New Hijri Year 1441… Check our New Special Page

Happy New Hijri Year


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Muslims Worldwide Celebrate New Hijri Year 1441

Muslims around the world are celebrating the Islamic New Year as August 31, 2019, was officially declared the first day (1st Muharram) of the year 1441 Hijri.

According to Khaleej Times, the Muharram 1 crescent, which marks the beginning of the Hijri (Islamic) New Year, was spotted in Saudi Arabia on Friday.

Another tweet by Saudi News said that Saturday is the first day of the Hijri New Year.

The Hijri calendar started in the year 622 AD with the emigration of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) from Makkah to Madinah, known as the Hijra.

Muslims use this lunar Hijri calendar to calculate times of prayers, fasting, Hajj, and other religious celebrations. While some determine the new month by moon-sightings, most Islamic countries follow astronomical calculations.

A Hijri day starts at sunset. Thus, observing the crescent of a new Hijri month occurs during the sunset. If the crescent sets before the sunset, this means there is no new month. If it sets after the sunset, this means the beginning of the new month.

The lunar Hijri calendar is eleven to twelve days shorter than the solar Gregorian one. Thus, the first day of the Hijri New Year, Muharram 1, doesn’t come on the same day of the Gregorian calendar every year.

Muharram is one of the four sacred months of the Hijri year.


On social media, Muslims have launched hashtag like “Happy new Hijri year 1441” to share greetings and wishes for the new year.

Thousands of posts have been shared from different parts of the world, to welcome in the new year.

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1440 Harvest: Top 10 Shariah Articles

The hijri year 1440 is just over, and a new year is here. It’s the best time to look back and review our work in the past year.

Let’s check which articles were most attractive to our visitors.

What were the most popular items in the Shari`ah page throughout 1440?

It is our pleasure to share with you the top 10 Shariah articles here.


 15 Hadiths About Ramadan | 67K Views


Cherish Your Wife the Prophet’s Way (10+ Hadiths) | 56K Views


5 Hadiths About Caring for Daughters | 34K Views


10 Things You Should Know About Taraweeh | 32K Views


Tired of Life Difficulties? Read This Hadith | 32K Views


10+ Hadiths about Friday | 32K Views


10 Hadiths on Health and Hygiene | 24K Views


These 9 Lovely Hadiths Show Prophet’s Care for Children | 19K Views


10 Green Hadiths | 16.6K Views


10 Hadiths on Remembrance of Allah | 14.5K Views

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Back to School – Essential Tips for Parents

Starting the new school year can be a time of great excitement as well as anxiety for both parents and children. Help calm your child’s fears (and your own) with these teacher-approved tips.

Stress Management

The first thing you need to do as a parent is to make sure you are calm and ready for the mission. Being stressed in such times is normal but you should try stress-reduction techniques and do whatever you can to get over it.

Meet the new teacher

For kids, one of the biggest back-to-school fears is “Will I like my new teacher?” Breaking the ice early on is one of the best ways to calm everyone’s fears. Take advantage of your school’s open house or back-to-school night. Some teachers welcome phone calls or e-mails — another great opportunity to get to know each other before the year begins.

If personal contact with the teacher isn’t possible, try locating the teacher’s picture on a school website or in a yearbook, so your child can put a name with a face. If your child’s teacher sends a welcome letter, be sure to read the letter together.

Tour the school

If your school hosts an open house, be sure to go. Familiarizing your child with their environment will help them avoid a nervous stomach on the first day. Together you can meet the teacher, find the desk, or explore the playground.

With an older child, you might ask him to give you a tour of the school. This will help refresh his memory and yours.

Connect with friends

A familiar friend can make all the difference when heading back to school. You might try calling parents from last year’s class and finding out which children are in your child’s class this year. Refresh these relationships before school starts by scheduling a play date or a school carpool.

Back to school shopping

Obtain the class supply list and take a special shopping trip with your child. Having the right tools will help him feel prepared. While keeping basic needs in mind, allow for a couple of splurges like a cool notebook or a favorite-colored pen. These simple pleasures make going back to school a lot more fun.

School supply lists also provide great insight into the schoolwork ahead. Get your child excited about upcoming projects by explaining how new supplies might be used. Let him practice using supplies that he’s not used before — such as colored pencils or a protractor — so he will be comfortable using them in class.

Plan healthy lunches and snacks

The better you plan out the meals in your home, the healthier choices you will make for your kids. When you pack protein-rich snacks and lunches, balanced with fruits, vegetables, and other wholesome items, you ensure that your children will have the energy and brainpower to make it through their school days.

Chat about today’s events and tomorrow’s plans

While it is important to support learning throughout the summer, don’t spend the last weeks of summer vacation reviewing last year’s curriculum. All kids need some down time before the rigors of school begin. For some kids, last-minute drills can heighten anxiety, reminding them of what they’ve forgotten instead of what they remember.

Familiarizing your child with their environment will help them avoid a nervous stomach on the first day.

Familiarizing your child with their environment will help them avoid a nervous stomach on the first day.

Talk to your kids about bullying

Research shows that one in three kids experience bullying at some point in their school career—and in the increasingly digital world, the consequences can be extreme. Make sure your kids understand the right way to treat their peers, and when to speak up if they see someone else being bullied. Also make sure they know when to come to you if they feel they are being bullied.

Ask your kids about their concerns

The start of school is exciting, but can also bring some anxiety—especially when it comes to the unknown. Take a few minutes to ask your kids what they are most looking forward to during the school year, and what things may be worrying them. By giving them a forum to express their concerns, you can help them work through any worries in advance of school starting and clear up any issues that could lead to a bumpy start to the year.

Set up a bedtime and wake-up routine in advance

If possible, it’s best to establish bedtimes and wake-up times two weeks in advance of the start of school. By the time the first school bell rings, kids will already be on the right sleeping schedule and it will be one less worry for your family.

