (I saw it only on later occasions), is very simple: a marble floor with a few carpets and lamps of bronze and silver hanging from a roof that is supported by heavy wooden beams.

Actually, this interior has no special significance of its own, for the sanctity of the Ka’bah applies to the whole building, which is the qiblah—that is, the direction of prayer—for the entire Islamic world.

It is toward this symbol of God’s Oneness that hundreds of millions of Muslims the world over turn their faces in prayer five times a day.

The Black Stone

Embedded in the eastern corner of the building and left uncovered is a dark-coloured stone surrounded by a broad silver frame.

This Black Stone, which has been kissed hollow by many generations of pilgrims, has been the cause of much misunderstanding among non-Muslims, who believe it to be a fetish taken over by Muhammad (s) as a concession to the pagan Makkans.

Nothing could be farther from truth. Just as the Ka’bah is an object of reverence but not of worship, so too is the Black Stone. It is revered as the only remnant of Abraham’s original building; and because the lips of Muhammad (s) touched it on his Farewell Pilgrimage, all pilgrims have done the same ever since.

The Prophet was well aware that all the later generations of the faithful would always follow his example: and when he kissed the stone he knew that on it the lips of future pilgrims would forever meet the memory of his lips in the symbolic embrace he thus offered, beyond time and beyond death, to his entire community. 

And the pilgrims, when they kiss the Black Stone, feel that they are embracing the Prophet and all the other Muslims who have been here before them and those who will come after them.

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Ne Gâchez Pas Les Dix Jours Les Plus Précieux De Dhoul-Hijja

La nouvelle saison du Hajj est là !   Elle commence avec le mois de Dhoul-Hijja. Les dix premiers jours de ce mois sont d’une valeur inestimable. Ils constituent une occasion en or pour les musulmans. L’opportunité leur est offerte pour recevoir d’innombrables bénédictions, tout en cherchant à plaire à Allah (Soubhanahou Wa Ta`âla).

Ces jours s’avèrent être tellement importants. Ainsi, selon le Prophète (Salah Allah Alayhi Wa Sallam), la rétribution de toute œuvre pie accomplie au cours desquels, dépassera de loin celle de toute autre jamais faite.

En réponse à ses compagnons lui ayant demandé : «Ô Messager d’Allah ! (Ces jours) sont-ils encore mieux rétribués que le djihad dans la voie d’Allah?», le Prophète (Salah Allah Alayhi Wa Sallam) a répondu:

« Pas même le djihad, exception faite de (la rétribution réservée) à l’homme, ayant exposé sa vie et ses biens au danger, ne revient avec aucun des deux. » (Boukhârî)

L’Opportunité de Dhoul-Hijja

Donc, aux musulmans de saisir l’opportunité offerte au cours de ces 10 jours de Dhoul-Hijja. Qu’ils recherchent le pardon auprès de leur Créateur (Soubhanahou Wa Ta`âla) et se rapprocher de Lui. Même si les actes d’adoration accomplies surérogatoirement dites Sunna, sont facultatives, ces jours précieux devraient ne pas être gâchés ou dilapidés dans l’oisiveté.

Ces jours doivent être saisis comme un fruit trop mûr, suspendu à un arbre et prêt à éclater. En fait, Allah (Soubhanahou Wa Ta`âla) a donné à l’humanité tant d’occasions pour parvenir au salut et atteindre le succès dans ce monde d’ici-bas tout comme dans l’au-delà.

Malheureusement, le tumulte et l’agitation de la vie quotidienne sont chèrement payés par de nombreux musulmans. En fait, ils donnent parfois la priorité à leurs autres activités et préoccupations mondaines au détriment du culte sincère voué à Allah (Soubhanahou Wa Ta`âla).

Réclamez le prix de Dhoul-Hijja et passez ces 10 premiers jours dans le culte dévot d’Allah (Soubhanahou Wa Ta`âla).

Il existe surtout plusieurs façons pour faire compter chaque heure, chaque minute et chaque seconde de ces 10 jours de Dhoul-Hijja.

1- Le Jeûne

Depuis peu, nous avons fait nos adieux au mois de Ramadan. Mais, encore une fois, les musulmans retrouvent une excellente occasion pour jeûner, et ce pour leur propre bénéfice.

