China Forces Shops to Remove Arabic, Halal Signs

Government authorities in Beijing have ordered shops and halal restaurants to remove Arabic script and symbols associated with Islam from their signs, Reuters reported.

“They said this is foreign culture and you should use more Chinese culture,” said the manager of a Beijing noodle shop, who, like all restaurant owners and employees who spoke to Reuters, declined to give his name due to the sensitivity of the issue.

The man said that several government officials ordered him to cover up the “halal” in Arabic on his shop’s sign, and then watched him do it.

The campaign against Arabic script and Islamic images marks a new phase of a drive that has gained momentum since 2016, aimed at ensuring religions conform with mainstream Chinese culture.

Strict Religious Regulations

A set of new religious regulations were announced on February 2018, which included a declaration requiring the national flag to be raised by local mosques along with the removal of non-Chinese Islamic symbols.

Many mosque decorations are of Middle Eastern origin, including elaborate geometric designs, stylized Arabic script and the ubiquitous crescent moon and star.

Mosques were further required to adopt Chinese-architectural styles, with all domes to be demolished by the end of March.

Minors, defined as being under the age of 18, were banned from entering mosques to study, including during vacations.

Scholars were told they had to register their residential addresses as well as providing personal details and documentation.

A prohibition was also imposed on the use of loudspeakers for calls to prayer and Qur’anic recitations.

Repression Against Xinjiang’s Muslims

In its 117-page report, “‘Eradicating Ideological Viruses’: China’s Campaign of Repression Against Xinjiang’s Muslims,” Human Rights Watch presented new evidence of the Chinese government’s mass arbitrary detention, torture, and mistreatment, and the increasingly pervasive controls on daily life.

Chinese authorities impose restrictions on Uyghur Muslims in the northwestern region of Xinjiang, especially during Ramadan.

Rights groups accuse Chinese authorities of a heavy-handed rule in Xinjiang, including violent police raids on Uyghur households, restrictions on Islamic practices, and curbs on the culture and language of the Uyghur people.

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130-Year-Old Indonesian Man Arrives Makkah for Hajj

A 130-year-old Indonesian Muslim has arrived Jeddah on Wednesday to perform the life-time hajj journey. The man is believed to be the oldest person to perform the Hajj pilgrimage, Arab News reported Wednesday.

Ohi Aidros Samri visited the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia with six family members.

The elderly Indonesian national was welcomed at King Abdul Aziz International Airport by a number of officials who gave him flowers and trinkets as a gesture of goodwill.

oldest person performing Hajj

Earlier this month, a 102-year-old Thai Muslim woman arrived Makkah for hajj.

Another 101-year-old Indian Muslim woman arrived Madinah to perform the life-time journey of Hajj ten days ago.

The oldest person to previously perform Hajj was 104-year-old Ibu Mariah Marghani Muhammad from Indonesia. She made her pilgrimage in 2017.

Muslims from around the world pour to Makkah every year to perform Hajj, one of the five pillars of Islam.

Hajj consists of several rituals, which are meant to symbolize the essential concepts of the Islamic faith, and to commemorate the trials of Prophet Abraham and his family.

Every able-bodied adult Muslim who can financially afford the trip must perform Hajj at least once in a lifetime.

Hajj 2019 will commence on Friday, 9th of August 2019 and will continue till Wednesday, 14th of August 2019; in the evening time.

It is highly recommended for elderly people to take a medical hand out for their health conditions; especially if they take life-saving medications. Also, youth are urged to offer help to elderly people during Hajj rituals.

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First 10 Days of Dhul Hijjah – Allah’s Most Beloved Days

Allah has chosen particular times, places and actions and made them special – filled with abundant opportunity to attain His pleasure.

One of those well-known times is Ramadan. Although we regularly witness plentitudes of Muslims who strive to utilize the blessing of Ramadan – upon us right now, is another specially chosen time that gets far less attention: the first ten days of Dhul Hijjah.

These days of Dhul Hijjah are packed with blessings and golden opportunities. We don’t want to allow them to pass by without using them wisely.

While millions are answering the call of their Lord and making their way to Hajj, millions more are not.

So what about all of us staying home with our usual lives ongoing during these sacred days?

It is related that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said about these special days:

There is no day more honorable in Allah’s sight and no acts more beloved therein to Allah than those in these ten days. So say tahlil (There is nothing worthy of worship but Allah), takbir (Allah is the greatest) and tahmid (All praise is due to Allah) a lot [on those days]. (Ahmad and At-Tabarani)

Just as in Ramadan, where we strive to increase our self-control, good deeds and emerge better people in the sight of Allah, the ten days of Dhul Hijjah similarly are a momentous occurrence.

It is one of the many chances given to us by our Maker to regain the clarity and sense of purpose that often gets muddled and mired in our material lives.

We are indeed offered a generous gift if we are fortunate enough to live to experience these days. Many have passed away before the arrival of these ten days, and many of us will not live to the next Dhul Hijjah.

Fasting the Day of Arafah

In addition to the adhkar mentioned in the hadith above, the Prophet Muhammad also emphasized fasting and tahajjud.

Abu Hurairah relates that the Messenger of Allah said:

There are no days more loved to Allah for you to worship Him therein, than the ten days of Dhul Hijjah. Fasting any day during it is equivalent to fasting one year and to offer salatul tahajjud (late-night prayer) during one of its nights is like performing the late night prayer on the night of power. [i.e., Lailatul Qadr]. (At-Tirmidhi)

It was also narrated that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) was asked about fasting on the day of ‘Arafah (the ninth day of Dhul Hijjah) and he said:

It expiates for the past and coming years. (Muslim)

So, as we increase our focus and worship, dhikr, fasting and salah in the last part of the night, are all on the list. But these acts are only buttressed by our intentions and our awareness – presence of that worship in our hearts.

While we pray, our foreheads on the floor, with words upon our lips, glorifying our Creator – free of deficiency, The Most High – are our hearts and minds present?

Are those words emanating from within us with conviction and sincerity? Or do those words originate on our tongues?

If you were to die making sujood, chances are everyone would believe Allah was pleased with you, but it is only Allah who knows us both internally and externally. He knows if we are prostrating, saying subhana Rabbi al A‘la, but instead of being immersed in Awe for Him, the YouTube video we just watched is replaying in our minds.

These kinds of fundamentals, like our wudu, our salah, our fasts, dhikr with a present heart and mind, are the things we should work to improve and perfect especially during these days.

It is Allah alone with complete control of all things, including time. We will not be able to make it stop. My dream of super powers will not come to fruition. Time is incessantly passing and slipping away from us. What we can do, though, is use that time wisely.

Allah has provided us numerous opportunities throughout the year to renew our faith and to encourage us towards acts of goodness by specifying such special days.

May Allah help us to remember Him and glorify Him with awareness and sincerity.

And may He aid us and allow us to increase in goodness and righteous acts during these days of Dhul Hijjah and beyond.

(From Discovering Islam’s archive.)

