Malaysian Hajj Pilgrims Set Example on Cleanliness

Malaysian Muslim pilgrims are setting an example in Makkah after they celebrated the Cleanliness Day on July 31 by picking up the brooms, cleaning rags and black garbage bags, New Straits Times reported.

“The session was an extension of last year’s successful Mashae’er cleanliness campaign, which had earned praise from the local authorities in Makkah and Madinah,” informed Malaysian Hajj Delegation head, Datuk Seri Syed Saleh Syed Abdul Rahman.

Malaysian Muslim pilgrims distributed among themselves tasks of cleaning up their rooms, bathrooms and dining areas, emptying rubbish bins and sweeping the corridors, as well as the staircase.

“The cleanliness campaign is scheduled every Wednesday morning, with appointed committees at each level overseeing the process,” Abdul Rahman said.

He further explained that the campaign “creates stronger bonds among the pilgrims. Apart from fostering good ties among the pilgrims, a clean space will encourage peace, harmony and a healthier environment for everyone.”

Inspired by the Malaysians, many people were rolling up their sleeves to clean up their rooms and the common space.

The Hajj delegation head also added that “Islam places much importance on cleanliness, both in physical and spiritual terms, as it was considered to be part of the faith. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) once said: “Cleanliness is half the ‘iman’ (faith)”.”

Each year, more than two million Muslims commit to Hajj, a spiritual journey that represents the 5th Pillar of Islam and one of the largest annual human gatherings on the planet.

Every Muslim who is physically and financially able to do so is expected to make this pilgrimage once in their lifetime.

According to the 2018 report of the General Authority of Statistics in Saudi Arabia, a total of 2,371,675 Muslims performed Hajj last year in a steady and substantial annual increase during the past 92 years.

Volunteers Make Hajj Easier for Malaysian Pilgrims

The post Malaysian Hajj Pilgrims Set Example on Cleanliness appeared first on About Islam.


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