Beyond Hajj: 6 Ways to Maintain Your Hajj For Life

Hajj is now over, and as the pilgrims return home to their loved ones, they take back with them a multitude of precious memories from the journey; lessons they’ll hope to apply for the rest of their lives, and an elevated sense of spirituality.

Back to Reality

But for many, those feelings can quickly fade once they arrive home, because the contrast between the lands of Hajj and the ‘normal’ home environment is as striking as day against night.

It’s almost as if Madinah, Makkah, Mina, Arafah, and Muzdalifah are not the real world. Divorced from the responsibilities of family, work, and home life, the journey of Hajj is like an experience in another galaxy – one where everyone is geared towards worshiping Allah; where there’s no crude advertising, music, and images smacking you in the face every hour; and where the only worry each day is making it to the masjid to get a spot for the five compulsory prayers.

But once you arrive home, you return to the environments of hardship, laziness, and sin. And despite all the wonderful gains from the weeks you’ve just spent as a guest of Allah, maintaining a spiritual high under such circumstances is difficult – if not impossible.

And while you know that the real work of Hajj only starts once you get home – in that you need to live your Hajj for the rest of your life – the circumstances of normal life can soon erode all the ambitious plans you had for seeing through the rest of your days as one of Allah’s special people.

Hanging on

In such circumstances, it’s easy to lose hope – seeing Hajj as a temporary high that, in reality, cannot be maintained as the months and years go by. But such an attitude would be incorrect, because with the right intentions, sincere duas, and dedicated efforts – it is indeed possible to remain on a higher level – even if that level isn’t quite as grand as what you’d hoped for.

What follows are a six points of advice which – if followed – can, insha’Allah, help protect you from slipping into decline, so that you can do better at maintaining your Hajj for life:

1. Be an Ambassador of Hajj


Don’t let your journey fool you into believing you’re now religiously better than others. You don’t have a higher status. The title ‘Hajji’ is a responsibility: you’ve had the privilege of being completely forgiven; and your role is now to start a new life. Be humble, inspire others to go, and strive to live your Hajj as best you can – so that insha-Allah you’ll die with Allah being pleased with you.

2. Pace Yourself


According to hadith, the most beloved deeds in Allah’s estimation are those that are consistent – even if they be few. You need not maintain the same levels of ibadah you had on your Hajj journey; but if you can keep just a few small and manageable ones – and do them sincerely and consistently – you’re already a winner.

3. Keep Your Slate Clean


After being totally purified on Arafah, your clean soul recognizes your new sins and mistakes much more easily. But you won’t stay that pure forever – and Allah doesn’t expect you to remain that way: all of mankind sins, but the best of those who sin are those who repent and return to Allah.

So recognize that you will slip up – but you should follow up those sins and mistakes with immediate repentance. In this way, insha-Allah you can keep your slate as clean as possible. And even when you don’t recognize sins, make a habit of daily istighfar. It’s reported that the Prophet Muhammad did it 100 times a day; so following suit not only helps keep you clean, but also gives you more points for following a Sunnah.

4. Spiritual Eraser


On Hajj, you weren’t exposed to much of the ‘spiritual filth’ of the rest of the world: the obscene music, indecency, sexual advertisements and perversion, crude behavior in public, etc. But back home, such things are abundant – especially in Western societies.

So protect your senses from those things: stay away from sights and sounds that would corrupt your heart; and if you do see or hear them, immediately try to erase their effects by replacing those experiences with something better.

Remember that Satan uses your senses as the gateway to corrupting your heart in a slow and gradual way. Close those gates, be on guard, and have your spiritual eraser ready.

5. Keep Pelting for Life


Remember the spiritual significance of pelting the jamaraat. After Satan was humiliated on the day of Arafah, he’s even more determined to corrupt you now that you’re back home. So, just as you stoned Satan in those days, whenever you notice his whisperings / temptations coming to you back home, repeat that pelting in your mind: you chased him away on Mina, and you can do it again now too.

6. Use Gratitude to Go Back


It’s very, very sad to leave Makkah – especially after you’ve made your final tawaf and left the haram. Like millions of others before you, you dream of going back for Hajj again. But to make this desire a reality, those feelings need to move beyond just nostalgia and emotional yearning.

In Surah Ibrahim, verse 7, Allah tells us that if we’re grateful, He will give us more. In the context of Hajj, if you show true gratitude for the journey He has just granted you, insha-Allah you can earn an invitation to go again.

Make those feelings practical by translating them into actions: Appreciate what you had by striving to live the best you can, as close to Allah as you can.

May Allah accept your Hajj from you, help you to maintain it until you reach the end of your life; and take you there again – so that you may step up to even higher levels of spirituality and closeness to Him.

The post Beyond Hajj: 6 Ways to Maintain Your Hajj For Life appeared first on About Islam.


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