Impossible Challenge: Prove Judaism Is More Humane than Islam in War

Islam contains numerous scriptural texts of the Quran and Sunnah which command humane treatment of the enemy in war. These texts prohibit Muslims from killing women, children, the elderly, or monks. Muslims are also prohibited from needlessly killing animals or mutilating the corpses of enemy soldiers. Meanwhile Jewish scriptures, though far more voluminous, contain no […]

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Reviving the Beating Heart of the Muslim Ummah: Israel’s Greatest Failure

More than five months of the inhuman brutalization of Gaza at the hands of the bloodthirsty Zionist apartheid entity has made it abundantly clear as to who will emerge as the inevitable victor of this ferocious conflict: Palestine. To those who have a tendency to only look at things from the short-term perspective and assess […]

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Purim: The Jewish Festival of Genocide, Drunkenness, and Cross-Dressing

On the 23rd and 24th of March, Jews celebrate their festival of Purim, often said to commemorate their bravery when they were saved from being exterminated by the Persian authorities, Haman in particular. This could perhaps have been a touching tale of resistance if it weren’t for some of the concerning symbolism involved which may […]

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Is Science Unified or a Hodgepodge? A Look at Modern Biology

Due to the prevalence of scientism, which has become dominant because it promotes the domination of techno-totalitarian neoliberalism, there exists a certain proclivity towards treating “science” like it were something unique, absolute, and immutable. Consequently, we tend to forget that the so-called “human” or “social” sciences had little credibility compared to the so-called “exact” sciences […]

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Israel’s Post-Gaza Plan: The CVE-Driven, Pro-Israeli “Abrahamic Family House”

This is a guest post by Abdullah Noorudeen from Coolness of Hind. This is the second article in a special Ramadan series. The series is aimed at uncovering the ideological component to the post-Gaza plan based on UAE’s approach to deforming Islam and forcing an Israel-friendly secularism through the patriarchal figure of Abraham. The first […]

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Liberty, Equality, Fraternity: The Contradictions of a Liberal-Secular Trinity

Most of you have probably come across the motto, “liberty, equality, fraternity”—in the original French, “liberté, égalité, fraternité.” It is a French revolutionary motto that has defined France’s liberal principles since the revolution of 1789. Eventually, in 1848, it was even adopted officially as part of the Constitution and defined as a principle of the […]

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Ramadan With Your Children: My Top Ten Tips

My friend asked me yesterday what I do for Ramadan, especially with my children, and especially now that they are old enough mashaAllah to experience Ramadan more fully. Here is some of what we do. Take as much or as little of it as you deem fit. Every family is unique and we all have […]

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Book Review: Riddles in Hinduism (The Dalit Who Deconstructed Hinduism)

Book Review: Riddles in Hinduism, Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar, 1954–1955 In recent days, you might have noticed (primarily on X, formerly Twitter) somewhat of a harsh awakening being experienced by many in relation to the Hindu question. Outside of South Asia, most previously had a glamorized image of the religion until now, mainly due to a […]

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Israel’s Post-Gaza Plan: “Denazification” as a Code for De-Islamisation

This is a guest post by Abdullah Noorudeen from Coolness of Hind. This article is the first in a special Ramadan series aimed at uncovering the ideological component to the post-Gaza plan. The series will delve into how, through the discourse of denazification, Israel is looking to UAE’s approach to deforming Islam and forcing an […]

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Muslim Moms: Don’t Feel Burdened This Ramadan

Fellow moms of little ones, how is fasting going for you so far? I know it’s only been a few days. Just thought I’d check in. Sometimes when you are a tired, sleep-deprived, over-extended mom of several small children or toddlers or newborns (or any combination thereof), adding your “Ramadan to-do list” to your “regular” […]

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The Neuralink Nightmare: Hooked on Cyber-Heroin

The Transhumanist Agenda Billionaire Elon Musk has finally begun testing his latest product, the Neuralink, which will possibly be the most devastating technology for humans in the coming decades or even centuries: The first human received an implant from @Neuralink yesterday and is recovering well. Initial results show promising neuron spike detection. — Elon Musk […]

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When Atheists Considered Judaism, Not Islam, to Be the Worst Religion

The Enlightenment of the 18th century gave rise to strong critics of religion, who were often atheist, though sometimes deist. These critics were typically non-Jewish. They may be contrasted with the New Atheist movement of today, which is largely Jewish (e.g., Sam Harris, Bill Maher, Christopher Hitchens). One of the primary differences between Enlightenment critics […]

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The Symbolism of Ancient Egypt: The Spiritual Dangers of Self-Worship

The definition of the word taghut listed in the Hans Wehr dictionary is as follows: The term taghut, however, has some very heavy additional connotations within the Islamic imagination. It is often used to refer to an individual that is divinized and worshipped and seems to take pleasure in it. It is commonly associated with […]

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Answering Modernist Objections to Hudud – Mufti Taqi Usmani

By Muftī Muḥammad Taqī Usmani  Westerners of these latter times have made much noise in opposition to Islāmic criminal law, claiming its laws are extremely harsh – refuge is from Allāh! – given it necessitates stoning a living person until he dies, cutting off his hand and foot and impaling him on wood. Some who […]

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[Book Review] The Clash of Civilizations in Traditional Islamic Discourse

Book Review: The Clash of Civilizations in Traditional Islamic Discourse, Shahnawaz Farooqi, 2018, Zak Books “Clash of civilizations” is an expression that has become ubiquitous in the mass media in relation to the dynamics between Islam and the West. Ever since it was popularized by Samuel Huntington’s 1996 book of the same title, it has […]

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Moral Problems at the Heart of Modern Economics: An Islamic Critique

These days you tend to find quite a few individuals on the internet who are enamored with thinkers and writers from the Austrian School of Economics—figures such as the Nobel Prize laureate, Friedrich Hayek. There are many reasons that could possibly explain this popularity, including the fact that one of the most popular books on […]

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Zionist Radicalism Taking Over Public Schools: The Case of Barclay Primary

This is a guest post by Abdullah Noorudeen from Coolness of Hind. The ongoing genocidal Israeli war on Gaza continues to expose the complicity of Western governments, evident in their censuring of pro-Palestinian expression. Employees are made to suffer for merely calling out the killing of innocent civilians. Social media platforms censor pro-Palestinian accounts. Universities are targeting pro-Palestine […]

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