Ease into the routine

Switching from a summer to a school schedule can be stressful to everyone in the household. Avoid first-day-of-school mayhem by practicing your routine a few days in advance. Set the alarm clock, go through your morning rituals, and get in the car or to the bus stop on time. Routines help children feel comfortable, and establishing a solid school routine will make the first day of school go much smoother.





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Why Surah Al-Fatihah Starts With Al-Hamd

Surah Al-Fatihah starts with Al-hamd lillah. Have you ever thought why al-hamd was chosen rather than other words that imply the same meaning?

This episode is dedicated to the first verse of Al-Fatihah.

{All praise is for Allah—Lord of all worlds} (Al-Fatihah 1:1)

This verse is one of the most profound and most succinct in the entire Quran. Indeed, you cannot think of a better way to begin the final Book of Revelation. In order to fully appreciate the meaning of this verse we need to understand what exactly does hamd.

Then, why this word “al-hamd” was chosen rather than other Arabic words that have close connotations like shukr, thankfulness, or madh, praise?

Join Dr. Yasir Qadhy as he explains the beautiful verse that opens Surat Al-Fatihah.

In this Series:

1. The 7 Oft-Recited Verses: An Introduction to Al-Fatiha

2. Who Divided Up Quran into Surahs and Verses?

3. All About Isti`adhah & Seeking Protection from Satan

4. Starting with Allah’s Name… What Does Basmalah Mean?

5. Why Glorify Allah’s Name, Not Allah Himself?

6. What Is the Meaning of the Name of Allah?

7. Al-Fatihah: Difference Between Ar-Rahman and Ar-Rahim

8. Why Surah Al-Fatihah Starts With Al-Hamd

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Beautiful Advice for the Sick Believer

Are you facing an illness or someone you love is? This is beautiful advice for the sick believer. Allah is purifying the sick believer of all of their previous sins.

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Tala Al-Badru Nasheed – Yusuf Islam

Tala Al-Badru was sung by the people of Madinah as Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) arrived into Madinah after his hijrah! It is performed here by Yusuf Islam!

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The Powerful Woman Who Helped the Prophet in Hijrah

The situation in Makkah had become intolerable for the Muslims, as the disbelievers of Quraish intensified their oppression against them.

However, the Second Aqabah Pledge led to the establishment of a small Muslim state in Madinah; and shortly after, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) gave his permission for the Muslims to emigrate.

The emigration to Madinah (known to Muslims as the Hijrah) involved a great sacrifice of wealth, and was wrought with danger, as the emigrants were liable to be robbed or even killed along the way.

Despite this, the Muslims began to emigrate while the polytheists did their best to stop them, knowing full well that the establishment of a strong Islamic state in Madinah was sure to pose a great threat to them.

The Day Before

Almost all the Muslims in Makkah had set off for Madinah, except for Abu Bakr (the Prophet’s closest Companion), Ali ibn Abi Talib (the Prophet’s cousin), the Prophet himself, and those helpless noble souls who had been detained in confinement, or were unable to escape.

Within two months of the Second Aqabah Pledge, entire quarters of Makkah were deserted, and even the Muslims who had previously fled to Abyssinia returned to Madinah to join the rest of the Muslims there.

During this time, the Prophet, Abu Bakr, and Ali were making the necessary preparations to emigrate. On the night of their journey, the disbelievers had plotted to kill the Prophet, stationing many people from different tribes around his house to collectively stab him.

However, the Angel Gabriel came to the Prophet and informed him of their plan.

So in utmost secrecy, the Prophet made his way to the house of Abu Bakr and informed him that Allah (God) had given them permission to leave Makkah (Ibn Saad 227).

Abu Bakr had been hoping for the opportunity to accompany the Prophet on his journey when the appointed time came, and he had prepared two mounts for the occasion.

Asma Daughter of Abu Bakr

He informed his daughter Asma that they would be leaving, and she set about preparing the food and drink for their journey in leather bags.

When she went to tie the bags to their mounts, however, she found that she had nothing but her belt to tie them with. Her father told her that she should tear it in two and use it to tie the bags, earning her the name “Dhat an-Nitaqayn” or “she with the two belts” (Al-Dhahabi 523, Ibn Hajar 230, Ibn Hisham 99)

At the time, Asma was a young woman, approximately 27 years old.  Realizing the difficulties that might be faced on their journey, her father took all of his wealth with him, in case he might need it to protect the Prophet, leaving nothing behind for his family.

Surely Asma realized the gravity of the situation. She was left in charge of her younger siblings, without any money in hand, and knowing that when the disbelievers got wind of her father’s departure with the Prophet,  she would be the one to face their wrath.

Her Courage & Strong Faith

Anyone else in her situation might have questioned how a father could leave his children in such a state, or demanded that he leave sufficient provisions for them.

However, Asma didn’t show the slightest indication of worry or fear. On the contrary, her actions reflected the depth of her faith and trust in Allah (God).

In fact, after their departure Asma’s blind, elderly grandfather, Abu Quhafah, paid her a visit. He had heard that his son had emigrated, and that he had taken all of his money with him. He asked Asma if it was true that he had abandoned them and left them bereft.

As her grandfather was a disbeliever, he could not understand that for Asma and her siblings, sacrificing for the sake of Allah was an honor. Their faith in Allah would suffice them.

Asma replied:

“No, in fact, he has left us a great deal of good!”

To convince him that they were not left without provision, she took some pebbles that resembled dinars and put them in a pot covered with a cloth and guided his hand to the pot, so that he would believe that it was full of money and rest assured that his son had not neglected them (Al-Dhahabi 523).

The Search for the Prophet

The disbelievers waited all night outside the Prophet’s house to execute their plot to kill him. However, he had already left on his journey, and it was only after sunrise that they realized that he had escaped them.

Abu Jahl, the leader of the disbelievers, quickly headed for Abu Bakr’s home, unaware that he had also already left. He pounded on the door furiously, and when Asma answered, he demanded to know where her father was. She calmly answered:

“How would I know?”