Le Prophète (Salah Allah Alayhi Wa Sallam) observait le jeûne pendant les neuf premiers jours de Dhoul-Hijja, surtout au jour d’Arafat. L’épouse du Prophète, Hafsa, a rapporté :

« Le Prophète avait l’habitude de jeûner les neuf premiers jours de Dhoul-Hijja et le jour de l’Achoura (le 10ème du mois de Mouharram), en plus de trois jours chaque mois, du premier lundi du mois ainsi que deux jeudis. » (Abou Dâwoud, 2437)

Encouragez les membres de votre famille à jeûner avec vous et préparez des repas copieux à partager avec vos voisins et amis musulmans. Rappelez-vous que la rétribution des bonnes actions est multipliée pendant ces 10 premiers jours de Dhoul-Hijja, alors essayez d’en faire autant que vous le pouvez.

2- Le Rappel

La langue du musulman ne doit cesser de répéter le Dhikr en rappel de notre Seigneur et Pourvoyeur. Peu importe si vous conduisez sur l’autoroute ou que vous faites la queue à l’épicerie, gardez Allah (Soubhanahou Wa Ta`âla) dans vos pensées autant que vous le pouvez.

A ce titre, faites le takbîr (Allahou ‘Akbar), le tahmîd (Alhamdoulillah) et le tahlîl (lâ ‘illaha illa Allah) aussi souvent que possible.

Le Prophète (Salah Allah Alayhi Wa Sallam) a dit :

« Il n’y a pas de jours grandioses devant Allah où les bonnes actions Lui sont plus aimées plus que ces dix jours, alors faites sans cesse le tahlîl, le takbîr et le tahmîd pendant ces jours. » (Ahmad)

En faisant le Dhikr en souvenance d’Allah (Soubhanahou Wa Ta`âla) au sein de la mosquée, à la maison ou même au bureau, les hommes devraient le faire en haussant la voix tandis que les femmes, tout au contriare, devraient baisser la leur et répéter les formules de Dhikr tout doucement. Aussi, engagez vos petits bouts de chou à l’affaire, apprenez-leur à se rappeler Allah (Soubhanahou Wa Ta`âla) et encouragez-les à répéter ces formules de Dhikr à vos côtés.

3- L’accomplissement de la `Omra Ou Le Hajj

Quel endroit s’avère être le meilleur pour adorer Allah (Soubhanahou Wa Ta`âla) si ce n’est Son sanctuaire et lieu de culte se trouvant à La Mecque? Si vos moyens financiers vous le permettent, pourquoi ne pas réserver un vol tant qu’il en est encore temps, ou bien aider quelqu’un dans le besoin, à assister à la `Omra ou au Hajj en payant son voyage ? Rappelez-vous que la rétribution d’un Hajj perfectionné, n’est rien d’autre que le paradis.

4- Le Sacrifice d’un animal

Le sacrifice d’un animal au jour de l’Aïd, en souvenir de la soumission du Prophète ‘Ibrâhîm (Abraham) à l’ordre divin d’égorger son fils bien-aimé ‘Ismâ`îl (Ismaël), est l’une des meilleures œuvres pies aux yeux d’Allah (Soubhanahou Wa Ta`âla).

Achetez surtout un animal de qualité et distribuez la viande parmi les moins fortunés de votre entourage. Il est préférable que quiconque choisit de sacrifier un animal en accomplissement de cet acte de la Sunna, se garder de se couper les cheveux ou de se tailler les ongles pendant ces dix jours de Dhoul-Hijja afin qu’il fasse comme les musulmans qui sont en ‘Ihrâm (état de sacralisation) et vont accomplir le Hajj.

Les 10 jours de Dhoul-Hijja s’écouleront vite comme l’éclair. Tendez la main et saisissez le moment en augmentant vos bonnes actions et actes d’adoration autant que possible.

Arrachez-vous à votre lit et revenez à Allah (Soubhanahou Wa Ta`âla) afin que vous puissiez récolter les innombrables bienfaits et les bénédictions incommensurables de ces jours bénis.

(Extrait Des Archives De Discovering Islam)

(Vous pouvez lire la version anglaise originale de cet article ici)

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Arafah – The Best Day of All Days

Whenever Hajj season comes, I get thrilled. My heart becomes overjoyed because of witnessing the ummah getting united again; and the community regaining the unifying spirit of worship after it faded away months before.

This Hajj season gives me high hopes of God’s mercy and forgiveness; a season in which I make an effort to maintain my spiritual high and boost my faith.

We’re now entered the most precious days of Dhul Hijjah. Allah swears by these days because of their great importance and benefit.

However, though these days are the most virtuous days of the year, they are a real test and a big challenge for us.

Unlike Ramadan when the devils are chained, worship becomes easy, and, thus, we become pure and spiritual beings, the days of Hajj are harder and more challenging; because while we strive to boost our worship and attempt to remain sinless, Satan does his best to divert us from that state of purity.

