For Desperate Housewives: Tricks for Happiness

Are you a “stay-at-home” mom who finds herself overwhelmed with household responsibilities?

Are you bored of everyday chores that you have to undertake?

Do you feel like trapped in your own house?

If you are a stay-at-home wife or mother, if you feel like you are stuck in a boring daily routine, you have to make urgent changes in your life so that you become an energetic happy individual once again.

Being a housewife does not mean that you have signed up in a lifetime boredom boot camp. However, you shouldn’t wait until you hit the rock bottom to regain your life.

You have to set priorities for yourself. Any typical mom will automatically say: my children come first in my life and this is a fact for all of us.

But let me ask you here: would you be able to take good care of your children if you are in a bad health and mood? Sure you won’t, which means you have to sharpen the saw of your both physical and mental health.

Working on improving a better “You “must become your first priority in order to be able to give your children an improved quality of life.

True Stories

Nada is a typical housewife who used to spend her whole day at home with little social or sport activities. One day She decided to stop feeling sorry about herself; she decided not to wait for her husband to fill in the void in her life.

Nada started taking crochet lessons by learning the basics very well. Afterwards, Nada turned into the internet as she downloaded photos and new ideas for the crochet designs. She set up an online networking community that shares the same interest.

Now Nada have more than 700 Facebook crochet friends; she is starting to sell what she makes by her own hands.

Nada, the crochet learner, explains her craft passion by saying:  “Learning how to make those lovely things with crochet gave me another reason to wake up in the morning very happily. Other than preparing snacks and breakfast for my husband and my kid Hana I have had a purpose of my own which is feeling really good for what I make by my hands. Maybe one day I‘ll give crochet lessons to others.”

Mariam, on the other hand, is a stay-at-home mom who has a 7- years- old twin. She says that she had been an athletic all her life till she had babies. Staying at home all the day is driving her crazy.

Mariam says; “The most terrible feeling is that I don’t belong to some community that has the same interests or concerns.  Before getting married I belonged to the Basket ball team in the club, but now I may stumble by one of the old team members by chance, catch up the latest gossips then each one of us goes her own way.”

“I go to the Gym once a week, but this is not a goal.  I know I have to find for myself a hobby or may find a work, which is somehow hard to find nowadays, but I certainly know that I need help because I am starting to get it out on my children.”


“Staying at home is considered to be one of the reasons that cause depression. Anwar Al Atrebi, Professor of psychology and neurology, Faculty of Medicine at Cairo’s Ain Shams University, says that there are a lot of studies on the negative effects of depression that eventually leads to erosion of memory cells which reduces intelligence and concentration.

Al Atrebi says, ” There is a false protocol comprehended in the Egyptian and Arab societies that the  well – educated mother  should better stay at home to take good care of her family and children  without considering the fact that the working mom might be more useful for the family in different aspects.”

“Modern husbands and wives lack the commonsense of “How to deal with your spouse?” Husband and wife react unconsciously on a day –to- day -basis with consistent interference of their folks without giving the proper time to enhance their relationship together.”

Jacob Teitelbaum of the experts’ panel for Dr. OZ’s website (Mehmet Oz is Oprah Winfery’s expert physician), wrote on how to eliminate depression naturally:

From a physical perspective, depression often reflects faulty biochemistry. Begin by asking yourself this simple question: “Do I have many interests?” If the answer is yes, you’re probably not depressed but rather have other physical problems causing how you feel — for which effective treatment is available — and not depression.

If you do not have many interests, you are probably depressed and the treatments below will be very helpful for you.

Happiness has its own biochemistry which can be powerfully balanced and enhanced naturally. Let’s start with the basics:

1- Overall nutritional support is essential. So take a good multivitamin supplement.

2- Begin a walking program. Research has shown that walking briskly each day is as effective as any other antidepressant.

3- Get more sunshine. Inadequate sunlight is a common cause of depression (called “Seasonal Affective Disorder” or “SAD”), which should be considered if your depression is worse in the winter.

4- Get eight hours of sleep a night.

These are the basics for eliminating the bad feeling of being bored or just losing interest in your daily activities. Move on and try to grasp little happiness.

The post For Desperate Housewives: Tricks for Happiness appeared first on About Islam.


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