Why Is My Dua Not Answered?

Brother Tim Humble answers why is my dua not answered in this animated video. Many of us ask this question!

We make dua daily sometimes though there are barriers that are stopping our dua from being answered. Great advice.

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source https://aboutislam.net/multimedia/videos/dua-not-answered/

60+ Branches of Faith: How to Prioritize

As narrated by Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him), the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said about faith,

Iman (faith) is some seventy (or some sixty) branches, the highest of which is (to testify that) there is no god but Allah, and the lowest is removing (any source of) harm from the road. And modesty is a branch of Iman.” (Muslim)

Although concise, this statement states a few important concepts Muslims should know. Firstly, Iman is not just something that resides in our hearts. It is not simply faith or belief that one must embrace. It includes many things in addition to faith or belief, and it has many branches and elements encompassing faith, action, and character.

Furthermore, branches of Iman are not of the same level. They have different priorities and different importance. Therefore, several companions of the Prophet asked him this question: “Which of the deeds Allah loves more?”

The Prophet acknowledged the validity of the question by giving specific answers that sometimes differ from one person to another and even from one time to another.

It is extremely important for us as Muslims to be able to answer the following questions:

“What is the most important deed? Which deeds are more beloved to Allah? Which deeds Allah rewards for the most?”

Ibn Al-Qayim shared a deliberate answer to this question by his teacher Ibn Taymiyyah (may Allah be pleased with him) by conducting a virtual debate in his book Madarij As-Salikeen. In this article, we will try to help the reader to understand this concept and be able to select deeds that are most important, most rewarding, and most beloved by Allah.

This 2-part series does not give an answer to the questions, for these questions do not have specific answers. Rather, it tries to equip the reader with the necessary knowledge to prioritize and decide for himself.

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source https://aboutislam.net/spirituality/60-branches-of-faith-how-to-prioritize-part-1/

Who Are the 3 Female Figures of Hijrah?

The new year marks the hijra of the first Muslim community. That first community struggled and strove to keep the flame of faith alive so that Islam could be passed on to us today.

This time of year is a great time to pause and reflect on the past and those who struggled to make hijra.

Much of what we read about the hijra is of the male companions. These valiant men earned their place in history and in our hearts. But there were many brave and righteous female companions who faced unimaginable obstacles to make it from Mecca to Medina to keep the faith alive.

Asma’ Bint Abu Bakr (RA)

Asma’, the daughter of Abu Bakr, was among the companions whose journey to Medina was fraught with danger.

Leaving Mecca, she faced great opposition. During this time, she became known as Zât an-Nitâqayn (the one with to waistbands) after she ripped her waistband to help her carry food and supplies to the Prophet (PUH) and her father (RA) while they hid in the cave of Thawr to escape those who wished to assassinate the Prophet (PBUH).

Bringing the Prophet (PBUH) and her father supplies in the cave was dangerous business for Asma’. Not only was the path treacherous, which she climbed while pregnant, if she were found out that she was supplying the Prophet, she risked death herself.

Abu Jahl, a leader among those who wished to murder the Prophet (PBUH), began to suspect that Asma’ was an accomplice in hiding the Prophet. So, Abu Jahl approached her wanting to force her to tell him where her father and the Prophet hid.

But Asma’ (RA) faced Abu Jahl’s rage with brave silence. Once Abu Jahl realized that his tirade was not moving Asma’ to give up the location of those hiding from his murder attempt, he slapped pregnant Asma’ with so much force that her necklace fell off.

Once Asma’ finally reached Medina, she gave birth to the first newborn from the Muslim community in Medina.

Hijrah of Prophet Muhammad – A New Start (Special Folder)

Umm Salama (RA)

Umm Salama (RA) was among those companions who migrated to Abyssinia and to Medina. She left her home and family twice to seek religious freedom. “for Umm Salamah, Migrating to Abyssinia meant abandoning her home and giving up the traditional ties of lineage and honor for something new, pursuing the pleasure and reward of Allah”.

After returning from Abyssinia to her home in Makkah, and seeing that things had not improved as immigrants to Abyssinia had thought, she and her family set out yet again to leave behind everything and migrate to Medina.

But her husband and children were met with opposition from her family and they were torn apart. After days of deeply mourning the incident, her family took pity on her and returned her son to her care. Wanting to reunite her entire family in a new land- a land of hope, away from the oppression of Mecca, she was determined to make the dangerous trek to Medina- alone.

Travelling through the desert in her day and age took time and was extremely dangerous. But still she bravely set out to travel alone with her child to Madinah trusting in Allah (SWT) alone. And Allah provided her with safety when she met ‘Uthman bin Talhah ‘Abdari on her journey, who honorably accompanied her the rest of the way.

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source https://aboutislam.net/family-life/your-society/3-female-figures-hijrah/

An Eye on Climate Change

{Corruption has appeared throughout the land and sea by [reason of] what the hands of people have earned so He may let them taste part of [the consequence of] what they have done that perhaps they will return [to righteousness]}. (Surat Ar-Rum 30:41).

The international scientific community agrees that Planet Earth has a continuously-changing climate and that our globe has passed by several and different climatic ages throughout its 4.54 billion years.

The major scientific institutions in the world also have a firm belief in the existence of evidenced indicators which prove there is a current climate change taking place on Planet Earth.

📚 Read Also:  Environment & Ecology in Holy Qur’an

Pillars of Climate Change

First of all, there is a must to put some pillars about the matter of climate change to digest its idea and succeed in building a well-established opinion about it.

Scientists are currently sure with facts and indicators that there is a climate change taking place. Whether it’s a global warming or a global cooling on regional scales, but there are evident climatic shifts and changes.