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Prophet Muhammad’s Miraculous Night Journey: A Divine Gift

Have you ever been through a difficult time in life when you were surrounded with many hardships?

At that time, did you feel like all doors were closed and the whole world was against you?

That is how Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) must have felt when he returned from Ta’if to Makkah. Prior to that, he had lost his two main supporters – his wife and uncle. But he never lost hope in the mercy and help of Allah.

And one night, Allah opened the doors of Heaven for him. It was indeed an amazing and miraculous night.

First was the miraculous Night Journey from Makkah to Jerusalem. Then, the ascension of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) to Heaven. And finally, his return to Makkah.

Some people claim that this  journey was all a dream that the Prophet (peace be upon him) had. But the truth is that these two journeys, the Israa and the Miraj, occurred in both body and spirit. They were one of the Prophet’s (peace be upon him) physical miracles.

Focus Issues for New Converts

There are many details of this miraculous journey which would be difficult to study all at once. For those interested, these details can be found in this special folder on the night journey.

As an introduction, what should be the main focus of new converts to Islam studying this miracle?

After outlining and describing the journey in this article, we will focus on Salah, the second pillar of Islam.

Al-Isra’: The Miraculous Night Journey to Jerusalem

As mentioned in authentic Hadiths, one night Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was sleeping at the Ka’bah. Angel Gabriel descended with other angels. They first prepared him for the journey with open-heart surgery and washed his heart with Zamzam water. Then, Angel Gabriel accompanied him to Jerusalem.

At that time, it took a normal traveler around thirty days to reach Jerusalem from Makkah. The distance is more than 900 miles. But the speed of Al-Buraq, which the Prophet (peace be upon him) rode, got him there in no time. This animal could take a stride as far as it could see. With one leap, Al-Buraq could cover an incredibly vast distance.

In Jerusalem, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) tied Al-Buraq to a ring in the gate of Al-Masjid Al-Aqsa. Then, he (peace be upon him) said:

I was brought the Buraq; a tall, white beast bigger than a donkey, smaller than a mule. It could place his hooves at the farthest boundary of its gaze. I rode it until I arrived at Bayt Al-Maqdis. And I tied it to the ring where the prophets had tied it before (i.e., Buraq Wall or the Western Wall). I entered Masjid Al-Aqsa Sanctuary and prayed two rak’ahs there… (Muslim)

Read Also: Why Is Jerusalem So Important for Muslims?

When he (peace be upon him) entered, he was greeted by a number of the earlier prophets, whom he led in prayer.

Jerusalem is a very important city for believers. Many of God’s prophets lived and preached there. For Muslims, it was the first qiblah (direction for prayer) before Allah later commanded that it be changed to Makkah.

Allah mentioned it in the Qur’an in the context of the night journey. Allah also mentioned the Furthest Mosque (Al-Masjid Al-Aqsa) by name. He (SWT) said:

Exalted is He who took His Servant by night from al-Masjid al-Haram to al-Masjid al-Aqsa, whose surroundings We have blessed, to show him of Our signs. Indeed, He is the Hearing, the Seeing. (17:1)

While in Jerusalem, Angel Gabriel presented Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) with two drinks to choose from. They were wine and milk. He (peace be upon him) chose milk, and the angel said:

Thanks be to God, who guided you to the fitrah; if you had taken the wine, your followers would have gone astray. (Al-Bukhari)

The Ascension (Al-Mi’raj)

Together, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and Angel Gabriel continued their amazing journey. Their Ascension to Heaven (in Arabic, Al-Mi’raj) started from Jerusalem. Their first stop was the gate of the first sky.

When Angel Gabriel asked permission to enter, the angels recognized Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and welcomed him. In the first sky, he met Adam (peace be upon him), the father of mankind. Adam greeted him and called him his pure son and prophet.

The journey continued through the seven skies in a similar pattern at each gate. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) met a total of eight prophets, as detailed in Hadith. In the second sky, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) met Prophet Jesus and Prophet John (peace be upon them both).

And in the third sky, he met Prophet Joseph (peace be upon him). In the fourth sky, he met Prophet Idris (Enoch) (peace be upon him). And in the fifth sky, he met Prophet Aaron (peace be upon him).

The last two prophets he met in his ascension were Prophet Moses (peace be upon him) in the sixth sky and Prophet Abraham (peace be upon him) in the seventh sky.

Beyond the Seventh Sky

Angel Gabriel continued the journey with Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) till they reached the Lote Tree (Sidrat Al-Muntaha). God mentions this briefly in the Qur’an:

Near Sidrat al-Muntaha (lote-tree of the utmost boundary). Near it is the Paradise of Abode. (53: 14-15)

From this place, Angel Gabriel could go no further. For him, it was the limit.

Sidrat Al-Muntaha is called the uttermost boundary. Everything that comes up from the earth or the heavens stops there, and everything that comes down stops there (Muslim). In addition, the knowledge of the angels stops at that point. No one has gone beyond it except Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). (An-Nawawi)

God gave Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) permission to ascend beyond that tree. We don’t know many details of what happened in that meeting. But we know that God commanded the Prophet (peace be upon him) and all Muslims to perform fifty daily prayers.

The Five Daily Prayers

On his return, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) met Prophet Moses (peace be upon him). He told him, from his experience as a prophet, that people would be unable to pray fifty prayers a day. He suggested that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) ask God to reduce the number.

After consulting Angel Gabriel, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) returned to make this request. And God agreed. But Prophet Moses (peace be upon him, still found them to be too many. After returning for a further reduction, the number of daily prayers was commanded to be five in number. But they would be fifty in reward, as God multiplies good deeds by ten.

Many new Muslim converts may at first think that praying five times each day it too demanding. But they are golden opportunities.

The best way to approach Salah is to see it as a time for the soul to find peace. The soul of believers ascends to Allah during prayer, when the heart is focused on prayer.

So, forget the worries of this world five times each day and seek closeness to your Lord. And ascend in faith and spirituality, as Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) ascended to receive this command.

It’s a golden opportunity, so don’t miss or neglect your Salah. It will help you recharge your faith batteries and find peace.

What happened next?

More events from the Seerah will be detailed in the next part of this series, in sha’ Allah.

So please stay tuned…

Seerah For New Converts (Special Folder)


Activities for New Converts Following this Series

1- The Spirituality of Salah

Check these resources to learn more about the spirituality of Salah:

Prayer: The Spiritual Ritual (Folder)

2- New Converts and Salah

How I Came to Love Prayer as a Convert

Is Praying in Arabic Difficult for You?

I Can’t Imagine My Life Without Salah

The Life-Changing Power of Prayer

3- Prophet Moses in Islam

Why Is Prophet Moses Mentioned So Often in the Qur’an?