As we strive in worship, Satan works hard to make us slip up. More than any other time of the year, he keeps his whispers stronger, and he strives to make us sin and doubt God’s mercy. And that’s a real challenge since the time of our father Abraham.

What is the Best Day?

In these precious days, there is one most important day that without it, hajj is not valid: The day of Arafah.

The day in which Allah perfected Islam; the day in which He forgives all sins and multiplies rewards.

In the last ten nights of Ramadan, God made the Night of Power unknown to us so as we strive in the worship of Him and get the best rewards.

However, in the first days of Dhul Hijjah He made it clear which day is the best to easily benefit from it.

The day of Arafah, in the mount of mercy, where masses of people gather to worship one God and ask for His forgiveness and mercy.

The image of those millions of people who gather in this most important day makes me tremble; it reminds me of the Day of Resurrection, when all people from all race will be summoned to be judged for their deeds.

Recommended Deeds

So, in this key ritual, while pilgrims spend the whole day until sunset in worship and remembering God, we too should strive to spend the day in making our tongues moist with dua and dhikr as much as possible.

Make plenty of dua.

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:

The best dua is dua on the day of Arafa, and the best thing that I or the Prophets before me have said is ‘There is no god but Allah, alone, without any partner’ (La ilaha illa’llah, wahdahu la sharika lah.)” (At-Tirmidhi)

Fast this special day.

Fasting on the Day of ‘Arafah, I hope from Allah, expiates for the sins of the year before and the year after. (Ibn Majah)

So be wise and prepare for the best day of all days!

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Abortion in Other Religions

Debates around abortion often center around the issue of when life begins, and adjacent religious and moral questions.

in this series Dr. Shabir Ally sheds some light on what other religion say about abortion, on whether it right or wrong. Example, Catholicism, Jewish Scholars, etc.

And also stating the instances whereby women are permitted to have an abortion, etc, in saving the mother’s life.

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5 Ways to Seize the Day of Arafah

When it comes to Muslims, there is nothing more spiritually powerful and fulfilling in the month of Dul-Hijjah than to follow the footsteps of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) by increasing the good deeds, asking Allah for forgiveness and performing the spiritual journey of Hajj.

But, what about many people who are not going to hajj? Is there some blessings left for them?

The answer is YES. The first ten days of Dul-Hijjah are full of blessings. Let alone the 9th day, which is the day of Arafah ; it’s a very special day for all Muslims whether on Hajj or not.

In order to show the importance of the first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:

“There are no days in which righteous deeds are more beloved to Allah than these ten days.” The people asked, “Not even Jihad for the sake of Allah?” He said, “Not even Jihad for the sake of Allah, except in the case of a man who went out, giving himself and his wealth up for the cause (of Allah), and came back with nothing” – (Bukhari)

Here are ways to reap the most benefits during this holy month, especially during the blessed ten days and during the day of ‘Arafah:

1. Fasting

Fasting is one of the most important acts of worship during the first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah, especially on the day of  Arafah.

Fasting on the day of Arafah removes our sins for two whole years, the previous year and the coming one.

“One who fasts sincerely on the day of Arafah will receive forgiveness of his/her sins for the previous and following year.” – (Kitab Al-Sawm) Sahih Muslim :: Book 6 : Hadith 2603

2. Dhikr – Rememberance of Allah

This blessed day is all about doing good deeds which will be highly regarded in the eyes of Allah. Remembering Allah during this day is the best thing to do.

Recite: “SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi, SubhanAllahil Adheem” (Glory be to Allah and all praise is due to Him).

“Two words (subhanAllah wa bihamdihi) are light on the tongue, weigh heavily in the balance, and are loved by the Most Merciful One.” – Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) – (Bukhari)

3. Tasbeeh, Tahmeed, Takbeer and Tahleel

These four kinds of dhikr are to be recited as much as possible on the day of  Arafah.

Tahleel means “Laa ilaaha il-lal-laah”

Tahmeed means “Alhamdulillaah”

Tasbeeh means “Subhanallaah”.

Takbeer means “Allahu Akbar”

4. Recite  Quran

Though one should recite Quran on a daily basis, this day holds special importance as every good deed is multiplied and the verses of Quran seek for forgiveness of Allah.