Secondly, it is basic knowledge for scientists and researchers that the climate of our home planet Earth was always changing and is continuing to change. This is approved by several astronomical, chemical, physical, geographical, geological, climatologic, biological, botanical… etc evidences.

Morevoer, we must also be aware that our ancient civilizations and ancestors were living in a geological age called Quaternary Period which is the most recent of 3 periods of the Cenozoic Era which in turn is the current and most recent of 3 eras in the current Phanerozoic Eon. Every geological age has distinguishable characteristics including climatologic features and properties.

Continue Reading…

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source https://aboutislam.net/muslim-issues/science-muslim-issues/eye-climate-change/

Coming to Terms with Change: 3 Lessons from Hijrah

How many times have you jumped into the unknown, switching to a new school, workplace, career, or even country?

How did you feel during the moment when you completely took the plunge? Anxious, nervous, terrified, and unsure of yourself, finding your way through a major change in life is a serious undertaking.

Now imagine that you are not changing by choice, but by force. Almost everyone that you are leaving behind despises you and never wants to see you again. They have taken almost everything that you own and have physically threatened the lives of you and your friends and family.

Where you are going is just as uncertain; an unfamiliar locale that could hold just as many problems as where you came from.

This is just a taste of what the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) went through on his journey from Makkah to Madinah, or what we call the Hijrah.

As we are currently in the season of the new Islamic year, which marks the anniversary of the beginning of Prophet Muhammad’s journey, here are a few important lessons that we can take from the Hijrah.

Doing What is Right is Worth the Sacrifice

Referring to the element of hardship, the first lesson that we learn from the Hijrah is that sacrifice, or giving up the things we love the most, is an important part of being on the path of God.

Sometimes we tend to think that what is right and what is easy go hand in hand, and this could just as easily have been the case for the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

Imagine if he had just recognized Allah as another idol, part of the hundreds that the Makkans already worshipped. How much better would his life and the lives of his companions been? The Makkans promised him a lot materially, so I imagine he would be doing well.

However, Prophet Muhammad refused because he knew that what he was doing was part of something bigger and, more importantly, something that was right. He was not after material wealth, fame, or power, but rather strove only to serve the Truth.

This is precisely why he left his home and all his possessions behind.

This is something that we can integrate into our own lives. Of course, there is moderation, and you should always think deeply before jeopardizing your own well-being or that of others.

However, the Hijrah teaches us that when you are faced with an important decision, the main thing you think about should not be which option gives me the best outcome, but which option is right.

Leaving Behind What is Bad is Preferred Over Doing Something Good

The second lesson from the Hijrah is a phrase often heard in Arabic: “al-Takhliyyah Qabl al-Tahliyyah” which roughly means that leaving something bad is preferred over doing something good.

The root of this lesson comes from a Hadith where the Prophet Muhammad was asked:

“What is the best Hijrah?”

To which he responded:

To leave what your Lord dislikes.

Think about it a bit: how many times have you thought about applying a Sunnah like growing a beard (if you don’t already have one)?

It’s easy, it’s a practice of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)!

But then think again: how many bad habits do you have in your life? It won’t be as easy to remove them as stopping shaving, but to do so first means that you are performing the best possible Hijrah and directly applying the practices of the Prophet Muhammad. You won’t win any gorgeous beard competitions any time soon, but you will on the overall be a better person.    

Keeping a Positive Attitude in the Face of Overwhelming Odds

The third lesson from the Hijrah is to always stay positive and look for the light no matter where it might come from.

The year before the Prophet Muhammad immigrated to Madinah is known as the Year of Sorrow. He lost his uncle, Abu Talib, who had stood next to him and protected the Muslims politically, even though he never embraced the Islamic faith.

He also lost his wife, Khadija, who had been his greatest supporter even when he had his own moments of uncertainty.

Finally, the Prophet Muhammad’s trip to Ta’if to spread the message of Islam, a city not far from Makkah, ended up in a failure, and he was rejected by the city’s inhabitants and left cast out and injured.

Throughout this year, there were many events that would make even the strongest-willed person think twice about sticking to their cause.

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) did not, however, and rather chose to look at his predicament positively. When the Angel Gabriel suggested that the angels could crush the people of Ta’if in revenge, Prophet Muhammad said:


Also, after he was rejected from Ta’if he took refuge in an orchard and met a Christian named Addas, who gave him some grapes and consoled him.

After hearing about Islam from Prophet Muhammad, he converted, meaning that the trip had an ultimate purpose.

Not too soon afterwards, the Prophet’s prayers were answered as he was approached by tribal representatives from Yathrib (soon to be Madinah), offering him and his followers refuge.

The takeaway from this story is that life can be dark. You can lose your job, watch your personal relationships wither, or sometimes feel that your whole life is collapsing right before your eyes…

In these moments it is easy to lose faith, thinking that things would just be easier if you gave up. Instead, the Prophet Muhammad’s journey of immigration to a new land shows us that we should always look on the bright side.

I would imagine that, even in those darkest of times, that there are others standing next to you with their hands held out in friendship.

Think of the new opportunities that await you, the new things that you can learn, and how you can turn this hardship into a chance to grow and change.

(From Discovering Islam archive)

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source https://aboutislam.net/spirituality/coming-to-terms-with-change-3-lessons-from-hijrah/

7 Proofs to Know Islam is the Truth

We all have our doubts. It is as normal as breathing. Many wonder if their faith is baseless, if they would not be another faith if they had been born into a different family, if they might have been from a different country would they have a different belief system.