Prophet Moses – A Male Child is Born

Learn from Prophet Musa How to Overcome Difficult Times

9 Lessons from Moses’ Conversation With God

Common Grounds Between Moses and Muhammad

4- Send us your questions on this series to:


Series Background

As this is a special series for new converts to learn about Islam in a comprehensive way through learning the Seerah (Biography of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) in a gradual, chronological way, we will add a few more resources of other areas of Islamic knowledge in each part of the Seerah at the end of each article as extra learning resources.

We will add new videos to this series as we progress from Year 1 to Year 23 in sha’ Allah.

The references we use in each article are given for further details, so please feel free to send us any questions you may have to this e-mail:

You may also wish to join our Facebook Group, Islam 101, for further learning and also to interact with fellow new converts and those who are new to Islam here.


Article References:

The Sealed Nectar – Sheikh Safi-ur-Rahman al-Mubarkpuri

The Night Journey: How It First Started

Journey to Al-Aqsa Mosque

Seerah of Prophet Muhammad – 21: Night Journey & Ascension to Heaven – 1 (Dr. Yasir Qadhi)

Part 22: Night Journey & Ascension to Heaven – 2

Part 23: Night Journey & Ascension to Heaven – 3

The Prophet Muhammad’s Ascension and Meeting with Allah – Mufti Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf


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Mohamed Salah Performs Umrah to Makkah Before Liverpool Camp

Liverpool Muslim superstar Mohamed Salah has performed Umrah pilgrimage to Makkah before joining the team’s summer training camp in France, Al-Araby reported.

Images showing the Liverpool icon wearing the white ihram were shared on social media.

Salah is seen accompanied by two unidentified individuals dressed in traditional Gulf attire.

The images were taken before Salah traveled to France to join his Liverpool teammates in training ahead of a Community Shield game against Manchester City on August 4.

Salah played four games for Egypt at the Africa Cup of Nations before their shock second-round exit to South Africa in Cairo on July 6.

Salah is arguably one of the biggest Muslim sports stars in the world at present.

Hailing from a Muslim-majority country, Salah is a devout Muslim who often prostrates to God on the field after scoring goals – a trend in sports that Egyptian players have started since 2006 during the African Cup of Nations in Egypt- hence nicknamed the ‘Prostrating Pharaohs’.

Salah’s record-breaking exploits for Liverpool have earned him millions of adoring fans.

Several Muslim players have performed Umrah recently.

Brazilian footballer Sergio Ricardo Neves made a pilgrimage to Makkah, performing Umrah for the first time in his life.

In May 2019, Manchester United star Paul Pogba performed Umrah to mark the start of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

Chelsea defender Kurt Zouma as well performed Umrah this Ramadan. Arsenal star Mesut Özil has also performed Umrah in 2016 before EURO 2016 kicks off.

Umrah is called the minor or lesser pilgrimage because unlike Hajj it’s not compulsory.

Although they share common rites, Umrah can be performed in a few hours and involves fewer rituals.

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Not a Pilgrim? Here Are 5 Things to Do in Dhul-Hijjah Days

What to do in Dhul-Hijjah Days if you are not performing Hajj this year?

The blessed days of Dhul-Hijjah  are almost upon us! These are very special days.

Our beloved Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) described them as the days during which good deeds are more beloved to Allah than any other days.

Pilgrims have a lot of things to do in Dhul-Hijjah days, but what about non-pilgrims?

How can they make the most of them?

Join Ustadh AbdelRahman Murphy in this great video.


Read Also:

Want to learn more why these 10 days are very special? This article lists 5 reasons.

And if you need more tips and ideas to do in Dhul-Hijjah days, you may check these 8 practical tips.





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Muslim Youth in the West… How to Change Current Paradigm

Most, if not all problems and challenges facing Muslim youth in the West stem from two major factors: doubts and desires.

1. Doubts

The doubts factor shows up in the form of questioning Allah almighty; misconceptions about His revelation; doubts related to faith; misunderstanding of certain practices of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him); etc.

2. Desires

The desires factor accounts for such problem as addiction to pornography, drug abuse; prohibited relationships and affairs etc.

Empowering Muslim youth in the west

In this talk, brother Muhammad Al-Mathil discusses how to shift the current paradigm in order to -correctly address and solve such problems. Secluding and stigmatizing youths who pose questions; dismissing and neglecting issues are no longer workable strategies.

This lecture addresses both the youth and elders alike. Young men and women going through difficulties have responsibilities to bear in order to successfully and safely overcome their dilemmas. By the same token, scholars, imams, teachers, mentors and parents have important roles to play to assist the youth in their stormy journey.

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Barirah and Mughith – A Love Story at the Prophet’s Time

This is a fictional piece of creative writing, inspired by the story of the Prophet’s Companions, Barirah and Mughith. Their story is famously quoted in books of hadith, and resonates with human experiences that are not often discussed amongst Muslims – that of love, both passionate and unrequited, of heartbreak, and of the tumultuous nature of the human heart.

As demonstrated by Barirah and Mughith, even the best of Muslims go through deeply emotional moments in life, and it is not something that we need to be ashamed of.

Barirah and Mughith

How does one describe the bone-deep heartache of missing the person you left? How does one describe the bitterness of loving someone whom you never even really liked?

No one knows what Barirah felt when she left Mughith.

Sometimes, I think I know.

Other times, I wonder.

When she turned her face, refusing to acknowledge his broken hearted weeping, did she feel her own heart break just a little?

When she rejected the intervention of the prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him) himself, did her heart grieve as much as it celebrated its freedom?

When she left, once and for all, never to return… did she leave a little bit of her heart with him, too?

No one knows what happened to Mughith after Barirah left him.

Did his weeping ever cease?

Did his beard ever dry?

Did his heart ever heal?

Did he ever forgive her?

Did he always love her just a little bit?

Did he ever fall in love again?

Sometimes, I think I know.

Other times, I wonder.

Did Barirah know?

Did she watch and wonder about the woman who replaced her in Mughith’s heart?

Did she worry that he would have his heart broken again?

Did she feel just the tiniest bit possessive over the man whom she had rejected so vehemently, and ache from the knowledge of what she had done to him?

Did she even care?

No one knows what happened to Barirah or Mughith.

Sometimes, I think I know.

Other times, I wonder.

Did he ever make himself forget about her?

Did she ever manage to ignore the bitterness of realizing that she loved the one whom she had so loathed?

Did they ever pray for each others’ true love?

Sometimes, I think I know.

Other times, I wonder.

Because I was his Barirah, and he was my Mughith.

Ibn ‘Abbas narrated:

Barirah’s husband was a slave, who was known as Mughith. I can almost see him, running after her and weeping, with tears running down onto his beard.

The Prophet said to `Abbas: `O `Abbas, do you not find it strange, how much Mugith loves Barirah, and how much Barirah hates Mughith?’

The Prophet said (to Barirah), `Why do you not go back to him?’

She said, `O Messenger of Allah, are you commanding me to do so?’

He said, `I am merely trying to intervene on his behalf.’

She said, `I have no need of him.'”

