It took 23 years for the complete Holy Quran to be revealed to Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.
So why do we assume that once we convert to Islam that we will automatically know and understand all things in Islam?
It’s near impossible.
Here at we offer Q&A services and there is a number of questions that get repeated quite often.
Here we highlight more than 50 questions that new Muslims and non-Muslims ask about Islam.
Basic Islamic beliefs | Beginning stages | If I became a Muslim do I have to…..? | What’s the deal with music, pork and alcohol? | Relationship Questions | Ramadan | Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) | Tackling misconceptions
Basic Islamic Beliefs
The Holy Quran
Do good people go to heaven even if they don’t believe in God?
Are men and women equal in Islam?
Do Muslims believe in Jesus?
Do Muslims celebrate Christmas?
What does Islam say about women’s rights?
Do Muslims believe in angels?
A Basic Introduction to Islam (Special Folder)
Do Muslims believe in Satan?
Do Muslims believe in evolution?
7 Questions the Jews Asked the Prophet
Beginning Stages
How do I become Muslim?
Can I convert to Islam if I have tattoos?
Can I say the Shahada by myself?
Do I have to tell my family I’m Muslim?
How do I pray?
How do I make wudu?
Do I have to make wudu before every prayer?
What is the difference between Wudu and Ghusl?
How should women wash after menses or sex?
9 Commonly Asked Questions to American Muslims
3 Things to Remember When Asked About Islam
If I became a Muslim do I have to…?
Do I have to know Arabic? Are there Qurans in English?
What do I do in the mosque?
I’m a woman, what should I wear to the mosque?
Do Muslim women always have to wear all black clothing?
Do I have to wear hijab?
New Muslim: Can I Wear Hijab Sometimes, Not Full-Time?
Why do some Muslim women cover their faces and some don’t?
Do I have to change my name to a Muslim name?
What is the difference between Shia and Sunni and do I have to choose one to be?
New Muslims: All You Need in Your New Life (Special Folder)
New Muslim: May I Celebrate Thanksgiving With My Family?
What’s the deal with music, pork and alcohol?
Is it allowed for Muslims to listen to music?
Why can’t Muslims eat pork?
Why is alcohol forbidden in Islam?
Relationship Questions
Can Muslims be friends with people from other religions?
New Muslim: Long-Term Partner Won’t Convert. What To Do?
Do I have to give up my friends of the opposite sex?
Can Muslims have boyfriends/girlfriends?
What is the marriage ceremony like for Muslims?
Can Muslims get divorced?
Are Muslims allowed to marry people from other religions?
Is it true the Muslim men can marry more than one woman?
Can Muslim women marry more than one man?
Are men allowed to hit their wives?
Can Muslims adopt children?
What is the purpose of Ramadan?
What’s the purpose of fasting and do all Muslims have to fast in Ramadan?
What breaks fasting?
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)
The Prophet Mosque, Madinah, Saudi Arabia
Why did Prophet Muhammad marry so many women?
How did Prophet Muhammad treat his wives?
Why did Prophet Muhammad marry a nine-year-old?
Why are pictures of Prophet Muhammad forbidden?
Muhammad: A 21st Century Prophet? (Special Folder)
Tackling Misconceptions
What is Shariah?
What is jihad?
Do women have to be circumcised?
What is Islam’s stance on terrorism?
What is the deal with stoning to death?
Common Misconceptions About Islam (Special Folder)
If you still have questions about Islam, send us your questions here
The post 50 Common Questions New Muslims Ask appeared first on About Islam.
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