Mennel Abandons Her Faith: A Critical Look At Apostasy From Islam

Life stories are extremely powerful and hold a profound significance. Imagine if we all became better communicators by simply paying more attention to the small details that shape a person’s inclination towards or away from Islam. Reflecting on the days from my youth, I was often struck by the diversity among passengers while riding the […]

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A World Without Gender: The Consequences of Denying Nature and Design

In a world where the line between man and woman is continually being blurred, where the essence of masculinity and femininity is lost in a sea of modern ambiguity, we stand at a crucial crossroads. This isn’t just some kind of joke or meme. It’s a very real mirror into our times, reflecting a society […]

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Arab Rulers Sucking Up to Israel: Talmudic Racism Against Arabs

A short while ago, I was fortunate enough to have had the opportunity to write an article showcasing the utter disdain that the Jewish imagination harbors for Persians, in accordance with the teachings of the Talmud, thus highlighting the particularly incongruous nature of Iranian Zionism. Even if this ongoing genocidal war against Palestinians by the […]

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Finally, the Muslim Community Kicks Piers Morgan Firmly to the Wayside

The infamous Israeli mouthpiece Piers Morgan has been unashamedly leeching off of Muslims since October 7, 2023, by platforming pro-Palestinian guests on his Talk TV show, “Piers Morgan Uncensored.” Many viewed this as an opportunity for able Muslims to shatter the mainstream media’s stranglehold on the narrative, one that is dominated entirely by Israeli talking […]

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Tunnel Memes


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Will South Africa Emerge Victorious Against Israel at the ICJ?

Are Muslims holding their breath for the International Court of Justice to actually effect any semblance of true justice here? Hardly. Looking at the cases brought forth by South Africa and Tel Aviv so far, there is absolutely no doubt whatsoever as to what the ICJ’s verdict should be. However, the international legal system is […]

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Metaphysical Paradigms of the Situation of India’s Muslims

This is a guest post by Usama Hazari. The Indian Muslim discourse has evolved a lot since 2014. Back then, we had no idea what awaited us when Narendra Modi won the elections. It was almost unimaginable to expect the international community to pay any attention to his crimes as a chief minister of Gujarat. […]

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The Extreme Anti-Black Racism of Judaism

Judaism is perhaps the world’s most racist religion. Owing to the influence of Judaism, Israel is one of the most racist states in the world, and has implemented a system of extreme apartheid under which Palestinians and others suffer. However, this is not more widely known because every effort is made to conceal it. Jewish […]

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United by Faith, Divided by Race: Nationalist Racism Against Mixed Marriages

A few months back, I had shared some thoughts on mixed marriages, especially within the context of our diverse Western society. Time has passed, but it remains a hot topic, especially on French social media. Let’s talk about what’s happening within the community of the Maghreb. Recently, there’s been a concerning rise in nationalistic movements, […]

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Debate References: Judaism vs Islam

Here are references made throughout the debate, linked to official Jewish textual sources. Watch the debate here. (1) Judaism teaches that Jews are a superior race and non-Jews are not even human. Deuteronomy 7:5-6 : “…ye shall destroy their altars, and break down their images, and cut down their groves, and burn their graven images […]

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Talmudic Tunnels and Justifying the Murder of Non-Jews?

These past few days, social media has been set ablaze by the revelation of the latest scandal to brace the news: the discovery of a mysterious network of illegal tunnels beneath a Jewish synagogue in Brooklyn, New York. As always seems to be the case with anything related to Jews, it rapidly became a focal […]

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Her Money Is Her Money? Taking a Closer Look at Islamic Marriage Rules

In today’s world, embracing feminism and advocating for increased liberties for women is often viewed as something completely uncontroversial. In fact, it seems to be the easiest road to take, the path of minimal resistance and a way to avoid trouble within society. On the other hand, however, questioning the societal privileges afforded to women […]

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The Creationist’s Guide to Evolutionary Psychology

In the vast ocean of human understanding and experience, there exists a captivating island of thought: evolutionary psychology. This branch of science, fueled by insatiable curiosity and supported by generous funding, seeks to unravel the mysteries of human behavior. At its core, evolutionary psychology proposes that our actions and characteristics have been shaped and molded […]

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Is Islam Just “Arab Colonialism”? Debunking Lazy Anachronism

Since 7/10, you may have noticed that the Zionists have unleashed an endless stream of shills eager to repeat the old (and debunked) talking points that were in vogue after 9/11, including this idea that Islamic conquests embodied a certain form of “Arab colonialism.” Ironically, it’s as though they tacitly acknowledge that Israel is in […]

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Lowering the Gaze: A Vital Islamic Command for Both Men and Women

Say [also] to the believing men, [O Prophet,] that they should lower their gaze [from women that are forbidden to them] and safeguard [the chastity of] their secret parts. That is most pure for them. Indeed, Allah is all-aware of all that they do. (Qur’an, 24:30) Lowering the gaze can be pretty difficult sometimes. It […]

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Epstein’s Connection to Douglas Murray, Dershowitz, and the Neocons

This is a guest post by Abdullah Noorudeen from Coolness of Hind. It was was painful enough witnessing Douglas Murray accelerating the strange death of journalism with narratives blurring fact and fiction in order to advance the pro-Israel agenda. But to then see him step in for Piers Morgan on his TalkTV show was absolutely excruciating. It […]

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The Self-Contradiction of Iranian Zionism: Talmudic “Iranophobia” & Cyrus the Not-So-Great?

As we enter the fourth month of the Zionist entity’s ritual genocide of Palestinians, procuring the condemnation of most of the world, some observers have noted that there is a certain specific demographic that has managed to resist the temptation to be moral under such circumstances: Iranian secular nationalists, too often Shah loyalists, deemed even […]

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IDF Incompetence: Handing a Machine Gun to a Chimpanzee

Israel and the IDF claim that whenever they bomb hospitals, schools, and refugee camps in Gaza, they do it purely to target and take out Hamas militants, not to murder innocent men, women, and children. Well, we all know that’s a complete and utter lie. In fact, if the Oxford dictionary had a pictorial depiction […]

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“Pallywood”: Exposing Media Bias Against Palestine

The Pallywood business is booming as usual. — Nioh Berg ♛ ✡︎ (@NiohBerg) December 25, 2023 Picture the following scene. You enter the world into a family that is still grieving the loss of two of your siblings. Your life seems pretty normal, just like that of any other child, yet the prolonged prayers […]

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Satanic Symbolism in the Starbucks Logo: A Warning for Muslims

The Western (mostly US based) Zionist regime is a corporate behemoth that has grown through the parasite of consumerism, constantly feeding off of the unsuspecting masses. In this way, these huge corporations are dependent on the people. However, those very people have now weaponized this dependency in the form of boycotts. Banning and boycotting Israeli […]

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Remember Muslim Ladies: Attention is Not Commitment!

Ladies, never confuse male attention with male commitment. As women, we enjoy attention. Specifically, male attention. It’s all right to admit it. It’s a natural human instinct for both genders, but desiring attention is an especially female feeling. This is how we have been created. Yet, over the course of a long marriage, the husband’s […]

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Assessing the Morality of the “Most Moral Army in the World”

In a recent statement, the Prime Minister of the illegitimate terrorist state of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, boldly declared Israel’s military to be “the most moral army in the world.” The Telegraph reports: The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) is the most moral army in the world, while Turkey is committing “genocide”, Benjamin Netanyahu has said in […]

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