Islam does not reject these questions and in fact encourages discovery and reason when approaching faith. So it is not a negative thing to question. God consciousness can only be built on a firm foundation of knowledge.

Allah tells us in the Quran that:

it is only those who have knowledge among His servants that fear Allah. (35:28)

Here are seven ways to know that Islam is the complete and perfect truth for all mankind.

1- Islam is the Same Message of All Prophets

From the first human being and Prophet Adam, (peace be upon him), to the last prophet, Muhammad (peace be upon him), the message to mankind has not changed. Worship God, the only true God, and follow His prophets’ examples.

Every Prophet was sent by God to mankind to deliver a simple message: That God is one. In the Bible, Mark 12:29, Jesus (peace be upon him) said:

… hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord.” And “God said moreover unto Moses, thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, The LORD God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath sent me unto you: this is my name for ever, and this is my memorial unto all generations. (Exodus 3:15) [emphasis added]

The message of Islam remains the same, worship God alone and follow His messengers, as it was from the first human being.

2- The Quran is the Only Holy Book that Has Never Been Changed by Man

Allah promises us in the Quran that:

Indeed, it is We who sent down the Quran and indeed, We will be its guardian. (Quran 15:9)

The Quran was written down during the life and times of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Not only did that ensure its survival after the prophet’s life, the Quran was also memorized by hundreds and thousands of people and it was spread word for word throughout Arabia.

According to Lost Islamic History, “those who had heard verses from the Prophet would go and spread them to tribes far away, who would also memorize them. In this way, the Quran achieved a literary status known among the Arabs as mutawatir. Mutawatir means that it was so vastly disseminated to so many different groups of people, who all had the same exact wording.” (Source)

Every word, letter and even every pause of the Quran has been passed down and remains the same till this day, over 1400 years after its revelation.

3- Islam Promotes the Use of Logic, Reason, and Knowledge

Mankind was given logic and intellect for a reason. God would never ask us to set it aside when it comes to faith and belief in Him. Without the use of our intellect, faith is rendered weak.

God understands that man needs proof in order to have deeper faith. Even Abraham (peace be upon him) asked God to give him a sign so his faith could be firm. And God did so through the birds Abraham trained and called back to himself after their death. God also provides such proof in Islam. The Quran presents reasoning and encourages people to think about the signs of creation and the signs of the Quran.

[This is] a blessed Book which We have revealed to you, [O Muhammad], that they might reflect upon its verses and that those of understanding would be reminded. (Quran 38:29)

And many of these signs come in the form of scientific miracles.

4- Scientific Proof

Some of the proofs of Islam are only now being discovered as humankind makes scientific discoveries. Some of these scientific proofs include:

The Seas Don’t Mingle with One Another

He released the two seas, meeting [side by side]. Between them is a barrier [so] neither of them transgresses. (Quran 55:19-20)

This is called the Halocline phenomenon and was discovered only in the late 19th century at the very earliest (13 centuries after the revelation in the Quran), until then it was believed that the seas where just one homogeneous, free flowing body.

Because of the physical force called ‘surface tension,’ the waters of neighboring seas do not mix. Caused by the difference in the density of their waters, surface tension prevents them from mingling with one another, just as if a thin wall were between them.

The Expansion of the Universe

And the heaven We constructed with strength, and indeed, We are [its] expander. (Quran 51:47)

At the beginning of the 20th century, the only view in the scientific community was that the universe was fixed in size and infinite in existence. However, modern research has revealed that the universe in fact had a beginning and that it constantly “expands.”

A fact that was explained in the Quran in a time when telescopes and similar technological advancements were not even close to being invented.

The Function of the Mountains

And We placed within the earth firmly set mountains, lest it should shift with them, and We made therein [mountain] passes [as] roads that they might be guided. (Quran 21:31)

The verse states that mountains perform the function of preventing shocks in the Earth (lest it should shift). This fact was not known by anyone at the time the Qur’an was revealed. It was brought to light only recently as a result of the findings of modern geological research.

The “Mountains play a similar role to a nail or peg firmly holding down a tent. For example, Mount Everest, the summit of which stands approximately 9 km above the surface of the Earth, has a root deeper than 125 km.” Andre Cailleux and J. Moody Stuart, Anatomy of the Earth (McGraw-Hill Companies: 1968), 220.)

Similarly, mountains extend to the surface layer joining lines on and below the surface, and nail these together. By fixing the Earth’s crust they prevent any sliding over the magma layer or among the layers. Scientific facts discovered only recently but mentioned in the Quran in the 7th century.

These are just a few scientific evidences in the Quran. Check out Mission Islam for more (missionislam).

5- The Prophet is Mentioned in Previous Revelations

The Prophet Muhammad is mentioned many times in the Old and New Testament. In some places his name has been translated as comforter. This is what the name Muhammad has been translated as.

According to Dr. Zakir Naik, “the word ‘Comforter’ is used in the English translation for the Greek word “Paracletos” which means advocate or a kind friend rather than a comforter. “Paracletos” is the warped reading for “Periclytos”. Jesus (PBUH) actually prophesied Ahmed by name. Even the Greek word “Paraclete” refers to the Prophet (PBUH) who is a mercy for all creatures.”

It is also mentioned in Isaiah 29:12:

And the book is delivered to him that is not learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I am not learned.

We know the story when the Angel Gabriel came to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in the Cave of Hirah that he commanded Muhammad to “Read” and Muhammad replied that he could not read or “I am not learned”. (Source)

6- Proof of Muhammad’s Prophethood

Every prophet came with good character and morals. The Prophet Muhammad was no exception. He was known as the trustworthy and the truthful even to his enemies (those who opposed the message of Islam).