(Sahih Bukhari)


First published: October 2015


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A Holistic Guide for Those Contemplating Hajj

Alhamduillahi rabul ‘alameen, I have been blessed by Allah (SWT) to perform the Hajj and Umrah pilgrimages multiple times in my short 9 years as a Muslim. I work for the largest Muslim travel agency in the world as a female group leader and assist other Muslims in fulfilling their duty to Allah (SWT) in completing their 5th pillar of Islam – the Hajj.

Time and time again I have people who are born into Islam tell me how “lucky” I am to have such an opportunity, but I remind them that it isn’t luck that’s on my side – it’s Allah. Allah in his infinite wisdom, has written this job for me and I’m incredibly humbled and thankful to do what I do. Although many times my job can be mentally and physically exhausting, the satisfaction I receive from guiding Allah’s honored guests in the most sacred place on earth, makes every difficulty throughout the journey completely worth it.

Every year that I have prepared myself for Hajj, I am asked by a number of Muslims what they should consider before making the intention to perform Hajj for themselves. In all honesty, there are many things to take into consideration; whether it be financial, spiritual, social, or personal. I will say however, that each person who is blessed with the opportunity to go to Hajj has an obligation to prepare themselves before embarking on this life changing experience and should do everything possible to prepare for the journey ahead.

I won’t get into the fiqh (Juristic) issues- that are for your local scholar to answer. I’m here as your sister in Islam to help give you some practical advice based on lots of personal experience and what I have seen work for the other hajji’s on their journeys.


Everyone knows that the prices for Hajj packages can vary. From what I have heard through the masjid-aunty grape-vine is that prices have soared drastically in the last few decades. Hajj packages today can range anywhere from $6,000 upwards to $20,000 USD.

Of course, this is all dependent on the travel agency you choose; what amenities are included in the package through your travel agency; whether or not the hajj package includes airfare or just a land package and so forth.

In a nutshell, there are many factors that can influence the amount of money you pay for the hajj pilgrimage and as you can see there is a wide monetary range amongst available packages.

My straightforward and practical advice is this – when it comes to Hajj you get what you pay for. Make sure to take it upon yourself to ask other Hajji’s what their experiences were with their particular Hajj group and travel agency. What they liked and disliked, pros and cons, and if they would recommend their travel agency to you.

How will you fund for your Hajj trip you ask? Unless you are independently wealthy, a trust-fund baby, or magically come into a large sum of money, then you will have to make a conscious effort to save some cash to fund your Hajj trip. I know, I know. Saving money is easier said than done. And for many people set aside an average of $10,000 USD is very difficult to do. My unsolicited advice is this; save, save, save and don’t touch your savings! I have met dozens of Hajjis that did just that and eventually saved enough money to go.


Another way to prepare if you are contemplating a Hajj trip is by making sincere du’a. I know some of you might be rolling your eyes at this, but it’s true that prayer changes things and oftentimes rizq comes from unexpected places.

Let me tell you a quick story about my convert friend Maria and her Hajj journey. Maria has been Muslim for over 23 years and has been saving money in an effort to fund her pilgrimage to Makkah. She’s a housewife and mother and loves to dedicate her free time to calling Latino’s to Islam. She has a spouse that supports her but she decided to work odd jobs and sell hand-made jewelry pieces in order to fund her trip. No matter how hard she worked to save, she felt as though she would never have enough money to go to Hajj and often became discouraged.

This past Ramadan, Maria made a sincere and heartfelt du’a and decided that the only way she would ever save enough money for Hajj is by leaving the matter to Allah. She called upon His names and attributes and knew that someway, somehow, Allah would open the doors for her and facilitate her journey. To make a long story short; the travel agency I work for was giving away free Hajj trips for those who demonstrated leadership, dedication, and servitude in the Muslim community.

By the grace and mercy of Allah, my good friend Maria won the Hajj trip and will be performing the Hajj this year in sha’ Allah after decades of trying to save enough money for it. The moral of the story is this: make your intention, save your money and with a sincere du’a Allah (swt) will do the rest. When it is written for you and when you are summoned by the Most High, what is meant for you will not miss you.

Moreover, Du’a is an essential component of performing the actual Hajj as well. Taking the time to memorize and understand the supplications throughout these blessed rituals will be helpful to you so that; A) You can focus on your ‘ibadah and connection with Allah during this very sacred journey and B) So that you aren’t fumbling around with a book, phone or flyer in your hand while in the holiest places, spaces and time. This is a once in a lifetime chance to attain nothing less than Jannah – don’t get distracted and come prepared.

Personal Preparation

If you have already decided to embark on this blessed journey, the next thing to do is to prepare oneself on a personal level to ensure that the journey can reap the benefits its intended in sha’ Allah.

If your travel agency, mosque or local Islamic education center offers courses on the manasik (rituals) of Hajj it is very important that you understand the fundamentals of this blessed journey. We live in a time where the abundance of information is only a click and stroke away. There are plenty of online blogs, videos and scholarly articles that will help you understand the fundamentals of the Hajj – being prepared for Hajj is easier today than ever before.

Hajj can also be physically demanding. If you aren’t in the best physical shape of your life then I would strongly suggest that you consult a physician prior to your trip to Makkah and seek medical advice on how to best physically prepare for the long, hot and demanding pilgrimage to Makkah. On the same note, if you have any medical prescriptions that are essential to your health, please ensure that you have enough to last you the entirety of your trip and that your medications will be safe to travel with and will not expire or be affected by the high desert temperatures.

Hydration is also key to ensuring that you are safe and prepared for your Hajj trip. If you don’t like to drink water, I suggest you start. If water is difficult for you to drink, I would also suggest buying small travel-sized packets of electrolyte powder to help keep you drinking plenty of fluids all throughout your trip.

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Combating Loneliness and Isolation as a New Muslim

As often as converts endlessly talk about the beauty of the day they took shahadah, the feeling of weightlessness, as Allah cleansed their past sins and blessed them with a clean slate.

No one really talks about the aftermath of shahadah, how difficult it can be. Islam is not merely a religion but a way of life; and as per my experience, going from an extreme lifestyle to living as a practicing Muslim woman can be incredibly tough.

Often in such situations, new Muslims can very easily and unintentionally isolate themselves; they try to protect their faith and stay away from activities and social situations that ultimately cannot coexist with Islam.

When I became a Muslim nine years ago, I was 17, my friends were not Muslim; I had only one Muslim friend that I was speaking to in order to learn about Islam.

The most difficult part was telling my friends that I had made the decision to become Muslim. It was frightening, the thought of being judged and abandoned by people that I had called friends for years.

Sadly, as time went by, a lot of friends did disappear from my life because of my decision. Yet, those friends that really cared, deep down, stuck around; they asked questions and made an effort to understand my choice.

To this day, my friends that respected my choice and made an effort to socialize in different ways such as coming around to my house for a meal, going for picnics and watching films at the cinema.

Building Relationships

Ultimately though, I wanted to immerse myself into Islam and meet like-minded people. I found a group called New Muslim Project (NMP) in my city. I started attending their Friday night circles not only to learn more about Islam but to meet people who understood the journey I was on.

