Refusing Your Offspring to Marry a Revert

Many reverts have it difficult when they enter Islam. What is makes it more is if you refuse your offspring to marry a revert.

Why won’t many parents entertain the idea of their son or daughter marrying a revert? Why are they so full of pride? If that revert is a good Muslim, then there is no reason to say no.

Did you know that all of the Companions were reverts? If one of them asked you to marry their daughter, would you say no? Of course not! But you will say no to a revert today with no reason.

On the Day of Judgement you will have to explain your pride to Allah. You allow your offspring not to marry for a very silly reason. Don’t be like that. Lead the way and lead by example.

The post Refusing Your Offspring to Marry a Revert appeared first on About Islam.


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