The Neuralink Nightmare: The Transhumanist Elites’ Ultimate Mind Control Machine

This is the third instalment in this current series of articles on Neuralink. For previous articles in this series, see: The Neuralink Nightmare: Hooked on Cyber-Heroin The Neuralink Nightmare: A Fictitious Universe of Seemingly Endless Pleasure In the second article, we had discussed the neurological basis for how Neuralink can be used to manipulate the […]

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Jewish Teachings: Prayer Is Copulation with the Divine?

In the minds of most, prayer is what defines religion. This is due to the fact that it encapsulates all that is associated with a religious life: a sense of submission and humility, accompanied by various bodily ritual actions as a way to humble and submit oneself before one’s Creator. It is an acknowledgement of […]

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The Disgrace of Sunni Support for Israel’s Attack on Lebanese Shia

Any Muslim who supports (directly or indirectly) Israel’s plan to genocide the Lebanese and take their land (for Greater Israel) deserves criticism and contempt. A number of Sunni Muslims have justified their support by highlighting the religious composition of Lebanon’s population, pointing out that it is ~30% Christian, ~30% Shia, and ~30% Sunni. According to […]

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Mohammed Hijab vs Dr. William Lane Craig Debate: Bizarre Trinitarian Analogies

Recently, Mohammed Hijab took on William Lane Craig, considered by many to be the greatest Christian apologist alive, in a riveting debate. The debate centered around the Trinity, a topic regarding which Craig has acquired a particularly controversial reputation over the years, even among fellow Christian theologians. Craig is often accused of “neo-Apollinarianism,” the accusation […]

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Vaccines Under the Microscope: A Muslim Doctor’s Perspective

The author is a practicing Muslim physician who has chosen to remain anonymous. The purpose of this article is to ensure that, as Muslims, we make informed decisions based on knowledge—rather than marketing, propaganda, or societal pressure—especially when it comes to the health and well-being of our children. As an Ummah, we have a responsibility […]

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Judaism’s Aversion to “Demonic” Christian-Muslim Alliance

You might have come across the idea of a “Christian-Muslim alliance,” that of coming together and combining forces to counter what is perceived as a common threat, i.e., that of liberal secularism threatening the very social fabric of each of our respective civilizations. Many arguments and counterarguments have been presented both for and against such […]

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Return of the Memes


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Is Christianity a White Religion Today?

Let’s start with the brute facts. The demographics are clear: Christianity is already an African or Latin American religion more than a white European/American religion. Moreover, the trend at issue is only intensifying with the passage of time. The trend is also reflected in attitudes towards the Bible – a point made by Professor Philip […]

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The Neuralink Nightmare: A Fictitious Universe of Seemingly Endless Pleasure

In an earlier article, we had established how Elon Musk’s Neuralink works. In short, the brain sends information in the form of electrical signals to the Neuralink chip which then sends that information wirelessly to an external device, allowing the user to control it in various ways. This is how Neuralink currently functions, and the […]

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Is “Wahhabism” the Main Cause of Terrorism?

In the wake of the September 11 attacks in 2001, a political and academic discourse quickly emerged connecting the attackers’ motives to Islamic “fundamentalism” and more specifically to “Wahhabism.” In the days and months following the attacks, the media started to argue that Islamic “radicalism”—as it had materialized in militant groups such as al-Qaeda—was the […]

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What Judaism Really Thinks about Non-Jews: Response to Jewish Apologists

I would like to begin by expressing plainly that I do not personally believe the Talmud is “an evil book” as asserted by antisemites, who deserve to be condemned for their extremism in their fanatic hatred for anything Jewish. Yes, the Talmud is no doubt a book that contains evil teachings pertaining to the concept […]

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The Death of Parenthood, the Death of Love

I believe that the crisis of parenthood lies at the very heart of the Ummah’s suffering. It is a twofold dilemma, a profound disconnection both in the biological and the spiritual sense. First, there is the absence of true biological parenthood. Children today are not truly raised by their parents; they are born into a […]

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Cousin Marriage and the Hypocrisy of Christians and Hindus

If you’re conversant with internet lingo and have been present in spaces where Islam is looked upon with some level of skepticism, there’s surely no way you could have missed the derogatory insults accusing Muslims of being “inbreds.” In a nutshell, it relates to the idea that because it is lawful for Muslims to marry […]

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Afghanistan’s Communist Rulers: A Study in Secular Radicalism

The emergence of state communism within societies that are commonly considered to be the most religiously observant is a particularly puzzling reality of the Muslim world’s modern political history. I am referring, of course, to the People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen and the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan. Both, while beginning roughly around the same time […]

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Modernity, Individualism, and the End of Ideological Coherence

Pierre Bourdieu, who passed away in 2002, is often considered to be the most influential French sociologist of the last century. This is primarily because he encapsulated the French elite’s left-liberal approach to education and social reproduction, with ideas and themes centering around criticism of social inequality and cultural capital, extending Marxist thought into the […]