Abu Jahl  became enraged and slapped her hard on the face, so hard that it sent her earring flying. (Al-Dhahabi 523)

It was a critical moment. Had Asma become afraid, or if she had broken down, the Prophet’s emigration to Madinah might have been thwarted. However, like her father, Asma had strong faith and conviction, and stood firm in the face of one of the most feared disbelievers in Makkah.

Supplies to the Cave

She never let on that not only did she know where they were, but that at night, she herself would make the long, perilous journey  to take food to the Prophet and her father at the cave of Thawr.

After the Prophet and Abu Bakr made it to the cave of Thawr and stayed there for three days, Asma made her way to them by night to bring them provisions for the rest of their journey. (Ibn Hisham 98)

Despite the fact that she was a young woman and pregnant at the time, she was willing to undertake this dangerous journey, and she was meticulous in planning every detail to make sure that she would not be followed or detected, in order to guarantee their safe passage.

Reflecting on the events of the Prophet’s Hijrah to Madinah, Asma bint Abi Bakr is a shining example of faith, reliance on Allah, and courage for all Muslims to follow.

Despite the bounty of one hundred camels that the disbelievers had set for anyone who would bring back the Prophet dead or alive, Allah willed that he would make it to Madinah safely with the aid and assistance of this brave young woman.

Asma risked her own safety to help the Prophet in making the Hijrah that marked the beginning of a new era, a new civilization, and left its mark not only on Islamic history thereafter, but on the history of mankind as well.


Ibn Hisham, Abd al-Malik. Seerat Ibn Hisham. Vol. 2. Beirut: Dar al-Fikr, 1998.

Al-Dhahabi,Shams Al-Din Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Uthman. Siyar Ilaam an-Nubalaa, Vol. 3. Cairo: Al-Maktabah Al-Tawfiqiyyah.

Ibn Saad, Muhammad. Al-Tabaqaat al-Kubra. Vol. 1. Beirut: Daar Saadir, 1985.

Ibn Hajar, Ahmad ibn Ali. Al-Isabah fi Tamyeez al-Sahaabah. Beirut: Dar Al-Fikr.

(From Discovering Islam’s archives)

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A New Year Gift For My New Family Members

In the spirit of the Hijri New Year, I’d like to welcome all the new brothers and sisters to our big family, those who have decided to migrate to a new path of spiritual fulfillment by joining the religion of Islam.

You’ve probably been overwhelmed by the warm welcome of the Muslims in your community when you first said your shahadah, and you’ve probably also wondered how long the cheer and support would last.

Well, it should last a lifetime, even if you don’t feel it because people get too caught up in their own lives, remember that your place is the same in our hearts, what’s more, you’re now also entitled to pay forward the love and support to new Muslims who join your community from now on.

My New Year gift to you is this reminder of your new privileges, to see you through the down times when there is no one around to take your hand along the way, and also to be your virtual flashcard of how to support other new Muslims you might meet.

Welcome to the Family!

Remember, you haven’t just subscribed to a new set of beliefs; you’ve actually just joined a global family of 1.8 billion brothers and sisters who love you and pray for your wellbeing five times a day even though they’ve never met you and probably don’t know you well.

You owe them the same: pray for their happiness and wellbeing and ask God forgiveness for them, because as you do that in good faith, you are granted the same that you ask for others whether you know them or not.

God is not Just a Concept

God is really there for you, He knows you by name, He loves you personally and is watching over you every second of your life. He listens when you call on Him and He grants you when you ask.

So ask Him everyday for every minute need you have, He’s not too busy to listen to you, and His treasures are endless, so don’t hold back, He loves to give generously.

Nothing You Do is too Big for God’s Forgiveness and Mercy

His mercy encompasses everything He created. So although you should feel the shame and guilt of disobeying Him in His infinite glory, you should also hope for His unlimited compassion.

Get down on your knees, put your forehead on the ground and say you’re sincerely sorry, from the bottom of your heart, let your tears flow to clean your soul, talk to Him and implore Him to forgive you and give you strength to be a better person, and be certain that He listens and forgives.

By the time you sit back up, your slate is once again sparkling clean; it’s up to you now to re-write the story right from the beginning.

Faith is a Life-Long Journey

The results of our deeds are only known after we leave this life to the next, so there’s no limit to how much goodness you can learn and do until your last breath.

No one is the ultimate authority on Islam except Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

Those you learn from now are only a few steps ahead of you because they have worked harder, not because they are entitled to some special privilege. You too could be like them and even surpass them if you acquire more knowledge and work harder for more experience.

Islam encourages the concept of constructive competition, the type of tenacious will to learn, improve, and evolve with the unrelenting dream of being way out there at the forefront of the believers who do good deeds and remind others to do good deeds in a gentle and wise way.

Good deeds are not just acts of worship, but all things that cause your and others’ prosperity and wellbeing in society, economy, technology, and even the arts. Your journey starts today, enjoy every step and fill your heart with dreams of the unparalleled destination.

Get Back in Touch with Your Soul

We are misleading into ignoring the needs of our souls in order to “free ourselves” and let loose our bodies and our minds. This is a big mistake of modern civilization.

Without your soul you are a machine, not a human. Without the light of spirituality shining on the dark corners of your being, you’ll risk getting sucked into the black hole of emptiness.

There’s a void in our hearts that is designed to be filled with soul-fuel and to be re-filled daily to keep it brimming, if we fill it with fake fuel or leave it empty, we end up deteriorating, literally and figuratively.

Don’t Be a Control Freak!

Contrary to what modern life teaches us, our control over things is limited. Believers are calmer and more content in their hearts, not because they hold on to an illusion, but because they have relinquished some of the control they imagined they possessed to the one whose control is the operating system of the entire universe and everything in it, from the atoms to the galaxies and beyond.

The day you realize that no matter how much you shout, worry, cry, or will things to happen, only what God wills will happen; that day you will attain happiness and tranquility, because you’ll know that as long as you’ve done your part to the best of your ability, you can trust and believe that God too will do His part to His exalted ability.