This group was the main foundation from which I built on many beautiful friendships; I learned of many other organizations, mosques, and study circles that offered different activities and services to all Muslims, not just converts.

As time went by, my friendship circle grew; I met sisters from all different parts of the globe, I began to understand that our common link was Islam and our belief in La Ilaha Ilalah Muhammadun Rasoolullah.

Age become irrelevant, before being a Muslim I would never have imagined being friends with women ten years older than me, as our lives would have been so different.

Islam brings people together. We are one Ummah, one community; and some of my closest friends are 10-20 years older than I am now.

Soon enough I no longer dreaded weekends after work. My diary was soon full of with different activities, sister socials, study circles at the mosque, tea at a friend’s house. I was always busy, never alone and constantly in the company of those who reminded me of Allah. Alhamdulillah!

The Support

I appreciate that my journey may have been easier than others, Allah blessed me with a great support system and many opportunities to go out and meet people.

Although, I was blessed with many opportunities to meet new sisters, it wasn’t always easy, putting yourself out there, starting over and making new bonds and new friendships, but alas forcing myself into new situations I was unsure of, paid off for me.


Choosing to remain isolated even with the best of intentions can be detrimental to your iman (faith).

My advice for any new Muslim would be to use internet search engines to find any support groups or study circles in your locality.

Visit your local mosque and see if they have a notice board for activities or even attend a Friday Prayer at your local mosque to meet new people. Start frequenting shops in your local Muslim neighborhood to buy your halal meat and groceries, visit Islamic clothing stores, even to browse.

As crazy as it sounds, just immersing yourself into the community, they will welcome you with open arms. The best piece of advice I can offer is when you see another Muslim, greet you with Salaam, even if visually you may not appear Muslim if you don’t have a beard or have chosen not to wear hijab yet, just give Salam and leave the door open so to speak for people to get to know you and your journey as a New Muslim.

Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:

The person closest to Allah is the one who precedes others with greetings. (Abu Dawud)

I pray that whatever stage of your journey you are on as a new Muslim that Allah makes it easy for you; may He guide you and bless you with a righteous and pious support system.


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Dua for Loved Ones who have Passed

When someone close to us dies, it is very difficult. Here is a beautiful dua for loved ones who have passed away. It asks Allah to have mercy on them and forgive them.


Prophet Muhammad in Loss and Grief

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Simple Tips to Get to Jannah

Getting to Jannah is not easy! Here are some simple tips to get to Jannah that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) taught us to do!


How Do We Get to Jannah? – 4 Ways

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How Makkah Came to Be

Not many know the history behind the construction of the holy city of Makkah. This will open your eyes and mind to the wonderful building of Allah.


We Bet You Don’t Know These 14 Facts About Makkah

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British Muslim’s Hajj Diary: Humor, Tips & Wrapped Up In Cloth

In this article, first published in 2017, a British Muslim reflects on his Hajj experience 

LONDON – With British Muslims well on their way to begin and complete the spiritual rites of Hajj, an experience which should allow people from all walks of life to be in the same place together, irrespective of social standing, some have gone with family, others have gone alone, as Dr Farah recounts her experience at London Heathrow Airport:

“And so it begins… 5:45 am start to the day and emotional farewells, especially from our eldest son. Lord Almighty, please keep him safe from adversity, answer his prayers, accept his Hajj and return him safely to us.”

A ritual whose reward is the removal of all sins, allowing a person to reset, to begin again, often has men and women the world over reaching out to their families, friends, even their enemies, seeking their forgiveness for an injustice that they may have endured.

Good humour is, of course, a trait encouraged by the Prophet and the companions, who often spent time making jokes and even playing pranks with one another. The hadith collector Abu Dawood relates at the end of one of his stories that, ‘Later on when the Prophet was informed about this incident, he laughed. The Prophet and his companions continued laughing over this incident for a whole year.’

To this end is the case of Dr Asad, who is travelling on Hajj with his sister, where he writes,

“Most of us have known each other for a very long time, and during that time a lot of things may have been said or done. Before I leave, I just wanted to take a moment to apologise to absolutely nobody!! We may have had our differences, but I want you to know it was 100% your fault!! 😜”

There is, of course, a time for everything, and Dr Asad continues,

“In all seriousness though, I would like to apologise for any wrongdoings between us. I want you all to know that you’ll be in our thoughts and prayers, and if you have any specific duas you would like us to perform, for either you or your family and friends, then please list them below. Take good care of yourselves and see you on the other side.”

Hajj Tips

Arriving in Makkah, Dr Asad continues to share his journey providing helping ‘tips’:

“Juma prayers on the streets of Makkah. Boiling at 41 degrees!

Helpful tips for the journey thus far:

Tip: if you’ve got a radio. Khutbah in English is on 100 FM and in Urdu on 90.2 FM.

It is likely you will have a stop over on your flight to Jeddah. If you can manage it try and make it a 12 or more hour stop over, book yourself into the airport hotel and get some sleep because nothing and I mean nothing will prepare you for the onslaught that is the Hajj Terminal in Jeddah. There’s a good chance you’ll be stuck in that bird cage for a very very long time with some of the worst toilet facilities and most challenging immigration officers you’ll find anywhere in the world!

A good nights rest at your stop over destination will prepare you for 
1) the connecting flight to Jeddah (not so bad)

2) the absolute craziness of the Hajj terminal (they even managed to lose our luggage only to eventually find out that both pieces of luggage were sent to the international terminal because they forgot to put ‘Hajj labels’ on the cases when departing from London)

3) The coach journey into Makkah … traffic jam after traffic jam

4) The early Umrah on arrival (You’ll be so exhausted from the up to 30-hour transfer to Makkah that’ll make performing the Tawaf and Saee one more than challenging experience). Work on your distance walking beforehand.

Good News:  The time in Al Haram was really nice. Umrah complete and my head is lighter for it!

Extra tip: try and book a non- shifting package that allows you to reside in a hotel walking distance from the Al Haram. You will genuinely appreciate the flexibility of being able to travel back and forth to your hotel I promise you!

Extra extra tip: Even if you’re able to get 12-15kg of hand luggage from the UK to your stop over the destination, the airline staff at the airport are likely to stop you at the transit airport if you’re carrying large hand luggage weighing more than 7kg en route to Jeddah. You have been warned!!”

Changing Time

People often say that the hajj experience today is very different to that from experienced in Arabia 1,400 years ago. This is indeed very true. But life around the world has also changed for many of us, thus the challenges we as Muslims, British or otherwise, face, will still be real, but within the context of how society has evolved over the generations.

As is clear with Dr Asad’s journey so far, there has been no faffing around with camels in the desert, or complications with sand storms, and despite the convenience of hotels nearby, people will still struggle with the heat.