Every prophet came with miracles. The Prophet Muhammad, by God’s permission also performed many miracles. During his Prophethood, one of his miracles was that he was allowed by God to split the moon.

The Last Hour draws near, and the moon is split asunder! And if they see a sign (miracle), they turn away and say, ‘Passing magic!’- for they are bent on giving it the lie, being always want to follow their own desires. (Quran 54:1-3)

Many people around the world also witnessed the splitting of the moon and it was recorded in many parts of the world.

Every Prophet had the gift of being able to heal the sick. This was also a miracle of the prophet Muhammad (PBUH). It is said in an authentic narration that “Abdullah ibn Ateek broke his leg and Muhammad healed it by wiping his hand over it. Abdullah said it was as if nothing had happened to it!”. (Sahih Al-Bukhari)

7- The Truth can Only Be Singular

If one faith affirms that angels are gods themselves, another affirms that angels are demons, and yet another affirms that angels are a creation of God, all three cannot be true at the same time since they contradict each other. This is a simple logical truth. The truth can only be singular and all else falsehood.

It is true to say that we are free to believe whatever we wish to believe it, but that does not make it truth. Truth is singular. It does not and cannot contradict itself. God is one. His truth is singular. His prophets all came with a singular message. The truth from their and our Lord.

(From Discovering Islam’s archive)

The post 7 Proofs to Know Islam is the Truth appeared first on About Islam.

source https://aboutislam.net/reading-islam/understanding-islam/7-ways-know-islam-truth/

Los nuevos musulmanes son Muhayirin y los musulmanes nativos Ansar

A veces olvidamos que todos los Sahabah, los compañeros del Profeta, la paz sea con él, eran nuevos musulmanes. Muchos de ellos se encontraban entre los Muhayirin, los que emigraron con el Profeta de La Meca a Medina, y los Ansar, los que dieron la bienvenida y ayudaron al Profeta y sus compañeros en Medina.

Hoy en día no tenemos la oportunidad de seguir al Profeta y hacer la Hégira o estar entre aquellos que lo ayudaron. Sin embargo, todavía hay muchas formas en las que podemos encarnar el espíritu de los Muhayirin y los Ansar.

Todos los musulmanes nuevos son muhayirien; de acuerdo con el Hadiz que dice que aquellos que van de la incredulidad a la creencia en Allah o de las acciones incorrectas a lo que agrada a Allah están haciendo una hijrah (Musnad Ahmad). Dado que esto es así, entonces aquellos que dan la bienvenida a nuevos musulmanes en la comunidad y los ayudan pueden ser considerados Ansar. Esta es una forma de personificar el espíritu de la Hégira.

A la edad de catorce, Harry hizo Hijrah

Pablo se hizo musulmán cuando tenía catorce años. Creció en una casa muy humilde, su madre era una madre soltera y tenía una hermana menor. Desde los diez años estuvo internado en una escuela católica.

La escuela tenía clases diarias de religión y los estudiantes debían asistir a misa diariamente. Para bien o para mal, al hacer esto imbuían un sentido de lo Divino en los niños. Sin embargo, no previeron que, para Pablo, lo que le habían enseñado no era suficiente.

Desde los doce años, Pablo comenzó a mostrar dudas sobre la fe católica. Interrogó a los profesores y, sorprendentemente, algunos de ellos le animaron a seguir estudiando e investigar por su cuenta. Así fue como Pablo descubrió el Islam.

La madre de Pablo tenía una amiga, Layla, que era musulmana. Cuando Pablo le habló de su interés en el Islam, la llamó. Layla los invitó a ir a su casa y conocer a su esposo.

El esposo de Layla, Mahmoud, tomó a Pablo bajo su protección desde el primer día. Le enseñó sobre el Din, lo llevó a la mezquita y le presentó a otros jóvenes musulmanes. Los hijos de Mahmoud y Layla ya eran mayores y Mahmoud se convirtió en la figura paterna que Pablo nunca tuvo. Finalmente, Pablo dejó el internado católico y a la edad de catorce años dijo su Shahadah.

Hacerse musulmán es hacer Hijrah

Hacer la Hégira no es solo algo físico. Como dice el Hadiz, aquellos que van de la incredulidad a la creencia en Allah están haciendo hijrah porque están abandonando la falsedad por la verdad. Aquellos que abandonan lo que desagrada a Allah por lo que Le agrada también están haciendo hijrah.

Muchas veces, especialmente para los nuevos musulmanes, esta hijrah no es solo espiritual, sino que tiene muchas implicaciones prácticas en su vida. El Islam es una forma de vida que abarca todos los aspectos de nuestras vidas. Un nuevo musulmán puede verse alejado de su círculo social anterior y, a veces, incluso rechazado por su propia familia.

La Hégira del nuevo musulmán no es solo espiritual, sino también social e incluso financiera. Abandona un lugar, personas y medios que le son conocidos hacia la certeza de la creencia, pero puede que también la incertidumbre social y económica. Este puede ser un viaje muy difícil, incluso más que uno físico.

Es en esto donde pueden ayudar aquellos que ya son musulmanes. Pueden ayudarle dándole la bienvenida y apoyándole hasta que encuentre su espacio, de la misma manera que un viajero que llega a un nuevo lugar podría necesitar ayuda.

La pequeña Ansar

Cuando Isabel entró por primera vez en una mezquita, tras semanas para reunir el valor, no conocía el modo adecuado de comportarse. Sabía que debía usar ropa modesta y cubrirse el cabello de alguna manera, pero no realmente cómo hacerlo.

