Are Jews a Race or a Religion? (And Why It Actually Matters)

The ongoing genocide in Palestine has roused (or reawakened) many to the question of Judaism and Jews; and what it is that defines a Jew. Most seem to consider being Jewish as something related purely to religion. However, similar to being Sikh, Jewishness is actually what would be described as an ethnoreligious identity, that is, […]

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Sikh Stories: Immoral “Moral Tales” in the Dasam Granth

Sikhs are perhaps one of the least scrutinized religious groups in the world. This probably has something to do with the fact that their numbers are somewhat small, with a population of only 25–30 million, most of which is confined to India. For Muslims, however, they still merit some attention seeing as the birth of […]

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Zoroastrianism and Iranian Nationalism: A Very Odd Couple

Beginning in the late nineteenth century, pro-Western secular liberal Iranian intellectuals began attacking the Islamic tradition. A key part of these attacks involved glorifying Iran’s pre-Islamic Zoroastrian religion as superior to Islam. In doing so, these liberal intellectuals created an entirely false understanding of Zoroastrianism. They ignored basic Zoroastrian teachings that were problematic or embarrassing, […]

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Sharjeel Imam: A “Post-Secular” Indian Muslim Thinker?

It has now been more than four years since young Indian Muslim intellectual Sharjeel Imam (born 1988) was arrested for allegedly committing acts of sedition, in the form of supposed “inflammatory speeches” following the 2020 Delhi protests. To this day, he continues to languish in prison for his thought crimes. The Wire published an article on […]

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An Analysis of Dr Akram Nadwi’s Encyclopaedia of Female Hadith Scholars

Translator’s Note الحمد لله رب العالمين والصلاة والسلام على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين All praise belongs to Allāh ﷻ, Most Merciful, Most Compassionate. May His ﷻ peace and blessings be upon our Noble Master Muḥammad ﷺ, his family and his companions. Several years ago, there were claims that a monumental forty-three-volume encyclopedia of […]

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The Worship of Evil Gods and Demons in Hinduism: The Case of Indra

Hindu religious texts were produced over countless centuries by many different (usually anonymous) authors. For this reason they often contradict one another. A good example is a famous incident where the Hindu god Indra has sex with Ahalya – wife of the pious sage Gautama. According to one variant of the story Indra rapes Ahalya. […]

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Answering Modernist Objections to the Punishment for Apostasy

By Muftī Muḥammad Taqī Usmani  Since the matter of executing an apostate is amongst the issues on which there is a lot of commotion in our time from the Westerners and those who agree with them, we wanted to explain this issue in some detail. Allāh grants ability and assistance. The issue of executing the […]

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Rabbi Kahane: A Look into Unapologetic Jewish Supremacism and Terror

Recently, an individual named Reuven Kahane was arrested for deliberately driving his car straight into a group of anti-Zionist protesters, leaving at least one individual injured, as reported by The Times of Israel. But, as they have highlighted, he’s also the “cousin of the infamous extremist rabbi Meir Kahane.” As such, I though it only […]

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The Nonexistence of Hindutva Intellectualism: An Appeal to J. Sai Deepak

A recent debate that took place between Muslim Skeptic founder Daniel Haqiqatjou and a Hindu apologist has brought to the attention of a great many a simple fact that is otherwise often overlooked: the lack of a coherent trend of intellectualism in what is commonly described as Hindu nationalism. We can safely conclude that it […]

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The Strongest Argument Against Christianity

Questioner: Assalamualikum. I’ve only scratched the surface of this topic, but do you believe there’s a compelling argument for Muhammad ﷺ being prophesied in the Bible? In your opinion, does the evidence present a strong and convincing case for us to present to Christians curious about Islam? Ustadh Daniel: Wa alaikumussalam. “And remember, Jesus, the […]

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Does Traditional Judaism Require Criminal Conspiracy? The Law Against Mesira

Traditional Judaism teaches that its members have a sacred obligation to conceal crimes committed by Jews which target non-Jews. Unfortunately, this doctrine naturally encourages the most reprehensible crimes against non-Jews and this has been a major cause of antisemitism. The doctrine is known as the “Law against Mesira.” It is essential for understanding the Jewish […]

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Modernity’s Colonization of Time: A Reflection Through Surat al-‘Asr

One of the most salient features of late capitalist modernity is the unmistakable reduction in geography, that is, space. In the age of neoliberal globalization, the latest technologies associated with travel make the world effectively smaller. And now, with the American cultural markers in particular that are found virtually everywhere (what some have deemed “the […]

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