The Qur’anic commentator Ibn Jarir referenced Zuhri who observed that when the revelation of the Qur’an was suspended for some time in the early years, Prophet Muhammad became sad and depressed, so much so that sometimes he went to the tops of the mountains nearby and had thoughts of throwing himself off. But every time he did so, Angel Gabriel would appear and tell him that he was Allah’s Prophet, console him, and restore him to peace of mind. This continued with the opening verses of Surah al-Mudaththir were revealed: “O you wrapped up in cloth. Arise and deliver the warning, and praise and magnify the Lord.”

Similarly, for Muslims around the world, all of whom believe in a Loving God, a Merciful God, there are times in all of our lives when we do wrong, and we sometimes feel the accountability for our sins may indeed be quite difficult. One path – amongst others – for forgiveness, is for all of us to wrap ourselves in simple cloths and reach out to our Creator seeking God’s forgiveness, and the journey of hajj delivers just this.

While some have flown to Makkah, others, such as British Muslims Rashad Ali and Abdul Hannan, have cycled from London to Makkah. When and how any of us are invited to God’s house to experience this ritual, God alone knows. That Makkah today resembles little Makkah of 1,400 years ago also does not matter, for as Muslims we neither worship buildings, lands or structures, but instead, simply, the Creator, and we do so independent of the environment.

For those on their way or having arrived at Hajj, may your journey be as comfortable as possible, and may all of your good prayers be accepted. For those of us who have yet to be invited, may the invitation arrive sooner rather than later. Wrapped up in cloth, there, or wherever we are in this world, may we all praise and magnify the Lord, ameen.

Happy Hajj!

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US Muslims Fight Islamophobia with Personal Stories

In cooperation with the Associated Ministries of Tacoma-Pierce County, a group of Muslim organizations will hold the first ‘Sharing Our Stories – Meet Your Muslim Neighbors’ event at Skyline Presbyterian Church in Tacoma city, Washington State, Public News Service reported on July 30.

“The goal is to find common ground with people through personal stories. It’s evident that his kind of relationship-building worked as an antidote to Islamophobia in the past,” believes Aneelah Afzali, head of the American Muslim Empowerment Network at the Muslim Association of Puget Sound.

The event comes as the first in a series of interfaith events organized by American Muslim groups who want to build bridges with their neighbors.

The event’s idea sparked in Afzali’s mind when she spoke with two women last year at a Longview event who never had met a Muslim.

“They actually cried to me. They admitted that they had hatred in their heart, that they had fear in their heart and that that two hours really removed that and they gave me a hug,” Afzali recalled.

“I mean, they brought me to tears. It was a profound and powerful moment and it just reminds me of the power that personal stories and those personal relationships have,” the Muslim official explained.

Afzali continued that “the goal is to bring this series to more rural and conservative parts of the state.”

Event Preparations

Interestingly, a Seattle-based public relations firm created videos of three Muslim individuals for the event. Afterward, there will be a panel discussion and then a chance for people to speak with folks of different faiths directly.

“I find this type of event necessary as political divisiveness and Islamophobia ramp up around the country. Along with an increase in attacks, an investigation by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) found Islamophobic organizations are making big money,” Afzali confirmed.

“The report entitled ‘Hijacked by Hate’ showed that mainstream philanthropic institutions funneled at least $1.5 billion to a network of 39 Islamophobic groups between 2014 and 2016,” she informed.

The Muslim female organizer said that the “amount of money, combined with a misunderstanding of the religion, is a recipe for disaster. So, when this is happening and people don’t have the personal connections with people who they know, it allows for fear and hatred and even violence to grow,” she said.

“And we’re seeing the consequences of that all around us,” she concluded while announcing that the Islamic Center of Tacoma and CAIR-Washington will also host the ‘Sharing Our Stories’ event.

Tacoma city is located in Washington state where Muslims represent no more than 0.5% of the American state’s total population which was about seven million people according to 2018 reports.

For long years, Afzali has been working on building bridges in her community.

She is also an attorney and graduate of Harvard Law School who worked at two law firms in Seattle.

In March 2018, she launched the initiative of the Muslim Association of Puget Sound in response to challenges, including the rising threat of Islamophobia.

Her initiative came as hate crimes reach an unprecedented level in the US.

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Story of the Kabah Key Holder and Prophet Muhammad

In the year when they achieved victory of Makkah, the Prophet and the companions entered Makkah. As they entered Makkah, the Prophet (peace be upon him) went to the Ka’bah but found it locked. The key of the Kabah used to be kept by a man known as Uthman ibn Talhah.

Uthman ibn Talhah was not Muslim at the time. So he locked the doors of the Kabah and he ran right up to the roof and hid there.

So when the Prophet (peace be upon him) entered Makkah, most of the people of Makkah were accepting Islam as he was entering, he asked for the key of the Kabah. The people told him that it is with Uthman ibn Talhah, and they found him on the top of the roof of the Ka’bah.

So Ali told him:

“O Uthman, give us the key. Here is Muhammad (peace be upon him) asking for the key.”

He said:

“O Muhammad, if I had believed that you were a Prophet, I would have opened the doors a long time ago.”

What this means is, “I don’t believe that you are a Prophet, so I’m not going to open the door.”

Ali happened to snatch the key from Uthman ibn Talhah and he opened the door of the Ka’bah, and the Prophet entered the Kabah and prayed two raka’hs inside it.

Al-Abbas ibn abd al Muttalib, the uncle of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was there and he told the Prophet:

“You know that our family is in charge of pouring water for the pilgrims who come for hajj, so if you hand the key over to us, we will have two points of honor: one is to pour the water and the other is to open and lock the door of the Ka’bah as and when it is necessary.”

A Verse was Revealed

So angel Gabriel came down with a verse inside the Kabah, Subhan Allah:

Allah is commanding you to return the trusts to those whom they belong to. (Quran 4:58)

Which means: “O messenger of God, give the key back to Uthman ibn Talhah.”

So, immediately the Prophet got up and gave the key to Ali and told him:

“Go to Uthman ibn Talhah, return the key and excuse yourself for the manner in which you had snatched the key.”

So Ali went back to Uthman ibn Talhah and told him:

“O Uthman, this is the key, and we are presenting an excuse because we were wrong the way we snatched the key from you.”

Uthman ibn Talhah was surprised:

“Oh Ali! You a few minutes ago were harming me, you came to me very harshly, and now you are being so humble! What is it?”

He said:

“By Allah, o Uthman, Allah has revealed regarding you a verse of the Quran. Allah has instructed Muhammad to return this trust to whom it belongs to. For that reason this key has been given back to you here.”

Immediately Uthman ibn Talhah said:

“I bear witness that indeed Allah is one and Muhammad (peace be upon him) is none other than the messenger of Allah.”

The Key Remains with Talhah’s Family

Do you know what happened? Angel Gabriel came down with more revelation. This time not in the form of Quran but in the form of an instruction to Muhammad (peace be upon him):

“O Muhammad, get up and inform Uthman ibn Talhah that the key of the Kabah will remain with his progeny and family until the day of resurrection.”

