6 Quick Things to Know And Do for Rajab

Though it’s one of the four sacred months, the benefits of Rajab are easily overshadowed in the excitement of anticipating Ramadan.

Below are very quick facts you’ll be glad to know about Rajab, as well as things you can do to gain blessings during the month.

Three Facts To Know About Rajab

1 – Be Aware!

Committing sins during Rajab carries a heavier weight as it’d be deemed an act of desecrating the month. 

“Allah has selected and chosen four months then made them sacred and made their virtues to be the greatest. Sins committed in them would be greater than other times…

2 – Be Excited

Good deeds also carry a heavier weight and earns great rewards during Rajab. “…He (Allah) also made righteous good actions to be the greatest in them.” stated by Ibn Abbas (ra).

3 – Be Nice

During the month of Rajab, “…war and fighting are not allowed. The concept of fighting is comprehensive.”

This practice was carried over by Arabs from the Pre-Islamic era , as they would sheath their weapons during the days of Rajab. It’s such a good annual practice, that Allah ordained it to remain as such.

Three Things To Do During Rajab

Rajab truly is a blessing. Right before Ramadan, not only is it a chance to prepare for Ramadan, but there can be extra blessings in doing so! Just imagine, set your intentions and get barakah for everything good you do this month.

1 – Get Your Head Straight

Since sins and blessings weigh more during the month of Rajab, obviously you want to at least cut back on your sins.

Start better controlling your nafs now. “Deeds (i.e with perfection & rewards) depend upon intentions.” (Al-Bukhari and Muslim)

2 – Seek Peace

In consideration of Rajab being a month of no fighting, don’t do it! Practice your best manners, make excuses for people and don’t let Shaytan spoil your relationship with people. 

I created the jinn and humankind only that they might worship Me. (Adh-Dhariyat 51: 5)”

Renew your search for your inner peace during Rajab.

3 – Just Fast!

Whether or not you have any fasts to make up, fasting the white days of Rajab are going to get you more blessings than usual. So fast! And of course it’s a good warm up for Ramadan.

The post 6 Quick Things to Know And Do for Rajab appeared first on About Islam.

source https://aboutislam.net/family-life/youth-4-the-future/6-quick-things-to-know-and-do-for-rajab/

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