The Persisting Afghanistan-Pakistan Conflict: Between Nationalism & Secularism

Not so much as a week goes by without news of an exchange of fire between Afghanistanis and Pakistanis, for one reason or the other. It often revolves around so-called “security concerns” from the side of Pakistan, along with accusations of their neighbor harboring militants that threaten the country’s sovereignty, namely the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (also […]

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Prohibition of Gender Mixing: A Protective Islamic Civilisational Barrier

This is a guest post by Abdullah Noorudeen from Coolness of Hind. Introduction Ikhtilāṭ, or intermingling of the sexes, has been a topic of much discussion in recent weeks. There are those who argue for preserving the Islamic tradition prohibiting ikhtilāṭ as a normative position. Others have attempted to undermine the ruling through a doubt-ridden […]

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How Hinduism Had to Change and Become More Like Islam to Survive

A little while ago, we had brought people’s attention to the Arya Samaj, a Hindu reformist movement that has indirectly influenced tens of millions of Hindus through the Arya Samaji presence within Bollywood, particularly its most influential directors, producers, and actors. However, Arya Samaj isn’t the only Hindu reformist movement. For example, in the Bengal […]

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A Brief History of the War on Syria

After more than 13 years of bloody civil war, the brutal dictator Bashar al-Assad has finally been toppled. What came as a surprise attack to many, has left the region in a state of uncertainty and turmoil. Who will be the next ruler of Syria, and will we finally get an Islamic state premised on […]

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Are the Shia Disbelievers for Their Belief in Superiority of Imams Over Prophets? A Response to Mufti Zameel

Introduction On Nov 10th 2024, I engaged in a highly publicized Youtube debate over whether contemporary Twelver Shiis should be considered Muslims. At present, many people are interested in this debate topic given political developments in the Middle East. Here, Twelver Shii powers (e.g., Iran, Hezbollah, Houthis) have called for a Sunni-Shii alliance to protect […]

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Recent Survey Reveals Jewish Youth Views on Zionism, Palestine, and Hamas

A few weeks ago, Mosaic United, an organization linked with Israel’s Ministry of Diaspora Affairs which aims to engage with the Jewish diaspora, especially the youth, had released a survey: “Mosaic Teen Israel Survey: Antisemitism and Attitudes Post-October 7th.” As we read on page 7, the survey looked at how Jewish youth, aged 14 to […]

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The Neuralink Nightmare: Dystopian Governments Manipulating People’s Memories

This is the fourth instalment in the series on Neuralink. For previous articles in this series, see: The Neuralink Nightmare: Hooked on Cyber-Heroin The Neuralink Nightmare: A Fictitious Universe of Seemingly Endless Pleasure The Neuralink Nightmare: The Transhumanist Elites’ Ultimate Mind Control Machine Thus far, we have discussed how Neuralink can be used to control […]

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Shabbat, Saturn, Satan: How Rabbis Demonized Jews

Shabbat, the day of rest for Jews, is on Saturday. It is often considered to be the most defining feature of Judaism, as even mildly secularized Jews try and observe it. Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel, in a 1951 book titled The Sabbath, turned Shabbat into an embodiment of the entire philosophy of Judaism—being a “civilization […]

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Arya Samaj: How Radical Hindu Reformists Reshaped Hinduism Through Bollywood

The Hindi film industry, known commonly as Bollywood, is arguably India’s most significant cultural export. Even within India itself, it is often considered to be the country’s “secular religion.” Then there is also the sport of cricket, which too has a “pan-Indian” appeal. Together, they serve as a sort of glue for nation-building in a […]

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The Grave Dangers of Promoting Pre-Islamic Roots

It has been narrated from ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet Muhammad (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) said: “Do not enter the [ruined] dwelling places of those who committed evil against themselves except that you are weeping, [for fear] that you be afflicted with similar to […]

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Project 2025: Trump’s New Age of Christian Nationalism?

Trump is often relegated to the ambiguous category of “right-wing populist.” This, of course, does not really reveal much in terms of ideology. It doesn’t tell us anything about their views, apart from, perhaps, the fact that they may be broadly aligned with social conservatism. Nonetheless, some did attempt to neatly square Trump into a […]

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The Zionist Infection: How Israel Hijacks Nations Like a Parasitic Virus

There are a number of uncanny resemblances between the illegitimate State of Israel and a parasitic virus found in nature, and they are worth examining. Once a virus enters a human host, it immediately infects the building blocks of the body, i.e., the cells, and it takes over the cellular machinery by hijacking the nucleus, […]

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What Is the Solution for Syria?

Any realistic geopolitical analysis of the Syrian political situation must openly grapple with three obvious but widely denied facts. Without accepting these facts, no realistic solution to the conflict is possible. First Fact: The Necessity of Forcefully Removing Asad Since the 1960s, Syria’s Alawi minority – led by the Asad family – has controlled the […]

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The Pagan-Jewish Roots of Thanksgiving

As a non-American, Thanksgiving, which was celebrated a few days ago, always struck me as being the most American of all festivals. The reason is that its history is deeply linked with the historical experiences of the United States. The story goes that the Pilgrims—who fled religious persecution from England in the 17th century and […]

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Syrian Conflict: Understanding Sunni-Shia Relations

There are many countries with Sunni and Shia populations. The most important are Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Bahrain, Iran, Turkey, and Pakistan. In each of these countries, the relations between Sunnis and Shia radically differ. In some cases, it is relatively good, and in others it is absolutely terrible. There are two primary factors that determine Sunni […]

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7 Tips for Raising Less Spoiled Muslim Children

Many kids (and adults) today are spoiled and entitled. And it’s often because of their parents. Parents, the more your kids do for themselves, the more self-assured and confident they become. The older kids get, the more room they need for some independence from parents. Prepare your kids for life without you; don’t train them […]

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