5. Make Du’a

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:

“The most excellent dua is the dua on the Day of Arafah, and the best of what I and the prophets before me have said, is “There is nothing that deserves to be worshiped in truth except Allah, He is Alone and has no partner, to Him belongs the dominion and to Him belongs all praise, and He is All-Powerful over all things.” (Tirmizi)

Make du’a as much as you can. Seek Allah’s forgiveness and ask for all what you want! Keep making du’a till the time of iftar (Maghrib)

Muslim reported from `A’ishah that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said,

There is no day on which Allah sets free more slaves from Hell than He does on the Day of `Arafah.

 This article is from our archive, originally published on an earlier date and highlighted here for its importance.

The post 5 Ways to Seize the Day of Arafah appeared first on About Islam.


The Amazing Days of Dhul Hijjah – 5 Things to Do This Year

The amazing month of Dhul Hijjah is upon us! It is the month of pilgrimage, the Month of Hajj, the last Islamic month (12th) of the year and it’s one of the four sacred months in which fighting is forbidden.

You might have read about the great virtues of the first ten days of Dhul Hijjah, such as:

There are no days on which righteous deeds are more beloved to Allah than these ten days… (Al-Bukhari)

But do you feel like you don’t know what to do? You might not be able to read the Quran in Arabic, or even know many Prophetic supplications. Here are some easy, highly rewarding tips on how to benefit to the max in these first ten blessed days of Dhul Hijjah!

Your Mindset is Key!

A good and positive mindset is half the work. See these ten days as a blessed gift, a fresh opportunity to erase your sins and cleanse yourself.  It is also a second chance, for those who felt Ramadan slip through their fingers.

Now, imagine it was raining money, you’d run outside, raise your hands and collect as much as you could, you wouldn’t take a break, you wouldn’t first finish your favorite tv-program, you would be out there!

These days are like the ultimate jackpot, but not with money but with enormous rewards up for grabs. Key is to make the best of your time, doing what you are able to do without worrying about what you can’t do!

1. Thank Allah

Start by taking a moment to connect and truly thank Allah, the Most High, from the bottom of your heart, in whatever language, for giving you these blessed days to repent, do good deeds, and be saved from the Fire!

How can you thank Allah?

By doing those deeds He loves in the most beautiful, beloved, respectful and humble way. This is what ibaadah (worship) is.

2. Ask for Help to Put Your Obligations First

Before talking about any voluntary actions (and bonuses), remind yourself to take care of all your obligations which can be hard in itself and that’s ok. Just make sure you ask Allah, the Most High, to help you!

Action Points:

– Focus on your five daily prayers (salat); pray them on time, do your best to concentrate and perfect them as well as you can. 
– Supplicate to Allah to help you fulfil your obligations in the best way, use the beautiful dua’ the Prophet Muhammad said at the end of prayer:

 Allahumma a’innee ‘alaa dhikrika wa shukrika wa husni ‘ibadatika (O Allah! Assist me in remembering You, in thanking You, and in worshipping You in the best of manners.) (Ahmad, Abu Dawud, An-Nasa’i)

3. Live by Your Dhikr (Remembrance)

The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said:

There are no days during which good deeds are greater or more beloved to Allah than these 10 days. So recite more often the Tahleel (Laa Ilaaha Illallah), Takbeer (Allahu Akbar), Tahmeed (Alhamdulillah). (Ahmad)

Action Points:

– Put a note on the wall (or car windscreen) to constantly remind yourself to recite them (at home or on the go).
– Feel their meaning in your daily life. Use these trigger points:

Allah is greater than anything (Allahu akbar); put Him first. 

He gave you everything you have (Alhamdulillah); complain less. 

There is only One God (laa ilaaha ill-Allah); truly turn to Him for help and comfort.

Glorified is Allah (SubhanAllah); know this world is imperfect and our true happiness is with Him, in Paradise!


Teach the children and play this takbeer audio in your home or car: and feel how great Allah is, how happy you should be to be Muslim and how grateful you should be for all He gave you.

4. Go for the ‘100x Dhikr!’

Ten days are 14 400 minutes and 864 000 seconds. On those moments too busy to perform other good deeds, revive the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad and say 100x each day:

– SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi, subhanAllahil-Ádheem 

– Astaghfirullah wa atoobu ilayh

–  Laa ilaaha illal-laahu wahdahu laa shareeka lahu, lahul-mulku wa lahul-hamdu wa huwa ‘alaa kulli shay-in qadeer. 


Seek forgiveness for the entire Ummah and you’ll get reward for each one of them by Allah’s will, say: Allahumma‘ghfir lil mu’mineena wal mu’minaat.

5. Master the Master of Seeking Forgiveness!

Learn to pronounce below best supplication for seeking forgiveness (Syed-ul-Istighfar or the master of seeking forgiveness), and use it every day and night with conviction!