Isabel entró en la parte de las mujeres y nadie le prestó mucha atención, aparte de algunas miradas de desaprobación debido a su aspecto poco usual. Sintiéndose un poco confundida y abrumada, estuvo a punto de irse cuando Mariam, una niña de nueve años se acercó a ella y le dijo: “Me gusta tu pañuelo”. Isabel sonrió relajándose un poco. “Gracias”, respondió, “¡a mí también me gusta el tuyo!”. “¿Cómo te llamas?” preguntó Mariam, “No te había visto antes”. “Mi nombre es Isabel”, respondió. Mariam pareció sorprendida. “¿Eres musulmana?” le preguntó. “Bueno… todavía no”, dijo Isabel un poco nerviosa. “Oh, no pasa nada, mi mamá tiene muchas amigas que no son musulmanas, así que podemos ser amigas”. Isabel le sonrió, “claro, podemos ser amigas”.

Mariam fue corriendo a su madre para contarle que tenía una nueva amiga y cuando la madre de Mariam comprendió lo que su emocionada hija estaba tratando de explicar, se apresuró a buscar a Isabel y ayudarla. Desde ese día, Isabel, Mariam y la mamá de Mariam siempre se ven juntas.

Personificar el espíritu del Ansar

Si los nuevos musulmanes son muhayirin porque han emigrado de la comodidad de lo conocido pero falso a la incomodidad de lo desconocido pero verdadero, entonces, aquellos que nacieron musulmanes, o se hicieron musulmanes antes que ellos, pueden ser considerados ansar porque les dan la bienvenida y les ayudan a instalarse en un lugar nuevo.

Los ansar, en los tiempos del Profeta, fueron aquellos que dieron la bienvenida y ayudaron al Profeta y sus Compañeros, que emigraron de Medina, a establecerse y comenzar una nueva vida.

El Profeta hizo un esfuerzo consciente para que esto sucediera estableciendo un pacto de hermandad sin precedentes entre ellos. El vínculo entre ellos era tan fuerte que compartían sus hogares, su riqueza y su familia.

Este vínculo de hermandad, no basado en nada más que una creencia compartida en Dios y el deseo de vivir una vida en consecuencia, fue uno de los pilares del éxito y la expansión del Islam.

Hoy y siempre tenemos la posibilidad de revivir este pacto.

Este es un artículo del archivo de aboutislam.net, puedes leer la versión original en inglés aquí.

The post Los nuevos musulmanes son Muhayirin y los musulmanes nativos Ansar appeared first on About Islam.

source https://aboutislam.net/es/vivir-el-islam-como-nuevo-musulman/los-nuevos-musulmanes-son-muhayirin-y-los-musulmanes-nativos-ansar/

L’amour Du Prophète Mohammad

Dans cette vidéo, Pr. Franck Amine Hensch nous parle de l’amour envers le Prophète Mohammad (Sallah Allah Alaihi Wa Sallam) ainsi que la façon d’y parvenir.

En fait, le Prophète Mohammad ne fut envoyé qu’en miséricorde pour l’univers (Coran 21 : 107)

Alors comment s’est traduite cette miséricorde? Comment ce Messager a réussi à réformer les cœurs ainsi qu’à réformer les consciences? Bref, comment a-t-il réussi cette mission?

La Fonction Principale Du Prophète

Tout d’abord, le Prophète Mohammad nous rappelle l’une de ses fonctions principales, en disant: «Je suis pour vous à l’image de père qui vous enseigne et qui vous éduque.»

Mais, pourquoi la figure du père ici? Car, le père évidemment est cette personne qui a cet amour inconditionnel et profond pour ses enfants. C’est lui qui est prêt à tout sacrifier pour eux. Le seul qui s’inquiète le plus pour eux et qui leur donne sans compter.

Telle était finalement la relation qu’avait le Prophète Mohammad avec ses compagnons. Il donnait, offrait et était toujours là à l’écoute. C’est pourquoi il avait cette relation toute particulière avec eux. Ainsi, tout le monde aimait le Prophète Mohammad.

Chaque compagnon pensait qu’il était son meilleur ami, tellement il avait cette main tendue, cette oreille tendue à écouter chacun et à l’accompagner.

Un Amour Atemporel

Mais, cet amour que portait le Prophète Mohammad à sa Communauté, ne s’est pas limité aux compagnons qui l’entouraient. Au contraire, l’amour qu’il porte à toute sa Communauté, se traduit par une parole merveilleuse qu’il annonça un jour à ses compagnons, en disant: «J’aurais tant aimé rencontrer mes frères.» Là, les compagnons se mirent à l’interroger: «Ne sommes-nous pas tes frères, ô Messager d’Allah?!» Il leur répondit: «Vous êtes mes compagnons. Alors que mes frères sont ceux qui vont croire en moi sans m’avoir vu ni connu.»

Regardez cette envie qu’avait le Messager de nous rencontrer. Il avait déjà cet amour qui brûlait son cœur et cette envie de rencontrer tous ceux qui vont jusqu’à la fin des temps, croire en son message. Ce message de la miséricorde, qui était porté par cet homme au cœur d’or.

Comment Rencontrer Le Prophète Mohammad?

Nous avons la chance justement de pouvoir le rencontrer à travers sa biographie, son modèle, son comportement et sa Sunna. C’est ainsi qu’on peut continuer à perpétuer cette relation finalement toute particulière entre nous et lui, en cherchant surtout à connaitre son message.

