The Neuralink Nightmare: The Transhumanist Elites’ Ultimate Mind Control Machine

This is the third instalment in this current series of articles on Neuralink. For previous articles in this series, see: The Neuralink Nightmare: Hooked on Cyber-Heroin The Neuralink Nightmare: A Fictitious Universe of Seemingly Endless Pleasure In the second article, we had discussed the neurological basis for how Neuralink can be used to manipulate the […]

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Jewish Teachings: Prayer Is Copulation with the Divine?

In the minds of most, prayer is what defines religion. This is due to the fact that it encapsulates all that is associated with a religious life: a sense of submission and humility, accompanied by various bodily ritual actions as a way to humble and submit oneself before one’s Creator. It is an acknowledgement of […]

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The Disgrace of Sunni Support for Israel’s Attack on Lebanese Shia

Any Muslim who supports (directly or indirectly) Israel’s plan to genocide the Lebanese and take their land (for Greater Israel) deserves criticism and contempt. A number of Sunni Muslims have justified their support by highlighting the religious composition of Lebanon’s population, pointing out that it is ~30% Christian, ~30% Shia, and ~30% Sunni. According to […]

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Mohammed Hijab vs Dr. William Lane Craig Debate: Bizarre Trinitarian Analogies

Recently, Mohammed Hijab took on William Lane Craig, considered by many to be the greatest Christian apologist alive, in a riveting debate. The debate centered around the Trinity, a topic regarding which Craig has acquired a particularly controversial reputation over the years, even among fellow Christian theologians. Craig is often accused of “neo-Apollinarianism,” the accusation […]

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Vaccines Under the Microscope: A Muslim Doctor’s Perspective

The author is a practicing Muslim physician who has chosen to remain anonymous. The purpose of this article is to ensure that, as Muslims, we make informed decisions based on knowledge—rather than marketing, propaganda, or societal pressure—especially when it comes to the health and well-being of our children. As an Ummah, we have a responsibility […]

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