The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said:

The best supplication for seeking forgiveness is to say: Allahumma Anta Rabbi, la ilaha illa Anta, khalaqtanî wa ana ‘abduka, wa ana ‘ala ‘ahdika wa wa’dika mastata’tu, a’udhu bika min sharri mâ sana’tu, abu’u laka bini’maktika ‘alayya, wa abu’u bidhanbi, faghfir li, fa innahu la yaghfirudh-dhunuba illa Anta.

 (O Allah! You are my Rabb. There is no true god except You. You have created me, and I am Your slave, and I hold to Your Covenant as far as I can. I seek refuge in You from the evil of what I have done. I acknowledge the favours that You have bestowed upon me, and I confess my sins. Pardon me, for none but You has the power to pardon.)

Whoever makes this dua’ during the day with firm belief in it and dies on the same day (before the evening) he will be one of the dwellers of Jannah (Paradise); and whoever makes this dua’ during the night with firm belief in it and dies before the morning, he will be one of the dwellers of Jannah (Paradise). (Al-Bukhari)

Nothing less than Jannah!

Note on the Takbeer (Allahu Akbar)

A way of saying takbeer is to say: Allahu akbar Allahu akbar Allahu akbar, laa ilaaha ill-Allah, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar wa lillaahil hamd. There are two types of takbeer these days.

1. Takbeer first 10 days & days of tashreeq.

It is Sunnah to recite takbeer at any time during the first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah and all the days of Tashreeq (11,12, 13th). This takbeer is prescribed until the end of the days of al-Tashreeq, which is when the sun sets on the thirteenth day of Dhul-Hijjah. 

2. Special takbeer to be said after each obligatory prayer!

There’s also a specific time to say this takbeer, which is from fajr on the day of ‘Arafah until the sun sets on the last day of the days of Tashreeq, in addition to the takbeer that may be recited at any time.

– So you say the tasleem (salaam) at the end of the obligatory prayer
– You should pray for forgiveness (by saying: Astaghfir-Allah 3 times, and say, “Allaahumma antas-salaam wa minkas-salaam, tabaarakta yaa dhaa’l-jalaali wa’l-ikraam (O Allah, You are al-Salaam and from You is all peace, blessed are You O Possessor of majesty and honor)
– Then start the takbeer (like above one).


Check this article for super-effective worship tools to use: intention reminder strips, dhikr cards, daily worship schedule and the ultimate dua’ list!

Imagine in these first ten days you can finish Personal Lessons from the whole Quran in just ten minutes a day, see for an e-book, packed with daily life action points based on the verses of the Quran, suitable for all levels.

Now quickly make dua’ that Allah, the Most High, will give you the tawfeeq (ability) to make these days your best: give it your all!

(From Discovering Islam archive)

The post The Amazing Days of Dhul Hijjah – 5 Things to Do This Year appeared first on About Islam.


Cómo comprender el Corán de forma correcta

Comprender el Corán de forma correcta es necesario para cualquier persona que quiera conocer el Islam o acercarse a Dios. Pero no siempre se hace de la manera correcta.

“El Corán dice: ‘No os acerquéis al Salah (oración)’”.

¡Estas son las palabras del Corán! Nos dijo uno de mis maestros en clase, en la escuela secundaria, antes de estallar en carcajadas.

Su chiste me pareció de muy mal gusto, pero lo que decía era realmente cierto.

Se refería al versículo del Corán que prohíbe rezar el Salah en un estado de intoxicación, cuya aplicación jurídica ha sido derogada hace mucho tiempo (puesto que más adelante se prohíbe el alcohol completamente, no solo antes del Salah).

Desde entonces, he recorrido un largo y triste camino. He tenido la triste experiencia de escuchar y leer las opiniones desdeñosas de muchos autoproclamados “críticos” de la religión y el Islam, y la mayoría de ellos tienen cosas muy irrespetuosas y blasfemas que decir sobre el Corán.

Por esta razón surge una pregunta puesto que, aunque el Corán es indudablemente un libro de guía, misericordia, sanación y espiritualidad glorioso e incomparable, ¿por qué tanta gente, tanto musulmanes como no musulmanes, malinterpreta sus versículos y no son guiados hacia el Islam, es decir, a someterse humildemente a Allah, incluso después de leerlo y examinarlo profunda y analíticamente en numerosas ocasiones?

¿Por qué el Corán no les guía? ¿Por qué no pueden comprender el Corán?

