Israel’s Post-Gaza Plan: Deepening Israel-UAE’s “Abrahamic” Authoritarianism in the UK

This is a guest post by Abdullah Noorudeen from Coolness of Hind. This is the seventh and final article in a special series of articles. The series aims to uncover the ideological component to the post-Gaza plan based on UAE’s approach to deforming Islam and forcing an Israel-friendly secularism through the patriarchal figure of Abraham. This […]

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Zionist Police Brutality Against Pro-Palestine Protesters: A Talmudic Interpretation

For a while now, many of the most esteemed universities in the United States have witnessed major student protests in favor of Palestine, demanding that their educational institutions dissociate themselves from Zionism. These occurrences have elicited a response from the American authorities, enamored as they are with Zionism, but what has astonished many is the […]

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Israel’s Post-Gaza Plan: “Interfaith Mark II” and the Religion of Abraham in the West

This is a guest post by Abdullah Noorudeen from Coolness of Hind. This is the sixth article in a special series of articles. The series is aimed at uncovering the ideological component to the post-Gaza plan based on the UAE’s approach to deforming Islam and forcing an Israel-friendly secularism through the patriarchal figure of Abraham. […]

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Roedad Khan and the Inner Conflict of “Islamic Modernism” in Pakistan

Roedad Khan, perhaps Pakistan’s most senior or at least best-known bureaucrat, has passed away at the age of 101. Khan was notorious not only for his longevity but also for his influence. As a civil servant, he worked with a dozen of Pakistan’s Presidents and Prime Ministers, and this was in addition to his other professional […]

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The Armenian Genocide: Mass Murders of a Liberal Nationalist Regime

"And do not incline toward those who do wrong, lest you be touched by the Fire, and you would not have other than Allah any protectors; then you would not be helped."

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Who Created ISIS?

Is it not curious how ISIS seems to be fighting all the enemies of the US Empire and never the actual enemies of Islam? Recently, we saw the horrific attack in Moscow’s Crocus City Hall on March 22nd, 2024, which left at least 143 innocent people dead and more than 100 critically wounded. US officials […]

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“Iran Delenda Est!”: The Escalating War Between Zionism and the Shi’ah State

إِنَّ ٱلَّذِينَ فَرَّقُوا۟ دِينَهُمْ وَكَانُوا۟ شِيَعًۭا لَّسْتَ مِنْهُمْ فِى شَىْءٍ ۚ إِنَّمَآ أَمْرُهُمْ إِلَى ٱللَّهِ ثُمَّ يُنَبِّئُهُم بِمَا كَانُوا۟ يَفْعَلُونَ   As to those who divide up their religion and become factions (shiya’an), you, [O Prophet,] are not associated with them in anything. Indeed their affair is [left] only to Allah. Then He shall tell […]

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Passover and Racial Hatred Against Non-Jews (…and Donkeys?!)

In a few days, Jews will commence their Passover celebrations (also referred to as Pesach). Passover is a major Jewish holiday celebrating the liberation of the Jews from Ancient Egypt and Pharaoh. It involves partaking in a meal called seder with the whole family, and it is also an occasion for religious tourism and pilgrimage. […]

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Israel’s Post-Gaza Plan: Defending the Anti-Palestinian “Abrahamic Family House” Supra-Religion

This is a guest post by Abdullah Noorudeen from Coolness of Hind. This is the fifth article in a special series of articles. The series is aimed at uncovering the ideological component to the post-Gaza plan based on the UAE’s approach to deforming Islam and forcing an Israel-friendly secularism through the patriarchal figure of Abraham. […]

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Islam and One Piece: A Critical Analysis of Conflicting Philosophies

As a child, long before my journey into Islam, my days were occupied with the fictional adventures of a small boat and its crew. This tiny vessel sailed between lands and islands in a vast, enchanting world, igniting my mind with its captivating tales. These stories, from which I derived strength and inspiration, had held […]

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Secularized French Muslims Claim Linking Sin with Calamities is Racist