 S’il y a vraiment une chose à se rappeler pour se commémorer la naissance de notre bien aimé, le Prophète Mohammad, c’est que ne ce n’est pas la naissance en elle-même qui importe, ni de simplement adhérer à cette croyance de manière traditionnelle ou héritée. Il s’agit plutôt de connaître le Prophète Mohammad à fond afin de pouvoir traduire son modèle, s’en inspirer dans notre quotidien, et refléter enfin cette miséricorde qui était la sienne.

Qu’Allah nous permette de mieux connaître le Prophète, de suivre son modèle, et de traduire la miséricorde qui fut la sienne autour de nous.

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source https://aboutislam.net/fr/lamour-du-prophete-mohammad/

Quick, Easy Summer Hijab Styles

Sisters we need breathable, quick and easy summer hijab styles for this time of year! Heavy hijabs will not be comfortable!

Check out these 2 quick, easy styles!

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source https://aboutislam.net/multimedia/videos/quick-easy-summer-hijab-styles/

Islamic Charity Distributes Food Parcels to Vulnerable Scots

Sharing the joy and blessings of `Eid with the community, Islamic Relief UK has teamed up with mosques and community groups across Scotland to distribute hundreds of food parcels to the needy in `Eid Al-Adha drive.

The parcels included around 600kg of sacrificial sheep meat alongside the general food items.

They were distributed by Blackhall Mosque, Crookston Community Group and Masjid Alhikmah to vulnerable people of all faiths including asylum seekers, refugees, the homeless, and survivors of domestic violence.

📚 Read Also: US Muslim Charity Distributes Meat, School Supplies

“It is our pleasure to have worked in partnership with Islamic Relief UK and Unity in this noble cause,” said Imam Sohail of Edinburgh’s Blackhall Mosque, The National reported.

“We would like to thank all the volunteers who have helped to make this project a success. Over 100 volunteers have come together over the three days to help, without these volunteers this would not have been achievable.

“A special shout out to Aldi (Gorgie Road, Edinburgh), who in such a short period of time was able to source majority of items. It has been a great blessing to provide around a dozen or so of our partners across the city with these packs, who have managed to get the food and provisions to 500 families who need it urgently.

“It’s unimaginable the hardship that many families and individuals are facing right now, and this goes a long way to alleviate that.”

Successful Effort

Across the UK, Islamic Relief UK has already handed out 4700 food packs to the needy, achieving unprecedented distributions this year.

“Alongside their hard-working team and those of our regional partners, we will deliver high-quality meat and food essentials to those who need it most during this difficult time,” Tufail Hussain, the director of Islamic Relief UK, said.

“This wouldn’t be possible without incredible support from our donors who choose to help people in both the UK and abroad.”

`Eid Al-Adha, or “Feast of Sacrifice”, marks the end of the Hajj season and is one of the two most important Islamic celebrations, together with Eid Al-Fitr.

A financially-able Muslim sacrifices a single sheep or goat or shares with six others in sacrificing a camel or cow as an act of worship during the four-day `Eid Al-Adha celebrations.

It is permissible that someone in another country could perform the sacrifice on one’s behalf.

Islamic Relief Worldwide was established in 1984 in response to the famine in Africa.

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source https://aboutislam.net/muslim-issues/europe/islamic-charity-distributes-food-parcels-to-vulnerable-scots/

Islamic Calendar & Religious Occasions (Quick Guide)

The Islamic calendar or Hijri calendar (AH) is a lunar calendar consisting of 12 months in a year of 354 days. It is used to date events in many Muslim countries (concurrently with the Gregorian calendar).

Muslims use the calendar to determine days of observing the annual fasting of Ramadan, attending Hajj, as well as marking other Islamic holidays and occasions.

The first year of this calendar was the Islamic year beginning in AD 622 during which the emigration of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) from Mecca to Medina, known as the Hijra, occurred.

The following infograph sheds light on the months of Islamic calendar, highlighting the significant religious occasions of each month.

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source https://aboutislam.net/family-life/culture/islamic-calendar-religious-occasions-guide/

Your New World: Consider These Steps After Shahadah

This video is about growing and transitioning into your new life as a practicing Muslim.

This might be the most exciting time in your life. You finally know for sure that there is a Creator and that you’ve been created for a purpose.

You now know that He wants you to be successful and that He sent guidance for you.

Not only that, He sent an example of how to implement that guidance: That is the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

Think for a moment about how you got to this point in your life: Your story, your journey is uniquely yours. Likewise, moving forward, your journey will continue to be unique.

When you realize that Islam is the truth and you knew you had to accept it, so you took that step to say the Shahadah, the declaration of faith; you brought witness that there is nothing worthy of worship except the one God (Allah) who created everything, and that Muhammad (peace be upon him) was in fact His last and final Prophet and Messenger.

That took courage. That took conviction. And that took confidence.

From here on now, you’re going to need those things. You’re also going to need a little bit of faith in yourself and a lot of trust in Allah Almighty.

Seek Knowledge

In Islam, all of our actions must be based upon knowledge. So I want you to think about your path moving forward and think about each step being based upon strong, firm, sturdy ground.

That strong, sturdy ground is knowledge. So every step that you take forward, if it’s based upon sound knowledge, it will be a strong firm step. If you step forward unto something weak and shaky, what will happen? You might fall down.

And what that translates into is that you could end up having doubts; you could end up even falling out of the fold of Islam. May Allah protect all of us and save us from that. Ameen.

So you have to move forward and base each step on knowledge. This is just like when you got to the point where you were sure enough to say the Shahadah. You had done research, you had studied, you had had conversations, you had thought it over, and you carefully considered your choice. Just like that, as you move forward, make each step in the same way.

