Reading Quran? We Bet You Haven’t Tried These Tips Before!

You need to have patience when reading Quran. Every deed that you do requires patience; your prayer requires patience, your fasting requires sabr, your tasbeeh requires sabr.

Have Patience with Quran

The Quran is no different. When you read the Quran it requires patience as well. And don’t expect an effect to happen overnight; if Allah wills that it happens, but what is expected from you is that you continue in your recitation of the Quran and you don’t give up.

Even if you’ve set an expectation for yourself that: “I expect the finish a juz’ every night, and by now it’s night and I haven’t even got the expectation… Let me just close off and we’ll see it next Ramadan!”

Don’t do that.

Before you Start Reading Quran

This is the plan of Satan exactly. This is why before you read the Quran you say “A’oudhu billahi mina as-shaytan rajeem”.

And when you say that you’re asking Allah to protect you from Satan. Be conscious when you say it; be conscious of the fact that it is Satan that is standing between you and the relationship with the Quran; it’s Satan that stands between you and opening this Quran and continue to read.

When you say “A’oudhu billahi mina as-shaytan rajeem” you’re asking Allah to protect you from Satan. Feel it in your heart and take some time to read it. Because if Allah was to accept this dua from you, you’ll find yourself on a highway with the Quran, you’ll find yourself going forward with the Quran.

And then before you begin to read, you say bismillah Al-Rahman Al-Rahim in the name of Allah the Most Merciful, the All Merciful.

When you read this name, realize and understand this is where you’re going to find the mercy of Allah, and Quran is the garden of His Mercy and the garden of His blessing.

This is where the kindness and the compassion and the gentleness and the mercy is found within this book. And then you begin to read.

Follow Every Verse with a Dua

One very important tip that you’re supposed to do as you’re reading Quran and begin to draw nearer and nearer to this Quran, convert every verse into a dua.

So, when you begin and you say “alhamdulillah rabbi al alameen Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim” and you realize and you understand that these are two names of Allah, stop there or raise your hand and ask Allah to bestow His mercy upon you.

You read “maliki yawmi deen” (the king and the owner and the master of the Day of Judgment) stop. Say: “Oh Allah make that day easy upon me and my family and the Muslims.

Iyyaka na’bud” (you alone we worship) stop. And say: “Oh Allah help me, and aid me, and support me to continue in Your worship.”

And every verse like this, stop and make dua.

Don’t use the excuse that, “what about if I don’t know what I read hundred percent?”

You’ve already known and you come across words like Nar and Jaheem (hell) Jannah (paradise), maghfirah (forgiveness)… when you come by these words which you know their meanings, stop. Ask Allah for the paradise, and ask Him for His mercy; ask Him for His forgiveness…

This is how you begin to draw this relationship between you and the Quran.


Because when you read the Quran, this is Allah speaking to you. And when you make dua, this is you speaking to Allah. And when someone speaks to someone else, he expects a response from him.

This will enhance your relationship with the Quran, and it’ll take it to another level, and it’ll keep dragging you and bringing you closer and closer to Allah.

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