4 Spiritual Keys to Elevate Rizq

How do we elevate the process of seeking our rizq to the domain of spiritual growth?  We can do this by fully understanding– and using– the keys to the acquisition of rizq.

Keys to Elevated Rizq-Seeking:

  1. Fear of Allah (taqwa),
  2. Reliance upon Allah (tawakkul),
  3. Certainty (yaqeen), and
  4. Seeking Allah’s forgiveness (istighfar)

1. Fear of Allah (Taqua)

Allah links having taqwa (and trust in Allah) with the provision of rizq in the following verse:

And whoever fears Allah and keeps his duty to him, He will make a way for him to get out (from every difficulty).  And will provide for him from (sources) he never could imagine and whosoever puts his trust in Allah, then He will suffice him. (Quran, 65:2-3)

Taqwa primarily conveys the thought of “guarding” against or “refraining” from.  In Quranic terminology, it signifies “to guard against sin.”  When the word references Allah, it is translated as “to fear” Allah; and it signifies guarding against sins by avoiding disobedience of Him.

Taqwa requires the individual to cleanse and purify the heart and soul with the desire to please Allah.  The possession of taqwa requires the individual to both fear and love of Allah.

2. Relying on Allah (Tawakkul)

Tawakkul requires that the individual act in accordance with what he or she understands to be Allah’s plan in any given situation, to adopt the principles and laws of the shariah in attempting to implement their understanding of His plan, and to submit totally to Him in the matter at hand.

An essential element of tawakkul is sincere, honest, and total acceptance of the concept of tawheed, the oneness of Allah, that He possesses the power and wisdom that makes Him worthy of all praise and glory.  Sincere acceptance of tawheed captures the heart to such an extent that there remains no room in one’s heart to consider any other concept.  Adoption of this mental attitude plants true iman in one’s heart.

Imraan bin Husayn narrates from Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) that:

The person who (sincerely) relies on Allah, Allah will suffice for all the responsibilities of that person. Rizq will be received from such sources, whence it cannot be imagined. The one who relies on the (material) world, Allah Ta’aala hands that person over to the world.” (Hayatul Muslimeen)

We are content with seeking our rizq through fulfilling our commitments to Allah and His messenger, and having the firm belief in Ar-Razzaq to provide for us.  Allah says:

There is no creature on the earth which is not dependent upon Allah for its provision. (Quran, 11:6)

3. Certainty (Yaqeen)

Once the individual has redirected all consideration of a matter from any entity other than Allah and herself or himself, as well as has sincerely accepted Him as her or his wakeel, there is absolutely no need for the heart to entertain any doubt or uncertainty.

Because she or he recognizes that all affairs of creation are under the direct and absolute power and control of Allah, the confidence which this gives releases the creative energies of the individual to perform her or his role in the process of obtaining rizq to the extent that the most effective plan of action unfolds, through the guidance of Allah.

Contentment prevails and the individual is certain that the outcome will be that which is best for her or him in this world and in the afterlife.

The individual’s ability to have confidence in Allah is also a testimony to the qualities of the individual:

And who is better in judgment than Allah for a people who have firm faith. (Quran, 5:50)

The Quran tells us that this category of individual is open to the guidance that can carry her or him to the higher domains in terms of the provision of rizq:

This (Quran) is a clear insight and evidence for mankind, and a guidance and a mercy for people who have Faith with certainty. (Quran, 45:20)

4- Seeking Forgiveness (Istighfar)

These higher domains of rizq are accessible to those individuals who recognize the necessity for and value of seeking forgiveness from Allah.  In a Hadith Qudsi Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:

Allah says, O son of Adam! I will forgive you as long as you implore me and have hope in me in spite of what you have done, and I don’t care how great a sin you have committed.

O son of Adam! If your sins reach the clouds and you seek forgiveness from me, I would forgive you and I don’t care. O son of Adam! If you were to meet Me with the earth full of sins, I would certainly come to you with an earth full of forgiveness on condition you do not ascribe partners to me. (Mishkaat)

Just in case we feel that we do not need to seek the forgiveness of Allah, consider the following hadith:

Abu Hurairah reported Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying:

There is none amongst you whose deeds alone would attain salvation for him.

They (the Companions) said:

“Allah’s Messenger, not even you?”

He (the Holy Prophet) said:

Not even I, but that Allah wraps me in Mercy and He grants me pardon. (Muslim)

From https://understandquran.com/

The post 4 Spiritual Keys to Elevate Rizq appeared first on About Islam.

source https://aboutislam.net/reading-islam/living-islam/4-spiritual-keys-elevate-rizq/

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