Today is Just a Step on the Way

The “here and now” is just the result of the past and the blueprint of the future. Your life is one unit, you can’t isolate today from yesterday and tomorrow.

So while you shouldn’t waste today brooding over the past, which you should have repented; or worrying over the future, which you should entrust to its Creator, you should also recognize that what you do today will affect how you live tomorrow, whether tomorrow will be yet another day in this life, or the first day in the next life. Your short-term plan is as long as your life, because your long term is eternity!

Focus your eyes on the goal, which you should derive from the answer to these questions: Why am I here? Where did I come from and where am I going to, and how can I get where I’m going looking and feeling my best?

Wishing you health, wealth and strength to reach your destination with a smile and a winner’s record.

(From Discovering Islam’s archive.)

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The Powerful Woman who Helped the Prophet in Hijrah

The hijrah was a perilous journey but it was one that had to be taken.

Who was the powerful woman who helped the Prophet (PBUH) in Hijrah?

The Powerful Woman Who Helped the Prophet in Hijrah

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Can One Achieve Inner Peace Without Faith?

Are you able to find inner peace?

And are you able to keep this inner peace?

Brother Nouman Ali Khan responds to a question from the audience about this topic.

The questioner asked:

Iman (faith) has different levels.

Is Iman related to peace?

Does peace have different levels?

Can one attain peace without Iman?

Or vice versa.

Can a person having low Iman attain peace?”

And Ustaz Nouman Ali Khan responded:

“Great question.

It’s actually a beautiful question.

Allah (SWT) describes in the ayah that I recited:

“… So which of the two parties has more right to security, if you should know?” (Qur’an, 6:81)

They who believe and do not mix their belief with injustice – those will have security, and they are [rightly] guided.” (Qur’an, 6:82)

Allah (SWT) is saying, which of the two sides is more deserving of finding peace more?

In other words, there is such a thing as people finding peace once in a while in other than Islam.

But who deserves consistent, constant, life-long peace?

These are people who truly came to believe and did not violate the rights of their faith by doing bad things, by doing wrong things.

Buddhists can tell you that some of them can sit like four hours in meditation in one position and not move.

And you look at them and say “this guy is really peaceful, he’s calm down and finds a lot of peace in it…”

And there are people who do yoga and find peace in that too. Right?

And people sit in a sauna and find peace.

Some people listen to classical music and they find peace.

If you want to talk about somebody finding peace, they say I find peace in different things.

Somebody likes to sit up at the beach and just look at the ocean waves, and they find peace.

But that is just the calmness of emotions, temporarily.

When we say peace, it’s actually number one the opposite of fear; your concerns, your grievances, your negative emotions aren’t just taken away for a little while, you have a constant source of putting those things in perspective.

For a lot of practices of peace, you know what people do?

They like to forget their reality, other than Allah.

People like to forget their reality, so a lot of people find peace when they get drunk.

You know why?

Because when they are drunk, they can’t think, so they forget about their problems.

A lot of people find peace when they take drugs, because when they take drugs their mind is gone, so they don’t have to worry about their problems.

A lot of people find peace only by playing video games or watching movies, because when they are playing the video game and watching the movie they are not thinking about their own life, so it’s happy time.

As soon as it ends, “I don’t want to face reality again. Put the next movie on….”

Don’t miss this excellent reminder by brother Nouman Ali Khan if you are searching for inner peace.

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Why Do We Love Madinah So Much?

Have you been to Madinah?

Do you love the city of the Prophet, peace be upon him?

In this brief recording, Dr. Yasir Qadhi on his recent visit there shares his personal reflections.

“We are now standing on one of the minarets of the Haram, and Al-Hamdulel-Allah you can see the view here is absolutely amazing.

We actually have a full moon as well, Al-Hamdulel-Allah.

The sun is coming up and we see this beautiful view.

What a beautiful city this is.

Our Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, praised Madinah, and the reason why everyone of us loves Madinah is that the Prophet, peace be upon him, made a special du’aa to Allah (SWT).

He said in that famous hadith recorded in Sahih Al-Bukhari:

O Allah, cause all of us to love Madinah like we used to love Makkah, and even more than our love for Makkah.”  (Al-Bukhari, Chapter 12)

So our Prophet, peace be upon him, made a du’aa to Allah that all Muslims should love Madinah, and Al-Hamdulel-Allah every single Muslim in the world has this special love coming to the city of the Prophet, peace be upon him.

Makkah is indeed grand. Makkah is indeed majestic.

But there is no denying that the peace and the sakinah that a person feels, coming to the city of the Prophet, peace be upon him, is simply unparalleled.

Don’t miss this great brief reflection by Dr. Yasir Qadhi from Madinah.

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What Is Shariah?

The Shariah includes both faith and practice. It embraces worship, individual attitude and conduct. It also includes social norms and laws, whether political, economic, familial, criminal, or civil.

What is Shariah?

In its fullest sense, the Shariah is virtually synonymous, and can be used interchangeably, with the word deen, which can only inadequately be translated as “religion.” Deen literally means “way of life,” “submission,” “following,” or the “way.”

Though the word Shariah in its various derivative forms is found in five places in the Quran, its extensive use only came into vogue much later, for the words Islam and deen were more commonly employed to express the same meaning in the early days of Islam.

The Shariah includes both faith and practice. It embraces worship, individual attitude and conduct. It also includes social norms and laws, whether political, economic, familial, criminal, or civil.

Sometimes, it may also be used to imply, in a more restricted sense, do’s and don’ts-the rules and regulations for conduct and behavior.

Lastly, it is also used as the equivalent of the Islamic laws.

The Shariah is thus nothing less than the divinely ordained way of life for man. To realize the divine will, man must follow the Shariah.

To live in Islam is to live according to the Shariah. Giving up the Shariah or any part of it knowingly, willfully, or deliberately is tantamount to giving up Islam.

A Muslim must therefore do his utmost to observe and to implement the whole of it, wherever and in whatever situation he finds himself. Hence the Muslim insistence, persistence, commitment, and passion for it.