Just now that you got into Islam, your journey has not finished; you have to continue seeking knowledge, continue your relationship with the Quran, and begin improving and embellishing your life with more of the actions from Islam.

First Things First

So there are certain things which are more important to do first and those are the obligatory actions: The first of which is the salah (the five daily prayers). So that is where you want to focus your energy and focus your studies at this point and begin step by step implementing those prayers into your life.

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:

The most beloved actions to Allah are those are done consistently even if they are few. (Muslim)

So take your time and implement the prayers and all of the actions that come after that in such a way that you’re able to continue with those actions day after day, week after week, year after year and so on…

These actions will help you in your confidence as you move forward as a new Muslim.

Your journey will be unique. So you know yourself best and you’re going to have to make certain judgments on how you go forward.

You’ve changed a lot inside, your heart has changed and now you’re ready to begin changing your life, but your surroundings have not changed. The people in your life have not changed, most likely, so that can provide a number of challenges.

Well I can’t speak for every particular situation, I can give some general advice for this.

Family and Friends

So regarding your family and friends who are not Muslim, I think one of the most important pieces of advice that I can give you is to remember that they all most likely have your best interest in mind. Whatever it is that they do or say from here forward, please remember that it’s probably coming from a place of care, they may be worried about you.

In Islam, we’re taught to deal kindly with everyone; and we’re taught that Islam is the middle path and to avoid going to extremes. We’re taught to calm people and not to repel them. We are taught to maintain our ties of family; and to respect and honor our parents especially and the rest of the family and humanity at large.

So these are all things that if you keep it in mind, it will help you moving forward; it will help you in your relationships. And you might get off to a rocky start; but it will give you the best possible outcome if you behave and you try to adjust your manners to be in-line as much as possible with Islam.

And try to be patient. Patience is a very virtuous action. Allah said that He rewards patience without account.

Try to be patient and kind towards everyone that you encounter and you interact with.

Interacting with Muslims

When it comes to the Muslims, you have to also have patience.

The Muslims that you may be interacting with, remember that they also have your best interest in mind; they may want to help you and may not realize that they don’t know you deeply enough to really understand what it is you’re going through and what you need.

So be patient with them as well, they’re your brothers and sisters in Islam. Islam teaches us to love one another purely for the sake of Allah because of the fact that we all believe in Him and we’re all striving for the same thing.

So remember to have that love to make excuses for them; remember to be kind and affectionate towards them regardless of what they do and how they treat you. They’re responsible for their actions and you’re responsible for yours, so be sure to behave in the best way possible.

And if you make mistakes, remember that Allah is the most forgiving and all you need to do is turn to Him, ask for forgiveness, and then try better next time.

The Quran

Lastly, I would like to remind you to maintain a relationship with the Quran; most likely it was one of the things that got you to this point, and it is the verbatim words of our Lord, and maintaining a connection with that is critical from now until the day that we die.

This will continue to refresh your Iman; it will continue to inform your decisions; and it will help you stay connected with your purpose in life.

I pray that this video is beneficial to you in your new life and the journey that has not yet ended, that will continue as long as you live in seeking knowledge and becoming a better Muslim, and getting closer to Allah Almighty.

(From Discovering Islam’s archive)

The post Your New World: Consider These Steps After Shahadah appeared first on About Islam.

source https://aboutislam.net/reading-islam/living-islam/new-world-consider-steps-shahadah/

Signs in Surat At-Tariq

[I swear] by Heaven and the Tariq! And what will convey to you what the Tariq is? It is the Star Piercing [the darkness]! (Surat At-Tariq 86:1-3).

A pulsar star is a highly magnetized neutron star, with a relatively small radius between 10 and 15 km, having somewhat greater mass than the Sun which has a radius of approximately 1 million km.

This type of stars beams out radiation along the magnetic poles. These radiation pulses reach Earth in the same manner as the beam from a lighthouse causes flashes.

📚 Read Also: Al-Azhar Grand Imam Urges Climate Action amid Flooding, Heatwaves

Being enormous cosmic flywheels with a tick, they make some of the best clocks mankind knowns. Sounds of pulsar stars transfer to us on Planet Earth in the form of radio-waves. We receive them via radio telescopes scattered throughout the globe.

Astronomers discovered the first pulsar in 1967. So far, they’ve detected over 2,000 pulsars in total. Indeed, they are fascinating members of the cosmic community.

The majority of pulsars rotate on the order of once per second (we call them “slow pulsars”). On the other hand, there are more than 200 pulsars that rotate hundreds of times per second (called “millisecond pulsars”). The fastest millisecond pulsars can rotate more than 700 times per second.

If Prophet Muhammad was the one who wrote the Holy Qur’an as atheists claim, and if he chose that name for the Surah of At-Tariq, and if he was the one who stated in the verse that At-Tariq is a pulsating star, how would he have done that without a radio telescope bearing in mind that humanity’s first ever radio antenna was built in 1932, and that radio waves were first predicted theoretically by humans in 1867. How did Prophet Muhammad know these information in the 7th century AD!

In this episode of the program “Reason”, the famous Egyptian geologist Dr. Zaghloul El-Naggar explains some of the signs of verses of Surat At-Tariq.

This article is from our archive, originally published on an earlier date, and highlighted now for its importance

The post Signs in Surat At-Tariq appeared first on About Islam.

source https://aboutislam.net/muslim-issues/science-muslim-issues/signs-surat-attariq/

5 Common Mistakes During Friday Sermon and Prayer

Many of us attend Friday sermon and prayer as a matter of tradition and habit.

Like all other acts of worship, an intention is a precondition for the Jumuah prayer. To reap the fruits of Jumu`ah, we need to be attentive and focused.