To this minute, the key is with the members of the family of Uthman ibn Talhah.

Uthman ibn Talhah became known as one of the greatest companions.

This was the power of the revelation of the Quran. This is what happened to Uthman ibn Talhah. And this was the justice of Islam, can we compete with this?

Imagine Al Abbas, the uncle of the Prophet, was asking for the key and Allah says: “No. Return the key to Uthman ibn Talhah.”

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Sister of Christchurch Massacre Victim Goes for Hajj

Though the title is traditionally given to older Muslim women who have performed Hajj, Christchurch massacre victim Hussein Al-Umari used to call his little sister Aya as ‘Hajjah’ to tease her about her age.

This year, 33-year-old Aya is set to be officially a hajjah as she prepares to perform the life-time journey of Hajj after her brother was killed in the March-15 massacre, Stuff reported on July 29.

“My brother would be very happy that I would fulfill the real meaning of the word next week,” Aya Al-Umari said sadly while recalling her killed elder brother.

Aya, a bank employee, is among 200 people bereaved and injured by the March 15 terrorist attack in Christchurch, New Zealand who will be going to Makkah for Hajj pilgrimage, paid for by Saudi Arabia.

The two siblings have arrived in New Zealand with their parents from the UAE in 1997 aged 10 and 12.

Hussein was a tourism worker and he was in between jobs when he was killed while attending Al Noor Mosque Friday noon prayer on March 15, 2019.

“His death had strengthened my faith,” Aya said about her brother’s martyrdom.

“It made me seek out information. For example, the hajj, I knew the holistic point of it but now I’m researching what it’s about and why we do it, which is a sense I wouldn’t have done before, at all.”

Hussein Al-Umari

Hussein Al-Umari

To Spiritual Recovery

For Aya, the Hajj trip had always seemed like a “distant dream unlikely to become reality due to the cost of about $15,000,” she said.

Muslims from around the world pour into Makkah every year to perform hajj, one of the five pillars of Islam.

Hajj consists of several rituals, which are meant to symbolize the essential concepts of the Islamic faith, and to commemorate the trials of Prophet Abraham and his family, may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon them.

Every able-bodied adult Muslim who can financially afford the trip must perform hajj at least once in a lifetime.

Aya has downloaded a Hajj phone app to prepare for the spiritual journey, which she believes will help the grieving process.

“I think his presence will be with me the whole time because whilst this … thing happened there are so many blessings that came out of it and this is one of them,” she said.

The sorrowful Muslim lady expects to stay about two weeks, completing guided visits to holy sites over five or six days.

“It’s perfect for me personally because I feel like I haven’t grieved properly because we were so busy … and I’m on the verge of burning out and then this came and will help pick me up and give me a sense of tranquility,” Aya expressed.

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Run Back to Him

You meet people who look at you and they insult religion and insult you. This is not because they don’t like you, this is not because they mean what they are saying.

It’s because in their heart, they have gone to hardness and they have misled themselves and they don’t even realize it. Because Allah says in the Quran:

If you forget me I will cause you to forget yourself. (59:19)

You won’t even realize why you’re like that. And his solution is one. All he has to do is what Allah says in the Quran:

So flee to Allah. Indeed, I am to you from Him a clear warner. (51:50)

Run Back to Him

Allah is saying to you run back to Him. It can’t get more romantic and beautiful than that. He is saying: “I don’t want you to go, come back!”

And the moment you make repentance and you’re saying: “O Allah forgive me…” Do you feel the burning? Do you feel the eyes welling up?

You can feel the heart when you’re going to pray, you can feel the emotions coming. This isn’t you… you can’t decide, “I want to repent,” you can’t decide, “I want to be forgiven”…

This is Him. And He puts khushu in your heart, and He pulls you; you just took instant step and He guided the rest. You just instigated the slightest bit of your heart towards Him and He says: “Think of Me and I’ll think of you; come to Me, I’ll come to you; walk to Me, I’ll come to you at speed.”

Who else can remove the sins and forgive you except Allah? A believer is certain that, “I just repented and Allah has forgiven me.” And it is a must to believe that when I repent, I am forgiven.

Allah says:

I forgive sins and I accept repentance.

He will definitely forgive you and He will definitely accept your repentance.

Run back to Me.

You’ve walked far away when you commit sins. You go away from your Lord, run back to that beginning, the fitrah. Polish the heart, remove the black spots and come back and He will forgive you. He says:

I am in love of those who repent. So long as my slave continues to come back to Me, so long as he realizes I am a forgiving Lord. Oh my angels bear witness I will forgive him no matter what he does.

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Muslim NGOs Changing the Lives of Orphan Children

US Muslim Runner Breaks 16-Year-Old World Record

American Muslim Olympian shattered a 16-year-old record in 400-meter hurdles at the USA Track and Field Outdoor Championships in Iowa Sunday, BBC reported.

“I’m just shocked,” Muhammad said after her win. “I’ve been kind of hitting that time in practice and my coach was like ‘there’s no way you can’t do it.’”

Performing on the final day of the US National Championships in Iowa, the 29-year-old runner clocked in a time of 52.20 seconds taking 0.17 seconds off the record set by Russian athlete Yuliya Pechonkina in 2003.

Muhammad won the gold medal in the 400-meter hurdles during the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. As a high school student, she won the 2007 IAAF World Youth title, according to her profile on Team USA’s website.

The 2016 Olympic champion suggested, however, that her newly-set record will soon be broken again.

“That 52 is going to get broke, if not by me, by the other women,” the runner said.

Muhammad was born February 7, 1990, in Jamaica, Queens, in New York City, to parents Nadirah and Askia Muhammad of a Muslim family.

Muhammad is only the second woman in the history of the 400m hurdles, after Sally Gunnell, to have won the Olympic title and broken the world record.

Muslim Athletes Suffer in Trump’s America

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Responding to the Precious Call of Hajj (Hadiths & Experiences)

When Prophet Abraham (peace be upon him) completed the building of the Ka`bah, Almighty Allah commanded  him to call people to Hajj.

Prophet Abraham  pleaded, “O Allah, how shall my voice reach all humankind?”

Almighty Allah told him that his duty was only to make the call and that it was up to Allah to make it heard by people.

Prophet Abraham  then climbed Mount `Arafat and, as loud as he could, yelled, “O People, verily, Allah has prescribed Hajj for you, so perform  it.”

The following verse from the Qur’an refers to the fact that Almighty Allah commanded Prophet Abraham to call people to Hajj:

{And proclaim unto humankind the pilgrimage: They will come unto you on foot and on every lean camel; they will come from every deep ravine.} (Al-Hajj 22:27)

To this day, millions upon millions of Muslims continue to answer the call of Prophet Abraham. May Allah help us all be among those who answer this noble call.

`Amr  ibn Al-`Aas related,

When Islam entered my heart, I went to the Messenger of Allah and said, “Give me your hand so that I may pledge allegiance to you.”