El efecto de la intención

El estado y la pureza del corazón de una persona determinan, en gran medida cómo de rápido y cuánto recibirá del Corán una vez que comiencen a leerlo, estudiarlo y reflexionar sobre él.

La intención dentro de sus corazones con la que se acercan al Corán se convierte en el factor determinante, crucial, de si este glorioso libro se convierte en una fuente de guía divina para ellos, o representa, simplemente, un texto escrito que leen para obtener información sobre el Islam, el Profeta Muhammad, y eventos conmovedores en la historia islámica.

En el Corán, Allah ha descrito cómo este solo guía a aquellos cuyos corazones son humildes, sumisos y receptivos a ser guiados:

Realmente en esto hay un recuerdo para el que tenga corazón o escuche estando presente.

Corán, 50:37

En esencia, la luz de la guía del Corán no entra en un corazón duro y ennegrecido que no cree en Allah o no busca ser guiado hacia Él. Es decir, un corazón que no alberga el ardiente deseo de ser guiado hacia Dios, ni tiene la humildad que es característica de un esclavo impotente ante su Señor todopoderoso.

Según el Corán, este es una fuente de orientación, sí, pero solo para una persona que cree en Allah y procura obedecerle y no desobedecerle, es decir, la persona que tiene taqwa:

Ese Libro, sin duda, contiene una guía para los temerosos (de su Señor).

Corán, 2:2

Lectura solitaria del texto del Corán

El Corán se convierte en una fuente de paz, orientación y misericordia para cualquiera que busque acercarse a Allah, pero lo es aún más para aquellos con un alma rota y una voluntad destrozada que quieren volverse a Allah en arrepentimiento y sumisión después de que hayan sufrido penurias, pérdidas, penas o calamidades en la vida.

Muchas personas regresan a Allah después de encontrarse y soportar situaciones y eventos extremadamente angustiosas y difíciles en la vida, que no tuvieron la fuerza para aguantar, excepto por la gran ayuda de Allah, la cual intentaron buscar al coger y querer comprender el Corán.

Sin embargo, aunque leer la traducción del texto árabe del Corán y reflexionar solo sobre sus significados en privado es muy beneficioso para el creyente que es nuevo en el mundo del Islam y que aún no posee un conocimiento mayor y más profundo del este, esto es solo la punta del iceberg.

Llega un punto en la vida de cada estudiante de conocimiento islámico, joven o viejo, cuando leer las traducciones del Corán (y los hadices) simplemente no es suficiente para ellos. Comienzan a suspirar por comprender el idioma del Corán directamente.

Esto se debe a que comienzan a darse cuenta de que están llegando a Allah a través del trabajo de Su creación, es decir, al leer el significado de su texto en otro idioma que ha sido un esfuerzo humano para decodificar la palabra hablada (kalam) de su Señor.

Educación formal e instrucción para comprender el Corán

Las traducciones del Corán, aunque han sido una gran contribución al Da’wah a los no musulmanes y fueron un empujón monumental en la historia del Islam que ayudó a difundir el mensaje del Corán, no pueden transmitir ese incomparable alcance en el alma, ese efecto conmovedor que la recitación árabe del Corán puede tener en el corazón de un creyente.

Es en este momento en el que el estudiante de conocimiento serio, que busca interpretar, reflexionar y comprender el Corán profundamente, comienza a buscar formas de comprender el idioma del Corán, el árabe, directamente.

Y esto solo puede hacerlos cuando se inscriben en un curso adecuado con un maestro, es decir, asisten a clases individuales en persona con una persona o un erudito más instruido, que brindan conocimiento islámico a través de una instrucción formal y estructurada.

Este método tradicional de búsqueda de conocimiento, es decir, ta’leem, es una de las rutas más confiables, efectivas y seguras que un estudiante sincero del Corán puede adquirir en su búsqueda para acercarse a Allah a través de una profunda reflexión de Su Libro, el Corán.

Hoy en día, también existen alternativas online de confianza y correctas que pueden ser muy útiles para quienes no  tengan acceso a un maestro en persona. 

Mantenerse alejado de las travesuras de los demonios

Lo último que quiero señalar como un factor muy importante al que hay que prestar atención cuando nos esforzamos para reflexionar y comprender el Corán, es la necesidad absoluta de evitar por completo cualquier interpretación errónea de sus versos y significados derivados de su texto.

Uno debe reconocer y desconfiar de los demonios entre los genios y los hombres que están trabajando día y noche para desiviar a la humanidad del Camino Correcto. Nunca se cansan en sus esfuerzos por mantener a los humanos descarriados y desprovistos de la guía divina.