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“Muslims Worship The Black Stone” – Lazy Christian Apologetics

While navigating through different social media platforms, you might have come across numerous Christians who, instead of addressing the societal failures of Western Christianity, tend to be overtly critical of Islam, despite Muslims not holding any sort of authority in the West, especially not when it comes to socially engineer it towards liberalism and secularization. […]

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Is Gay Rape a Human Right? Deciphering Zionism’s Latest Sordid Tale

The ongoing Zionist genocide in Gaza is ripe with scenes that defy the common imagination. After the brutal targeting of refugee camps with the latest forms of weapons technology, we now witness the most bizarre and outlandish scenes, previously inconceivable to most in any other given context: that of mass protests for the right of […]

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Yeshayahu Leibowitz: Israel’s Greatest Philosopher… Against Israel

While criticizing the state policies of Israel, including but not restricted to its sporadic military pursuits in Gaza, it is essential to keep in mind that there have been dissidents among their own ranks, voices from within who have expressed their discontentment. Among them, one particularly prominent voice was that of Yeshayahu Leibowitz, who passed […]

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Resident Evil: How a Video Game Series Exposed Modernity’s Eugenics Agenda

Most millennials grew up spending a lot of their time playing video games that could be described as being quite characteristic of their childhood era. Chief among these were the so-called “platform games” such as Mario, which gave children a sense of freedom and liberty. In reality, however, they were squandering precious time and energy […]

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Politi-kill: Israel’s Villainous Prime Ministers

Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu has generated some form of consensus regarding himself. Much of the world views him as a sinister figure who is prone to violence of Biblical, that is, genocidal, proportions against those whom he considers to be “Amalek.” Of course, BiBi is not some mere local ideological agitator. He is the Prime Minister […]

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Bangladesh: Quota Reform and the Fall of Secular Nationalism

The 2024 Bangladesh Quota Reform Movement is an ongoing anti-government protest in Bangladesh, led by students from public and private universities, demanding the cancellation of the existing quota system for government job recruitment. The protest has been met with a strong crackdown from governmental forces, leading to nearly 200 deaths so far. But why? Why […]

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Judaic Narcissism: Contextualizing “Is God an Antisemite?”

Rabbi Shmuley Boteach has had a career that defies categorizations, from being some sort of spiritual guide to the late pop star Michael Jackson to pioneering “kosher lubricants” as an Israel-based family business revolving around positive sexuality. A few days ago, he accentuated his already eccentric persona by delivering an op-ed for The Jerusalem Post […]

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Expressionism to Superheroes: Cinema as Aesthetic Propaganda

When we think of “popular art,” the first and most prominent thing to usually come to the minds of most people is cinema, even more so than music. This is because of all the money that is involved (production value, tickets sold, etc., equals an industry worth billions) and also the actors, who become secular […]

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Cyber-Warfare: An Anti-Technology Solution for the Ummah?

Before we begin, let me preface this article by saying that it is necessary for everyone to obey the law, and one must abide by the rules and regulations of their country. This article in no way encourages anyone to engage in any kind of illegal activity and is meant only to explore the nature […]

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Letting Go? What Islam Says About Helping Those Who Don’t Want Help

I was listening to one of my sons recite his surah, and he came to this ayah: فَسَتَذْكُرُونَ مَآ أَقُولُ لَكُمْ ۚ وَأُفَوِّضُ أَمْرِىٓ إِلَى ٱللَّهِ ۚ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ بَصِيرٌۢ بِٱلْعِبَادِ.   “And you will remember what I [now] say to you, and I entrust my affair to Allah. Indeed, Allah is Seeing of [His] […]

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Islamic Revival in Central Asia: Looking at the Statistical Data

There were some truly unfortunate developments in the news a few days ago which caused the enemies of Islam to become overjoyed, while Muslims were left perplexed and distraught: Tajikistan’s government had restricted children’s participation in Eid celebrations and outlawed the Hijab in a supposed bid to “fight extremism.” Our dear brother Daniel Haqiqatjou also […]

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“God Is Infinite”: Mathematics and the Importance of Traditional Islamic Terminology

In the Islamic consciousness, we generally associate “beautiful names” with Allah, Glorified and Exalted is He, as mentioned in the Qur’an and the Hadith (prophetic narrations). Some of these sources include the following: Yet to Allah belong the most excellent names. So call upon Him with them. And leave [alone] those who profane His names. […]

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Lavender AI: The New Tool for Genocide, Brought to You by Israel

Artificial Intelligence: The New Tool for Genocide It’s no secret that Israel’s continued occupation, oppression, and genocide of Palestine is the result of advanced military technology and propaganda. This propaganda comes in the form of an endless list of excuses that Israel employs in its moral justification of the genocide it is currently enacting. Lately […]

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Did Israel Really Create Hamas?