A fundamental principle, one that is often attributed to the French, emphasizes that after every calamity, there should be a moment for raw emotions, followed by another for deep contemplation. Immediate analysis of an incident and its underlying causes is typically deemed to be insensitive. This explains why Muslims in France felt a deep sense […]

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Spirit, Soul, and Body: Secularized Vernacular and the Thought of Iqbal

I personally consider Muhammad Iqbal to have been one of the most important modern thinkers of Islam, due to which I regularly visit (or revisit) his works, as well as the vast array of secondary literature available regarding him which analyze his ideas through a variety of different prisms. It is within this context that […]

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Reclaiming our Sanity: A Critical Examination of Western Narratives

اللَّهُمَّ أَرِنِي الْحَقَّ حَقًّا وَوَفِّقْنِي لِاتِّبَاعِهِ وَأَرِنِي الْبَاطِلَ بَاطِلًا وَوَفِّقْنِي لِاجْتِنَابِهِ “O Allah, show me the truth as truth and guide me to follow it, and show me the falsehood as falsehood and guide me to avoid it.” – Umar ibn al Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him) [Sharh al-Muntaha al-Iradat 3/497] بِسْمِ ٱللَّهِ […]

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Greater Israel and Zionist Expansionism: Palestine and Far, Far Beyond

A few days ago, Israel went and bombed an Iranian consulate in Damascus, Syria. In doing so, they ended up killing senior members of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. Our focus here, however, is not Iran but, rather, how Israel feels so confident and secure about casually going around, bombing all of its neighbors—not just […]

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Metaphysical Cope: How Scientists Avoid the Religious Implications of Astrophysics

Neil deGrasse Tyson is extremely popular in the public sphere today, mainly as a popularizer of science through written works, documentaries, and media appearances. He is a self-styled agnostic and also a notable secular activist. In fact, his secularist mythology has even impacted some Muslims by way of how he has inaccurately framed the entire […]

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Israel’s Post-Gaza Plan: The Anti-Islam Foundations of the “Abrahamic Family House”

This is a guest post by Abdullah Noorudeen from Coolness of Hind. This is the fourth article in a special Ramadan series. The series is aimed at uncovering the ideological component to the post-Gaza plan based on the UAE’s approach to deforming Islam and forcing an Israel-friendly secularism through the patriarchal figure of Abraham. Previous […]

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Why Cars Have Been a Disaster for Humanity

Motor vehicles can be listed as technological inventions that have been disastrous for humanity. When juxtaposed with the monumental downsides of the invention and mass dissemination of cars, there is objectively very little that they’ve offered humans in the way of being an improvement to the pre-existing system. Really think about this for a moment. […]

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Not All Jews: The Spiritual Resistance Against Modernist Antisemitism

Israel’s ongoing genocidal campaign in Palestine, persisting for many months now, has created a new wave of antisemitism. Israel, the self-styled Jewish ethnostate, has ensnared ethnic Jews from all over the world in sharing responsibility for its brutal crimes. Sadly, some misguided Muslims have also jumped onto this bandwagon, going as far as reclaiming the […]

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Israel’s Post-Gaza Plan: The Christian-Zionist Beneficiaries of the “Abrahamic Family House” Project

This is a guest post by Abdullah Noorudeen from Coolness of Hind. This is the third article in a special Ramadan series. The series is aimed at uncovering the ideological component to the post-Gaza plan based on the UAE’s approach to deforming Islam and forcing an Israel-friendly secularism through the patriarchal figure of Abraham. Previous […]

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Muslims Unite Against ADL Islamophobic Smear of Daniel Haqiqatjou

The ADL (Anti-Defamation League) is a group that plays the role of the “henchman” for hateful extremist bloodthirsty Zionists, shielding them and their pro-genocide ideology against any and all criticism by painting every critic of Israel, Zionism, and Judaism as an “antisemite.” Many figures who have criticized the genocide of Palestinians at the bloodied hands […]

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