Es fácil para estos demonios engañar a aquellos humanos que aún están lejos del Corán. Es con los musulmanes religiosos que Shaitan emplea travesuras más tortuosas para desviarlos.

Una de las tramas más fuertes que utilizan los ejércitos de Iblis para engañar a las personas con inclinaciones religiosas, es decir, aquellos que estudian y propagan el Corán, es hacer que presten atención a interpretaciones poco auténticas e infundadas del texto del Corán para que se distraiga con innovaciones y mantenerlos ocupados en argumentos inútiles y que pierden el tiempo con respecto a los significados del Corán.

El que busca comprender el Corán de forma más profunda debe recordar siempre que Allah se ha encargado de proteger al Corán de la distorsión deliberada, a la que todas las Escrituras anteriores han sido sometidas por los seres humanos para beneficio personal.

Por lo tanto, cuando se busca reflexionar más profundamente sobre los significados del Corán, es importante tener en cuenta que este es el único Libro de Allah que se ha mantenido libre de errores o manipulaciones deliberadas.

Mantener un estricto control sobre la aqeedah (creencia); unirse a los círculos de conocimiento de solo aquellos académicos, maestros y personas que son reconocidos en sus creencias e ideología; continuar recitando y estudiando el Corán en soledad con y con reflexión profunda y mantenerse alejado de la compañía, los escritos y la propaganda de los demonios entre los genios y los hombres que se esfuerzan por desviar a la humanidad con sus esfuerzos contra el Corán  -al menos hasta que uno esté seguro y de su conocimiento- son todos pasos necesarios para alguien que busca un enfoque holístico para comprender el Corán correctamente y acercarse a Allah.

Di: Si se juntaran los hombres y los genios para traer algo parecido a este Corán no podrían traer nada como él aunque se ayudaran unos a otros.

Corán, 17:88 

Este es un artículo del archivo de, puedes leer la versión original en inglés aquí.

The post Cómo comprender el Corán de forma correcta appeared first on About Islam.


Hajar – Wife of Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH)

Hajar was left in the desert by Ibrahim at the command of Allah. How desperate must she have been with a new baby! This is her amazing story!


Let Me Tell You about Hajar & Baby Ismail

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Sage Musulman : Es-Tu Patient Et Reconnaissant?

Tu te trouves parfois dans une situation où les choses ne se sont pas déroulées comme vous l’aviez prévu ou souhaité ? Comment réagis-tu habituellement ?

Perds-tu ton sang-froid ? T’arrive-t-il même de maudire ton entourage ou de lui nuire ? Ou cherches-tu plutôt à faire preuve de patience et de gratitude, en répétant ces paroles d’Allah :

« Ceux qui disent, quand un malheur les atteint : “Certes nous sommes à Allah, et c’est à Lui que nous retournerons”. * Ceux-là reçoivent des bénédictions de leur Seigneur, ainsi que la miséricorde ; et ceux-là sont les biens guidés. » (Coran 2 : 156-157)

Aussi difficile que cela puisse être accepter, ce qui nous arrive est toujours pour notre bien. Ceci nous est enseigné par notre prophète Mohammad (Salla Allah Alaihi Wa Sallam) :

« Le cas du croyant est certes étonnant ! Tout ce qui le concerne est un bien, et cela n’appartient à personne d’autre qu’au croyant. Si un bonheur lui provient, alors il se montre reconnaissant et c’est un bien pour lui. Et si un malheur l’atteint, alors il se montre patient, et c’est un bien pour lui. Tel est tout particulièrement le privilège des croyants. » (Mouslim)

Patience Et Gratitude Lors D’affliction

On est constamment bombardés par l’idée que cette vie est faite de plaisirs et de loisirs. On a également cette fausse promesse que c’est simplement ce dont on a besoin pour se rendre heureux.

Cependant, le problème est que ce n’est pas la vérité. Sans parler du fait qu’on doit nourrir à la fois le corps et l’âme (dans une plus large mesure) pour rester en équilibre. Il faut également dissiper cette illusion selon laquelle le bonheur absolu est atteignable dans ce bas monde. En fait, celui-ci n’est qu’un lieu d’épreuves .

On est éprouvé par la santé, la richesse, la progéniture, etc. Mais pourquoi Allah nous éprouve-t-il ?

En effet, les épreuves nous purifient. Le monde tend à nous consumer et à nous détourner du rappel d’Allah. Mais, les épreuves nous rapprochent d’Allah et de l’au-delà. Elles nous poussent à travailler davantage pour atteindre notre destination ultime dans l’au-delà ; le Paradis.