In the age of the internet, there are many theories circulating regarding the origin of Hamas, with people from all walks of life claiming that they “know” the truth. One of these theories is the claim that Israel created Hamas as some kind of “Manchurian candidate,” reducing the group to being nothing more than a […]

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Fetishizing the Conversions of “Intellectuals”: A Look at Modern French History

Michel Houellebecq, one of France’s most famous novelists, had released a novel back in 2015 titled Submission. The novel focuses around a middle-aged literature professor who witnesses France slowly turning towards and embracing Islam. It depicts Islam or, more specifically, political Islam as an intuitive remedy for a declining France which has entered enduring stages […]

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Muslim Men: Raise Better Daughters!

Girls who are raised by strong, loving, just, and present fathers grow into emotionally healthy women who are happy to be good wives and good mothers. Daughters of absent, unjust, or weak fathers grow up to be damaged, broken women who make nightmare wives and dangerous mothers. Women who follow the modern liberal, promiscuous, hyper-sexual, […]

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The “Abrahamic Sacrifice” and Modern Ethics: Between Kant and Kierkegaard

I’d like to start, first of all, by wishing all of my beloved fellow Muslims ‘Id Mubarak. May Allah, Glorified and Exalted is He, accept all of your prayers and sacrifices and bring joy, happiness, and good health to you and your loved ones. Amin. Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) remains a timeless model […]

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The Shudras: How Traditional Hinduism Discriminates Against the Hindu Majority

If you hadn’t already heard of them before, you may have come to know about the Dalits from an earlier article of ours. They are a demographic which, in modern times, has been reluctantly integrated into Hinduism (mainly to compensate against the Muslim demographics). Yet Dalits are still treated as subhuman, quite literally as outcastes […]

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Modernism and Postmodernism: What Are They and How Do They Differ?

In the past, we have touched upon Postmodernism as a philosophical worldview, including in our articles on Jordan Peterson and Cultural Zionism. However, readers still seem to be hungry and waiting for a more general assessment of this peculiar paradigm, along with an outline of its fundamental tenets. In this article, we aim to do precisely that […]

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You’ve Heard of Amalek, Now Let’s Talk About Edom: Judaism on the Destruction of Christianity

In a recent article of ours, “More Disturbing Biblical Verses Calling for Killing Babies,” we had quoted a common Jewish prayer that featured some very harsh words against Edom: Remember, O Lord, against the Edomites the day of the destruction of Jerusalem, when they said, “Raze it, raze it to its very foundation!” Now, many […]

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High School Rite of Passage: Simulated Gay Sex in Boys Locker Room

As a mother of five sons mashaAllah, I want to raise men. Masculine men. I just had a conversation that highlighted to me just how difficult a task this may prove to be in today’s world. الله المستعان. I was talking to a fellow Muslim mom of boys yesterday, and she told me something shocking […]

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More Disturbing Biblical Verses Calling for Killing Babies

The inhumane and unjustifiable massacre that recently took place in the Rafah refugee camp has left many utterly shocked and traumatized, while others such as Netanyahu have relativized it as a mere “tragic error,” a terrible euphemism downplaying the sheer tragedy and devastation of what took place. Indeed, this was far from being the first […]

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Refuting a Deviant Promoter of “Abrahamic” Religion

This is a guest post by Abdullah Noorudeen from Coolness of Hind. We recently published a seven-part series outlining the ideological component of the UAE-based post-Gaza plan. In the sixth part, we exposed Mohammed Nizami’s deformation of Islam by critiquing his “Abrahamic system of thought” based on a public lecture he delivered at Oxford University. This […]

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30 Basic Practical Things to Teach Your Muslim Kids

Here’s a list I created of small but important things to teach our children, ranging from personal hygiene to financial dealings to safety tips. We as Muslims have so much guidance and wisdom in the Quran and the Sunnah for how to deal with life and its situations and dilemmas with adab and intelligence. We […]

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The “Dhimmis” of Judaism: Examining Jewish Scriptures and History

Due to the ongoing barbaric devastation being perpetrated against innocent Palestinian civilians, the Zionists have revived many of the old tropes that had long remained dormant after having been weaponized against Islam post-9/11, and one of the most instrumental among these is the concept of the “dhimmi.” As defined very succinctly in an excellent article […]

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Are Jews a Race or a Religion? (And Why It Actually Matters)

The ongoing genocide in Palestine has roused (or reawakened) many to the question of Judaism and Jews; and what it is that defines a Jew. Most seem to consider being Jewish as something related purely to religion. However, similar to being Sikh, Jewishness is actually what would be described as an ethnoreligious identity, that is, […]

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Sikh Stories: Immoral “Moral Tales” in the Dasam Granth

Sikhs are perhaps one of the least scrutinized religious groups in the world. This probably has something to do with the fact that their numbers are somewhat small, with a population of only 25–30 million, most of which is confined to India. For Muslims, however, they still merit some attention seeing as the birth of […]

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