Essence of Shariah

To understand the essence of the Shariah, one must understand the relationship between man and God that Islam lays down.

There is no god but One God; Muhammad is the Prophet of God: This simple sentence is the bedrock of the Islamic creed.

God is the Creator; to Him alone, therefore, belongs the kingdom and He is the only Sovereign.

{Surely Your Lord is God who has created the heaven and the earth… verily to Him belong the creation and the sovereignty} (Al-A`raf 7:54).


{He has created the heavens and the earth with a purpose. He wraps night about day and He wraps day about night… He has created you from one being… That then is God, your only Lord; His is the kingdom. There is no god but He} (Al-Zumar 39:5-6).

God is the Creator. To Him alone, therefore, as his only Lord and Master, man must submit his entire being:

{Your God is One God, so only to Him submit} (Al-Hajj 22:34).

{That then is God, your Lord; there is no god but He, the Creator of everything. So Him alone serve} (Al-An`am 6:102).

God is the only true Provider. It is He Who has bestowed on man such faculties and capabilities as seeing, hearing, thinking, and articulating-attributes which man cannot live without, but which he cannot create for himself.

It is He Who has made available the resources of the external world which man may discover, exploit, and develop but again, cannot create.

Source of guidance

Yet surely man’s greatest need is to know how to live his life so as to fulfill successfully the purpose of his creation; how to relate himself to his Creator, to his own self, to his fellow human beings, and to everything around him.

To God alone he must therefore turn to seek guidance. For there is no one apart from or beside Him who can truly provide answers to man’s eternal questions or is capable of guiding him. All else can only be speculation and conjecture.

And why should the One Who has provided even for man’s most trivial material needs, not also have provided for his more important moral and spiritual needs?

The Quran says,

{Say: Is there any of those you associate (with God) who guides to the Truth? Say: only God guides to the Truth. Does then, He who guides to the Truth deserve more to be followed or he who can guide not unless he be guided? What ails you? How judge you?

And most of them follow naught but speculation, and speculation can never take the place of truth} (Yunus 10:35-6).

And further,

{Or, do they (claim to) have associates who have laid down for them the Way for which God gave not leave} (Al-Shura 42:21).

It was to provide for this greatest human need that God sent His prophets from amongst men in all ages and to all nations, bringing them the light of the divine guidance revealed to them. Among them were Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus. And Muhammad was the last of them, in no way different or new. May God bless all of them.

{He has laid down for you the Way that He entrusted to Noah, and that We have revealed to you, and that We entrusted to Abraham, Moses and Jesus. Establish fully the Way and follow not different ways} (Ash-Shu`raa’ 42:13).

God-man relationship

Man’s relationship to God is expressed by the very word Islam-submitting to Him by following His will and guidance as brought by His prophets.

But this submission must be total and all embracing. A Muslim submits his entire person to his Creator as his only Lord and Master. No part of his life can be exempt from the need of divine guidance or from the writ of divine sovereignty. God and His lordship and sovereignty are indivisible; and so is man’s life in its submission to Him.

It would indeed be an imperfect God Who could only be experienced or related to in the realm of the spirit or the provision of material needs like one’s daily bread-a God unconcerned, uncaring, or incompetent to help man in the more arduous and complex task of living his life.

Man has been given the freedom to reject God; but, once having accepted Him, he must follow His guidance. He is not free to follow one part of it and ignore another, nor to seek guidance from sources other than God. Denial of part is denial of the whole.

{What, believe you in part of the Book and deny part thereof? And what is the reward of those who do so except ignominy in the present life, and on the Day of Resurrection to be returned unto most grievous torment.} (Al-Baqarah 2:85)

{What, do they seek another way other than God’s Way; whereas unto Him submits whoso is in the heavens and the earth, willingly or unwillingly.} (Aal `Imran 3:83)

{And who seeks a way other than Islam, it shall not be accepted from him.} (Aal `Imran 3:85)

Human Freedom and Dignity

The act of total submission to God in accordance with the Shariah given by Him in no way diminishes human dignity, freedom, and responsibility.

The act of submission is the highest act of human volition and freedom, for it implies freedom to disobey God.

Indeed, in submitting to God, all the chains and shackles of every form of serfdom, servility, and bondage are broken, whether they be to other men, to ideas, to nature, to man-made objects, or to institutions. For before the affirmation of One God must come the forsaking of every false god.

More importantly, total submission to God elevates man to the state of khilafah, (viceregency), whereby he is accorded the highest place on earth by being endowed with reason, articulation, volition, freedom, and responsibility.

The responsibility to follow the Shariah according to the Quran (Al-Ahzab 33:72), is the fulfillment of amanah, the trust which even the heavens, the earth, and the mountains dare not bear.

* Based on the book Shariah: The Way to God, Published by The Islamic Foundation (1981).

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Dangers of Showering!

Narrated Abu Malik Al-Harith ibn Aasim Al-Ash`ari: Allah’s Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him) said, “Cleanliness is half of Faith.”(Sahih Muslim)

Allah, the Almighty, says, [Surely, Allah loves those who turn much to Him, and He loves those who purify themselves.] (Al-Baqarah 2:222).

Considering how Islam, like other world religions, advocates cleanliness as emphasized numerous times in the Qur’an and Hadith, one would not typically associate danger with such a virtuous habit.

However, modern methods of bathing have become such a health risk that they are starting to rival the health risks associated with the ancient public baths.

While trying to improve the convenience of our traditional bathing options, modern technology has created new hazards that many are not aware of. These hazards include bacteria in showerheads, molds in the bathrooms, and chlorine in the water used.

What Is Going On in There?

A research conducted at the University of Colorado tested 45 showerheads from nine cities and found that 30 percent of them contained bacteria linked with pulmonary diseases.

Norman Pace, the lead researcher on the project, found that these bacteria clump together on the insides of the showerheads and are then released each time the shower is turned on.

Once these mycobacteria are released with the water, they can easily suspend in the air where they can be inhaled.

