Muslim Charities Lead UK COVID-19 Response

Long months of lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic have left many people struggling to earn living.

At this difficult time, Muslim charities have stood up to help the communities handle the fallout of this terrible situation.

In its new report, the umbrella of the Muslim Charities Forum (MCF) said that 194 charities have provided a range of services for those most in need due to the outbreak, TRT World reported.

The MCF’s ‘The Neighbors Next Door’ report added that charities and ordinary Muslims took community welfare into their own hands by checking in on their neighbors irrespective of their faith or background.

Writing in the The Neighbors Next Door’ report, Fadi Itani, CEO of MCF, said the organizations drew their inspiration from the example set by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), citing a hadith, or saying, which reads: “Let whosoever believes in Allah and in the Last Day honor his neighbor.”

“In this time of crisis, the Muslim community up and down the UK have come out in mass to support their neighbors in their time of need, no matter their faith, their race, their migrant status, their health or their wealth,” Itani said.

Integral Role

Karl Wilding, the CEO of the National Council for Voluntary Organizations, said the Muslim community had played an “integral” role in the grassroots response to the coronavirus pandemic.

“Muslim volunteers, local groups and organizations have been pivotal to ensuring that people up and down the UK get the support they so desperately need,” Wilding said.

“They are supporting victims of domestic abuse and helping the most vulnerable and marginalized in our society. 

“Whether supporting the homeless or those with precarious migration statuses, Muslim charities have been committed to ensuring that nobody is left behind.”

Islam lays a great emphasis on the virtue of neighborliness, stressing on Muslims’ individual duty to be good to their neighbors.

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The post Muslim Charities Lead UK COVID-19 Response appeared first on About Islam.


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