5 Benefits of Volunteering

Have you ever thought of benefits of volunteering? Volunteering is a beneficial and productive form of sadaqa.

By volunteering you’re not only benefiting others, you are earning reward, and – a fact that is often overlooked – learning how to become more productive in your everyday life.

Here are 5 ways that volunteering encourages those who are involved to become more productive Muslims:

1. Causes you to be organized

“The Prophet  (peace be upon him) walked briskly, literally leaning forward as if going downhill” [Abu Dawud].

Like the Prophet (peace be upon him), the serious volunteer is someone who has little time to waste. They want to be able to fit in as much time as possible doing work for the sake of Allah, whether it be raising money for the orphans and needy children or helping at their local mosque.

They realize that the more organised and efficient they are, the more time they can spend raising money and not just concentrating on themselves. They can’t afford to leave things to the last minute. They need to have things planned, schedules in place, deadlines met so that they can maximize the number of those precious hours for the sake of Allah.

2. Encourages self-assessment

“Verily, by Allah, we think that every believer blames himself. He says (questioning himself), `What did I intend by my statement? What did I intend by my eating? What did I intend in what I said to myself?’ However, the sinner proceeds ahead and he does not blame himself” [Hassan Al-Basri in reference to the interpretation of Surah Al-Qiyamah, verse 2]

It is only when you open the doors to constructive criticism, that you are able to make changes that allow you to be the best volunteer you can possibly be and make changes that benefit others.

For instance, Charity Week publishes a detailed warts-and-all Annual Report that includes what percentage of the money donated was banked and where every penny was spent.

Keeping detailed accounts – for any organization – is not just a commitment to transparency that encourage us, but a realization that true self-improvement can only take place after self-assessment. We aim to be our own harshest critic and strongest competitor.

3. Promotes competition in the good

When the Prophet (peace be upon him) was asked whether the  verse in the Quran,“And those who give whatever they (have to) give while their hearts are trembling” referred to people who committed sins, he replied: “No. They are those who fast, pray, and give charity whilst fearing that (these deeds) may not be accepted (by Allah). They are those who compete with one another in good deeds” [Bukhari].

There’s nothing like friendly competition to encourage people. The Prophet  (peace be upon him) knew this and utilized it himself to great effect in the battle of Hunain and during other occasions throughout his life.

We should encourage Muslims to compete with each other in a way that encourages excellence whilst still fostering brotherhood. Each institution and each person must be motivated to do better, work harder, and sleep less so that they can be at the forefront of helping others.

4. Is the best motivation

“The Prophet ṣallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam (peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him) said,‘I and an orphan’s guardian, whether he is a relative or a non-relative, will be like these two in the Garden,’ and then the transmitter indicated the index and middle fingers” [Sahih Muslim].

Even the best of us can find our desire to gain more productive habits is hard to maintain 24/7. This is because, although we understand the benefits that accrue from being productive, they are essentially centered around ourselves.

If the motivation was centered around other people then suddenly the effort intensifies. A father will be able to tolerate much hardship but cannot bear to see his son do so for even a second.

For example, which of these scenarios would you be more motivated for: 1) If I ask you to lose 5 kg of weight so that you can be more healthy, or 2) If I ask you to lose 5 kg of weight because if you don’t, you cannot provide bone marrow for your unwell younger brother?

In the former you will find a hundred excuses, but in the second you would do within two weeks. Similarly, volunteer work shifts the focus from us as individuals to us as an Ummah. Each second of being unproductive means that someone out there is suffering when we could have helped.

5. Provides a vision

“Ali said,’Judge as you used to judge, for I hate differences (and I do my best) till the people unite as one group, or I die as my companions have died’” [Bukhari].

Productivity is pointless unless it is pointed in the right direction and there is a vision to your actions. Whilst being productive and organised is important, the ultimate importance is given to the vision, or end goal.

At Charity Week for example, the vision is uniting the Muslim youth upon Islam; and strengthening the ummah is noble goal for any organisation. Your own vision should be pushed relentlessly at every level, every meeting, and every minute.

We must continually remind ourselves that we have a goal, and that goal is achievable and a necessity if the Ummah is going to become united once more.

It is the vision that keeps us awake when others sleep, that keeps us going when others stop and that keeps us together when others fall apart.

To be truly productive, we must make our every movement, decision and step in accordance with achieving the vision. And when we get this right, the barakah of Allah pours forth like the heavy rain on a barren plain.

In conclusion, the best way to become a truly productive Muslim is to work continually for the creation of a productive (and united) Muslim Ummah. May Allah grant us this and His pleasure. Ameen.

First published at https://ift.tt/3ubamRz

The post 5 Benefits of Volunteering appeared first on About Islam.

source https://aboutislam.net/family-life/muslims-4-humanity/5-benefits-volunteering/

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