People who have allergies or whose immune systems are compromised (by diseases, drugs, or a polluted environment) are at the highest risk of being affected by these bacteria.

One interesting notation is that these mycobacteria are resistant to chlorine, one of the substances added to the public water system to kill harmful organisms before they reach homes.

Along with chlorine, there are a number of chemicals in the tap water that can cause visible damage to hair and skin, as well as invisible damage to the entire body system, including putting people at a higher risk of cancer. These chemicals include chlorine, chloroform, DCA (dichloroacetic acid), and MX (a chlorinated acid).

Chlorine hardens arteries, destroys proteins, irritates the skin, and aggravates sinus infections and all respiratory problems. Chloroform, DCA, and MX are all by-products of chlorine and can cause excessive cell mutation, which could lead to cancer.

Research indicates that there is an increased risk of bladder and rectal cancer in people who drink chlorinated water. However, tests show that by taking a 10-minute shower a person is absorbing as much chlorine as he or she would by drinking eight glasses of water.

This is because a warm shower opens up the pores, causing each person who showers to absorb the chlorine through the skin while inhaling it from the shower steam as well.

The only solution to this problem is to install a showerhead that filters water from chlorine, as chlorine is a required ingredient in all public water supply systems.

In fact, Dr. Lance Wallace from the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) states, “Showering is suspected as the primary cause of elevated levels of chloroform in nearly every home, because of chlorine in the water.”

Releasing the Molds

Dangers of Showering!

Since chlorine was introduced into the water system as a standard in 1904 in the UK, cases of childhood asthma have increased by 300 percent, and cancers have been on the rise.

According to the US Council of Environmental Quality (CEQ), cancer risk among people drinking chlorinated water is 93 percent higher than among those whose water does not contain chlorine.

Another study carried out in Hartford, Connecticut, found that “women with breast cancer have 50 percent to 60 percent higher levels of organochlorines (chlorination by-products) in their breast tissue than women without breast cancer.”

However, once you remove the chlorine from your water, the risk of mold growth in your bathroom will increase. Molds in the bathroom are the third-largest health hazard associated with cleanliness.

To clean molds from your bathroom, you first need to make sure that your bathroom is properly ventilated and that all leaks are taken care of.

Each time the bathroom is used, it should be aired out with a vent or an open window and kept as dry as possible. One should also be diligent about checking windowsills, rugs, and shower curtains that are famous for harboring mold colonies.

Once the problem of moisture is taken care of, mold that has already grown can be eradicated using tea tree oil, grapefruit seed extract (GSE), or simple vinegar.

Start by washing and scrubbing the area with baking soda or other cleansers. Be sure to use an abrasive sponge and wear a mask. Once your initial cleaning is finished, you should cover the entire area with a mold inhibitor. You can use straight vinegar in a spray bottle, or you can combine two teaspoons of tea tree oil or twenty drops of GSE with two cups of water and spray on all previously washed and scrubbed surfaces. Do not rinse. This will kill any remaining mold and will prevent additional mold from forming.

Exposure to mold can affect the health of many people. The most common effects are allergic responses, such as hay fever or asthma, and irritation of the eyes, nose, throat, or lungs.

Other symptoms of mold exposure can include depression, nasal congestion, respiratory problems, headaches, and rashes. What can be deceptive and even more dangerous is that these reactions may not be immediately noticed and traced back to molds. One of the most common symptoms of mold exposure is pneumonitis, a disease that resembles bacterial pneumonia.

Reactions to molds can build up in a person, causing the immune system to deteriorate or allergies to become more severe over time.

This article is from our archive, originally published on an earlier date, and now republished  for its importance.


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Stand Firm: Understand Allah’s Name Al-Mateen

Indeed, it is Allah who is the [continual] Provider, the firm possessor of strength. (Quran, 51:58)

This Name relates to AlSamad in that it means the One who is firm in strength. Linguistically it also means something that rises and stays, as well as the hard or apparent part of something.

Allah subhanahu wa ta`ala (exalted is He) reminds us He is Al-Mateen to address any trepidation we might have. We all have worries and fears, and we might even consider giving up on our values and principles for worldly gain. But Allah reminds us that He is Firm in strength.

Whenever you feel your resolve wavering, hold on to Him. When you feel weak, seek strength from the One who is the Most Strong. When you feel that you cannot be steadfast, hold on to the One who is Firm so you do not slip.

Allah reveals His Names to us so that we can turn to Him in every situation and be reassured no matter what troubles there are around us. Whenever you feel unsure, turn to Him and understand His Names and attributes so that you can have certainty that Allah can address all your fears and hesitation.

Allah’s Plan is Firm

Allah says:

And I will give them time. Indeed, my plan is firm (mateen). (Quran, 7:183)

When the world gets too hard to bear and all we see and hear are stories of injustice and pain, remember this verse: “Allah’s plan is firm.”

No one will escape His justice. He gives everyone time, and He gives everyone an opportunity to turn back. But if people persist with injustice, they will not escape the plan of Allah and will ultimately be brought to justice. No one, no matter how untouchable they might seem in this world, will escape the plan of Allah.

Continue reading here.

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How to Have Dreams of the Prophet

Editor’s note:

This article is republished with a kind permission  from 


The following is a story that my father used to tell my siblings and me when we were children:

A man once came to a scholar and said to him, “More than anything, I want to have a dream of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). How can I do this?”

The scholar thought for a moment, then told him, “Go home and eat a big dinner of extremely salty fish. Add as much salt as you can to your dish, but do not drink a single sip of water for the rest of the day. “

The man was incredibly excited. He rushed to the supermarket and bought up the saltiest fish he could find to have for dinner. During dinner, his senses were overwhelmed with the saltiness of the fish. He really wanted a glass of water, but he remembered what the scholar had told him and stayed away from it.

For the rest of the day, he was miserable. The saltiness scratched at his throat and he felt more parched than ever. All he could think about was how good it would feel to down a cup of ice-cold water.

