Imran Hosein: Scholar or Deceiver?

This is a guest post by Ismail Moosa. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Introduction The science of eschatology (signs of the end times) is a fascinating one that has received much attention within the Islamic tradition over the centuries. It becomes all the more interesting when many of the signs appear to be manifesting in our […]

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The Radicalization of Zionists… And Why It Might Be a Good Thing!

A few days ago, I had posted the following on X (formerly Twitter): “Kahanization” refers to the embrace of the ideas and practices of Rabbi Kahane. Anyone who would like to gain a cursory understanding of Kahanism may refer to an earlier Muslim Skeptic article titled “Rabbi Kahane: A Look into Unapologetic Jewish Supremacism and […]

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Amjad Taha: The UAE/Israel Mouthpiece

This is a guest post by Abdullah Noorudeen from Coolness of Hind. In recent weeks, Amjad Taha, a British-Bahraini commentator, has been stoking anti-Muslim sentiment by asserting that Britain has more “extremists” than the Middle East. This statement was made during an interview with GB News, adding a curious dimension to the discussion. GBN recently made noise about […]

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Mohammed Hijab Targeted: The Zionist War on Islam

The Zionist plan to purge Muslims from the public sphere and create an atmosphere of extreme persecution against them has shifted into maximum overdrive ever since Trump returned to power. A recent incident that characterized this well was when an event involving one of the most popular Muslim influencers in the world, our dear brother […]

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Palestine: The Ultimate Test – Exposing the Madkhali Zionist Agents

Palestine is the Great Filter that separates and exposes the traitors and hypocrites of our times, i.e., Madkhali Zionist agents. The most recent case of this has been Jake Brancatella, also famously known as Jake Dodgetella due to the fact that he has been dodging every single opportunity to appear in a face-to-face discussion/debate to […]

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Zionist Regime Change: The Agenda Behind Elon Musk’s Disruption of Britain

This is a guest post by Abdullah Noorudeen from Coolness of Hind. Key takeaways from this article: Elon Musk’s demagogic interference in the UK – pushing anti-Muslim tropes, accusing the government of “cover-ups”, and targeting of British politicians – serves to pressure and delegitimise the UK government. In the short term, the pressure has brought […]

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Lowering Your Gaze: Lasting Fulfillment in a World of Endless Temptations

Unlike liberalism, Islam doesn’t aim to maximize pleasure in this life. However, this doesn’t mean that following Islam won’t lead to a life that is internally satisfying. In fact, Islam tends to grant long-term happiness, and eternal happiness is of course guaranteed. Contrast this with the short-lived temporary pleasures that come about as a result […]

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An Analysis of the Reformist Project of Tariq Ramadan

This is a guest post by Ismail Moosa. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Introduction During the last few centuries, the Muslim world has gone through a tumultuous time politically, economically, military, and also academically. Much of this can be attributed to the Western world’s colonisation, both physical and mental. Two consequences are relevant for the discussion […]

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How David Lynch Exposed the American Dream as the American Nightmare

When I was growing up, the American filmmakers that were probably the most intriguing to many were Tod Browning, Stanley Kubrick, and David Lynch (who passed away a few weeks ago). Kubrick was actually one of the first to acknowledge Lynch’s talent. In fact, he considered Lynch’s first ever movie, Eraserhead, released in 1976, to […]

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Are Twelver Shia Disbelievers? A Second Response to Mufti Zameel

The first response can be read here. Introduction On Nov 10th 2024, I engaged in a highly publicized Youtube debate over whether contemporary Twelver Shiis should be considered Muslims. At present, many people are interested in this debate topic given political developments in the Middle East. Here, Twelver Shii powers (e.g., Iran, Hezbollah, Houthis) have […]

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Trump’s Biblical Model for Enforced Transfer of Gaza’s Population

If you’ve been keeping up to date with what’s been happening these past few days, you may have been left completely baffled by Trump’s latest display of what has been his characteristic combination of self-aggrandizing rhetoric and utter buffoonery. He recently declared publicly that he aims to “help” the inhabitants of Gaza by effectively ethnically […]

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[Book Review] Post-Modernity, Paganism, and Islam

Book review: Post-Modernity, Paganism, and Islam by Jalalul Haq (Minerva Press, 1999) There is a certain narrative that exists within the Islamic community which asserts that we should try and avoid discussing philosophical issues. The underlying rationale behind this assertion is one that is not without merit. The argument is that pseudo-philosophical complexities can end […]

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Jews and Revolution: A Balanced Perspective

Among the plethora of antisemitic myths that pervade the public discourse in many continents, there is a common stereotype of Jews being “revolutionaries” who are always eager to bring down the national or even international establishment in order to advance their specific identitarian objectives. The Bolshevik Revolution… Not All Jews? Typically, this perception is associated […]

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