Muslims Race against Time to Get Vaccinated Before Ramadan

Gathering for congregational evening prayer is a main feature many Muslims missed last Ramadan due to COVID-19 restrictions.

As another Ramadan approaches during pandemic, Muslims in Minnesota are racing against time to get vaccinated and protect the community during the holy month, Sahan Journal reported.

“I just want people protected before Ramadan comes,” Iman Asad Zaman, executive director of the Muslim American Society of Minnesota (MAS-MN). “There is a time crunch here.” 

Zaman is one of several Muslim leaders in Minnesota who have recently launched a campaign to vaccinate every local Muslim adult who wants a shot in the arm.

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They believe that vaccination is necessary before Ramadan when people gather in large numbers at mosques.

“In prior years, that is the busiest time in the mosque,” Zaman said. “People overcrowd.”

“Here’s the bottom line: People are going to be at the mosques. You could have another spike in infections,” she added.

Other Campaigns

Along with the MAS-MN vaccine drive, other Islamic centers are also hosting their own vaccination campaigns.

Dar Uloom Islamic Center, for example, is one of two St. Paul mosques that are offering a total 800 vaccines through Ramsey County Public Health this Friday.

Though the MAS-MN effort is aimed at the state’s Muslim population, Zaman said no one would be turned down.

“The vaccines are for everybody,” he said. “If somebody signs up, they sign up. If they come, they are served.” 

Islam instructs believers to seek medication for every disease. Prophet Muhammad said: “Make use of medical treatment, for Allah has not created a disease without appointing a remedy for it.” (Abu Dawud)

This effort goes in line with earlier steps taken by many Islamic groups across the world to encourage people to take the vaccine.

Last momth, the Colorado Muslim Society in Aurora hosted the first COVID vaccination clinic in the city to dismiss fears about the vaccine and assure the community on its importance.

Muslim groups and organizations in the US have also confirmed that receiving COVID-19 vaccine wouldn’t break fasting.

The post Muslims Race against Time to Get Vaccinated Before Ramadan appeared first on About Islam.


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