When he went to bed, he tossed and turned because of his thirst, but eventually fell into a fitful sleep. Then he dreamt he was standing under a beautiful waterfall – it soaked him from head to toe, and he cupped his hands together to drink from the sweet, pure water.

The man woke up in the morning, startled. He quickly rushed to the scholar and said with impatience, “You said that if I followed your instructions, I would dream of the Prophet, but I didn’t! Water was the only thing I dreamt of all night.”

The scholar turned to him and said, “When something occupies your mind, actions, and senses all day, you will naturally dream about it at night. You were preoccupied with your wish to drink water, so you dreamt of it. If you become preoccupied with learning about the Prophet and following his Sunnah, that is what will occupy your dreams, too.”

I take two lessons from this story:

One: Whatever occupies your day in terms of actions, words, and thoughts, will not only leak into your dreams and the subconscious spaces of your mind, but it will also become who you are.

Guard your actions and words carefully

Sometimes we tend to believe that whatever is in our hearts is what dictates the kind of people we are. While that is true in the sense that our actions are judged according to our intentions, our hearts are extremely malleable. The heart quickly rusts if left alone.

It is just as our beloved messenger (saw) said:

“For everything there is a polish, and the polish for the heart is the remembrance of Allah.”

Doing good can come as a result of having a sincere heart, this is true. But doing good can also be about someone wanting to have a sincere heart. You can’t stop doing good because you don’t feel the results. Spiritual guidance doesn’t simply come knocking at your door. You have to put in the time to pray, read, learn, and reflect, and have the dedication necessary to see the fruits of your labour.

Two: Sometimes we aim for lofty and noble goals, but we aren’t willing to put in the time or effort to make those things a reality. We want to take the path of least resistance (even though it’s the resistance that often teaches us the most valuable lessons).

Those in history who have been the most successful – regardless of whether we are speaking about financial success or spiritual success – have often gone through serious difficulties that took years to overcome. Their dedication to their work or their path, and their willingness to keep moving forward even when logic told them they should give up, was paramount to their success.

It takes time and effort to reach the summits of progress and success that we admire from down below.

We always ask Allah (swt) to make our paths easy and to grant us success – but we also have to be willing to take the concrete actions necessary to achieve what we seek.

Anas ibn Malik reported:

A man said, “O Messenger of Allah, should I tie my camel and trust in Allah, or should I untie her and trust in Allah?” The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Tie her and trust in Allah.”


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The Beauty of Free Will

The first time I heard the word “Islam”, I was in my first year of college.

I spent the next few years learning more about this word, this faith.

Something about it spoke to me. But I rejected it time and again, thinking it had not been what I was taught growing up.

I chose pride in my upbringing, in my heritage over the truth from my Creator, until the weight of the truth became too much for me to reject.

I exercised my freewill in rejecting and finally accepting Islam. Read more about my journey to Islam here, and here.

The topic of freewill and human beings’ ability to choose is one topic that many people get wrong about Islam.

Many people erroneously believe that Islam teaches strict predestination or fatalism, the idea that human beings are either predestined to go to heaven or hell no matter what we choose to believe or do and no matter what our intentions are.

This is because the idea of qadar (divine will) is often misunderstood. But qadar is a more complex concept than that of predestination or fatalism.

Balance in Understanding

Like most things in Islam, the truth is somewhere in the middle path. As Muslims, we know that whatever is written for us will unerringly come to us. This is Allah’s plan and will. But we also know that we will be judged and rewarded or punished for our belief and intentions.

FreewillWe do not have freedom to determine everything we do, as we can see from our day to day lives. If we had absolute and complete freewill, everything we endeavored to do would work out for us.

There are other forces at play in the world that sometimes get in the way of what we will to happen. And we understand this. These forces were created by Allah and are completely under the control of Allah.

But we do have the freewill to believe what we want and to determine our intentions.

For example, we can believe that Allah is One, that He is our Creator, and that worshiping Him is the best act we can do. So we plan to make salat (prayer/worship) in the mosque, seeking Allah’s pleasure. We make our intention. Go to start the car. But it won’t start.

The belief and intention is there and we will be rewarded for that. But perhaps because the battery in the car died, we were not able to make salat in the mosque. The physics of the universe, that which Allah has created, got in the way of our will.

So, Allah’s will is superior and supersedes our will, but we still have choice. And this is where our reward comes from – the choice.

Choosing to Accept Choice

For freewill or choice to exist there has to be another option other than following our base desires.

There literally has to be something else to choose. That something else is voluntarily submitting to the will of Allah and exercising the choice and determination to overcome our own will to do what is better.

If we look to nature, we can see that no other animal or creation has a choice to act on anything other than their base urge. They do not have the freedom to choose. So why do human beings get to choose between instinct and a higher purpose?

It is because unlike any other creation, human beings accepted the responsibility of freewill.

Allah says in the Quran:

We did indeed offer the Trust to the Heavens and the Earth and the Mountains; but they refused to undertake it, being afraid thereof: but man undertook it; He was indeed unjust and foolish. (33:72)

One way

In the Tafsir (exegeses) of this verse, Ibn Abbas said:

Al-Amanah [the Trust offered to all of creation] means [voluntary] obedience [to God]. This was offered to them [the heavens, the Earth and the mountains…] and they could not bear it. Then Allah said to Adam:

`I have offered the Amanah [the Trust] to the heavens and the earth and the mountains, and they could not bear it. Will you take it on?

He said:

`O Lord, what does it involve’?

He said: `If you do good, you will be rewarded, and if you do evil, you will be punished.’

So Adam [and all his children-that’s us] took the Amanah and bore it, and this is what is referred to in the Ayah.” (Tafsir Ibn Kathir)

So the ability of choose was literally chosen by us-the children of Adam. We took on this Trust from Allah, and so we have the freedom and responsibility to choose. We can believe in Allah or not. And we can overcome our egos and urges and intend to do evil or not. It is up to us.

Better than Angels; Worse than Animals

And because of our ability to choose, we can be better than angels.