The Prophet extended his hand, but I withdrew mine.

The Prophet said, “What is wrong, `Amr?”

I said, “I want to make a condition.”

The Prophet asked, “And what is that?”

I replied, “That Allah forgive me.”

Upon that, the Messenger of Allah said,

“Did you not know that Islam wipes out what came before it and that Hijrah wipes out what came before it and that Hajj wipes out what came before it?”(Authenticated by Al-Albani)

Hajj is the fifth pillar of Islam. Almighty Allah obliges every financially and physically capable Muslim male or female to perform Hajj once in a lifetime. Almighty Allah says,

{And pilgrimage to the House is incumbent upon humankind for the sake of Allah, (upon) everyone who is able to undertake the journey to it, and (for) whoever disbelieves, surely Allah is Self-Sufficient, above any need of the worlds.} (Aal `Imran 3:97)

Virtues of Hajj

Sinless Like Newborns. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that he heard Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) say,

“Whoever performs Hajj and does not commit any obscenity or transgression shall return [free from sins] as he was on the day his mother gave birth to him.” (Al-Bukhari)

One of the greatest deeds. Abu Hurairah  narrated that the Prophet was asked, “Which deed is the best?”

The Prophet said, “Belief in Allah and His Messenger.”

He was asked again, “What is next?.”

The Prophet said, “Jihad [striving] in the cause of Allah.”

He was further asked, “And what is next?”

He said, “Hajj mabroor [i.e. Hajj accepted by Almighty Allah]” (Al-Bukhari).

Abu Ash-Sha`thaa’ (one of the pious successors) said,

“I contemplated the good deeds that a person does, and I found that performing Prayer and fasting are [types of] jihad of the body, and charity is a jihad of the wealth, whereas Hajj is a jihad of both the body and the wealth.”

Women’s Jihad. `A’ishah (may Allah be pleased with her) asked the Prophet, “As jihad is the best deed, shouldn’t we [women] make jihad?”

The Prophet replied, “The best jihad for you [women] is a Hajj mabroor.”

`A’ishah later said, “I have been keen to regularly perform Hajj since I heard that from the Messenger of Allah” (agreed upon).

Answered Supplication. The Prophet is reported to have said,

“The one striving in the cause of Allah and the one performing Hajj and the one performing `Umrah are all the delegation of Allah. He calls them and they respond to His call, and they ask Him and He answers their supplication.” (Ibn Majah and authenticated by Al-Albani)

A number of  books on the history of Islam  tell a story related to supplication during Hajj. A man from modern-day Turkmenistan stood on the plains of `Arafat on the Day of `Arafat. To his left, all he could see was Muslims crying and supplicating Almighty Allah. To his right, all he could see was Muslims crying and supplicating Almighty Allah.

As a nonnative, he could not recite the lengthy prayers that others said in Arabic. At this, everything blurred in front of him.

His face reddened and his eyes teared. He then raised his hands and prayed, “O Allah, grant me everything that they are asking for! Grant me everything that they are asking for!” And Allah answered his supplication.

Day of `Arafat. The Prophet is reported to have said,

“There is no day on which Allah frees servants of His from Fire more than [those freed on] the Day of `Arafat. And, verily, He draws near and then proudly speaks about them [i.e. the pilgrims] before the angels, saying, ‘What do these seek?'” (Muslim)

The Prophet also said,

“Verily, Allah proudly speaks about the people of `Arafat before the people of Heaven [i.e. angels], saying, ‘Look to My servants: They have come to Me disheveled and dusty.'” (Al-Haithami and Al-Wadi`i)

`Abdullah ibn Al-Mubarak related,

I went to Sufyan ibn `Uyaynah as the Day of `Arafat was approaching. He was resting on his knees, with his hands raised to the heaven and his cheeks and beard moistened with tears. He looked back and saw me, so I asked him, “Among the people who have gathered here for Hajj, who is in the worst state?” He replied, “He who thinks that Allah will not forgive him.”

`A’ishah would see the Prophet standing for Night Vigil Prayer all night until his feet were cracked and swollen. She asked him, “Why do you do this at a time when Allah has forgiven all your past and future sins?” The Prophet said, “Shall I not be a thankful servant?” (agreed upon).

This is the sublime example of Prophet Muhammad, whose sins were already forgiven. Now, how should we react to the glad tidings of Paradise and forgiveness of sins promised to those who perform Hajj?

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Young Child Inspires Toronto Muslims to Support Sick Kids Hospital

A Muslim non-profit organization, Yusuf’s Day of Hope, has raised $220,000 over the past 13 years to support Toronto’s Hospital for Sick Children and to honor Yusuf Ally, a young child who suffers from a rare genetic disorder.

“An overwhelming successful 13th annual Yusuf’s Day of Hope (YDOH) in support of the Complex Care Initiative at the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto,” said Imam Imran Ally, father of Yusuf and Imam of TARIC Islamic Centre, thanking supporters following the annual picnic on Sunday, July 28 at the TARIC Mosque.

“Over the 13 years, this annual one-day outdoor family style picnic event has so far raised an astonishing total of just over $220,000 – all of which is donated to the Complex Care Initiative. Jazaa kumullaahu khairaa for your generous support, much appreciated.”

Yusuf’s Day of Hope raises funds to support the Norman Saunders Complex Care Initiative at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto.

Yusuf’s parents, Imam Imran and Kameeza Ally, started the organization in 2007 after Yusuf’s health continued to deteriorate.

It is their hope that this small initiative will be a way to give back to the hospital, and bring awareness of the tremendous work the Norman Saunders Complex Care Initiative at the Hospital for Sick Children is doing.

Every summer, friends, family come together for Yusuf’s Day of Hope picnic.

The event is a fun way for the community to come together to thank and to raise fund for the Hospital for Sick Children.

Read More:

Canadian Muslim Physicians Donate $500,000 to Ibn Sina Simulation Lab

Toronto Muslims Give Back to Hospitals

Muslim Philanthropist Honors Late Father with 7-Figure Donation

Yusuf’s Story

Within weeks of being born, Yusuf was diagnosed with Klebsiella Meningitis, an inflammation caused by bacteria that affects the protective covering of the central nervous system.

He was treated at Toronto’s Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids), but during his stay additional serious conditions developed.

Yusuf suffers from a rare genetic disorder that causes multiple organ dysfunction and numerous infections.

His life is anything but normal, as he spends a significant amount of time in the hospital battling one complication after another.

After countless admission to the ICU and his progression to Palliative Care, Yusuf’s doctors did a trial treatment as part of their humanitarian effort that made an incredible difference in his life. As a result of this treatment, Yusuf is now at home with his family.

In 2016 Yusuf underwent another one of his many surgeries and spent four months in hospital due to complications and his need for rehabilitation.

He still goes to SickKids every couple of weeks for a transfusion and treatment but despite his complexity, he remains a happy and playful child.

The post Young Child Inspires Toronto Muslims to Support Sick Kids Hospital appeared first on About Islam.