Al-Fadl ibn Sahl a dit :

« Dans la calamité, réside la bénédiction que le sage ne doit pas ignorer. En fait, elle efface les péchés, donne l’occasion d’atteindre la récompense de la patience, dissipe la négligence, rappelle les bénédictions au moment de la santé, appelle à se repentir et encourage à faire la charité. »

Ibn Al-Jawzî a dit :

« Si ce bas monde n’était pas un lieu d’épreuves, il ne serait pas peuplé de maladies et de souillures. Si la vie n’avait pas été faite de difficultés, alors les prophètes et les pieux auraient méné une existence de plus confortable. Mais, non, Adam a subi maintes épreuves jusqu’à ce qu’il ait quitté ce bas monde. Noé a pleuré pendant 300 ans. Abraham a été jeté dans une fosse enflammée et a ensuite été invité à abattre son fils. Jacob a pleuré jusqu’à ce qu’il ait devenu aveugle. Moïse a défié Pharaon et a été éprouvé par son peuple.

Jésus n’avait aucune provision, sauf les morceaux que ses disciples lui ont fournis. Et Mohammad (Salla Allah Alaihi Wa Sallam) a affronté la pauvreté avec patience. Son oncle – l’un de ses parents les plus aimés – a été tué et mutilé et son peuple n’a pas cru en lui… et la liste des prophètes et des pieux s’allonge encore et encore. »

Mais, avec les calamités, Allah nous annonce la bonne nouvelle d’une meilleure récompense. Omm Salama a rapporté :

« J’ai entendu le Messager d’Allah (Salla Allah Alaihi Wa Sallam) dire :

« Tout musulman qui dit quand une calamité lui arrive ce qu’Allah lui a commandé : À Allah nous appartenons et à Lui nous retournons. Allah, récompense-moi dans cette calamité et donne-moi mieux que cela – (tout musulman qui dit cela) Allah lui accordera mieux que (ce qu’il a perdu). (Mouslim)

Le Prophète (Salla Allah Alaihi Wa Sallam) a également dit :

« Il n’est pas une fatigue, une maladie, un souci, une tristesse, un mal, une angoisse ou même une épine qui n’atteint le croyant sans qu’Allah ne lui efface par cela une partie de ses péchés. » (Al-Boukhârî)

Après avoir senti que nous avons été bénis par la patience lors de l’affliction, on devrait aspirer à atteindre un niveau plus élevé ; qui est celui de la gratitude. La gratitude qu’Allah veut que nous soyons purifiés de nos péchés et qu’Il nous promis de quelque chose de mieux que ce dont nous avons été affligés. Ce n’est qu’alors que nous atteindrons un état de contentement et de sérénité.

Patience Et Gratitude Face Aux Bénédictions

Il est courant de ressentir de la gratitude face aux bénédictions, mais qu’en est-il de la patience ? La patience face aux bénédictions consiste à s’abstenir de les utiliser pour commettre quelque péché et/ou la patience de continuer toujours à faire les bonnes actions après avoir été béni.

Par exemple, une personne qui a été affligée par la pauvreté et qui est bénie par la suite par la richesse ; comment utilisera-t-il sa richesse ? L’utilisera-t-il à commettre des péché ? Ou l’utilisera-t-il dans ce qui est conforme aux enseignements islamiques ? Se rappellera-t-il encore Allah comme il le faisait lorsqu’il était pauvre et nécessiteux ou se sentira-t-il inutile maintenant qu’il est riche ?

Ibn Taymiyya a dit :

« Une calamité qui vous fait tourner vers Allah est meilleure pour vous qu’une bénédiction qui vous fait oublier le rappel d’Allah. »

Ne soyons pas parmi ceux contre lesquels Allah nous met en garde :

« Il en est parmi les gens qui adorent Allah marginalement. S’il leur arrive un bien, ils s’en tranquillisent, et s’il leur arrive une épreuve, ils détournent leur visage, perdant ainsi (le bien) de l’ici-bas et de l’au-delà. Telle est la perte évidente ! » (Coran 22:11)

« Et si Nous lui faisons goûter le bonheur, après qu’un malheur l’ait touché, il dira : “Les maux se sont éloignés de moi”, et le voilà qui exulte, plein de gloriole. * sauf ceux qui sont endurants et font de bonnes œuvres. Ceux-là obtiendront pardon et une grosse récompense. » (Coran 11:9-11)

La version anglaise originale de ce texte est accessible via ce lien.

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