The prophet (peace and blessings upon him) said:

The five prayers, and Al-Jumu`ah (the Friday prayer) to Al-Jumu`ah are atonement for what is between them, as long as the major sins have not been committed.” (At-Tirmidhi)

Mistakes During Friday Sermon

What are the common mistakes made during the Friday sermon?

Watch this short and informative video to guarantee you benefit from the blessings of this prayer.

Source: OnePath

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source https://aboutislam.net/shariah/refine-your-heart/tips-and-steps/5-common-mistakes-friday-sermon-prayer/

Hijrah – It’s More Than a Physical Journey

“The caravan departs, and the traveler enters into a foreign land. He becomes separated from the habits and customs associated with his homeland.  This allows him to ponder carefully over his situation. He seeks the most important thing that helps in his journey to Allah that deserves his life’s pursuance.” (The Magnificent Journey by Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah)

The first hijrah (that began the Islamic calendar) was a journey to new opportunity that we are reaping the results of to this day, as the Muslim community outside of Makkah prospered.

Today the hijrah is still a journey, a migration we can all take. However, few of us think of this migration in any other terms than a change of physical location.

But migration of the heart, or a hijrah to Allah, is a much greater and more fundamental journey we must all take. As Ibn Qayyim suggests, only in this journey, this leaving the familiar, does one begin to examine his own purpose.

When thinking about any journey, there are always four components that need to be fulfilled. A journey or a migration must have a path, a traveler, provision, and guidance. In the migration or hijrah of the heart, these same four components are also necessary.

The Path

O Allah! I seek refuge from Your wrath in Your acceptance, from Your punishment in Your pardon, and from You in You! (Muslim)

In order to have a path, you have to have two points: a point of origin and a point of destination. The migration of the heart is the only journey that will start and end in the same place. And the point A and point B is Allah. This is the essence of tawhid– the worship of the one true God.

We must flee from everything that Allah dislikes to everything that Allah loves. We must escape Allah’s displeasure by seeking Allah’s mercy. There is only one God, there is only one refuge.

This path and the oneness of it is perfectly explained in Ibn Al-Qayyim’s, The Magnificent Journey:

“There is nothing in the universe that one would flee or seek protection from but is created and originated by Allah. Hence, one would flee from that which emanates from Allah’s decree, will and creation, to that which emanates from His mercy, goodness and seeking refuge in Him from Him!”.

And so the path is clear. We must flee unto Allah.

The Traveler

Be in this world as though you were a stranger or a traveler. (Al-Bukhari)

If we are to be travelers in this world, we must understand what that means. What makes one a traveler is not knowing the correct path or that the path is singular.

What makes someone a traveler is the attachment of the heart. To undertake any journey we must love the destination more than the origin.

In the hijrah of the heart, we must love Allah and seek his pleasure more than we love anything that distracts us from that. If we begin to attach our heart to the life of this world, we will lose sight of our destination, fail in our journey, and nullify our traveler status.

“One’s nafs, his whims and his Satan keep calling him to that which is against what he loves and is satisfied with [Allah]. One continues to be tested by these three things, calling him to avenues that displease his Lord” writes Ibn Qayyim.


Faith wears out in the heart of any one of you just as clothes wear out, so ask Allah to renew the faith in your hearts. (Al-Hakim)

When we find ourselves on a physical journey, there are many dangers and obstacles to overcome and provisions might dwindle. Sometimes there will even be doubt that we can make it safely with enough food, money, fuel, etc.

What prevents us from turning back is our love of and need for the destination. And provision is a key in reaching our goal.

In the hijrah to Allah, we find that there are many trials and obstacles like in any physical journey. And provision is similarly necessary to stay on track and not turn back. But in the journey of the heart, provision cannot be anything physical like money or fuel. The fuel the heart needs is iman, faith.

When faith increases, the sights are set on the goal, love of The Creator increases, and the journey becomes easy. When faith is high, there is more than enough provision to make the trip.

But when faith decreases, the heart gets distracted by the creation, anxious over little things, and the journey seems difficult. In order for the traveler to stay on the path he or she must maintain a high level of provision or faith.

Ibn Qayyim writes:

“This hijrah becomes strong or weak [in the heart] depending on the state of iman”.


Your companion, Muhammad, is neither astray nor being misled. Nor does he speak of (his own) desire. It is only the Revelation with which he is inspired. (53:2-4)

There are many forks in the path, so Allah has sent messengers to mankind to show us which avenues to avoid and which one to stay on.

The final messenger, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) lived the life of the traveler in the most perfect way. He is an example for us. He is our GPS. When we worry that the way is not clear, all we must do is turn to the Prophet’s life as an example and find the direction back to the path to Allah.

“What is surprising is that you might find a man talking at great length and going into very fine details regarding the [physical] hijrah […] But for the hijrah of the heart […] you find he does not seek any knowledge regarding it, nor does he develop any intention to undertake it! Thus he turns away from that for which he has been created […]” writes Ibn Qayyim.

So this new hijrah year, before we even think about a physical migration, let us truly understand Ibn Qayyim’s words, our love for Allah, the Messenger’s guidance, and understand fully what the hijrah of the heart is. Let’s make sure we know what the path is.

Let’s renew our intention to be travelers in this journey to Allah, renew our faith, and take the best of guidance, so that we can reach our goal successfully.

(From Discovering Islam’s archive)

The post Hijrah – It’s More Than a Physical Journey appeared first on About Islam.

source https://aboutislam.net/spirituality/hijrah-its-more-than-a-physical-journey/