The angels, who are created to do Allah’s will and worship Him, do not have the freewill to choose this obedience. But human beings who submit their will to the will of Allah do have a choice.

At the same time because of our ability to choose, we can act worse than animals. Animals, who are created to act entirely on instinct and base desires, do not have the freedom to choose a higher purpose. But human beings, who only act on their instinct and baser desires, do have a choice to do and be better.

It is in the ability to choose that is so significant and so worthy of reward or punishment. We accepted it, and we can do and be better.

It is up to each one of us to choose whether we want to be better than angels or worse than animals.

May Allah (SWT) guide us all to His Straight Path.


(From Discovering Islam’s archive.)

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Are We not Worshipping You Enough?

Allah told the angels that He wanted to create another nation. The angels asked are we not worshipping you enough? Allah said no, but I want a different group of people where sometimes they remember Me.

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Excellent Quran Recitation – Surah Al-Ghashiyah

Here is an excellent Quran recitation of Surah Ghashiyah by Qari Aziz Al Kawser. It is beautifully recited and there are English subtitles.

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Facts About the Hijri Calendar

What do you know about the Islamic calendar? Hijrah marked the start of the Hijri calendar! Check out these facts every Muslim should know!

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American Muslims Meet Friday in Houston for ISNA Convention

Muslims from across North America will gather Friday, August 30, in Houston, Texas, for the opening day of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) 56th annual convention, one of the largest gatherings of its kind on the continent.

“We are inviting superpeople of all ages to join us in the biggest gathering of social good changemakers the world has ever seen,” ISNA organizers wrote on its website.

“ISNACON’19 will inspire attendees, help them discover their own superpower and transform their vision into action. We are going to do our part and lead the effort to make the world a better place by upskilling, resourcing, connecting, and opening doors for American Muslims who serve humanity.

This year’s Convention themed, “What’s your super power for social good?,” brings together both Muslim and interfaith individuals, families, businesses and non-profit organizations for a full schedule of lectures, discussions, debates, and entertainment.

The occasion is scheduled to run for 4 consecutive days, from August 30 to September 2.

female scholars

Ingrid Matson

Speakers include Dr. Ingrid Mattson, Dr. Muzammil Siddiqi, Shaykh Yasir Qadhi, Zahra Billoo, Dalia Mogahed, Besheer Mohamed, and Trevor Noah.

Along with prominent scholars, the convention will be attended by presidential candidates Senator Bernie Sanders and Julian Castro.

Zahra Billoo

Government and interfaith leaders, as well as heads of organizations, brought greetings and well wishes for a successful gathering during the inaugural session.

Estimates put the Muslim population in the US at between five and eight million.

ISNA is the largest Muslim umbrella organization in North America.

ISNA’s annual convention dates back to 1963 when the first such event was organized by the predecessor to ISNA, the Muslim Students Association of the United States and Canada.

America Muslims Meet in Houston for ISNA Convention

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NZ All Blacks Visit Christchurch Attack Survivors

For the victims of the Christchurch terrorist attack, a meet-and-greet with the All Blacks rugby players on Thursday, August 29, was a special event that boosted their morals, Stuff reported.

“After the tragedy, this is special for [my children] to see the big teams,” said Osman Ahmed, who was shot in the back when a gunman killed 51 fellow Muslims in the city on March 15.

“It’s our aim to push our kids to have an idea for their sports, to let them forget about what happened and make sure they join with the community and join them.”

On Thursday, All Blacks Sonny Bill Williams, Ofa Tu’ungafasi , Richie Mo’unga and Sam Whitelock met Ahmed, his three children as well as other families affected by the tragedy.

Sam Whitelock signs items for 9-year-old Faduma Aweys during skills, meet and greet session in Christchurch on Thursday. JOSEPH JOHNSON/STUFF

The event was organized by Canterbury Resilience Foundation which was founded to help the youth affected by the attacks.

Williams, who is a Muslim as well as Tu’ungafasi, said he wanted to reconnect with victims he met after the attacks.

Whitelock signs a shirt for Osman Ahmed, who was shot in the back on March 15. Ahmed’s daughter Mulki Abdiwahab, 18, is in the background. JOSEPH JOHNSON/STUFF

“I’ve been down here a few times. But actually seeing some of the brothers, the victims that were in the hospital, they’re actually walking around and getting around now.”

“We’re proud to come and represent the All Blacks,” Williams said.

“Sport is our vehicle that we drive but along with it, we try and push that positive empowering message.”

Whitelock chats with Sheikh Hasan Rubel, who was injured in the mosque attacks., JOSEPH JOHNSON/STUFF

Huge Opportunity

Mo’unga said it was a “huge opportunity” for the four team members.

“It’s something we’re not taking lightly, to come down and spend time with people that were affected by March 15. It’s really just to share some smiles, give back to give our time.”

Canterbury Resilience Foundation cofounder Abdigani Ali said when NZ Rugby reached out about the idea they were welcomed “with open arms”.

“Sport is actually a key component into youth mental wellbeing,” he said.

“It’s great, [the All Blacks} are our national pride. The kids are really happy to see them.”

Richie Mo’unga says the children put him under pressure during the training session. JOSEPH JOHNSON/STUFF

Terrorist Brenton Harrison Tarrant killed 51 Muslim worshippers in March-15 attacks as he targeted Al Noor and Linwood mosques.

Earlier this month, Australia’s Richmond Muslim player Bachar Houli and New Zealand star Sonny Bill Williams paid an emotional visit on Friday to the families of the victims, sharing prayers and stories.

All Black captain Kieran Read shares kicking tips with enthusiastic Central Otago primary school children in Queenstown. Debbie Jamieson/Stuff

Four Manly Sea Eagles players paid an emotional visit on March 28 to one of the mosques which were the scene of a terrorist shooting in Christchurch.

Earlier in March, the All Blacks rugby player Ofa Tu’ungafasi accepted Islam following a visit with his Muslim teammate Sonny Bill Williams over the weekend to the survivors of Christchurch mosque terrorist attack.

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